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Dog Attack


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Well, first off, I hope your wife is ok. She should get rabies shots as well. Never trust what the dog owner says.

I am surprised the owner has agreed to pay the bills, as this is a rare thing in Thailand.

I would involved the local kanam (sp...the local village chief) and get the dog removed.

"Agreed to pay bills" is different to "Has paid bills" Good luck.

It really doesn't matter. If they are British they will have holiday insurance and their medical cover will be up to several million USD, but they must make the insurance company aware as early as possible.


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I'm truly sorry your wife was an unfortunate victim of a pitbull attack. At the very least, the dog should be muzzled before taking it out in a public place - too late, now, I hear you say...but it might be a way of saving face all round in the immediate future. I wouldn't condone anyone poisoning the animal, but I can understand the sentiment, as the dog is clearly dangerous around strange humans that 'invade' its territory.

At the end of the day, the Thai people will resolve this, one way or the other, and having made an official complaint with the appropriate authorities, it's about as much as you can do.

BTW, I put a reward out (security guards) to get rid of stray dogs on wasteland near my condo whose incessant night-time barking and howling was driving us crazy. 5,000 baht solved the problem.

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This breed of dog has caused pain and suffering...even killing children all around the world...where they are kept as pets and fighting dogs...they can not be trusted...should be outlawed based on their history of vicious, predictable attacks ...

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Pit bull have be banned by many nations already due to bitting and killed children and old people as easy traget i hope Thailand will follow the same moved one day local dogs are very tamed to rare with.

Edited by Bkungbank
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One suggestion, if him paying the bill,which no doubt will climb, is important to you, then wait till it's paid. No doubt his offer to pay is to stop you taking it further.

Same deal here on motor accidents, people will pay costs but nothing for long term problems or pain & suffering, as is applied in our over litigated countries.

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Get all the soi dogs off the streets!

Pit Bull or Soi dog Thailand has one massive problem with wild dogs

This country is being taken over by dogs and one cant walk the streets without fear of attack, if you disagree with that then you must live in central Bangkok, which is the only area apart from Muslim areas that do not have a huge problem.

The noise, howling

biting and attacking

Disgusting crap all over the road, diasase

i believe, 2nd worse rate of deaths from dog bits in the world, only one African country above us(correct me if im wrong)

The situation has only got worse over the years and in some places it's a breaking point. Packs of 20 to 30 wild dogs running around in some soi's

What is the solution?

sorry to hear what happened to your wife, but this has happened so many times to people i know over countless years. Everyone i know goes out with weapons to protect themselves, it's the only way

I had to beat 3 dogs from attacking my son, i usually pick him up from school, just one time im late and he is walking half way home and he is surrounded by 10 dogs ready to attack, he is not as aggressive as the thai kids are. I jump out my car and took my steel pipe and beat at least 3 of them away, the story could of ended up with a dead child, but luckily enough i got there in time. One lady who feeds them all did not take to kindly to my actions(what planet is she from) she would of rather seen my son in hospital than the dogs getting a kicking.

Anyone with kids take note. Do not let them walk alone if wild dogs are around, you may live to regret it. These dogs are killers at the slightest sign of weakness.

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Why do anything?, Your leaving , your wife is leaving, and I doubt if you're ever going back to the same place. You say the problem existed before you came, so maybe everyone in the neighborhood is waiting for someone like you to come along and fix the problem, and then after you're gone, they'll say to the dog owner what a trouble maker you were. It's their problem and they should have fixed it long before you came, and if you do nothing maybe they finally will.

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Dogs are usually OK here, are allowed to run free, only attack other dogs

in territorial battles and these are just usually noisy skirmishes.

However, if a dog is isolated by an opposing gang, he is history.

I have had two beautiful dogs killed by marauding gangs of semi-stray Thai dogs.

Pit bulls however, are another matter and a serious danger to life and limb.

Dogs are pack animals and are not designed to languish behind bars day in, day out.

Pit bulls, especially. If they are, watch out!

If pit bulls are locked-up and don't get exercised properly they are an un-exploded bomb liable to go off at any moment.

Its impossible to restrain them as they are too big and strong once in attack mode.

They are bred to kill and also to feel no pain.

One was killed in my neighbourhood by a farang using a sword after it attacked his dogs.

The pit bull was a legend in the neighbourhood as he was allowed to run free.

Everybody knew him, he was always friendly to people but dogs could drive him into a frenzy of uncontrollable rage that had to be seen to be believed.

If he saw a small animal he would good humouredly kill it in the most casual way.

In my experience nothing is every done about dog violence unless carried out privately by poisoning, which is a very nasty and despicable business.

Recently a gang of nuisance dogs in my area were poisoned by "persons unknown."

Nobody every bothers to find out who carries-out these acts and if they know, say nothing.

Everybody just seems to sigh with relief and get on with their lives.

All dogs are potentially dangerous but are not a major threat.

Pit bulls are the exception simply because they are big, heavy, with mouths like a crocodile,

bred to kill and are impossible to control when in a rage.

Over the centuries they have been bred by humans to be what they are today: killers.
Although I like them, I, personally, believe that they should be bred out of existence in a humane way.

However, it all comes down to earth with a bang with the inevitable pit bull attack,

as happened with the unfortunately lady reported here.

Thank God the lady is OK and recovering.

Also, thank God it wasn't a little defenseless toddler.

I have been attacked several times, once confining me to hospital for grafts

which took almost a week to complete and several weeks before the wounds had healed..
However, I love dogs and would never be without one.

A word of advice to visiting falangs. You will be befriend by local dogs, stray and otherwise.

When you are walking on the beach they will adopt and accompany you.
When you are with these dogs, other local dogs will attack your doggy friends.

Be prepared for this and always carry a decent sized stick to protect yourself

until the danger is past and until you encounter the next gang.

