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'Satanist Murderer' claims he acts in self-defence


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I'm sorry to shatter your illusions but somebody has to tell you. God isn't real.

I have had countless experiences in my own life which have convinced me beyond doubt that God does exist. I did not learn this from a religious book, or from being told this in Church. I reached this conclusion based on the manifestations of God that I have seen in my own prayers and also life experiences.

So I'm sorry to shatter your illusions too, but you can not convince me that what I have witnessed in my life did not occur.

On a side note, I have never tried to convert anybody in my life, nor I have I ever told atheists that they are wrong. Everyone walks this path alone, and their own path is unique. It is not my place to comment on the religions of others, or the lack of religions for that matter. The creature being worshipped in the OP is different, I feel I can comment on that for the simple reason that he is the "booby-trap" on the road to salvation, and so when people fall into that particular dark bottomless Pit, I can only comment on how that is a great shame.

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Any person with reasonable intelligence in this day and she who is not on denial knows there

Is no god and no devil only science

I cut this section from your larger post, as I have already explained my faith and don't need to keep defending the same points over and over. I will answer the point you made quoted above.

Science, technology etc. are all products of having an inquiring and flexible tool-using consciousness. This consciousness allowed us to make fire, build hammers etc. back in the stone age. Today it allows us to build spaceships. But this is all because of our particular consciousness, which is unique in the natural world on this planet.

And I would say to you that this unique gift of inquiring and tool-making consciousness, which enabled us to build tech, was given to us by God, and that we as a species and as individuals are being tested on how well we use this ability to overcome obstacles, lessen suffering, and achieve joy.

So for example the man in the OP, he has the consciousness to devote his life to curing cancer, building new forms of energy or transport, or any other number of things. But he chose to use his gift in what seem to be very dark and ugly ways, leading up to this tragic drunken fight and murder. He made that choice, which is because God gave us this consciousness that enables us to choose between acts of great good or great evil. Technology and science can be used for both of those things by the way.

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Compared to Norway in the early 1990s, this is nothing. Just attending a concert there was to take your life into your own hands. To sup with the locals before or after was an often highly disturbing experience with church burning, Satanic ''orgies'', Punk or Skinhead ''hunts'' were often the post-gig entertainment of choice. It was a nasty, violent, divided subculture. You were either in, or out. If you were out, you were the enemy...

The very close knit Thai Metal Scene, where the more successful Artists regularly rub shoulders with the plebs with no problems at all. Most feel this guy was a nutjob who took it all a little too seriously.

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I mean come on...black metal band from Thailand? What the hell are they supposed to stand against? How many Christian/Catholic people live in Thailand? 0,5% ?

there are many different "waves" (types) of black metal. a lot of bands nowadays focuss on depression, nihilism, misanthropy and other "not-so-happy" themes, not really on christianity. there are also christian (anti-Satanic) black metal bands :-)

\m/ \m/

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Belief in hocus pocus, which is endemic among Thais, from the head council of the Sangha on down to the peons. Most observers, when they see Thai hocus pocus, think: "Oh, isn't that quaint/cute/amazing/colorful !" They don't see the down-side to believing in elaborate myths like metaphysics, ghosts, talismans, astrology, etc. Even Thai-style Buddhism is steeped in hocus pocus, and is as far from real Buddhism as Twinkies are from Danish pastries.

All very well, but Satanism (of the black metal variety) is not indigenous to Thailand... it's Western 'hocus pocus', with a long history there (Aleister Crowley and Anton LeVey being the two most famous 'recent' proponents). And there's a sizable sub-culture in some western countries that follows this Satanist 'hocus pocus'. To this I will add the fact that almost 8 out of 10 Americans believe in angels (http://live.huffingtonpost.com/r/segment/believing-in-angels/520c125a02a7606b340001a1) ... I'm sure that counts as "hocus pocus" to a lot of free-thinkers. One man's hocus pocus is another's faith, it seems...

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He backed the wrong horse.

Followers of the Fallen One will all regret it eventually, including the eccentric ultraclass ruling elite families who have been exposed having rituals in worship of the diabolic. Some people go as far as to say that many of our problems globally are due to the fascination with and worship of the 'ancient enemy', and those powerful people are making decisions that affect huge numbers of people around the world and basing those decisions on the corrupt and poisonous nature of the evil side.

