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Racism or Am I Just too Sensitive.


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Unfortunately, the sad reality appears to be that the darker skin one has, the less is one's worth in the average person's eyes. This is the case not only in Thailand, but in most of Asia - including India (!). Did you ever see those marriage ads in the Indian papers where parents are trying to marry their sons and daughters off? The first characteristic they always try to mention is how fair their offspring's skin is.

If you're feeling particularly cynical, you might even say that this is true everywhere in the world, except in sub-saharan Africa. Of course there are always exceptions where people have learnt to not judge people by darkness of their skin, but it seems like they are unfortunately still in the minority.

Hey please let's not just have asia let's include USA, Europe etc. Remember it's only recently and only in certain segements like sports, music, moves basically entertainment that dark skinned ppl are making headway.

Oh yes india which is OP's country of ancestry is the biggest country to promote racism. How else do you explain the caste system which is the most racist thing in the world but somehow well not brought up too much by western ppl unless it was practiced by chinese or thai ppl.

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Unfortunately, the sad reality appears to be that the darker skin one has, the less is one's worth in the average person's eyes. This is the case not only in Thailand, but in most of Asia - including India (!). Did you ever see those marriage ads in the Indian papers where parents are trying to marry their sons and daughters off? The first characteristic they always try to mention is how fair their offspring's skin is.

If you're feeling particularly cynical, you might even say that this is true everywhere in the world, except in sub-saharan Africa. Of course there are always exceptions where people have learnt to not judge people by darkness of their skin, but it seems like they are unfortunately still in the minority.

Remember it's only recently and only in certain segements like sports, music, moves basically entertainment that dark skinned ppl are making headway.


You're living in "The World according to the BNP" aren't you?

You WISH dark-skinned people were confined to entertainment as a means to prosperity

There are telecoms titans in Mexico, industrialists in SE Asia and oil/metals magnates in Africa and Latin America building veritable empires on demand for raw materials.

Ignore all the noise and waffle in the financial press about emerging and frontier markets being in some kind of death spiral - that's the pro-Western financial tinkering cheerleaders talking up their rapidly dwindling book.

Make no mistake, the middle classes in those countries are growing at a serious clip and, within the next, 30-50 years, they could very well be living better than many of us while the lowest scum of their populations could potentially be flying to your country on a sexpat holiday to blast your grand daughter in the "Gary Glitter" for a handful of crumpled notes laugh.png

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Unfortunately, the sad reality appears to be that the darker skin one has, the less is one's worth in the average person's eyes. This is the case not only in Thailand, but in most of Asia - including India (!). Did you ever see those marriage ads in the Indian papers where parents are trying to marry their sons and daughters off? The first characteristic they always try to mention is how fair their offspring's skin is.

If you're feeling particularly cynical, you might even say that this is true everywhere in the world, except in sub-saharan Africa. Of course there are always exceptions where people have learnt to not judge people by darkness of their skin, but it seems like they are unfortunately still in the minority.

Remember it's only recently and only in certain segements like sports, music, moves basically entertainment that dark skinned ppl are making headway.


You're living in "The World according to the BNP" aren't you?

You WISH dark-skinned people were confined to entertainment as a means to prosperity

There are telecoms titans in Mexico, industrialists in SE Asia and oil/metals magnates in Africa and Latin America building veritable empires on demand for raw materials.

Ignore all the noise and waffle in the financial press about emerging and frontier markets being in some kind of death spiral - that's the pro-Western financial tinkering cheerleaders talking up their rapidly dwindling book.

Make no mistake, the middle classes in those countries are growing at a serious clip and, within the next, 30-50 years, they could very well be living better than many of us while the lowest scum of their populations could potentially be flying to your country on a sexpat holiday to blast your grand daughter in the "Gary Glitter" for a handful of crumpled notes laugh.png

Oh please don't point the finger at me at the racism of the west towards ppl of darker skin color and non european ethnic groups.

Racism towards ppl of darker skin still exists today and an african or some darker skinned person has a harder time getting a job in a western country compared to a white person and i didn't make the rules it's racism in your country so don't point the finger at me for simply bringing it to the fore.

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Unfortunately, the sad reality appears to be that the darker skin one has, the less is one's worth in the average person's eyes. This is the case not only in Thailand, but in most of Asia - including India (!). Did you ever see those marriage ads in the Indian papers where parents are trying to marry their sons and daughters off? The first characteristic they always try to mention is how fair their offspring's skin is.

