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Monthly budget


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It will be difficult to agree on anything if we keep on comparing apples and oranges.

If we take for reference a young couple, mid 30's, 2 kids, basic expat life style (to be defined), I'ld say 100K is an absolute minimum in order to enjoy a similar life style one would enjoy in Europe or N America. Then need to add various allowances, maid, education, return tickets, ... to start to really take advantage of the expatriation.

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If anything this topic is sure making me feel good. I always considered myself to be near the lower end of the scale as far as FLITs go, but as it transpires I may be a little above average.. (And well above average if I count my wife's salary.)

Of course as more money comes in each month, also more ways to spend it come up.. If I lived in Bangkok and had 300K+ coming in each month then I'm in no doubt whatsoever that 'ways to spend it all' would materialize in right there in front of me, and I probably wouldn't consciously consider myself a big spender.

There's just a pretty big gap between working expats (for foreign companies) mostly in Bangkok and people taking it easy in up-country destinations. Between those, they honestly and sincerely can't comprehend how the other manages to spend 300K and 30K respectively and still think they're living a regular decent life.

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Funny how a five year old thread got absolutely ZERO responses when it was posted then now has over 50...

Piss!ng up the wall contests weren't as popular 5 years ago as now, obviously. :D

It was during a time when people checked prior posts and recognized trolls better... :o

:D I'm getting all nostalgic. *sniff*

Edited by kmart
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Funny how a five year old thread got absolutely ZERO responses when it was posted then now has over 50...

Piss!ng up the wall contests weren't as popular 5 years ago as now, obviously. :D

It was during a time when people checked prior posts and recognized trolls better... :o

Then you joined ....

Apologizes ...but it was too tempting :D

Edited by Pierrot
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In Koh Phangan:

Rent 5000b for a house with a big yard

Electricity/Water about 300b/mo.

Internet 1000b/ UBC 1500b

Food 100b/day

Drinks 80-120b/nt.

Taxis 300b about twice a week

...nothing else to spend money on there! I could easily get by on about 10000b/mo! Though I did fly to Bangkok at least once a month which adds up.

In Bangkok:

Rent 12000b for a 1-bd. apartment with separate kitchen/living room, pay 300b to rent fridge

Electricity/Water not sure yet but in the place I just moved out of I paid 3300b!!!!

Internet 500b/ UBC free

Food about 300-500b/day

Drinks 80-1000b/nt. depending on where I go

150b a day on taxis and BTS

Shopping about 1000b per day if not more

...I think in Bangkok you really need minimum 60,000b per month for a decent lifestyle, though I know people who do ok on 25000b!

Visas are additional...

Edited by girlx
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Ps if your spending 80,000 per month you must be one of those guys who works there ass off in the west for a few months sacrificing everything to be able to live in los for a couple of months per year or and retired old man!

80,000 a month? Paaaaahhhh . . . chickenfeed. I can piss that much up against the wall on a damned good night out.

I'll get my coat.

maybe i could budget for 80k per month but i dont need to spend that much so why do it?

Im just curioius about john the one who seems to talk down to people all the time on TV. Just wanna know if thats his budget for 12 months of the year or 2 months of the year???

When did i say 'budget'? i don't have a budget, i have surplus cash, i was stating that 80k is roughly what i spend EVERY month,sometimes more.

I haven't lived in the UK for 10 years,no idea what gave you that idea.

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It will be difficult to agree on anything if we keep on comparing apples and oranges.

If we take for reference a young couple, mid 30's, 2 kids, basic expat life style (to be defined), I'ld say 100K is an absolute minimum in order to enjoy a similar life style one would enjoy in Europe or N America. Then need to add various allowances, maid, education, return tickets, ... to start to really take advantage of the expatriation.

i totally agree with you, i need that to live the lifestyle i require here and thats without front wheels skids. only me and my telak :o and i dont have pay rent on my house, if i had to pay rent on my house that would be another 60000 a month, but i dont consider my lifestyle here to be overly extravagant, i dont need a maid my wife does what all good wives do, take care of me and our house.

