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Reds besiege NACC HQ as PM Yingluck gets hero's welcome in North


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" Well that confirms that the reds are planning to split Thailand into the northern Republic of Shin, where "corruption is normal"(long termers will remember the champion of democracy that said that infamous quote), the people will be promised everything while being robbed of their hope, future and dignity. Good luck to them up there, they will get exactly what they want and deserve." If the scenario you paint is correct the people 'up there' will have the option to vote out their leaders in an election every 4 years, unlike 'you down there' who will have 'good people' running your 'country' with no limit to the time they can rule because you will have no recourse to elections unless 'the good people' are prepared to sanction them.

"Meanwhile the rest of the nation can continue in an improving democracy, complete with strengthened checks and balances, functioning police force, education improvements. The vital lesson that must be learned for the nation south of the Republic of Shin is that a cult of personality such as the one that the Shins created must never be allowed again. Had Thaksin's first election win been nullified due to his lying and blatant asset concealment(which showed he was 100% unsuitable to be PM in a functioning democracy) none of this mess would have happened. Checks and balances, checks and balances........" With your democracy improved by not having elections but having unelected 'good people' deciding what is good for you. The vital lesson that must be learned for the nation south of the Republic of Shin is that democracy, even if it is a flawed democracy, has to be a better option than an unelected council, who, despite Suthep saying 1 to 1.5 years, would have no 'set in stone' term of office. If they decide to stay in power, who will be able to remove them? Certainly not the 'educated middle-class Bangkokians' as they will have given away their right to vote, so who will provide the checks and balances on these 'good people'?

Thank you for putting your 'red thought' in red text. It makes it so much easier to ignore.

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Quote from the article:

"Kritsanapong Prombuengrum, leader of red shirts in eight northern provinces, said the reds are prepared to welcome and ensure the safety of the premier. Supporters will be deployed at various risky spots during her visits to the northern region.
"We must protect and ensure the safety of the prime minister, because the premier is the only person who can advance Thai democracy," he said.
He said the red shirts could not guarantee the safety of anti-government supporters if anyone should blow whistles as a symbol of protest against Yingluck."

More of the same double standard and I have the right to my opinion, but those that have opposing views are not welcome.

More in a series of threats of violence coming from the mouths of Red Shirt Leaders.

By making that statement, the spokesman leader was in effect "condoning violence" and not making efforts to discourage acts of violence against those who oppose their views.

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If the NACC are impeded from meeting today by the UDD, today will mark the first day where the constitutional process has been essentially blocked. At the same time, Yingluck is showing open defiance of the constitutional process by being as geographically separated from the NACC as possible. She is also thereby turning a blind eye to what her UDD compatriots are doing. And she is now firmly ensconced in a bunker mentality where she is now compelled to take refuge in the North, surrounded by cabinet ministers - including the interior minister, who just last Sunday took part in a UDD rally that made a full-frontal attack on the independent agencies and the judicial system. As people within the UDD are openly calling for a separation of the North from the rest of the country, and as communist extremists sympathetic to the UDD are now posing with rifles, and as the UDD leadership is calling its supporters to be ready for combat - there is no question that this is the most dangerous threat the country has faced in decades. Today will be significant, because for the constitutional process to continue as it is meant to, the NACC will need to meet today. Not being able to do so would be an immense sea-change. A line would have been crossed. And on the other side of that line is anarchy. The army is sworn to protect the constitution and the constitutional process. Yingluck has abdicated any sense of decency by allowing her supporters - whom she could calm if she really wanted - to ratchet up the heat of their campaign. But Yingluck has decided that it is not in her best interests to do so. Yingluck has therefore abdicated her responsibility to the Thai people. She has brought disgrace to her office. She is placing herself above the law.

Edited by Scamper
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Kikoman, do you dare to come out and openly say on TV that you think the rice scheme is a succesful, corruption free program that helps the farmers as well as the country?

Kikoman may reply in due course, but let me also retort, if you don't mind.

Agricultural price support programs are never intended to be profit-oriented. They are Policy oriented programs focusing on specific agricultural sectors....This is for the purposes of helping farmers as well as the country.....I am sure the PAD-dem's appreciated similar efforts in the past dealing, with rubber. I understand at one point in a a pre-Thaksin Govt., the govt. of the day dictated that Rubber could only be farmed in the South.