If you're feeling particularly cynical, you might even say that this is true everywhere in the world, except in sub-saharan Africa. Of course there are always exceptions where people have learnt to not judge people by darkness of their skin, but it seems like they are unfortunately still in the minority.

Remember it's only recently and only in certain segements like sports, music, moves basically entertainment that dark skinned ppl are making headway.


You're living in "The World according to the BNP" aren't you?

You WISH dark-skinned people were confined to entertainment as a means to prosperity

There are telecoms titans in Mexico, industrialists in SE Asia and oil/metals magnates in Africa and Latin America building veritable empires on demand for raw materials.

Ignore all the noise and waffle in the financial press about emerging and frontier markets being in some kind of death spiral - that's the pro-Western financial tinkering cheerleaders talking up their rapidly dwindling book.

Make no mistake, the middle classes in those countries are growing at a serious clip and, within the next, 30-50 years, they could very well be living better than many of us while the lowest scum of their populations could potentially be flying to your country on a sexpat holiday to blast your grand daughter in the "Gary Glitter" for a handful of crumpled notes laugh.png

I'm not a farang aka white skinned person because that still accords many privileges even today. Speaking of sexpats care to tell me which places do they have white females taking the place of darker skinned females because i would like to take such a sexpat holiday.

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Oh please don't point the finger at me at the racism of the west towards ppl of darker skin color and non european ethnic groups.

Racism towards ppl of darker skin still exists today and an african or some darker skinned person has a harder time getting a job in a western country compared to a white person and i didn't make the rules it's racism in your country so don't point the finger at me for simply bringing it to the fore.


I never had a harder time finding a job in London than my white counterparts.


Because my attitude was simply that people who imagine they have a disadvantage will often find a way to make it a real one that, left unchecked, will mar their progress through life.

The colour of my skin was never an impediment to my progress because I knew it wasn't a disadvantage.

If anything, it was an asset.

Companies were eager to show they were equal opportunities employers and a well-spoken, easy-going attitude coupled with a big smile did 80% of the heavy lifting during my job interviews.

As for where there are white females taking the place of darker-skinned females, give it a couple of decades or so when living standards fall sufficiently to enable workers in the West to compete with the rest of the world and you'll have more than a few destinations.

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I'm not a farang aka white skinned person because that still accords many privileges even today. Speaking of sexpats care to tell me which places do they have white females taking the place of darker skinned females because i would like to take such a sexpat holiday.

Latvia, Ukraine, Hungary, Croatia, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Russia.

Some parts of the former Soviet Union are IMO more Asian than European, but Asians still seem to think they are getting "farang" sex workers.

Most of the so-called "Russian" girls working Bangkok and Pattaya are from these "stan" areas.

And I don't think I've ever seen ONE I consider attractive.

But if you actually go there, very different, plenty of lovely girls.

But hard as nails compared to most TGs. . .

Edited by wym
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I'm not a farang aka white skinned person because that still accords many privileges even today. Speaking of sexpats care to tell me which places do they have white females taking the place of darker skinned females because i would like to take such a sexpat holiday.

Latvia, Ukraine, Hungary, Croatia, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Russia.

Some parts of the former Soviet Union are IMO more Asian than European, but Asians still seem to think they are getting "farang" sex workers.

Most of the so-called "Russian" girls working Bangkok and Pattaya are from these "stan" areas.

And I don't think I've ever seen ONE I consider attractive.

But if you actually go there, very different, plenty of lovely girls.

But hard as nails compared to most TGs. . .

Oh yes i am well aware of these countries that end with "stan" they are in asia and they are grouped as central asians. khazastan for example which is famous cos of "borat" and he looks pretty caucasian.

To be fair to them they aren't asian but eurasian they are mixed with both european and asian. I hope you aren't using the 1 drop rule to judge them but that probably applies to blacks in the US. For asians as long as they look white enough they are considered white.

You mentioned latvia, ukraine and these aren't central asians but eastern europeans so they are white but they don't have the western european or rather the all american girl type of look.

Anyway whether they are true "farang" as in the western european that what can truly constitute to be farang doesn't really matter right as long as they look caucasian. That's like the farang that hooks a thai girl that looks "chinese" She isn't chinese but since she looks chinese well she can be considered chinese right?

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Oh please don't point the finger at me at the racism of the west towards ppl of darker skin color and non european ethnic groups.

