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What type of expat are you?


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Patriot means strong support for ones country, ex means ''was'' or ''not anymore'', soooooooooooo, l am not an expat cos l am still a patriot. smile.png .

The terminology pertaining to this thread is ex-patriate not ex-patriot.

You're fighting a losing (or on TV it would be "loosing") battle.

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"Digital Nomads" (phrase not coined by me) who work online and live where they want, often but not always toward the younger end of the scale. Earnings can vary all the way from the low to the top end of the scale.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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"Digital Nomads" (phrase not coined by me) who work online and live where they want, often but not always toward the younger end of the scale. Earnings can vary all the way from the low to the top end of the scale.

..yep, and the countries in the world need to recognise that this is becoming more and more a way of life for so many. Freedom to work and travel. So..if countries are smart they would find a way to tap into that regarding visa's etc. Like a G7 nomad visa or whatever.

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"Digital Nomads" (phrase not coined by me) who work online and live where they want, often but not always toward the younger end of the scale. Earnings can vary all the way from the low to the top end of the scale.

..yep, and the countries in the world need to recognise that this is becoming more and more a way of life for so many. Freedom to work and travel. So..if countries are smart they would find a way to tap into that regarding visa's etc. Like a G7 nomad visa or whatever.

true but til then i'm cool with just nomad'ing around...

thinking (and most important ACTING) out of the box isn't exactly popular/stimulated in this world where the powers that be want us to live a "standard" life...

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Teacher Pats.

Teacher Pats fall into two very separate categories. Young Teacher Pats are okay. They're just young kids bumming their way around the world. But older Teacher Pats are often whackos. I always avoid older Teacher Pats.

Trying to avoid people like you might be the best option. Maybe you'll also get older. Maybe. Maybe not.- wai2.gif

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"Digital Nomads" (phrase not coined by me) who work online and live where they want, often but not always toward the younger end of the scale. Earnings can vary all the way from the low to the top end of the scale.

..yep, and the countries in the world need to recognise that this is becoming more and more a way of life for so many. Freedom to work and travel. So..if countries are smart they would find a way to tap into that regarding visa's etc. Like a G7 nomad visa or whatever.

Why on earth would you apply for a sedentary visa if you qualify yourself as a nomad ?!?

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New Rich Expats

The new generation of young 'location independent' online entrepreneurs who are earning a lot of money and living the dream, working from beaches and cafes and sleeping with gorgeous women (not hookers). Usually these guys are affiliate marketers, online startup entrepreneurs or coders.

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Funny how some people don't like the term expat.

I my case, I was ardently trying to mitigate the whopping +40% tax that was levied on a brilliant graduate engineer in the booming North Sea oil and gas business. So initially, I was a taxpat in Saudi until I discovered Thailand and gradually became a sexpat... actually it was thrust upon me by a gogo dancer called Noi from Buriram... and her sister.

The art of storytelling.

You could probably improve the above by:

1. Changing "Noi and her sister" to "Noi and her mother".

2. Replacing "brilliant graduate" with "Harvard graduate". Perhaps allude (albeit discreetly) to your 150+ IQ, too.

3. The "gogo dancer from Buriram" is okay, but a "sultry heiress from Ayuthaya" would be better.

4. This part is dubious:"ardently trying to mitigate the whopping +40% tax". Omit references to money. Try to create the illusion that you're part of the Rothschild dynasty and therefore unfazed by petty issues such as tax.

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New Rich Expats

The new generation of young 'location independent' online entrepreneurs who are earning a lot of money and living the dream, working from beaches and cafes and sleeping with gorgeous women (not hookers). Usually these guys are affiliate marketers, online startup entrepreneurs or coders.

Yes these guys do exist but for every genuine example, there are jokers who claim to be "retired at 30" who are just scraping by flogging stuff on ebay while eating 30 baht noodles and renting hovels at 2,000 per month in Pattaya.

More than a few are professional online poker players and there are few stock/FX traders who do quite nicely.

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It's customary when starting a thread like this (tell all) to declare the catergory that you fall into? after all you wouldn't want members to think you are secretive,while expecting other members to tell all! now would you?

ahh but that is what he missed - Spy Pats

Loving old teacher pats though; But older Teacher Pats are often whackos. I always avoid older Teacher Pats' lol

Edited by Lokie
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Actually, I rather like your description of "Criminal Pats".

Criminal Pats

Some Criminal Pats are hard core and need to be avoided at all costs. Other Criminal Pats came here a long time ago and have reformed. Those that have reformed are usually anonymous and never talk about the past. It's up to you how you judge these people.

It raises a number of questions, especially about reform. If you include reformed persons who were perhaps criminals before leaving their own country but have lived in Thailand for may years and have left the criminal tendencies behind, never been accused of an offence in Thailand and lead a honest and industrious lifestyle today, then would you still consider that person to be a criminal ?

To some extent you've described my own situation. These days I lead (in your words) an "honest and industrious lifestyle".

People do reform. But as I wrote in the opening post, it's up to you how you judge such people. I guess a lot of it has to do with the severity of the former offence/s and the age at which it/they occurred.

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Funny how some people don't like the term expat.

I my case, I was ardently trying to mitigate the whopping +40% tax that was levied on a brilliant graduate engineer in the booming North Sea oil and gas business. So initially, I was a taxpat in Saudi until I discovered Thailand and gradually became a sexpat... actually it was thrust upon me by a gogo dancer called Noi from Buriram... and her sister.

The art of storytelling.

You could probably improve the above by:

1. Changing "Noi and her sister" to "Noi and her mother".

2. Replacing "brilliant graduate" with "Harvard graduate". Perhaps allude (albeit discreetly) to your 150+ IQ, too.

3. The "gogo dancer from Buriram" is okay, but a "sultry heiress from Ayuthaya" would be better.

4. This part is dubious:"ardently trying to mitigate the whopping +40% tax". Omit references to money. Try to create the illusion that you're part of the Rothschild dynasty and therefore unfazed by petty issues such as tax.

Oh, you want a fantasy? Here we go.

1. Noi's (and her sister agrees that) mum was a starfish.

2. My degree was bought and paid for. Thick as two short planks as my dad said.

3. I get a rash whenever I get near anything remotely hiso. Even when a Merc overtakes my push bike, I get hives. Sorry.

4. I did win ten quid on the Lotto in Australia once but I lost the ticket somewhere. My room mate did really well though.

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Since you intentionally bashed Americans...How about EuroTrashPat's...They definitely outnumber CrackerPats.

its ok Europeans and Australians love to bash Americans....Jealousy and bitterness.....thats what it really boils down to...matey mate

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