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Thailand: Political chaos claims fourth child victim


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To the families who have lost their children my heart goes out to you.

I lost my son 26 years ago and still feel the lose.

I may not feel the lose the same as you but I have felt the pain the same as you.

It is not a crippling feeling now just a sense of what might have been.

It just increases my joy in his brothers.

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Whats even sadder is that some forum members are using a childs death to fingerpoint at other forum members affiliations with whatever colour shirt you adore!!
The death of a child through political divide is sad, but unfortunately it happens all over the world. Dozens of children and killed in Syria every day, which doesn't make it any less poignant.

Mindless violence solves nothing, both sides need to take a good long hard look at themselves, but it will not change as long as the mentality of violence remains.

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The only fact here is

That a group of violent thugs are causing trouble and death to innocents in BKK

The protestors are saying it the government and the government are saying it the protestors wanting a Coup

My Thai wife has said to me on many times that Taskin knows he can not win so will do anything to make sure that his followers are the innocent party

A coup would give them the proof they when thrown out by a military force and give them evidence they need to show the world this was undemocratic

The protestors want the government to loose because they corrupt they want the army only to help safety, this is no win if there is a coup

That would be winning by default and that is not a win

This is not about winning and becoming the next Government

This is about for once and for all, cutting the ropes that hold Thailand in to the corrupt past and start a new Thailand

This can not be achieved by a Coup

It can only be achieved if the corrupt are stopped from closing all the books so no one can see the truth

As this is her country I guess this is what really matters

My only question is why are there so many farang who do not want the Thai people to see the books and have them audited

to have a new start for Thailand the financial books must be made available for accountability before any reform can take place

If Yingluck is innocent let her face the people

I would like to see 10 people chosen from both sides

and a public debate on TV where both side must answer the questions from the people

In answer to your question on the farangs, simple; they live, visit and / or use Thailand for their own jollies because they are outcasts, losers and brain dead ignoramuses in their own country.

whereas you are bright, highly intelligent and god's gift to the world.

Are you gifted, how did you know about me? However I must add, your comment leaves me one thing to say. I rest my case your honor.

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Whats even sadder is that some forum members are using a childs death to fingerpoint at other forum members affiliations with whatever colour shirt you adore!!

The death of a child through political divide is sad, but unfortunately it happens all over the world. Dozens of children and killed in Syria every day, which doesn't make it any less poignant.

Mindless violence solves nothing, both sides need to take a good long hard look at themselves, but it will not change as long as the mentality of violence remains.

Look at themselves, not a chance - this is Thailand and they are all too busy looking at the other side trying to score points.

And yes you are right, mindless and senseless violence, usually paid for by someone else with their own agenda taking priority over mindful thinking - Me Me Me.

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The only fact here is

That a group of violent thugs are causing trouble and death to innocents in BKK

The protestors are saying it the government and the government are saying it the protestors wanting a Coup

My Thai wife has said to me on many times that Taskin knows he can not win so will do anything to make sure that his followers are the innocent party

A coup would give them the proof they when thrown out by a military force and give them evidence they need to show the world this was undemocratic

The protestors want the government to loose because they corrupt they want the army only to help safety, this is no win if there is a coup

That would be winning by default and that is not a win

This is not about winning and becoming the next Government

This is about for once and for all, cutting the ropes that hold Thailand in to the corrupt past and start a new Thailand

This can not be achieved by a Coup

It can only be achieved if the corrupt are stopped from closing all the books so no one can see the truth

As this is her country I guess this is what really matters

My only question is why are there so many farang who do not want the Thai people to see the books and have them audited

to have a new start for Thailand the financial books must be made available for accountability before any reform can take place

If Yingluck is innocent let her face the people

I would like to see 10 people chosen from both sides

and a public debate on TV where both side must answer the questions from the people

I could not disagree with you more about one thing - this is not "about for once and for all, cutting the ropes that hold Thailand in to the corrupt past and start a new Thailand."

This is about a very rich and powerful group behind the PDRC [and we can only imagine who they are but I can guess] who are trying to oust the very rich and powerful Thaksin and his cronies so they can take their turn at the trough of corruption.

But I do agree with you about having a public debate on TV. However I think that is just something we can dream about.