Racism towards ppl of darker skin still exists today and an african or some darker skinned person has a harder time getting a job in a western country compared to a white person and i didn't make the rules it's racism in your country so don't point the finger at me for simply bringing it to the fore.


I never had a harder time finding a job in London than my white counterparts.


Because my attitude was simply that people who imagine they have a disadvantage will often find a way to make it a real one that, left unchecked, will mar their progress through life.

The colour of my skin was never an impediment to my progress because I knew it wasn't a disadvantage.

If anything, it was an asset.

Companies were eager to show they were equal opportunities employers and a well-spoken, easy-going attitude coupled with a big smile did 80% of the heavy lifting during my job interviews.

As for where there are white females taking the place of darker-skinned females, give it a couple of decades or so when living standards fall sufficiently to enable workers in the West to compete with the rest of the world and you'll have more than a few destinations.


You clearly weren't around in the 70's in the UK. Go and ask anyone who grew up in the UK in the 70's whether,at school or looking for a job.

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You clearly weren't around in the 70's in the UK. Go and ask anyone who grew up in the UK in the 70's whether,at school or looking for a job.

Actually, that's exactly when I grew up in the UK.

Now you be sure to pull reeeeeeaaaally hard as you remove your foot from your mouth, won't you?

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Yes I mean I'm of Indian decent.

I really don't care what the low or high paid restaurant workers think. Not that their socio-economic standing bears any relevance to this topic. What I do care is when it negatively impacts me. I care less if someone is a closet racist. Racism is everywhere in the world. Will I condone it and accept it, no. I'm not trying to change anyone's thinking but when dealing with me I expect to be treated with the same respect I show others. I am not disputing there is racism all over Asia. I guess my feelings is I've never experienced it as much in my face as here. I have actually also experienced racism in India. Not to generalize but many Indians feel subservient to Caucasian people. Perhaps something to do with colonization?

I am a white dude and i will say on my last trip to Thailand I had so many examples of what seemed like racisim, at least classism.

I won't get into them to far but yes Thailand is racisit and i think with all the turmoil they are kind of viewing people from other countries in general in the way and not bothering to be as polite.

It sounds like your experince is worse than mine, but just saying keep your head up it's out there, it will effect you but overall it won't define you !

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You clearly weren't around in the 70's in the UK. Go and ask anyone who grew up in the UK in the 70's whether,at school or looking for a job.

Actually, that's exactly when I grew up in the UK.

Now you be sure to pull reeeeeeaaaally hard as you remove your foot from your mouth, won't you?

You grew up in the 70's around W10 and didn't encounter racism? What did you do, paint your self white?

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A racist is like an alcoholic; until you admit you are one, you can't do anything about it.

Do YOU recognise yourself in any of these???

More common are these symptoms:

1. They believe that whites are naturally better than blacks – more intelligent, more moral, more trustworthy, more beautiful, more hard-working and so on. Like if they think whites are Basically Good while blacks are not. You know these people are racist because this is pretty much a restatement of the definition.

2. They believe stereotypes about blacks. The bad stereotypes, at least, fit the definition of racism.

3. They use the n-word, racist slurs or tell racist jokes – meaning they feel the need to disrespect blacks. Why is that? If they do it against Asians or Latinos, then most likely they are racist against blacks too.

4. They play down slavery like it is no big deal. Because to them the suffering of black people is no big deal. Because blacks do not count as, like, Real People. Unlike, say, the Jews whose Holocaust we must never forget (and rightly so). Key expressions:

Get over it!

It was the times!

Africans sold their own people as slaves!

Arab traders sold slaves too!

Slavery is universal!

My family never owned slaves!

5. They think racism is no longer a big deal. Only a racist could look at American society and think there is nothing seriously wrong.

6. They think blacks are imagining racism, which is racist in and of itself since it assumes that blacks have extremely poor judgement.

7. They think blacks are their own worst enemy. Black pathologies, blaming the victim and all that. Which in practice is just another way of saying racism is no big deal.

8. They are against reparations, affirmative action, etc – against any serious, concrete policy to undo the damage done and provide equal opportunity. Why is that?

9. They think blacks are unreasonably angry, have a chip on their shoulders, complain, whine, etc. After the history blacks have gone through and are still going through, they have every right to be angry!

10. They use the tone argument where they say they would listen to you if you said it nicer. This puts white feelings above black feelings. Why?

11. They think racism is natural. Which, of course, means it seems natural to them. Why is that?

One or two symptoms might not mean much. Three or more indicate illness.