They will ultimately lose, because God is love and love is the only true power. Love is the only thing that can create and construct, so it will always come out on top in the evolutionary process.

you wrong....

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Yes, it is hocus -pocus and wickedness..and awful music. No one ever got stabbed over Dusty Springfield , The Carpenters, Smokey Robinson and The Miracles, Sylvie Vartan or Thongchai.

On the other hand Marvin Gaye who wrote one of the all time great anti war songs of the century, of "What's Going On" fame and other great ballads, "I heard it through the grapevine", "Mercy Mercy Me" was shot and killed by his father who was a "American Minister of the House of God" How many have died in the name of God, or Allah?

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Oh crap. Bad influence from the west. These farangs and their culture. Hard to believe a thai person would become a satanist. Did he study the works of anton lavey? Perhaps he read the works of aliastair crowley.

Perhaps a thai's impression of a satanist is more on the outward appearance like what those goths dress like.

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Considering the subject matter, I am not quite sure the big cheesy grin/laugh in the first photo is entirely appropriate. rolleyes.gif

They will ultimately lose, because God is love and love is the only true power. Love is the only thing that can create and construct, so it will always come out on top in the evolutionary process.

A nice thought, the problem is we live in a Universe with the laws of equals and opposites so this will always exist. Black white, ying yang, matter anti matter, light dark, good evil, love hate. Good is only on top when evil takes a break vice versa. Once we as a species stop being attracted to material gain then good will triumph over evil, till then.... It could be a long wait if the number of monks shopping for mobile phones and laptops is anything to go by.

yes you are completely wrong on it.

Who is God???

Many people say that he/she created the universe so is the theory of the big bang had been lost.

God is nothing has never been anything. Love comes from yourself the same with hatred, as you've probably guessed it yes I am an atheist. (No religion)

That someone is Satanists are very close, as all war violence and killing is something you can feel. You just have to open the TV.

(I'm not a Satanist)

God did not create the universe, nor man, - if God had created the universe + man

who then came first chicken or the egg?

Be nice to answer it ....

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Now the moral question is: does this Satanic murderer "deserve" the death penalty? Also, God is Love and Love is powerful, but Love alone won't fight people wielding weapons, causing genocides and wars, with people obsessed with money, there is little room for righteousness. If you want God to prevail, you have to be prepared for those who will kill you to get what you have, and Love won't stop their violence usually it never has.

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He backed the wrong horse.

Followers of the Fallen One will all regret it eventually, including the eccentric ultraclass ruling elite families who have been exposed having rituals in worship of the diabolic. Some people go as far as to say that many of our problems globally are due to the fascination with and worship of the 'ancient enemy', and those powerful people are making decisions that affect huge numbers of people around the world and basing those decisions on the corrupt and poisonous nature of the evil side.

They will ultimately lose, because God is love and love is the only true power. Love is the only thing that can create and construct, so it will always come out on top in the evolutionary process.

This fellows life is over because he somehow came to believe something for no good reason. His priorities were so far out of whack that he considered it rational to murder somebody because they insulted a mythical entity.

The answer is not to believe passionately in something else for no good reason, it is to stop pretending that we know more about the universe than we really do and to proceed as rationally as possible on the basis of what we do know.

For example, leaving aside the big questions for now, consider how folks might come to the conclusion that "many of our problems globally are due to the fascination with and worship of the 'ancient enemy'". What method of inquiry have they used to determine this information? Then ask yourself this - is this a reliable method for determining facts about the universe?

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It's nice some posters have had personal experience and are sure that god exists. But it is not proof. I thought I saw god too in younger years, and divine light and all that stuff. Hallucinations I reckon.

"decide our actions based on our own feelings of what is right or wrong." good reason religions like to get ahold of the young and indoctrinate them in what is "right or wrong" before they have developed cognitive abilities to discern that for themselves.

I am an atheist and a Buddhist. Difference between Buddhism and all the other ones is Buddhism doesn't depend on savior or "higher power" to save your miserable self. Buddha said it is up to you and your efforts to raise yourself up out of the mud, he couldn't save you or anyone. But gave a good guide book. It doesn't matter if Buddha existed or not, what he is said to have said still is valid. You can't say that about other religions and their various methods of rescuing you from yourself.