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The only fact here is

That a group of violent thugs are causing trouble and death to innocents in BKK

The protestors are saying it the government and the government are saying it the protestors wanting a Coup

My Thai wife has said to me on many times that Taskin knows he can not win so will do anything to make sure that his followers are the innocent party

A coup would give them the proof they when thrown out by a military force and give them evidence they need to show the world this was undemocratic

The protestors want the government to loose because they corrupt they want the army only to help safety, this is no win if there is a coup

That would be winning by default and that is not a win

This is not about winning and becoming the next Government

This is about for once and for all, cutting the ropes that hold Thailand in to the corrupt past and start a new Thailand

This can not be achieved by a Coup

It can only be achieved if the corrupt are stopped from closing all the books so no one can see the truth

As this is her country I guess this is what really matters

My only question is why are there so many farang who do not want the Thai people to see the books and have them audited

to have a new start for Thailand the financial books must be made available for accountability before any reform can take place

If Yingluck is innocent let her face the people

I would like to see 10 people chosen from both sides

and a public debate on TV where both side must answer the questions from the people

In answer to your question on the farangs, simple; they live, visit and / or use Thailand for their own jollies because they are outcasts, losers and brain dead ignoramuses in their own country.

whereas you are bright, highly intelligent and god's gift to the world.

Are you gifted, how did you know about me? However I must add, your comment leaves me one thing to say. I rest my case your honor.

Sorry to say, all second, third and runner-up prizes have all ready been handed out today, looks like you missed out.

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Concurrently, there are a number of things that are happening at the same time. On the one hand, are these unspeakable crimes against humanity and the real human cost they are having. On the other hand, are the monstrously self-serving and deceptive spins that Chalerm and the police's upper echelon are putting out. Given the fact that there is already evidence of Chalerm's clamp-down on the media, this adds to it because - to be sure - whatever comes into Chalerm's head at any given moment is immediately deemed fit for prime-time. The narrative being given to the public is, consequently, not far from the prism of Khaosod. Not only is that a great threat to democracy, but it cheats the people of the whole view, and by so doing, does not pay respect and homage to the public's intelligence and right to make up their own mind. Media has a duty to present more - not less - information. Media has a duty to cover more - not less. And media has a duty to make sure they are not the mouthpiece of the administration or the administration's narrative.These events should be the subject of wall-to-wall media coverage. The media - and most recently social media - have been the instrument of change in the world. The media has a moral right to regard Chalerm as an impediment to the public's right to know. The media has a right to take a stand.

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Too sad to make any sensible comment other than -- please stop the carnage.

Farang always criticize Thai for involving Children in an up raising flight for a better tomorrow.

Are you sure Farang don't involve children to take up arms to fight the corrupted government?

Say the French revolution? The most celebrated painting is of a Mother and her child (bearing arms) on her right.


That is "Liberty Leading the People" by Delacroix. The painting is full of symbolism. According to the Wiki article, the child represents the "revolutionary urban worker" and the woman personifies Liberty (and is definitely baring while bearing - my kind of liberty).

My condolences to the friends and families of the innocents that have died or been injured.

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Both sides have to accept responsibility for the slaughter of innocent people and, in particular, children. The rhetoric employed by people on either side of the divide is entirely responsible, rhetoric that leads people stupid enough to not realize that they are being played by power-hungry thugs to commit these atrocities.

RIP to all the victims, especially the children and I do hope that those really responsible rot in hell.

To rot in hell is insufficient punishment for these low-life's, I hope their crotch is infected with a thousand hungry camel fleas.

Sorry sir, considering the region we're in, camels are quite rare. Would you settle for fire ants instead? Considering they're quite common here, getting more than a thousand should be a cinch cheesy.gif We should also extend this courtesy to those who supported AND applauded these despicable acts.

Jokes aside, I really can't work out how these low-lifes can actually sleep at night.

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Sad Sad Sad. Idiots that keep on saying its the protesters doing this probably have not even been to the sites. It is a pretty peaceful bunch and even though I am not a Suthep fan (because he is in it for his own reasons) he repeats the mantra "no violence" constantly to his followers.

I am not sure that Suthep can control each and every one of his followers. I passed the demonstration site at MBK yesterday and some of the people there certainly seem ready for violence, wearing body armor and face masks. And there was plenty of violence last week when the police tried clearing the protest sites.

