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Racism or Am I Just too Sensitive.


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You cry racism yet refer to others as farangs. tut tut.

What a crock of sh.....t, another racist, he is quoting a Thai word used every day by Thais referring to us. Get a life.

Us? who is us?

Just because Thai;s use it everyday it does not make it less racist or less acceptable or more/less insulting, or more/less ignorant


It's a term to generally "group" western ( white skin) foreigners in a generic sense.

Not arguing that used in a certain context it can be derogatory..have experienced that full on


To call you a farang when they know your name is also unacceptable.

In general to Thais we are farangs - just can't see it as racist/ preduice..

Although again to your point, I will admit that it is being used more and more with intent..

But for the average joe a farang is just a farang.

I hope I haven't offended you by using the f..... Word.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

And the same drivel again.

Westerner and foreigner are not one of the same.

Australians are not westerners neither are the Americans just as example

Yes we all white but then it's same as putting all Asians into one basket

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Racial slur? You mean something like khun khek? You know an "indian" person in thai. Is that a slur? OP found that a racial slur fyi.He was called a khek which simply means an indian and he thought that was racist.

He should have been referred to as a "canadian" and when ppl see the word canadian they think oh yes a hi so white person but then they see indian but still the word canadian takes precedence over indian so a canadian indian is more hi so than just simply indian. whistling.gif

Focus on OP instead and see he makes the biggest issues out of the smallest things.

But did the situation call for reference to be made to his racial heritage?

Of course it bloody well didn't and you know it.

While I'm inclined to concede that the use of "khek" may not have been used in a derogatory manner by the clerk, your posts do suggest that you're hostile towards Indians

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Yes I mean I'm of Indian decent.

I really don't care what the low or high paid restaurant workers think. Not that their socio-economic standing bears any relevance to this topic. What I do care is when it negatively impacts me. I care less if someone is a closet racist. Racism is everywhere in the world. Will I condone it and accept it, no. I'm not trying to change anyone's thinking but when dealing with me I expect to be treated with the same respect I show others. I am not disputing there is racism all over Asia. I guess my feelings is I've never experienced it as much in my face as here. I have actually also experienced racism in India. Not to generalize but many Indians feel subservient to Caucasian people. Perhaps something to do with colonization?

Indians are Caucasion, or Caucasoid if you prefer. Link

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Yes I REALLY think we should have the whole "farang" discussion again. blink.png

But let's continue it here where it belongs, certainly nothing to do with racism:


Wym, you have 2000 posts in 50 days of being registered on Thai Visa... lol

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I apologize if this sounds like a rant, as this post kinda is.

Let me preface this post by saying I'm Canadian of Indian nationality. I was born and grew up in Canada. I have been to Thailand many times in the past few years for work as well as for pleasure. I would consider myself well travelled and have been to every continent with the exception of Antarctica. I have lived in China for 3 years working in Shanghai and in Hunan. I'm not naive to racism or differential treatment, though I really will not tolerate it and call it out if I experience it. On this last trip I felt as if I was treated like a second class citizen. I do speak basic conversational thai as it's necessary for my position at work.

There were several issues I faced:

While I was in Bangkok I decided to go for dinner at the Marriott Cafe in Bangkok. I went there and the hostess at the front desk asked me if I was staying there. (Which I wasn't, I stayed at the Four Seasons) then she told me the price, and what I found weird was asked me how I would be paying. When I sat my waitress was nowhere to be seen. Not for drinks, cutlery not at all. I did see her fawning over another table near mine but could not get her attention. She was rather prompt to plop the bill down on my table sans eye contact. I did ask for coffee at that point. She was begrudgingly served. I paid the bill via card and did tip decently above and beyond the included service charge. When I was leaving the front desk host actually yelled across to the waitress in Thai "did he pay?" I felt a bit embarrassed as other people probably heard what she said. I was going to make an issue of her behaviour at that point, but had other stuff to attend to and really did not want to waste my energy with that.