The addition of ear muffs would also make your stay less fraught.

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Muslims are famous for poisoning dogs. The Buddhist Thais love dogs, herin lies the problem in Thailand. I personally believe that Thailand could do with a mass extermination of dogs. They are an absolute menace. I am yet to find one responsible dog owner in this country. Thai or Farang. Every dog owning person thinks their dog is the best and most lovely. 99 percent of dogs I see I could happily smash their skulls in with a sledgehammer. And then give their owners a work over too. The fluffy shitzus with bows in their hair need to be bread out of existence. Poodles are just the most useless heaps of crap on the planet. rottweiler and Germany sheapards are a danger to children and are responsible for dog attacks than any other breeds. Pitt bull owners are generally people with ego problems and not well endowed.

To the OP. I feel angry when I read your story. The only justice you will get is if you poison the dog. You aren't coming back so do the world a favor.

Sent from my GT-N7105 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Kicking dogs should be a sport.
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Muslims are famous for poisoning dogs. The Buddhist Thais love dogs, herin lies the problem in Thailand. I personally believe that Thailand could do with a mass extermination of dogs. They are an absolute menace. I am yet to find one responsible dog owner in this country. Thai or Farang. Every dog owning person thinks their dog is the best and most lovely. 99 percent of dogs I see I could happily smash their skulls in with a sledgehammer. And then give their owners a work over too. The fluffy shitzus with bows in their hair need to be bread out of existence. Poodles are just the most useless heaps of crap on the planet. rottweiler and Germany sheapards are a danger to children and are responsible for dog attacks than any other breeds. Pitt bull owners are generally people with ego problems and not well endowed.

To the OP. I feel angry when I read your story. The only justice you will get is if you poison the dog. You aren't coming back so do the world a favor.

Sent from my GT-N7105 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

WIld dogs ran, past tense, all over some waste land near our home & started to patrol the streets.....

I kindly person fed them, now they are no more!

Best THB200 I ever spent

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  • 2 weeks later...

First, thank you to those of you who sent me sound advice and offered genuine support to my wife over this. It has all been much appreciated. The Thai dog owner maintained all the hospital payments to date...and there have been many. Yesterday a big bunch of flowers and fruit turned up (we were at hospital again) and were left in the kitchen. The lady who looks after the house told us it was the owner. The dog was taken away a couple of weeks ago. I still do not know what has actually happened to it but I and other families on this estate have been promised it will never return. There is a degree of scepticism about this so I hope, when we leave, that this will remain the case. Both the Thai husband and wife (we have never met the husband) have asked to meet us this weekend. Our immediate Thai neighbour has been brilliant is assisting us at all stages of this experience and is no doubt motivated through her fear for her own small children...her verbal onslaughts on the dog owners over the phone have been formidable. We have a few more trips to make to hospital but Jai's wounds are healing nicely and the Doctor is confident her leg is now OK and that she will be able to walk again by the end of the month which is very good news. Thanks again to all for your concern and sincerely hope none of you have to go through this (although I bet some of you already have!)....it is pretty traumatic to say the least.

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Any dogs not kept in secure yards and excercised by their owners should be treated as wild/feral

and disposed of by the local govt or sent somewhere that uses them for food

Packs of them everywhere including the beaches, good riddance to bad rubbish

Probably needs a outbreak of rabies before the govt who is responsible for the streets does anything about them

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Throw some meat laced with paracetamol over the fence! Sorry to hear about your wife, imagine if this was a small child!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Unless it was a large dose of pannadol, which would cause liver failure, what effect would the pannodol have on a big dog.

A famous expression is: "A bullet only costs 20 cents......" Pitbulls and other fighting breeds should not be allowed to exist-full stop.

And so the usual ignorant posts regarding dog attacks start here. There are no bad dogs, simply bad owners, the OP's post confirms this. Give the poison of your choice to them, not the dog. Although there are of course breeds more aggressive breeds than others. But hey! There was a report this week of a pack of Chihuahas terrorising a local neighbourhood in the US laugh.png

I knew a farang guy who bred Pitbulls on the island, he told me his best customers were the police - despite Pitbulls being, no, haha, 'illegal' in LaLaLand.

As to the amount of compo, a farang neighbour's dog bit another farang neighbour and paid out 100k.

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  • 1 month later...

It is now the end of April and my wife and I have been back in UK for a month. I wish to sincerely thank the people on this forum who were kind enough to contact me during this awful episode. The good advice I was offered and I tried to act upon was of great assistance and helped me to stay focused on what became our main concern which was the removal of this dog before it hurt or even killed someone. Jai (wife) is still undergoing treatment here in UK but we are assured that her scars will disappear by the end of the year and that she will be able to walk without assistance soon (she has a walking stick at present). We didn't get to see much of Phuket and unfortunately this has put my wife off from returning to her homeland which is a shame after the time she spent convincing me that we should visit! It was worrying and pretty scary to see so many unattended dogs all over the place. Thank you again all of you and for the amazing support from the Thai people that I met. Paul.

Thanks for the update and I'm sure everyone reading this will be happy to read that your wife is recuperating well.

I am lucky where I live in that all the soi dogs are either friendly or timid. The only noisy, aggressive dog is in my next door neighbour's garden, never in the street. Never. It barks at everything that moves or makes a noise, especially at other neighbours leaving home or arriving.

What a difference that dog is to the wild dogs on Toh Sae hill who are always happy to see me - probably because they are hungry - and are a joy to be around:

And, right on cue, the postman arrived while I was writing this and beeped his horn! biggrin.png So I go out to sign for my mail and my neighbour's lovely dog starts up:

So, what wrong with this dog? xhuh.png.pagespeed.ic.6VcCaNwNXg.png

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