The principle concern by farmers about this rice thing, was the financial impediments the Elitists threw up to prevent making payments as scheduled...All for political purposes, belying their sudden conversion to huge political concerns for this agricultural sector and these constituents, and to foster their coupist intentions.

With respect to the self-serving, oft-charged corruption thing the Opposition tries to lay exclusively at the feet of the elected Govt., an analysis involving all elements would be in order, including the PAD-Dem Bureaucracy constituency.

And if such humongous levels of corruption be discovered and responsibilities assigned, a thorough vetting in Parliament may be called for.

Thereafter the voters would act accordingly......An expression of which is currently being impeded by the Opposition for reasons we can all speculate about....In fact, the electorate is in the process of voting their views, including this rice thing....One cannot complain that the electorate was not informed before they voted, considering the noise made by the Opposition.

Finish the election and tabulate the votes.

How on earth I continue to get posts from this poster when I blocked him is beyond me. Going by his rationale though being unable to block someone must be an agenda driven situation that will require the UDD to squash the perpetrator it at its core.

Before I ensure a "blocking" of the rhetoric is finalized I would like to reply:

This is complete Pseudo-intellectual bull.

Use lots of big or unusual words to tell your lies with stilted, complicated, incomprehensible sentences that sound very educated. This is similar to "Vague, Grandiose Language" and "Double-talk", but this one has a flavor all its own. It is particularly prevalent around universities, and is a favorite tool of intellectual wanna-bees.

This example of pseudo-intellectual bull is Dr Carl Jung, telling us how to get a spiritual experience:

The only right and legitimate way to such an experience is that it happens to you in reality and it can only happen to you when you walk on a path which leads you to higher understanding. You might be led to that goal by an act of grace or through a personal and honest contact with friends, or through a higher education of the mind beyond the confines of mere rationalism.

Try to figure out, from reading that, just what you are really supposed to do to get yourself a spiritual experience?

Now we get back to the posters post;

I cannot fathom what he is really trying to say, but I will try to dissected it down to the "nuts and bolts" so one could interpret it as;

This scheme is a complete failure so we will highlight that it is an agricultural support programs so it makes it an acceptable failure. Then, yada, yada, yada, yada Then blame the opposition because the govt lied twice 2 months before and 1 month before they dissolved parliament saying they had the money in budget and then they refused to get a loan when they knew they didn't have the money before dissolving, yada, yada, yada, yada then after huge corruption was found a "vote of no confidence" was vetted in parliament and where under the dictatorial framework of parliament (as shown with the amnesty who voted against the voice of the majority) voted that there was no corruption and yingluck could stay, then yada, yada, yada, yada, lets concentrate on that only principle of democracy the PTP adhere.

I appreciate anyone that can tell me how to block specific posters? More so for my sanity than anything else!!!

His type of posts if he worked for a government department would be put in the bin.

All people need to do is to make a point of what they want to say in SHORT and clear sentences.

Then it can be quickly understood and answered.

No person writing an epic would be tolerated. Pinpointing the subject and answering it quickly and clearly.

I am from the north of UK, and did receive good merits from the senior officers.

As you see my English is not so good, and spelling was never brilliant, clever long words were not important TIME was.

I am posting to back up the last posters comments.

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If the NACC are impeded from meeting today by the UDD, today will mark the first day where the constitutional process has been essentially blocked. At the same time, Yingluck is showing open defiance of the constitutional process by being as geographically separated from the NACC as possible. She is also thereby turning a blind eye to what her UDD compatriots are doing. And she is now firmly ensconced in a bunker mentality where she is now compelled to take refuge in the North, surrounded by cabinet ministers - including the interior minister, who just last Sunday took part in a UDD rally that made a full-frontal attack on the independent agencies and the judicial system. As people within the UDD are openly calling for a separation of the North from the rest of the country, and as communist extremists sympathetic to the UDD are now posing with rifles, and as the UDD leadership is calling its supporters to be ready for combat - there is no question that this is the most dangerous threat the country has faced in decades. Today will be significant, because for the constitutional process to continue as it is meant to, the NACC will need to meet today. Not being able to do so would be an immense sea-change. A line would have been crossed. And on the other side of that line is anarchy. The army is sworn to protect the constitution and the constitutional process. Yingluck has abdicated any sense of decency by allowing her supporters - whom she could calm if she really wanted - to ratchet up the heat of their campaign. But Yingluck has decided that it is not in her best interests to do so. Yingluck has therefore abdicated her responsibility to the Thai people. She has brought disgrace to her office. She is placing herself above the law.