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It's nice some posters have had personal experience and are sure that god exists. But it is not proof. I thought I saw god too in younger years, and divine light and all that stuff. Hallucinations I reckon.

"decide our actions based on our own feelings of what is right or wrong." good reason religions like to get ahold of the young and indoctrinate them in what is "right or wrong" before they have developed cognitive abilities to discern that for themselves.

I am an atheist and a Buddhist. Difference between Buddhism and all the other ones is Buddhism doesn't depend on savior or "higher power" to save your miserable self. Buddha said it is up to you and your efforts to raise yourself up out of the mud, he couldn't save you or anyone. But gave a good guide book. It doesn't matter if Buddha existed or not, what he is said to have said still is valid. You can't say that about other religions and their various methods of rescuing you from yourself.

Really the whole thing is a failure of vocabulary. The term "religion" is used to describe both the type of Buddhism Emster23 is talking about as well as those dogmatic sects that insist that the only way to avoid being subjected to eternal torture following death is to steadfastly pretend to be 100% sure of things that you cannot possibly know. Although they both handle births, deaths and marriages, they are entirely different beasts in other senses.

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Yes, it is hocus -pocus and wickedness..and awful music. No one ever got stabbed over Dusty Springfield , The Carpenters, Smokey Robinson and The Miracles, Sylvie Vartan or Thongchai.

I listen to heavy metal and I've never stabbed anyone

Have you tried listening to the music backwards?

You mean its not played backwards? never knew that

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This fellows life is over because he somehow came to believe something for no good reason. His priorities were so far out of whack that he considered it rational to murder somebody because they insulted a mythical entity.

The answer is not to believe passionately in something else for no good reason, it is to stop pretending that we know more about the universe than we really do and to proceed as rationally as possible on the basis of what we do know.

For example, leaving aside the big questions for now, consider how folks might come to the conclusion that "many of our problems globally are due to the fascination with and worship of the 'ancient enemy'". What method of inquiry have they used to determine this information? Then ask yourself this - is this a reliable method for determining facts about the universe?

The person who he murdered, their life is over. I will save my sympathy for them, unless some radical news arrives about how this was really self defence. Additionally the murderer went on Facebook and posted his grim lore in celebration of the act, so that doesn't chime with delf-defence.

I already said in this thread that I consider this a ''drunken-argument murder" such as happens every single day in every nation on Earth. I was just commenting that I pray for the souls of people who follow the corrosive and destructive nature of the anti-deity in the Op.

On your point as to why do I think that worship of the darker sides of the occult are impacting in the wider world, there are many documented reports of Bilderbergers and S&B's actively worshipping dark gods, ritual abuse, and using ancient texts etc. to do so. These people are worshipping anti-gods that are evil in the sense of they represent corrosion and destruction, poison and suffering - this is the polar opposite of what my God represents which is love, compassion, creativity, construction.

You can make the obvious connection that if these very powerful people worship an evil anti-god which is about destruction and chaos and pestilence, and these powerful people are in a position to enact govt. policies and major corporate decisions - it doesn't take a maths wizard to join the dots and see their beliefs can impact wider society in the form of warmongering, destabilisation and mass channel-poisoning.


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the devil made 'im do it.

you're a fool, the guy said he was defending his beliefs, no one ever stated if some divinity made him act, actually in the news is stated both were drunk already, was not religion but alcohol incident

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Oh crap. Bad influence from the west. These farangs and their culture. Hard to believe a thai person would become a satanist. Did he study the works of anton lavey? Perhaps he read the works of aliastair crowley.

Perhaps a thai's impression of a satanist is more on the outward appearance like what those goths dress like.

That's the big mistake made here in Thailand, people divide farangs and thais, guess what, there's around 196 countries in the world and we all are different and at the same time we all are the same, we copy others beliefs and life styles. Then again, between farangs there's too many variety to make only 1 division Thai/Farang.

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He backed the wrong horse.

Followers of the Fallen One will all regret it eventually, including the eccentric ultraclass ruling elite families who have been exposed having rituals in worship of the diabolic. Some people go as far as to say that many of our problems globally are due to the fascination with and worship of the 'ancient enemy', and those powerful people are making decisions that affect huge numbers of people around the world and basing those decisions on the corrupt and poisonous nature of the evil side.

