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Deputy govt spokeswoman Sunisa detained by PDRC


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Killing children is ok for The Red Kool aid gang, but seriously this incident being classed as kidnap is ridiculous, as are the claims that it would be classified as such in other countries, and that only police are able to detain people. Clearly, so,e people need to have a better understanding of laws etc. Even Chooka, who is certainly not a supporter of Suthep, and ex police agrees that it's no kidnap.

I don't agree with the actions, although I also think she was pretty stupid to be walking around there. If that was her aim, to get some bad publicity, then she has succeeded. Sunisa, for what it is worth was an army deserter I believe that wrote a book called "Thanksin where are you?". She certainly would not have been a popular person at the demos.

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I think that's called kidnapping. Or maybe false imprisonment?

Have the courts granted some extra powers to the guards?

Dear Judges, do the "in your shoes" test.

If you were doing shopping errands and the guards grabbed you, would you think that was OK? No? So why not gut that ruling on the SOE & popcorn man and let the government and police do their jobs.

Edited by BlueNoseCodger
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It is only semantics if you prefer to use the words kidnap, abduction, false-imprisonment, hostage-taking or whatever.

The fact is that if you take hold of a person, drag them behind a building and refuse press photography of the area, and hold that person for an hour it is a crime - you are taking a person against their wishes and that most certainly is a crime internationally. It causes great distress to the victim and as I said before it erodes society because the more this crime occurs the more it becomes normalised and an accepted part of life. That is how dictatorships work. It starts with a few kidnappings and before you know it Jo Stalin is sitting there smashed on vodka and picking names out of the phone book at random and having those people executed. It is a totally slippery slope and once you start condoning abduction/kidnaps of unarmed women for an hour, you are opening the gates to future tyranny.

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Suthep has created a monster he increasingly no longer has control of.

The previous corrupt government may seem like heaven compared to the anarchy that is about to ensue.

Perspective, please. The pro-government side has already assassinated one of the protest leaders on a public road, while he was not even engaged in a protest.

You have proof?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Only one word for it............Kidnapping.

Sunisa should make a formal complaint to the police to have the protest leaders arrested.

Good point but it will be meaningless with the kangaroo courts of Thailand.

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Suthep has created a monster he increasingly no longer has control of.

The previous corrupt government may seem like heaven compared to the anarchy that is about to ensue.

Perspective, please. The pro-government side has already assassinated one of the protest leaders on a public road, while he was not even engaged in a protest.
Where is the proof that he was assassinated by a pro-government side?

Otherwise you are rumor mongering, which is against forum rules. And it's off-topic anyways. Stick to the topic please.


That's not solipsism. He was asking you to provide proof that the "assassination" as you put it, was carried out by the UDD.

By doing that he is acknowledging that you have a mind also (although you don't appear to be using it on this occasion) thus acknowledging facts outside of his own mind exists, so how can you accuse him of solipism?

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So now we can add kidnapping to the list of crimes by PDRC!

The police can do nothing becayse the courts supporting these criminals have ruled everything they do is now legal.

What a terrible situation!

The court have ruled nothing of the sort! Thailand's criminal laws have not been altered in any way. The only thing they ruled on was the powers of the SoE..!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Is anybody still wondering why YL is spending most of her time in hiding?

Sutheps thugs are detaining people in the street and holding them for questioning, it is about time that the thugs were brought to book. Poor girl must have been terrified, she is only just older than a child. (and very pretty)wub.png

she was actually very brave - but who wouldn't be terrified - somebody took pics as well;

Here you can also see Suthep using children as human shields on his march


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K Sunisa is a Police 1st Lieutenant, a well known government spokesman and Yingluck assistant!

She is understandably viewed by the protesters as "the enemy"!

The Guard rushed to PROTECT her!

They took her away from the cloud and cooled dawn the people.

When everything was safe, they escorted her safely to the nearest BTS station.

The major question here is => Why do you think she went in the middle of the protest?

Is she really stupid? Or, more likely, trying to do bad publicity to the PDRC!?

I think her beauty clinic is there.

And the beautify clinic was there before Suthep came.

Is she stupid?

You said it as though women wearing short skirt deserves to be rape?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Do these guards have the authority by law to detain people at will now?

She was detained on a public street, not on private property. Siam Square doesn't belong to the Suthep militants.

Sick bunch of people.

I would have thought that Sunisa once she was cornered by whistling protesters was thankful for the intervention of the guards which was clearly for her safety.

I bet they also knew that in doing so, there would be many idiots slamming them with 'kidnapping accusations' etc....

They would have been right.

Maybe they should have just left her to her fate.