In another incident I was waiting in line at a restaurant near the Sofitel in Bangkok. The server went right to the older white guy right behind me who was with his young "girlfriend". I did speak up but was ignored by staff at first. Though the British guy did tell me I should learn the "pecking order in Thailand" I would liked to have shown him the pecking order of my fist but decided that was not in my best interest at the time. The hostess did come back saying sorry but I said your loss and went to a different spot a few doors down.

In Pattaya at my hotel I requested late check out at my hotel. Being a top status tier member of their program late check out is one of the benefits. When I checked at the front desk was advised the hotel was full. Sorry. The lady happened to use a certain term for Indian in Thai which I find pretty offensive when speaking with her manager. I went online and saw 6 room types available. I emailed my concierge at my program and cc d the GM and GSM. I got a call 5 minutes later from the GSM and advised it was a misunderstanding. He said my room type was not available tomorrow and he called the guest who was supposed to stay there and they agreed to switch rooms. This is actually a crock of BS as corner rooms are not a room type booked online. It's just standard and deluxe and suites. I did inquire with him why I was been referred by the front desk ladies as khon kheak. He said she probably didn't know you spoke Thai. I explained that is irrelevant and somewhat offensive. I explained that my race had no bearing on my displeasure. He said he will address this in training.

Went to a rock bar on Walking Street solo. Was odd as soon I was joined by a Motley crew of a Brit, a Russian, and a Australian. (Cue a bar joke) :). Band was playing requests so I went and threw down 20 baht in their tip box and requested a Radiohead song. The guitarist said no sorry we don't know that. Fair enough. Then the Brit requested the same song and they played it. Weird.

I'm trying to figure out the social eccentricities of Thai culture. I've always been pretty respectful, tip well, not loud, and smile. Yet I feel I'm met with an almost venomous response. I by no means wish to generalize either as there have been some people that have been kind and helpful. Like last night when I got lost. I think maybe it's loss of face? Maybe certain Thais feel being called out by an "Indian" is a great loss of face compared to a farang? I would think it would be better for those involved to judge people as individuals and how they treat you. Perhaps Thai's are more tolerant with poor behaviour of farangs? I enjoyed a relaxing massage while a few stalls over a nice Australian woman who was is patts visiting her father in law was getting a massage. It was nice hearing her full life story while getting my niche massage. Or the British guy who puked all over a fruit vendors mangos. Or all the Russians who are so so friendly and understand what a line up is. Or the Chinese who include everyone on the bus in their conversation and make beautiful throat sounds when clearing out phlegm. (I kid I kid)

Your Pattaya experience notwithstanding... You should have just 'toughed it out' at the Four Seasons.. I know, I know, it's a tough ask - because it's such a terrible hotel :P - but you would have felt better about it ;)

Your 'Sofitel' experience doesn't read like a 'pecking order' given that the waitress came back and apologised, sounds like she picked they 'farang and young girlfriend' first as to save the hassle of copping grief from the 'older farang' because as you pointed out, he pointed out to you that you should learn the 'pecking order' - well restrained I might add on your part by not giving him not so much as a jibe in return. The waitress may have also 'assumed' that the vocals were provided by said 'older farang'. Then again, I wasn't there and I'm just thinking out loud.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Racial slur? You mean something like khun khek? You know an "indian" person in thai. Is that a slur? OP found that a racial slur fyi.He was called a khek which simply means an indian and he thought that was racist.

He should have been referred to as a "canadian" and when ppl see the word canadian they think oh yes a hi so white person but then they see indian but still the word canadian takes precedence over indian so a canadian indian is more hi so than just simply indian. whistling.gif

Focus on OP instead and see he makes the biggest issues out of the smallest things.

But did the situation call for reference to be made to his racial heritage?

Of course it bloody well didn't and you know it.

While I'm inclined to concede that the use of "khek" may not have been used in a derogatory manner by the clerk, your posts do suggest that you're hostile towards Indians

No don't answer it for me. Read it yourself

In Pattaya at my hotel I requested late check out at my hotel. Being a top status tier member of their program late check out is one of the benefits. When I checked at the front desk was advised the hotel was full. Sorry. The lady happened to use a certain term for Indian in Thai which I find pretty offensive when speaking with her manager. I went online and saw 6 room types available. I emailed my concierge at my program and cc d the GM and GSM. I got a call 5 minutes later from the GSM and advised it was a misunderstanding. He said my room type was not available tomorrow and he called the guest who was supposed to stay there and they agreed to switch rooms. This is actually a crock of BS as corner rooms are not a room type booked online. It's just standard and deluxe and suites. I did inquire with him why I was been referred by the front desk ladies as khon kheak. He said she probably didn't know you spoke Thai. I explained that is irrelevant and somewhat offensive. I explained that my race had no bearing on my displeasure. He said he will address this in training.

