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Red shirt leader Thida tells Thai Navy to stop guarding anti-govt protesters


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VOMIT sick.gif.pagespeed.ce.tVTSNn-2vr.pngsick.gif.pagespeed.ce.tVTSNn-2vr.png

Red shirt democracy. Kill 'em, bomb 'em, destroy 'em.

Yeah, we really need to keep these guys in office...

You are missing the point. The Navy personnel are refusing to allow the civilian police from carrying out a non violent dispersal of the squatters. The lower court upheld the SOE. That means it upheld the government's duty and obligation to reopen blocked roadways. The court also said that the civila authority could not use force. Unfortunately, when there are heavily armed military personnel protecting an illegal activity, it prevents a non violent response. It also demonstrates a conflict of interest and the tacit support of some parts of the military for illegal activity.

They are trying to protect themselves against daily grenade attacks from Tidas monkeys. I really doubt they care what Tida, the police or anyone else thinks about them trying to defend themselves, especially after they found out that the red shirts cheered when the protesters children were killed.

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Sorry Thida but in what official capacity are you allowed to tell the military what they can or cannot do? Have to admit you have a set of stones on you. Even the Poo doesn't tell the military what to do.

Unlike the police and the CMPO, at least one organization is doing its job to protect the people. These people are getting shot at and bombed daily so why shouldn't the Navy protect them? If the police won't do their job, the military will.

She has every right as a citizen of Thailand to voice her opinion. What she is really saying is that the military should not take sides which is what it might appear my protecting demonstrators. The military should not of its own volition be inserting itself into the arena. Certainly they have no business protecting demonstrators if they won't even protect government buildings from the demonstrators or protect government workers so they can go to work. Under this kind of thinking maybe they should just do away with the government and other institutions of government and rule the country like Burma. Problem solved. I don't think the police are exactly welcome at demonstration sites from what I have seen.

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I heard there's a opening for a ThaVisa branch, not mouthing off here, but in the font line of the protests, any takers ?

Zimmer frames and Wheelchairs at the ready, pathetic !

Edited by 10Yen
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No I haven't. With all the bombings and killings, I'm glad at least someone in the military is there protecting the protestors.

Well at least you are being honest in your contempt for a civilian government. You have made clear that you support the Thai military's conflict of interest and of its taking sides in a political matter. A professional military does not meddle in this manner. Nor does it take up arms against a civilian government acting in a lawful manner. As a reminder, the lower court upheld the SOE which included the dispersal of the squatters,

Oh my, do you really think TVGerry is the only one with contempt for this government? I know you follow TV, so you must have noticed that I and many others show similar contempt.

Anyway, to clear any doubt from your mind. I would prefer any general or even a monkey as PM rather than the current government - by any means. Hell, I would even prefer you as PM :-)

Edited by monkeycountry
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I will tell you one thing, you will get ThaiVisa banned on Thai servers, the BS that is written here and allowed is unbelievable, it will come back and bite this site in the azz.

Where are the mods, don't you realise so many of these posts are slanderous ?

You should really take a lot more care.

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Sorry Thida but in what official capacity are you allowed to tell the military what they can or cannot do? Have to admit you have a set of stones on you. Even the Poo doesn't tell the military what to do.

Unlike the police and the CMPO, at least one organization is doing its job to protect the people. These people are getting shot at and bombed daily so why shouldn't the Navy protect them? If the police won't do their job, the military will.

She has every right as a citizen of Thailand to voice her opinion. What she is really saying is that the military should not take sides which is what it might appear my protecting demonstrators. The military should not of its own volition be inserting itself into the arena. Certainly they have no business protecting demonstrators if they won't even protect government buildings from the demonstrators or protect government workers so they can go to work. Under this kind of thinking maybe they should just do away with the government and other institutions of government and rule the country like Burma. Problem solved. I don't think the police are exactly welcome at demonstration sites from what I have seen.

Protecting peoples lives from grenade attacks usually takes precedence over protecting buildings and jobs.

I can of course understand why Tida is annoyed that the military is protecting the protesters from her grenade throwing red shirt thugs. Afterall how can she entertain the red shirts at rallies, if she cannot tell tales of murdered children at protester rallies?

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Sorry Thida but in what official capacity are you allowed to tell the military what they can or cannot do? Have to admit you have a set of stones on you. Even the Poo doesn't tell the military what to do.

Unlike the police and the CMPO, at least one organization is doing its job to protect the people. These people are getting shot at and bombed daily so why shouldn't the Navy protect them? If the police won't do their job, the military will.

She has every right as a citizen of Thailand to voice her opinion. What she is really saying is that the military should not take sides which is what it might appear my protecting demonstrators. The military should not of its own volition be inserting itself into the arena. Certainly they have no business protecting demonstrators if they won't even protect government buildings from the demonstrators or protect government workers so they can go to work. Under this kind of thinking maybe they should just do away with the government and other institutions of government and rule the country like Burma. Problem solved. I don't think the police are exactly welcome at demonstration sites from what I have seen.