Edited by wilcopops
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


You clearly weren't around in the 70's in the UK. Go and ask anyone who grew up in the UK in the 70's whether,at school or looking for a job.

Actually, that's exactly when I grew up in the UK.

Now you be sure to pull reeeeeeaaaally hard as you remove your foot from your mouth, won't you?

You grew up in the 70's around W10 and didn't encounter racism? What did you do, paint your self white?

Where did I say I never encountered racism?

I encountered plenty of it in West London. I also did my bit to promote it by ensuring the younger siblings of skinheads who intimidated our families every, single day would grow up hating blacks.

I didn't care then and still don't; those scum had it coming.

The unlucky ones had life support switched off; others still need crutches.

Screw 'em

The point I was making - clearly lost on you - is that regardless of the hardship I faced growing up, I never let the scum win by seeing my colour as a disadvantage or impediment to getting on in life.

Who knows; maybe if some of you whites had a bit of racial stick growing up, you'd stop seeing yourselves as such victims when you hear the word "farang" . . . just before you're led to the best table in the restaurant

Edited by HardenedSoul
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


You clearly weren't around in the 70's in the UK. Go and ask anyone who grew up in the UK in the 70's whether,at school or looking for a job.

Actually, that's exactly when I grew up in the UK.

Now you be sure to pull reeeeeeaaaally hard as you remove your foot from your mouth, won't you?

You grew up in the 70's around W10 and didn't encounter racism? What did you do, paint your self white?

Where did I say I never encountered racism?

I encountered plenty of it in West London. I also did my bit to promote it by ensuring the younger siblings of skinheads who intimidated our families every, single day would grow up hating blacks.

I didn't care then and still don't; those scum had it coming.

The unlucky ones had life support switched off; others still need crutches.

Screw 'em

The point I was making - clearly lost on you - is that regardless of the hardship I faced growing up, I never let the scum win by seeing my colour as a disadvantage or impediment to getting on in life.

Who knows; maybe if some of you whites had a bit of racial stick growing up, you'd stop seeing yourselves as such victims when you hear the word "farang" . . . just before you're led to the best table in the restaurant

Yeah we get it, you're thick skinned.

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A racist is like an alcoholic; until you admit you are one, you can't do anything about it.

Do YOU recognise yourself in any of these???

More common are these symptoms:

1. They believe that whites are naturally better than blacks – more intelligent, more moral, more trustworthy, more beautiful, more hard-working and so on. Like if they think whites are Basically Good while blacks are not. You know these people are racist because this is pretty much a restatement of the definition.

2. They believe stereotypes about blacks. The bad stereotypes, at least, fit the definition of racism.

3. They use the n-word, racist slurs or tell racist jokes – meaning they feel the need to disrespect blacks. Why is that? If they do it against Asians or Latinos, then most likely they are racist against blacks too.

4. They play down slavery like it is no big deal. Because to them the suffering of black people is no big deal. Because blacks do not count as, like, Real People. Unlike, say, the Jews whose Holocaust we must never forget (and rightly so). Key expressions:

Get over it!

It was the times!

Africans sold their own people as slaves!

Arab traders sold slaves too!

Slavery is universal!

My family never owned slaves!

5. They think racism is no longer a big deal. Only a racist could look at American society and think there is nothing seriously wrong.

6. They think blacks are imagining racism, which is racist in and of itself since it assumes that blacks have extremely poor judgement.

7. They think blacks are their own worst enemy. Black pathologies, blaming the victim and all that. Which in practice is just another way of saying racism is no big deal.

8. They are against reparations, affirmative action, etc – against any serious, concrete policy to undo the damage done and provide equal opportunity. Why is that?

9. They think blacks are unreasonably angry, have a chip on their shoulders, complain, whine, etc. After the history blacks have gone through and are still going through, they have every right to be angry!

10. They use the tone argument where they say they would listen to you if you said it nicer. This puts white feelings above black feelings. Why?

11. They think racism is natural. Which, of course, means it seems natural to them. Why is that?

One or two symptoms might not mean much. Three or more indicate illness.

If somebody believes that racism only exists between whites and blacks, does that also make them a racist, or just narrow minded?

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A racist is like an alcoholic; until you admit you are one, you can't do anything about it.

Do YOU recognise yourself in any of these???

More common are these symptoms:

1. They believe that whites are naturally better than blacks – more intelligent, more moral, more trustworthy, more beautiful, more hard-working and so on. Like if they think whites are Basically Good while blacks are not. You know these people are racist because this is pretty much a restatement of the definition.