Here's the situation. He overhead the lady at the front desk referring to him when speaking to her manager. She and her manager don't know him personally. Before i continue please take note the conversation is not with him but about him and he overheard it. Of course the front desk lady and manager don't know him personally so how do they refer to him? How?

By his physical appearance. He looks indian. So in short if we translated it to english she was saying that indian guy referring to the OP. How else do you think she has to refer to him. Please can you use a politically correct term to refer to someone in thai? Btw is khon chin as in a chinese person offensive?

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Yes I mean I'm of Indian decent.

I really don't care what the low or high paid restaurant workers think. Not that their socio-economic standing bears any relevance to this topic. What I do care is when it negatively impacts me. I care less if someone is a closet racist. Racism is everywhere in the world. Will I condone it and accept it, no. I'm not trying to change anyone's thinking but when dealing with me I expect to be treated with the same respect I show others. I am not disputing there is racism all over Asia. I guess my feelings is I've never experienced it as much in my face as here. I have actually also experienced racism in India. Not to generalize but many Indians feel subservient to Caucasian people. Perhaps something to do with colonization?

Indians are Caucasion, or Caucasoid if you prefer. Link

weird aren't indians called asians in the uk? Also there are indians that look like thai ppl and chinese ppl. Also aren't countries east of turkey in asia. The middle east is in asia so is israel. Therefore arabs are asian aren't they?

When they say caucasian they only mean ppl from europe even though in a sense ppl not from europe can be caucasian which is the same with asian. In the US it means east asians and in the UK south asians even though technically every country country east of greece including turkey can be called asians cos they are in the asia.

It's really odd but the 2nd one about asians is easier to get but the one on caucasians is harder to grasp.

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Well there are few reasons behind all these which has happened with you.

  1. No matter where you come from Thai people have more respect for their own people, it is the same in many European countries as well.
  2. Many Indian at least in Pattaya have destroyed the reputation of Indian. If your ever go to walking street or on the beach road you will see many Indian gather around one lady and try to take the only one lady to serve them all. Of course they all will pay her but the reason they do it is because they are not allowed to have lady in their hotel and if they do they have to pay 500 for each lady, so they get one, pay 500 and all spend time with her.
  3. I have heard it in many massage, restaurants etc that Indian do not pay tips, and they call them Kinio or something like that.
  4. Many of them had problem with lady boys as they could not make out if they are not really a lady.

These plus other things had impact on all Indian unfortunately. The problem with all the immigrant all over the world is that if few people from certain country do anything wrong in the country they have migrated to, all the rest will also have problem.

As your problem in the bar or restaurant I can just say that, there are many tourist from Europe come to Thailand on holiday for a short time. So when they are here for 10 days or 2 weeks they do not mind to spend a lot of money specially on drinking. So the bars always prefer them as they spend more. It is wrong but this is what it is.

I can just say that while in Thailand just have fun and close your eyes to such thing.


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Dear Ol' departed Dad, used to tell me as a boy; "Son, nice is a place in France, and fair is a place where they have clowns. You can always vote with your feet and your dollars, but be prepared to have sore feet and empty pockets if you are too stiff necked."

As another Canadian I sort of understand his points as I experienced some of them myself. But I expect to get screwed over and treated like crap at every turn. Makes nice people and places a real treat to return to.

Here is not there, and the grass is only greener on the other side of the fence, because it is fertilized with you know what.

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WE were always told "The <deleted> begin at Calais"

There are many versions of what <deleted> means (wiki), to us it was "Worthy Oriental Gentleman", i did not see listed in the search, most are

perjorative and some amusing

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No you are not too sensitive and yes Thais are utterly racist, they have words for white and black arab also, its built into their culture and we westerners are considered racist but we take the whole f***** world into our countries people with no skills and pay them social security and a council house.