Why shouldn't the military protect the demonstrators? They're being shot at and bombed on a daily basis and since the police aren't protecting them, the military is taking the initiative. Well done. Who cares about government buildings when human beings are being shot and blown up? And where have you been the last few months? Doing away with this government is exactly the point of the protests.

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is she 102 or 103 years old ? I can't decide at all.

Who cares what she looks like....she has a good heart and a fine brain

Even if she did have those attributes, which I doubt, she has a venomous mouth, and no compassion.

I guess Prbkk did not see the cheering video, or perhaps Prbkk simply believes applauding deadly attacks on children equals having a good heart?

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I was born red.

Grew up in a 'Red; family

Voted red for the most part of my life

Even could symapthize with the red movement.

UNTILL i saw a crowd of red shirt and a red faced (ex) policeman hailing the murder of innocent people among them 2 children in 1 family.

I couldn't believe my ears ...when the socalled wardrum was beating a drum of murder and destruction.

I changed colours since!

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Go Thida! Speaking truth to power. A Thai leader who actually makes sense and knows who is accountable. Never mind the mindless, sexist rantings in this forum. Your truth is beautiful to me.

Another reincarnation.

Unfortunately not all come back as cockroaches but some do as a weasel!


Smart guy, his erlier nic was LadPhrao123, nex time he might show up as LadPhrao12345. cheesy.gif

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This woman Thida is an evil person. An avowed communist past which is currently still here in here political dogma and comments even now.,

However some questions Thida.

How can you or why do you align yourself with Thaksin?

His (Thaksin) political views are indeed at odds with yours in more ways than one.O.K. you both delight in the thought of controlling the people. Yet with your political dogma Thida how do you reconcile your socialist communist ideals with Thaksins free enterprise and businesses and self enrichment ideals?

Are you blinded as to the truth of Thaksin's plan or are you blinded by the thought of a few crumbs from the table of a rich man for a brief period of time until your usefulness is done with and you and your political friends vanish without a trace as a number of prominent anti Thaksin people have over the years?

Or might there be a financial incentive, retirement and no income is not perhaps a pleasant panorama for you and you, thus you are able and indeed willing to sell your principles to the highest bidder.

No Thida you do not convince me of your ideals, to my mind and many others minds too you are nothing more than an unprincipled political power wanna be.

We've yet to hear you condemn the massacre of innocent children.

Thida, your politics are red, as is the blood of those massacred innocents on your hands.

You cannot give it a rest can you?

Grenades being lobbed about and With all your childish scare-mongering and hatred and incessant stirring it would seem you would be happy for thailand to descend into civil war.

A way back from this mess has to be found and that takes dialogue.

It will even if there is war.

Unmasked are some of the protestors but heaven forbid the red shirts come down to bangkok.

I hope the ordinary bangkokians come out in numbers and tell these bullies on the streets where to go and they can skulk off to southern parts and then the discussions can begin for the way forward.

It has to be a joke when red cheerleaders start prattling on about 'dialogue'. Some of us have slightly longer memories of when Thaksin kicked dialogue into touch in 2010 when the end result didn't meet his personal agenda. Anybody who thinks there can be dialogue about the removal of the Shinawatras from Thai public life is not quite of this world.

Still his party won the election hands down and those whom you support were kicked into touch only now to resume their activities from 2008

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Go Thida! Speaking truth to power. A Thai leader who actually makes sense and knows who is accountable. Never mind the mindless, sexist rantings in this forum. Your truth is beautiful to me.

Another reincarnation.

Unfortunately not all come back as cockroaches but some do as a weasel!


Smart guy, his erlier nic was LadPhrao123, nex time he might show up as LadPhrao12345. cheesy.gif

Why do you care?

Did you ban him before?

Unfortunately not all come back as cockroaches but some do as a weasel!

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It has to be a joke when red cheerleaders start prattling on about 'dialogue'. Some of us have slightly longer memories of when Thaksin kicked dialogue into touch in 2010 when the end result didn't meet his personal agenda. Anybody who thinks there can be dialogue about the removal of the Shinawatras from Thai public life is not quite of this world.

Still his party won the election hands down and those whom you support were kicked into touch only now to resume their activities from 2008

And after being elected, his party resumed the corrupt practices that saw them kicked out in 2006, but this time on a larger scale. Of course they would all have been innocent, had the amnesty bill passed.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

This woman Thida is an evil person. An avowed communist past which is currently still here in here political dogma and comments even now.,

However some questions Thida.

How can you or why do you align yourself with Thaksin?

His (Thaksin) political views are indeed at odds with yours in more ways than one.O.K. you both delight in the thought of controlling the people. Yet with your political dogma Thida how do you reconcile your socialist communist ideals with Thaksins free enterprise and businesses and self enrichment ideals?