Good post

Maybe an amicable divorce is the solution

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Ask not what your Country can do for you , but ask what can you do for YOUR Country …start with ridding Thailand of the parasitic corrupt so called leaders would be a good start….but the reds are so idiotic they just don’t get it bah.gif

WRONG< they're just getting paid for what was brainwashed into their brains of what the believe in REDEMOCRACY, everything arranged via Dubai in under the table paychecks...

... paid to brainwash the red masses and torture the ones that DARE to think differently

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" Well that confirms that the reds are planning to split Thailand into the northern Republic of Shin, where "corruption is normal"(long termers will remember the champion of democracy that said that infamous quote), the people will be promised everything while being robbed of their hope, future and dignity. Good luck to them up there, they will get exactly what they want and deserve." If the scenario you paint is correct the people 'up there' will have the option to vote out their leaders in an election every 4 years, unlike 'you down there' who will have 'good people' running your 'country' with no limit to the time they can rule because you will have no recourse to elections unless 'the good people' are prepared to sanction them.

"Meanwhile the rest of the nation can continue in an improving democracy, complete with strengthened checks and balances, functioning police force, education improvements. The vital lesson that must be learned for the nation south of the Republic of Shin is that a cult of personality such as the one that the Shins created must never be allowed again. Had Thaksin's first election win been nullified due to his lying and blatant asset concealment(which showed he was 100% unsuitable to be PM in a functioning democracy) none of this mess would have happened. Checks and balances, checks and balances........" With your democracy improved by not having elections but having unelected 'good people' deciding what is good for you. The vital lesson that must be learned for the nation south of the Republic of Shin is that democracy, even if it is a flawed democracy, has to be a better option than an unelected council, who, despite Suthep saying 1 to 1.5 years, would have no 'set in stone' term of office. If they decide to stay in power, who will be able to remove them? Certainly not the 'educated middle-class Bangkokians' as they will have given away their right to vote, so who will provide the checks and balances on these 'good people'?

Thank you for putting your 'red thought' in red text. It makes it so much easier to ignore.

Not been swimming this morning then John? a little testy today!

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If the NACC are impeded from meeting today by the UDD, today will mark the first day where the constitutional process has been essentially blocked. At the same time, Yingluck is showing open defiance of the constitutional process by being as geographically separated from the NACC as possible. She is also thereby turning a blind eye to what her UDD compatriots are doing. And she is now firmly ensconced in a bunker mentality where she is now compelled to take refuge in the North, surrounded by cabinet ministers - including the interior minister, who just last Sunday took part in a UDD rally that made a full-frontal attack on the independent agencies and the judicial system. As people within the UDD are openly calling for a separation of the North from the rest of the country, and as communist extremists sympathetic to the UDD are now posing with rifles, and as the UDD leadership is calling its supporters to be ready for combat - there is no question that this is the most dangerous threat the country has faced in decades. Today will be significant, because for the constitutional process to continue as it is meant to, the NACC will need to meet today. Not being able to do so would be an immense sea-change. A line would have been crossed. And on the other side of that line is anarchy. The army is sworn to protect the constitution and the constitutional process. Yingluck has abdicated any sense of decency by allowing her supporters - whom she could calm if she really wanted - to ratchet up the heat of their campaign. But Yingluck has decided that it is not in her best interests to do so. Yingluck has therefore abdicated her responsibility to the Thai people. She has brought disgrace to her office. She is placing herself above the law.

"today will mark the first day where the constitutional process has been essentially blocked"

Is this a joke? Would you not consider the sabotage of a royally-endorsed, constitutionally-required general election a blockage of the 'constitutional process'? Remember? Happened about a month ago.

Edited by 15Peter20
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Ask not what your Country can do for you , but ask what can you do for YOUR Country …start with ridding Thailand of the parasitic corrupt so called leaders would be a good start….but the reds are so idiotic they just don’t get it bah.gif

Stoopid reds, they shouldn't even be allowed to vote!

True. I mean how DARE they see themselves as having an equal vote in a so called democracy. The cheek of them.

Perhaps they just don't know that some people are more equal than others. The silly buffaloes.