My experience is this. I am half Sri Lankan but I look westerner. I go into a bar in Pattaya and the guy at the front asks me where I am from, thinking about it I ask him why he asked this on my way out "You look same same Indian". Thais don't like Indians that's how they are. Don't take it personally people who are like that, judging others by color of skin have the real problem. When my friend passed out at a night market falling on her head, it was a Sri Lankan doctor that came to her aid out of the crowd, it was an Indian manager that gave me my good job (Which I still have today) when I came back to Oz after the UK, god bless the Indians they help this world go round and have made a huge contribution unlike the Thais.

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Age factors into the equation also. I worked for a powerful Indian jeweler for years in Bangkok. He owns hotels and factories and builds hospital wings for the Kingdom. He is very respected and has been here over 30 years and has thousands of employees. On trips with him i have seen some ignorant working fools mistaking a turban for commonalty. I have a picture of him shaking hands with his Majesty, i have showed a few fools this picture and watch the transformation and their instant loss of face. Utilize your Thai language skills to set immediate respect.

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By 'Indian nationality' I assume you mean Indian descent. How did you manage to learn Thai without noticing that the Thais despise Indians? And it's not just Indians. Khaek also includes Arabs and Persians, so you're not alone. Have a guess what they call African Americans. It's just what Asia is like. If you want to see real racism try going to India and tell them you're a Dalit.

So yes, you're being way too sensitive. You're basically an educated rich westerner, so who cares what a bunch of low paid Thai restaurant workers think. Shuffle through a roll of thousand baht notes in front of them and then leave a ten baht tip.

Plus 1 man right on the money.

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Well written op. Thailand is a racist and xenophobic culture, there is no getting around it. You mentioned the pecking order in Thailand and unfortunately for you, Indian tourists tend to be placed at the bottom of this order.

I'll echo what others have said above and give you credit for keeping a cool head.

DO you feel that indian tourists are below due to their own behavior or just simply due to thai biasness?

Let's change it to chinese tourists. Now we see a 180 degree change. It's suddenly justified to treat chinese tourists badly and ignore the bad behavior of tourists of other nationalities.

I suspect that the Thai attitude is a bit of both. I certainly would not claim to know the Thai mind intimately nor have I taken a survey so of course we are speaking in generalities here. My point of view is formed of my own observations and comments made to me by Thai's while living in Thailand.

Not sure what your point is about the Chinese and don't know who thinks it is justified to treat Chinese tourists badly. India, China and Russia all have a new booming middle class who suddenly find themselves with the means to take a holiday overseas. These same people it might be said have yet to learn the etiquette of behaviour when travelling overseas. I see plenty of comments on this fourm disparaging tourists from all nations and so would not agree that the Chinese are being singled out.

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How many of your over 2000 posts...are actually NO POST...?

Sometimes less is more. Or maybe he is just the strong silent type?

As for the OP you should just chill. Thais can be as xenophobic as any other people on Earth despite all the smiles and 'Thainess'.... or maybe because of it.... as they actually seem to believe this makes them superior.

Anyway, don't let it get you down.... you can't help being Canadian. smile.png


indians are xenophobic too but for some odd reason you won't find op complaining about it or rather for obvious reasons.whistling.gif

Why would he? He is a 2nd - 3rd generation Canadian.

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No you are not too sensitive and yes Thais are utterly racist, they have words for white and black arab also, its built into their culture and we westerners are considered racist but we take the whole f***** world into our countries people with no skills and pay them social security and a council house.

My experience is this. I am half Sri Lankan but I look westerner. I go into a bar in Pattaya and the guy at the front asks me where I am from, thinking about it I ask him why he asked this on my way out "You look same same Indian". Thais don't like Indians that's how they are. Don't take it personally people who are like that, judging others by color of skin have the real problem. When my friend passed out at a night market falling on her head, it was a Sri Lankan doctor that came to her aid out of the crowd, it was an Indian manager that gave me my good job (Which I still have today) when I came back to Oz after the UK, god bless the Indians they help this world go round and have made a huge contribution unlike the Thais.