2. They believe stereotypes about blacks. The bad stereotypes, at least, fit the definition of racism.

3. They use the n-word, racist slurs or tell racist jokes – meaning they feel the need to disrespect blacks. Why is that? If they do it against Asians or Latinos, then most likely they are racist against blacks too.

4. They play down slavery like it is no big deal. Because to them the suffering of black people is no big deal. Because blacks do not count as, like, Real People. Unlike, say, the Jews whose Holocaust we must never forget (and rightly so). Key expressions:

Get over it!

It was the times!

Africans sold their own people as slaves!

Arab traders sold slaves too!

Slavery is universal!

My family never owned slaves!

5. They think racism is no longer a big deal. Only a racist could look at American society and think there is nothing seriously wrong.

6. They think blacks are imagining racism, which is racist in and of itself since it assumes that blacks have extremely poor judgement.

7. They think blacks are their own worst enemy. Black pathologies, blaming the victim and all that. Which in practice is just another way of saying racism is no big deal.

8. They are against reparations, affirmative action, etc – against any serious, concrete policy to undo the damage done and provide equal opportunity. Why is that?

9. They think blacks are unreasonably angry, have a chip on their shoulders, complain, whine, etc. After the history blacks have gone through and are still going through, they have every right to be angry!

10. They use the tone argument where they say they would listen to you if you said it nicer. This puts white feelings above black feelings. Why?

11. They think racism is natural. Which, of course, means it seems natural to them. Why is that?

One or two symptoms might not mean much. Three or more indicate illness.

If somebody believes that racism only exists between whites and blacks, does that also make them a racist, or just narrow minded?

I think your comment just about sums you up.

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Unfortunately, the sad reality appears to be that the darker skin one has, the less is one's worth in the average person's eyes. This is the case not only in Thailand, but in most of Asia - including India (!). Did you ever see those marriage ads in the Indian papers where parents are trying to marry their sons and daughters off? The first characteristic they always try to mention is how fair their offspring's skin is.

If you're feeling particularly cynical, you might even say that this is true everywhere in the world, except in sub-saharan Africa. Of course there are always exceptions where people have learnt to not judge people by darkness of their skin, but it seems like they are unfortunately still in the minority.

Remember it's only recently and only in certain segements like sports, music, moves basically entertainment that dark skinned ppl are making headway.


You're living in "The World according to the BNP" aren't you?

You WISH dark-skinned people were confined to entertainment as a means to prosperity

There are telecoms titans in Mexico, industrialists in SE Asia and oil/metals magnates in Africa and Latin America building veritable empires on demand for raw materials.

Ignore all the noise and waffle in the financial press about emerging and frontier markets being in some kind of death spiral - that's the pro-Western financial tinkering cheerleaders talking up their rapidly dwindling book.

Make no mistake, the middle classes in those countries are growing at a serious clip and, within the next, 30-50 years, they could very well be living better than many of us while the lowest scum of their populations could potentially be flying to your country on a sexpat holiday to blast your grand daughter in the "Gary Glitter" for a handful of crumpled notes laugh.png

I'm not a farang aka white skinned person because that still accords many privileges even today. Speaking of sexpats care to tell me which places do they have white females taking the place of darker skinned females because i would like to take such a sexpat holiday.

Try going to Macau, or Pattaya. Russian women have white skin and are being imported anywhere prostitution is rampant!

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To the OP: khaek/khek means guest or customer. Thais will refer to a customer by that term. Be the customer a western European or coloured African or Indian.

Of course, when one staff wants to ask the other staff about one of the customers and there is only a western European and an Indian customer,

it is obvious the word 'Indian' needs to be added to distinct so that the other person knows who his/her colleague is asking about.

So the word itself does not mean anything negative. However, how the word is used/spoken, the intonation, can give negative meaning. But that goes for most words.

You have had some unpleasant experiences in Thailand as you wrote.

However, I've had them also, and I am a white western European male, up there with the supposed beauty ideal here in SEA, or at least Thailand.

So maybe it is not always racist behaviour, just the bad attitude of the person you encounter.

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To the OP: khaek/khek means guest or customer. Thais will refer to a customer by that term. Be the customer a western European or coloured African or Indian.

Of course, when one staff wants to ask the other staff about one of the customers and there is only a western European and an Indian customer,

it is obvious the word 'Indian' needs to be added to distinct so that the other person knows who his/her colleague is asking about.