They will ultimately lose, because God is love and love is the only true power. Love is the only thing that can create and construct, so it will always come out on top in the evolutionary process.

U write just as much rubbish as him

All the religions that practice what you preach Aldo fight wars and kill under the same name

Any person with reasonable intelligence in this day and she who is not on denial knows there

Is no god and no devil only science

The physical evidence to did prove a religion is allot stronger than any claimed miracle from thousands of years ago and most super natural thing can be explained some cannot be bit we as humans are still developing

As for this man going to hell he shall join a few million religious people who fight and kill In the name of god that's if such a place exists

From a super intelligent being the thought of a Jevon in the sky would be as due full as telling the child about the tooth fairy or Santa Claus

A way to push people into falling in line

My advise is to not worry about religion and just do as you are programmed to do or you shall waist your life

Rip to the victim to this incident further more my best wishes to the families involved

Totally agree , My Daughters first Tooth has recently fallen out, she knew about the Tooth Fairy,and I went along with it. She was thrilled to get a Gold $1 Coin under her Pillow. I will bring her up not to believe in the other Imaginary Beings, except Santa.

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This is not hocus pocus......The US Military has taken a high interest in Satanism .. A lot of info is coming out about the atrocities and beyond criminal acts of these people...

I suggest for those that dont believe research Colonel Michael A. Aquino US Army.. This man was a self proclaimed satanist and CIA operative. He wrote the Us Chaplain Handbook for the US Army all while being the leader of satanism in the military..

Im not being crazy ..... laugh.png

This is fact .. All confirmed by the Military and Aquino Himself...

These people are nuts ...

If you are interested in a lot of facts coming out about US atrocity and Satanism listen to Douglas Dietrich ... He is trying to expose these people..

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These people are nuts ...

You're a master of the understatement Chris. I've met a lot of 'Satanists' over the years through my associations with Metal music. Some of them are downright dangerous people with some self assumed right to do what they want to do in the name of their beliefs. The subculture is based in a belief in utter destruction and subjugation of the enemy.

Nasty business....

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He backed the wrong horse.

Followers of the Fallen One will all regret it eventually, including the eccentric ultraclass ruling elite families who have been exposed having rituals in worship of the diabolic. Some people go as far as to say that many of our problems globally are due to the fascination with and worship of the 'ancient enemy', and those powerful people are making decisions that affect huge numbers of people around the world and basing those decisions on the corrupt and poisonous nature of the evil side.

They will ultimately lose, because God is love and love is the only true power. Love is the only thing that can create and construct, so it will always come out on top in the evolutionary process.

U write just as much rubbish as him

All the religions that practice what you preach Aldo fight wars and kill under the same name

Any person with reasonable intelligence in this day and she who is not on denial knows there

Is no god and no devil only science

The physical evidence to did prove a religion is allot stronger than any claimed miracle from thousands of years ago and most super natural thing can be explained some cannot be bit we as humans are still developing

As for this man going to hell he shall join a few million religious people who fight and kill In the name of god that's if such a place exists

From a super intelligent being the thought of a Jevon in the sky would be as due full as telling the child about the tooth fairy or Santa Claus

A way to push people into falling in line

My advise is to not worry about religion and just do as you are programmed to do or you shall waist your life

Rip to the victim to this incident further more my best wishes to the families involved

Totally agree , My Daughters first Tooth has recently fallen out, she knew about the Tooth Fairy,and I went along with it. She was thrilled to get a Gold $1 Coin under her Pillow. I will bring her up not to believe in the other Imaginary Beings, except Santa.

Easter Bunny must be included. It becomes a lifelong indulgence of the best kind

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Oh crap. Bad influence from the west. These farangs and their culture. Hard to believe a thai person would become a satanist. Did he study the works of anton lavey? Perhaps he read the works of aliastair crowley.

Perhaps a thai's impression of a satanist is more on the outward appearance like what those goths dress like.

That's the big mistake made here in Thailand, people divide farangs and thais, guess what, there's around 196 countries in the world and we all are different and at the same time we all are the same, we copy others beliefs and life styles. Then again, between farangs there's too many variety to make only 1 division Thai/Farang.

well i am specifically referring to western and anglo saxon western culture which is spear headed by america and the same culture is also practiced in places like canada, OZ, uk etc and actually all of western and possibly eastern europe even if they don;t speak english.

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