This post isn't racist? It's surprising isn't it? You call others racist but make even more racis posts yourself. Thais of course have words for ppl of different races. You mean Indians don't have words for ppl of different races? So is a thai person supposed to feel offended if an Indian refers to him as that thai guy? What do you think?

Also I find it a big joke you say you look westerner but others say you look Indian makes your claims dubious. Since you do look Indian that Indian guy that gave you a job wouldn't be a big deal. It would have been better if you looked thai or negro and that Indian guy gave you a job now that would show true magnamity.

You shouldn't talk about using your race and talk about world contributions that have nothing to do with you and you are Sri Lankan not Indian. Honestly then farangs in here would all be saying shame on Thais, Indians, everyone else cos farangs contributed the most to the world and it sounds stupid and racist because it wasn't them that made those contributions and it applies the same way to you trying to live off the contributions ppl that look like you made.

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Well written op. Thailand is a racist and xenophobic culture, there is no getting around it. You mentioned the pecking order in Thailand and unfortunately for you, Indian tourists tend to be placed at the bottom of this order.

I'll echo what others have said above and give you credit for keeping a cool head.

DO you feel that indian tourists are below due to their own behavior or just simply due to thai biasness?

Let's change it to chinese tourists. Now we see a 180 degree change. It's suddenly justified to treat chinese tourists badly and ignore the bad behavior of tourists of other nationalities.

I suspect that the Thai attitude is a bit of both. I certainly would not claim to know the Thai mind intimately nor have I taken a survey so of course we are speaking in generalities here. My point of view is formed of my own observations and comments made to me by Thai's while living in Thailand.

Not sure what your point is about the Chinese and don't know who thinks it is justified to treat Chinese tourists badly. India, China and Russia all have a new booming middle class who suddenly find themselves with the means to take a holiday overseas. These same people it might be said have yet to learn the etiquette of behaviour when travelling overseas. I see plenty of comments on this fourm disparaging tourists from all nations and so would not agree that the Chinese are being singled out.

Well if you actually care to notice you always hear ppl stereotyping all chinese negatively and it affects non china ppl of chinese descent but you don't see them starting threads like this.

You will hear comments like more chinese are coming to chiang mai = a bad thing cos you know somehow the presence of chinese ppl themselves is a bad thing but you won't hear it about ppl from other nationalities.

I also observed that ppl tolerate the bad behavior of indians more compared to chinese. Like this thread. Someone will come in oh there are many rich indians you know you see how superior they are and curse the thais. Many rich chinese and most hi so thais are chinese or have chinese ancestry nope you don't see the same reaction but it's more like so what it's ok to be racist to chinese.

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Well written op. Thailand is a racist and xenophobic culture, there is no getting around it. You mentioned the pecking order in Thailand and unfortunately for you, Indian tourists tend to be placed at the bottom of this order.

I'll echo what others have said above and give you credit for keeping a cool head.

DO you feel that indian tourists are below due to their own behavior or just simply due to thai biasness?

Let's change it to chinese tourists. Now we see a 180 degree change. It's suddenly justified to treat chinese tourists badly and ignore the bad behavior of tourists of other nationalities.

I suspect that the Thai attitude is a bit of both. I certainly would not claim to know the Thai mind intimately nor have I taken a survey so of course we are speaking in generalities here. My point of view is formed of my own observations and comments made to me by Thai's while living in Thailand.

Not sure what your point is about the Chinese and don't know who thinks it is justified to treat Chinese tourists badly. India, China and Russia all have a new booming middle class who suddenly find themselves with the means to take a holiday overseas. These same people it might be said have yet to learn the etiquette of behaviour when travelling overseas. I see plenty of comments on this fourm disparaging tourists from all nations and so would not agree that the Chinese are being singled out.

Well if you actually care to notice you always hear ppl stereotyping all chinese negatively and it affects non china ppl of chinese descent but you don't see them starting threads like this.

You will hear comments like more chinese are coming to chiang mai = a bad thing cos you know somehow the presence of chinese ppl themselves is a bad thing but you won't hear it about ppl from other nationalities.