Wonder what would have happened had a Dem spokesperson wandered into a red shirt camp????

She was taken by guards to be inside the Bangkok Museum for a while for fear that she might be harmed by some angry protesters.

The guards later took her to the car park of Siam Paragon and released her

If you consider this as 'kidnapping' what would you consider all the crimes this government have openly committed not even mentioning all the crimes Thaksin has committed against the public with his slaughterings

So is the Siam Paragon shopping mall now considered Suthep territory? And anyone who is there, ie., "on shopping errands," they are subject to kidnapping and physical abuse by the Suthep mob? Is Suthep now a government onto his own? I appreciation the humanity of Suthep's guards to help her escape from the scene but shouldn't they rather had refrained the mob from its incivility and criminality against this woman? And I note with curiosity that the force used against this woman and the force used by the guards to assist in her escape would have been ruled illegal by the Civil Court had the guards been police instead.

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Looks like the second report is more realistic than the first.

What it amounts to is that the guards got her out of out of harms way and took her to a safe place.

Mind you she should not have been hassled in the first place.

But then neither should the singer in CM.

The hate is really out of control on this country and on this board, as we see in previous posts on this subject.

The Nation has tried to spin the incident as The hero guard protecting the girl from the whistle blowing mob?

They had to take her around the back of a building away from the press and hold her for an hour to protect her?

Or the NNT has tried to spin it as a kidnapping. Neither version makes the pdrc look good though.

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K Sunisa is a Police 1st Lieutenant, a well known government spokesman and Yingluck assistant!

She is understandably viewed by the protesters as "the enemy"!

The Guard rushed to PROTECT her!

They took her away from the cloud and cooled dawn the people.

When everything was safe, they escorted her safely to the nearest BTS station.

The major question here is => Why do you think she went in the middle of the protest?

Is she really stupid? Or, more likely, trying to do bad publicity to the PDRC!?

I think her beauty clinic is there.

And the beautify clinic was there before Suthep came.

Is she stupid?

You said it as though women wearing short skirt deserves to be rape?

Hardly an appropriate analogy, since she was not harmed, and was probably protected from being harmed.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Is anybody still wondering why YL is spending most of her time in hiding?

Sutheps thugs are detaining people in the street and holding them for questioning, it is about time that the thugs were brought to book. Poor girl must have been terrified, she is only just older than a child. (and very pretty)wub.png

Oh come on, Sunisa is a paid for Thaksin lapdog.

First Lieutenant Sunisa. She is a junior officer and wouldn't wield much clout, a nobody in the big scheme of things. She probably just joined the military and got seconded to the position.

Is she not the one who wrote the book about searching for thaksin?

Edited by Bluespunk
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I suppose the obvious question is ; if PDRC are a peaceful democratic protest movement, why would the PDRC guards need to abduct shoppers to protect those shoppers from PDRC protestors?

Surely peaceful and democratic protestors pose no threat to lone women who are window-shopping? Why would PDRC guards need to abduct her to protect her from their own peaceful democratic protestors?

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Suthep briefing his thugs.

OK Guys, you grab her and drag her around the back.

Meanwhile i will pretend to be upset and angry with you.

That should earn us some "Brownie Points" with the world media as they are not showing any interest at the moment.

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Only one word for it............Kidnapping.

Sunisa should make a formal complaint to the police to have the protest leaders arrested.

The protest leader ordered her release.

Ha. Ha., just how naive can you get. This was all set up by Suthep, so that he could "play" the good guy card. Wake up!cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.giffacepalm.gif

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So now we can add kidnapping to the list of crimes by PDRC!

The police can do nothing becayse the courts supporting these criminals have ruled everything they do is now legal.

What a terrible situation!

..and child killers to the other side.

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Only one word for it............Kidnapping.

Sunisa should make a formal complaint to the police to have the protest leaders arrested.

Arrest protest leaders??? Whose going to do it? And how? Remember the restrictions placed on the police under the ruling on the SOE?

All this proves is that it is easier to operate 'outside' the law with no consequences. The armies in black will fight it out.

In the meantime innocent bystanders and children fall victim to this senseless but all too predictable violence.

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I think if the guards had not detained her a lot worse could of happened.

Was she on a spying mission?

"Spying Mission" another silly comment from Basil a Suthep cheerleader.

She went out of the office to buy her lunch.

In any other society its called being kidnapped

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Suthep has created a monster he increasingly no longer has control of.

The previous corrupt government may seem like heaven compared to the anarchy that is about to ensue.

Much can be said also by the alignment of PtP, Red Shirts, UDD, and the Policecoffee1.gif

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