Edited by Dave 74
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If the NACC are impeded from meeting today by the UDD, today will mark the first day where the constitutional process has been essentially blocked. At the same time, Yingluck is showing open defiance of the constitutional process by being as geographically separated from the NACC as possible. She is also thereby turning a blind eye to what her UDD compatriots are doing. And she is now firmly ensconced in a bunker mentality where she is now compelled to take refuge in the North, surrounded by cabinet ministers - including the interior minister, who just last Sunday took part in a UDD rally that made a full-frontal attack on the independent agencies and the judicial system. As people within the UDD are openly calling for a separation of the North from the rest of the country, and as communist extremists sympathetic to the UDD are now posing with rifles, and as the UDD leadership is calling its supporters to be ready for combat - there is no question that this is the most dangerous threat the country has faced in decades. Today will be significant, because for the constitutional process to continue as it is meant to, the NACC will need to meet today. Not being able to do so would be an immense sea-change. A line would have been crossed. And on the other side of that line is anarchy. The army is sworn to protect the constitution and the constitutional process. Yingluck has abdicated any sense of decency by allowing her supporters - whom she could calm if she really wanted - to ratchet up the heat of their campaign. But Yingluck has decided that it is not in her best interests to do so. Yingluck has therefore abdicated her responsibility to the Thai people. She has brought disgrace to her office. She is placing herself above the law.

Good post

Maybe an amicable divorce is the solution

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

"...........amicable divorce..........."

It isn't going to happen, but just to fantasize, Yingluck (the wife) would be charged with infidelity and desertion, leaving the Father to clean up the mess and take care of the children.

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I am "farang" and know nothing about Thai politics. After be involved in politics for many years, in a few countries, the only thing I know is that I do know nothing about the world's politics..even guessing about.

I am not RED..not YELLOW, but what I only know is that if I own a company and I need to hired a administrator, I will not hire somebody who cannot administrates its own finances and it is broke or buried in debts. Sounds familiar?

If a person is already successful and rich, is always a chance that will not get tented to get richer when it is possible to do the GOOD.. I know..... that is not easy, specially when you are in POWER...and administrating billions. GREED is a decease in this world we live.

For GREED AND POWER some politicians forget about PATRIOTISM, and the welfare of its own PEOPLE, hidden the TRUE to obtain support in its way....at any cost. Nothing to gain creating confrontation, hate and division that not help to resolve any problem, and avoiding DIALOG, probably because do not have nothing positive to offer.

No negotiation means violence...and more death. I hope Yingluck will renounce, and that will bring peace to the country, but that will not be a solution for the PEOPLE, if will be governed by somebody or a party not willing to dialog. That is called DICTATORSHIP.

Thai people deserves better.

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Ask not what your Country can do for you , but ask what can you do for YOUR Country …start with ridding Thailand of the parasitic corrupt so called leaders would be a good start….but the reds are so idiotic they just don’t get it bah.gif

nor do the leaders and politicians of the USA.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Ask not what your Country can do for you , but ask what can you do for YOUR Country …start with ridding Thailand of the parasitic corrupt so called leaders would be a good start….but the reds are so idiotic they just don’t get it bah.gif

Stoopid reds, they shouldn't even be allowed to vote!

REALLY, should they have to wear a star on their cloths? should there be red's only restaurant's? and reds only waiting rooms?

hotels and hospitals? should they all be herded up into trains and be sent off too the showers? DISGUSTING COMMENT, YOU WITH YOUR LIKES.

Keyboard tough guy, even the whistle blowing tomboy in Chiang Mai has courage enough to protest and tell YL what she thinks in crowd of her supporters, But I'll wager you don't have any thing like that kind of backbone.

I say if people wish to block the courts then ok, it's the courts that let this Jeanne out of the bottle, and it will prove far more difficult to put it back in, som num nar...

Or will the courts rule that these protesters are not "peaceful protesters" and have them arrested?

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trogers post # 12

Reminds me of the last days of Hitler taking refuge in his bunker...while the country around him was falling like ten pins.

However will it be an exit like Hitler made concerning his way out for Yingluck, or will it be the country and its people who make that final exit politically and socially?

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Ask not what your Country can do for you , but ask what can you do for YOUR Country …start with ridding Thailand of the parasitic corrupt so called leaders would be a good start….but the reds are so idiotic they just don’t get it bah.gif

Stoopid reds, they shouldn't even be allowed to vote!

Oh we all love blanket statement's and how intelligent they are!