Suthep may not be able to control each and every one of his followers, but apparently he is not even able to control himself. Because as this TV shot from Thai PBS news from yesterday shows, he himself is now using children as human shields:


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Sad Sad Sad. Idiots that keep on saying its the protesters doing this probably have not even been to the sites. It is a pretty peaceful bunch and even though I am not a Suthep fan (because he is in it for his own reasons) he repeats the mantra "no violence" constantly to his followers.

I am not sure that Suthep can control each and every one of his followers. I passed the demonstration site at MBK yesterday and some of the people there certainly seem ready for violence, wearing body armor and face masks. And there was plenty of violence last week when the police tried clearing the protest sites.

Suthep may not be able to control each and every one of his followers, but apparently he is not even able to control himself. Because as this TV shot from Thai PBS news from yesterday shows, he himself is now using children as human shields:


So at anytime I now see a politician in Thailand with a child near them, I'll assume that they are being used as a human shield.

Nice bit of disinformation though.

Would you also be able to advise to as why The RTP have not arrested anyone in connection with the recent murders at anti government sites?

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Sad Sad Sad. Idiots that keep on saying its the protesters doing this probably have not even been to the sites. It is a pretty peaceful bunch and even though I am not a Suthep fan (because he is in it for his own reasons) he repeats the mantra "no violence" constantly to his followers.

I am not sure that Suthep can control each and every one of his followers. I passed the demonstration site at MBK yesterday and some of the people there certainly seem ready for violence, wearing body armor and face masks. And there was plenty of violence last week when the police tried clearing the protest sites.

Suthep may not be able to control each and every one of his followers, but apparently he is not even able to control himself. Because as this TV shot from Thai PBS news from yesterday shows, he himself is now using children as human shields:


So at anytime I now see a politician in Thailand with a child near them, I'll assume that they are being used as a human shield.

Nice bit of disinformation though.

Would you also be able to advise to as why The RTP have not arrested anyone in connection with the recent murders at anti government sites?

So, do you support Suthep using children as human shields or do you condemn it?

Suthep with his divisive speeches and actions has become a person hated by about half the entire nation. He knows that he is a target for extremists, yet he surrounds himself with children while walking on the streets.

That, my friend, is disgusting and shows his true nature, no matter what spin you put on it.

Children don't belong at political protests which may turn violent at any time. And they certainly don't belong besides Suthep as human shields.

Don't even try to come up with excuses here. bah.gif

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Sad Sad Sad. Idiots that keep on saying its the protesters doing this probably have not even been to the sites. It is a pretty peaceful bunch and even though I am not a Suthep fan (because he is in it for his own reasons) he repeats the mantra "no violence" constantly to his followers.

I am not sure that Suthep can control each and every one of his followers. I passed the demonstration site at MBK yesterday and some of the people there certainly seem ready for violence, wearing body armor and face masks. And there was plenty of violence last week when the police tried clearing the protest sites.

Suthep may not be able to control each and every one of his followers, but apparently he is not even able to control himself. Because as this TV shot from Thai PBS news from yesterday shows, he himself is now using children as human shields:


So at anytime I now see a politician in Thailand with a child near them, I'll assume that they are being used as a human shield.

Nice bit of disinformation though.

Would you also be able to advise to as why The RTP have not arrested anyone in connection with the recent murders at anti government sites?

So, do you support Suthep using children as human shields or do you condemn it?

Suthep with his divisive speeches and actions has become a person hated by about half the entire nation. He knows that he is a target for extremists, yet he surrounds himself with children while walking on the streets.

That, my friend, is disgusting and shows his true nature, no matter what spin you put on it.

Children don't belong at political protests which may turn violent at any time. And they certainly don't belong besides Suthep as human shields.

Don't even try to come up with excuses here. bah.gif

Once again you fail to answer questions.

Do I condone children being at protests, no I don't, and as a parent myself I wouldn't allow or take my children to them. However, Suthep is not responsible for who turns up, that's quite ridiculous.

So, a question

1) why have RTP failed to arrest anyone in connection with the murders and also bombings of protest sites.

2) can you outline PTPs principles of democracy and their following of the rule of law?

That would be a nice start.

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It's a photo of a man walking with people, two of whom happen to appear young. To twist that around and claim the man has employed some of them for 'human shields' is really grasping at straws. Do you work for T or Noppadom?

I think it is highly likely.

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