So the word itself does not mean anything negative. However, how the word is used/spoken, the intonation, can give negative meaning. But that goes for most words.

You have had some unpleasant experiences in Thailand as you wrote.

However, I've had them also, and I am a white western European male, up there with the supposed beauty ideal here in SEA, or at least Thailand.

So maybe it is not always racist behaviour, just the bad attitude of the person you encounter.

If op was still around he would be waxing lyrical like he was all along. It's plain obvious he's too sensitive but somehow needs affirmation that he isn't and that thais are racist.

If you read the story he told the manager about what the counter girl said to him the manager rectified it for him but he still held a grudge and asked on this forum pretending to want others opinions but as it turns out actually wanted others to reaffirm his opinion that thais are racist as you can see him arguing with those that say he's too sensitive instead of accepting their opinions.

You can see my exchanges with him when i told him the hotel staff might not know him but then tells me only the hotel manager knows him but it was the girl at the counter that referred to him as khek cos she doesn't know him personally and even if the hotel manager which he claims knows him by name was to refer to him how would he tell the girl since she doesn't know him personally.

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Maybe he should instead stay/eat at one of the many Indian owned hotels and see if it's better.

Your post kinda reminds me of this YouTube video. smile.png

I actually like. Thai food and eating at hotel buffets. Why should I ostracize myself because of other peoples behaviour?

I liked this video it's very very instructive.

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OP, you probably do know the answer to your question. Yes, the Thai are racist and ignorant, those who are better educated are not so much racist as they are just xenophobic.

I would encourage you to send this well written post to Bangkok Post as a debate piece, I think it could get in as is.

It really is about time people start putting aside the false, pre-internet assumptions of Thai people and start let them know when they are acting like third world nosepickers.

Yes, the sad white man's burden or in this case the indian man's burden.

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OP, you probably do know the answer to your question. Yes, the Thai are racist and ignorant, those who are better educated are not so much racist as they are just xenophobic.

I would encourage you to send this well written post to Bangkok Post as a debate piece, I think it could get in as is.

It really is about time people start putting aside the false, pre-internet assumptions of Thai people and start let them know when they are acting like third world nosepickers.

Yes, the sad white man's burden or in this case the indian man's burden.

indian man's burden? did you read his story. None of them were racist at all even the one referring to him as an indian.

Want to see real racism in action just go to a western country and get slurs yelled at you from a car and have things thrown at you.

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OP, you probably do know the answer to your question. Yes, the Thai are racist and ignorant, those who are better educated are not so much racist as they are just xenophobic.

I would encourage you to send this well written post to Bangkok Post as a debate piece, I think it could get in as is.

It really is about time people start putting aside the false, pre-internet assumptions of Thai people and start let them know when they are acting like third world nosepickers.

Yes, the sad white man's burden or in this case the indian man's burden.

indian man's burden? did you read his story. None of them were racist at all even the one referring to him as an indian.

Want to see real racism in action just go to a western country and get slurs yelled at you from a car and have things thrown at you.

I can guarantee you that in my country in scandinavia, that the only ones doing the yelling from cars and being racist are the immigrants.

That is after they have received free schooling, free healthcare, monthly living allowances from $1500-$5000 a month, free language lessons and so on.

Very ignorant comment from your side.

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You farangs are way too sensitive in Thailand. No other country in the world are there so many foreigners being so suspicious about the natives being racist.

You guys are confusing xenophobic with racism. Sure, those to terms do have similarities but does not extent one another.

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OP, you probably do know the answer to your question. Yes, the Thai are racist and ignorant, those who are better educated are not so much racist as they are just xenophobic.

I would encourage you to send this well written post to Bangkok Post as a debate piece, I think it could get in as is.

It really is about time people start putting aside the false, pre-internet assumptions of Thai people and start let them know when they are acting like third world nosepickers.

Yes, the sad white man's burden or in this case the indian man's burden.

indian man's burden? did you read his story. None of them were racist at all even the one referring to him as an indian.

Want to see real racism in action just go to a western country and get slurs yelled at you from a car and have things thrown at you.

I can guarantee you that in my country in scandinavia, that the only ones doing the yelling from cars and being racist are the immigrants.

That is after they have received free schooling, free healthcare, monthly living allowances from $1500-$5000 a month, free language lessons and so on.

Very ignorant comment from your side.

What country is that? Try the US or UK or aus.

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