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Now will Yinluck cry that she could not make an appearance as her own people shut down the office she was meant to go to

When PDRC were allowed to do the same in Bangkok for months and besides all the violence, the court ordered the police to leave them be, They were peaceful protesters!

Why is it not a "peaceful protest" to do the same, for the Red shirts to shut down NACC!

Hey lets not be discriminatory here, what one side is allowed to do so is the other!


Shouldn't they have been targeting the court where this case is going to be heard (today) instead?

As usual, they have cocked it all up!!!

Its a bit like demonstrating outside the premises of an empty factory that shut 3 months beforehand!!

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"...in a bid to prevent the agency from pursuing a corruption case against caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra"

I would question this motive as stated.

No-one can expect this NACC to stop doing what they are doing....Given their Opposition-friendly history, especially on display in this case, the motive is more clearly to focus attention on that fact.

As with that phony PAD-Dem oriented NIDA Pol ruminating about Neutral Prime Ministers, the notion that the very popular and powerful choice for Prime Minister by the electoral majority, will somehow be denied, is like waving a red flag in front of the PTP/UDD/RS's(no pun intended).

The fact this NACC is ruminating about this, as well as that NIDA thing, is all seen as playing the "coup-monger and Elitist" fiddle.

I would therefore postulate that the motive is to draw attention to this lack of Independence, and to the motivational roots of this NACC, rather than trying to prevent them from doing what they and Elitist friends are intending to do.

Just hope they got caskets big enough for these NACC bums with their overinflated egos. How do the protest leaders with arrest warrants on their heads, and Suthep with murder charges and never shows up in court to answer for them and not one word in the news about that bum Abhisit and his murder charges. Name one single positive thing that he did for Thailand while in office? Spent all his time chasing Thaksin without any success.

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"...in a bid to prevent the agency from pursuing a corruption case against caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra"

I would question this motive as stated.

No-one can expect this NACC to stop doing what they are doing....Given their Opposition-friendly history, especially on display in this case, the motive is more clearly to focus attention on that fact.

As with that phony PAD-Dem oriented NIDA Pol ruminating about Neutral Prime Ministers, the notion that the very popular and powerful choice for Prime Minister by the electoral majority, will somehow be denied, is like waving a red flag in front of the PTP/UDD/RS's(no pun intended).

The fact this NACC is ruminating about this, as well as that NIDA thing, is all seen as playing the "coup-monger and Elitist" fiddle.

I would therefore postulate that the motive is to draw attention to this lack of Independence, and to the motivational roots of this NACC, rather than trying to prevent them from doing what they and Elitist friends are intending to do.

Just hope they got caskets big enough for these NACC bums with their overinflated egos. How do the protest leaders with arrest warrants on their heads, and Suthep with murder charges and never shows up in court to answer for them and not one word in the news about that bum Abhisit and his murder charges. Name one single positive thing that he did for Thailand while in office? Spent all his time chasing Thaksin without any success.

As opposed to Thaksin who one wouldn't dream of accusing of having an over-inflated ego. Talking of arrest warrants, you think the Government should try harder to enforce Thaksin's arrest? As for Abhisit one of his great achievements was not to be convicted of using the position of Prime Minister to line his own pockets. In short, he wasn't Thaksin. And now we are observing the rather unfortunate situation of Yingluck allowing herself to be dragged through the mud on the rice scheme scandal and all under the instructions of her brother and your hero Thaksin Shinawatra. Any more questions?

Edited by SheungWan
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I've got a little black book with my poems in......

Yingluck sat on an old wooden stool and placed her head in her hands,
She thought how did I get to be here? in the position I am?,
I'm up for corruption and murder and similar,
I'm now as popular as Heinrich Himmler

The country's in 2, Isn't it Poo,
and there's not a lot else you can do.

She thought of her brother, her clone and her caddy,
Who urged her to pay a high price for the paddy,
And where is he now that the shit's hit the fan?
He's out in Dubai - where I'll be when I'm banned.

You'd rather a coup, wouldn't you Poo,
Cos there's not a lot else you can do

My brother said amnesty's just the solution
It will free me and several mates in profusion,
We can call it a reconciliation bill,
And use our majority to acheive our will

It wasn't thought through in the least was it Poo?
Cos there's nothing much left you can do

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Just hope they got caskets big enough for these NACC bums with their overinflated egos. How do the protest leaders with arrest warrants on their heads, and Suthep with murder charges and never shows up in court to answer for them and not one word in the news about that bum Abhisit and his murder charges. Name one single positive thing that he did for Thailand while in office? Spent all his time chasing Thaksin without any success.