Are you blinded as to the truth of Thaksin's plan or are you blinded by the thought of a few crumbs from the table of a rich man for a brief period of time until your usefulness is done with and you and your political friends vanish without a trace as a number of prominent anti Thaksin people have over the years?

Or might there be a financial incentive, retirement and no income is not perhaps a pleasant panorama for you and you, thus you are able and indeed willing to sell your principles to the highest bidder.

No Thida you do not convince me of your ideals, to my mind and many others minds too you are nothing more than an unprincipled political power wanna be.

We've yet to hear you condemn the massacre of innocent children.

Thida, your politics are red, as is the blood of those massacred innocents on your hands.

You cannot give it a rest can you?
Grenades being lobbed about and With all your childish scare-mongering and hatred and incessant stirring it would seem you would be happy for thailand to descend into civil war.

A way back from this mess has to be found and that takes dialogue.
It will even if there is war.
Unmasked are some of the protestors but heaven forbid the red shirts come down to bangkok.
I hope the ordinary bangkokians come out in numbers and tell these bullies on the streets where to go and they can skulk off to southern parts and then the discussions can begin for the way forward.

It has to be a joke when red cheerleaders start prattling on about 'dialogue'. Some of us have slightly longer memories of when Thaksin kicked dialogue into touch in 2010 when the end result didn't meet his personal agenda. Anybody who thinks there can be dialogue about the removal of the Shinawatras from Thai public life is not quite of this world.

Still his party won the election hands down and those whom you support were kicked into touch only now to resume their activities from 2008

Another "if you don't support Thaksin you must be a yellow shirt" brigade - keep telling yourself that if it makes you happy.

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So a Red Shirt leader is happy that children are being killed. These guys are real low life scum. The fact that the same guy is on stage until the end with Thida, Weng, Jatuporn and Nathawut standing next to him says it all.

Actualy, that's not quite true. It's all in the video.

I'm not defending them - I dislike the red shirts intensely, but at least Thida had the sense to interrupt this idiot's gloating when she saw what a huge PR backlash there would be if he didn't &lt;deleted&gt; sharpish.

She managed to stop him and another chap then started talking over Dab Daeng, who hadn't the wit to see what damage he was doing and kept ranting.

Finally, the other chap managed to shut him up and after a big hug, shuffled him off the stage, still chuntering.

I have to say that, if you want to see a true, dumb, stupid, uneducated red shirt in action, police officer Dab Daeng is your man.

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So a Red Shirt leader is happy that children are being killed. These guys are real low life scum. The fact that the same guy is on stage until the end with Thida, Weng, Jatuporn and Nathawut standing next to him says it all.

Actualy, that's not quite true. It's all in the video.

I'm not defending them - I dislike the red shirts intensely, but at least Thida had the sense to interrupt this idiot's gloating when she saw what a huge PR backlash there would be if he didn't &lt;deleted&gt; sharpish.

She managed to stop him and another chap then started talking over Dab Daeng, who hadn't the wit to see what damage he was doing and kept ranting.

Finally, the other chap managed to shut him up and after a big hug, shuffled him off the stage, still chuntering.

I have to say that, if you want to see a true, dumb, stupid, uneducated red shirt in action, police officer Dab Daeng is your man.

While the leadership is split on whether or not they're happy that people have died, what's disturbing are the cheers and the applause coming from the crowds. Sure they shut Dab Daeng up but the cameras panning to the cheering crowds didn't show the reds on a particularly good light. It doesn't seem to be Dab Daeng alone that's dumb, stupid and uneducated.

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While the leadership is split on whether or not they're happy that people have died, what's disturbing are the cheers and the applause coming from the crowds. Sure they shut Dab Daeng up but the cameras panning to the cheering crowds didn't show the reds on a particularly good light. It doesn't seem to be Dab Daeng alone that's dumb, stupid and uneducated.

Agreed, although the video I saw only had the cheering in the background. I saw no camera pans across cheering crowds in the video posted on here, which is the only one I've seen.

But what I meant was that Dab Daeng was the sort of idiot that personified the sort of behaviour typical of the reds. Sorry if I didn't make that clear.

Edited by Mister Fixit
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If Thida wants the Royal Thai Navy Seals to stop their Monty Pythonesque involvement, perhaps she should promise to buy the Admirals a slack hand full of ex German U Boats to play with should PT remain in government.

They would look good tied up next to the aircraft carrier which was their last bung!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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If Thida wants the Royal Thai Navy Seals to stop their Monty Pythonesque involvement, perhaps she should promise to buy the Admirals a slack hand full of ex German U Boats to play with should PT remain in government.

They would look good tied up next to the aircraft carrier which was their last bung!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Or she could promise them that her red thugs will stop the indiscriminate killing and harassment. Not that they would believe her.

How's a poor red shirt supposed to make a buck if he can't engage in a bit of mercenary terrorism?

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