I also observed that ppl tolerate the bad behavior of indians more compared to chinese. Like this thread. Someone will come in oh there are many rich indians you know you see how superior they are and curse the thais. Many rich chinese and most hi so thais are chinese or have chinese ancestry nope you don't see the same reaction but it's more like so what it's ok to be racist to chinese.

Sounds like you have a bit of a chip on your shoulder there mate. I now live in Singapore and hear Chinese people denegrating other races quite often. I don't recall anyone speaking poorly about Chinese when I lived in Thailand. Sounds like you are in Chiang Mai and I guess things may be differant there or maybe you are just overly sensitive to perceived slights?

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I suspect that the Thai attitude is a bit of both. I certainly would not claim to know the Thai mind intimately nor have I taken a survey so of course we are speaking in generalities here. My point of view is formed of my own observations and comments made to me by Thai's while living in Thailand.

Not sure what your point is about the Chinese and don't know who thinks it is justified to treat Chinese tourists badly. India, China and Russia all have a new booming middle class who suddenly find themselves with the means to take a holiday overseas. These same people it might be said have yet to learn the etiquette of behaviour when travelling overseas. I see plenty of comments on this fourm disparaging tourists from all nations and so would not agree that the Chinese are being singled out.

Well if you actually care to notice you always hear ppl stereotyping all chinese negatively and it affects non china ppl of chinese descent but you don't see them starting threads like this.

You will hear comments like more chinese are coming to chiang mai = a bad thing cos you know somehow the presence of chinese ppl themselves is a bad thing but you won't hear it about ppl from other nationalities.

I also observed that ppl tolerate the bad behavior of indians more compared to chinese. Like this thread. Someone will come in oh there are many rich indians you know you see how superior they are and curse the thais. Many rich chinese and most hi so thais are chinese or have chinese ancestry nope you don't see the same reaction but it's more like so what it's ok to be racist to chinese.

Sounds like you have a bit of a chip on your shoulder there mate. I now live in Singapore and hear Chinese people denegrating other races quite often. I don't recall anyone speaking poorly about Chinese when I lived in Thailand. Sounds like you are in Chiang Mai and I guess things may be differant there or maybe you are just overly sensitive to perceived slights?

Your personal experience doesn't prove anything. I hear other races denigrating chinese so i must be correct and you are wrong. Your own personal experiences don't make anything true.

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I suspect that the Thai attitude is a bit of both. I certainly would not claim to know the Thai mind intimately nor have I taken a survey so of course we are speaking in generalities here. My point of view is formed of my own observations and comments made to me by Thai's while living in Thailand.

Not sure what your point is about the Chinese and don't know who thinks it is justified to treat Chinese tourists badly. India, China and Russia all have a new booming middle class who suddenly find themselves with the means to take a holiday overseas. These same people it might be said have yet to learn the etiquette of behaviour when travelling overseas. I see plenty of comments on this fourm disparaging tourists from all nations and so would not agree that the Chinese are being singled out.

Well if you actually care to notice you always hear ppl stereotyping all chinese negatively and it affects non china ppl of chinese descent but you don't see them starting threads like this.

You will hear comments like more chinese are coming to chiang mai = a bad thing cos you know somehow the presence of chinese ppl themselves is a bad thing but you won't hear it about ppl from other nationalities.

I also observed that ppl tolerate the bad behavior of indians more compared to chinese. Like this thread. Someone will come in oh there are many rich indians you know you see how superior they are and curse the thais. Many rich chinese and most hi so thais are chinese or have chinese ancestry nope you don't see the same reaction but it's more like so what it's ok to be racist to chinese.

Sounds like you have a bit of a chip on your shoulder there mate. I now live in Singapore and hear Chinese people denegrating other races quite often. I don't recall anyone speaking poorly about Chinese when I lived in Thailand. Sounds like you are in Chiang Mai and I guess things may be differant there or maybe you are just overly sensitive to perceived slights?

Your personal experience doesn't prove anything. I hear other races denigrating chinese so i must be correct and you are wrong. Your own personal experiences don't make anything true.

No, you are!

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