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Morgage = 35k per month

wifes car= 10 per month on finance

my car 20k per month finance

petrol for both around 8-10k month, i drive a lot for work

maid 6,500 month

insurance for car, house and health for myself the wife and baby around 12k month

me going out eating drinking anywhere between 5k and 15k month :o

wife going out drinking 0 k per month :D

we spend to much, but we both work hard for our money so why not enjoy it. it will have to slow down soon because school fees are just around the corner.

lord i hear that

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Im planning on spending about 1000 baht a month when I live there. I dont need to pay for anything with these arms. my 1000 baht will be just tips I give away

the forum rules are too stringent to let me say/write what i think :D i need at least another glass of Port to break them and get a break :o

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Im planning on spending about 1000 baht a month when I live there. I dont need to pay for anything with these arms. my 1000 baht will be just tips I give away

Good benefits in Boystown then?

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I can VERY easily live up country for less than 35,000 baht per month. I give my wife 25,000 baht a month and she pays all the bills , buys my cigarettes and our clothes. She manages to save about 5,000 baht per month in her savings account. I pay the insurance on the vehicles and also my health insurance. There are just the two of us and we pay no rent.

What's the secret? You have to spend several million baht to set yourself up.

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Im planning on spending about 1000 baht a month when I live there. I dont need to pay for anything with these arms. my 1000 baht will be just tips I give away

Good benefits in Boystown then?


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RukJung, you dug up a 5 YEAR OLD thread?

The OP posted in 2003.

It seems we always get this question in one form or another, and I suppose for the new members it can be good info. But frankly, the going over the same topic over and over is getting boring. There is an interesting consistency in the questions asked, and a consistency in the manner in which they are answered.

I'm pretty new to this forum, so I dont mind the digging up of old threads. I think some of you oldtimers need to kick back and let us noobs ask the same shit again since

1. things change over the years

2. we cant be @rsed having to search through old threads to find opinions/information we want (since for my self at least, I am lazy and most posts do not have clear and concise topics to make it easy to find what i want).

You should try going on that abomination of a site phuket-info. Has there ever been a fouler collection of "people" in one place?

As to people saying "it gets boring to discuss the same things over and over", I say "Tough. I haven't discussed these issues over and over, and if you're not interested, do not open the thread".

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I did write that "I suppose for the new members it can be good info" so I see your concern saorsa.

Everybody is a newbie at one point, I suppose.

It's not the questions asked per se that bother me, it's the same bickering that results. 5 years on and there has been no development in the discussion. I suppose this is what is to be in the General Forum, as it's nature is that of generality and therefore can become quite repetitive.

I do enjoy other threads where there is a dynamic discussion that changes over time, things change and views change -- for instance the Global Correction thread in the Jobs Forum. Bickering and name-calling is still there, but if you take a step past that, the real discussion is still there and developing.

I spend most of my time in the Motoring Forum, as it's a personal interest of mine. While we do get some of the same questions i.e. "Can I import my car from _____ to Thailand?," the other discussions have seemed to evolve with the times.

Can't we just sticky the topics that come up over and over again? Because if you look at past replies compared to present ones, they are essentially exactly the same (as I pointed out in the Farang Jumping to Death Thread -- 5 years on, same questions, same answers).

Why sticky when you can wiki? Other sites have wiki pages that provide pertinent info, leaving the discussion element of the board for, er, discussion.

The actual information on Thailand is often very poor on this board. As a start, I would suggest that each of the regional sub-forums have a "pen-picture", which gives newbies a flavour of the areas, you know, size, population, basic costs, work prospects, transportation and housing advice, that sort of thing. Should be easy enough to compile, with no more than a paragraph or two on each. Even in the Bangkok forum, there's absolutely nothing of this nature.

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