Always nice to have a new, peaceful member participating in our friendly discussions.

now let's try to focus on the issue at hand. The fake protest at the NACC offices to provoke the Civil Court and at the same time pressure the NACC to thinks twice about even thinking aloud that the UDD 'blanket amnesty bill' darling has any responsibility in a loss of a mere 800 billion Baht. She didn't mean it when during the last censure debate she stated "I'm in charge" rolleyes.gif

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First episode in the first series and they already showed their hand... do these red-shirts have to be so ominous?

The mock coffins are so unecessary. But that's just the red-style of doing things right? Always threatening (and perhaps even condoning?) violence (don't argue, here's a quote: "He said the red shirts could not guarantee the safety of anti-government supporters if anyone should blow whistles as a symbol of protest against Yingluck."). And in the previous series, they poured blood to signify death or lay a curse or something like that?

Quite ironic, considering these 'defenders of true democracy' or whatever they want to call themselves, so readily turn dark, gloomy and menacing the moment they sniff even a whiff of disagreement. How democratic.

Once more, I do not plead allegiance to any party or colour but I have to say that in general, the anti-govt. protestors are far more 'acceptable' in their... manners? I won't go as far as giving them a clean bill, but at least they don't march around pouring blood and carrying mock coffins for Thaksin, Yingluck, Chalerm, Tarit... who else? The lesser of two evils, if you must.

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Now will Yinluck cry that she could not make an appearance as her own people shut down the office she was meant to go to

When PDRC were allowed to do the same in Bangkok for months and besides all the violence, the court ordered the police to leave them be, They were peaceful protesters!

Why is it not a "peaceful protest" to do the same, for the Red shirts to shut down NACC!

Hey lets not be discriminatory here, what one side is allowed to do so is the other!


"Mock coffins of NACC commissioners were placed in front of the office and petition letters were submitted by protesters demanding honest and equal treatment for all politicians."

It's because as always, the first thing the Reds do is threaten to kill someone to get their way.

So glad that you think like them and see nothing wrong in that. You must sign up immediately and receive your Red Bandana before the weekend!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Kikoman, do you dare to come out and openly say on TV that you think the rice scheme is a succesful, corruption free program that helps the farmers as well as the country?

Kikoman may reply in due course, but let me also retort, if you don't mind.

Agricultural price support programs are never intended to be profit-oriented. They are Policy oriented programs focusing on specific agricultural sectors....This is for the purposes of helping farmers as well as the country.....I am sure the PAD-dem's appreciated similar efforts in the past dealing, with rubber. I understand at one point in a a pre-Thaksin Govt., the govt. of the day dictated that Rubber could only be farmed in the South.

The principle concern by farmers about this rice thing, was the financial impediments the Elitists threw up to prevent making payments as scheduled...All for political purposes, belying their sudden conversion to huge political concerns for this agricultural sector and these constituents, and to foster their coupist intentions.

With respect to the self-serving, oft-charged corruption thing the Opposition tries to lay exclusively at the feet of the elected Govt., an analysis involving all elements would be in order, including the PAD-Dem Bureaucracy constituency.

And if such humongous levels of corruption be discovered and responsibilities assigned, a thorough vetting in Parliament may be called for.

Thereafter the voters would act accordingly......An expression of which is currently being impeded by the Opposition for reasons we can all speculate about....In fact, the electorate is in the process of voting their views, including this rice thing....One cannot complain that the electorate was not informed before they voted, considering the noise made by the Opposition.

Finish the election and tabulate the votes.

I'm talking about rice

You're talking about rubber, coups (there's a surprise), elitists (another surprise), and throw together a collection of polysyllabic vocabulary without the required glue of syntax - what the hell is "PAD-Dem Bureaucracy constituency"?

"....what the hell is "PAD-Dem Bureaucracy constituency"?

LOL......It is well known that the Bureaucracy is a constituency of the PAD-dem's.......My point being that one needs to look beyond demonizing Politicians for self-serving reasons, and look past their policy levels to its' implementation by that Bureaucracy.

The PAD-Dem's typically dump all over Politicians from the opposing side, when there is a whiff of corruption in the air. Upon analysis however, it can often be shown that the corruption occurred at ground level where the bureaucracy functions.........It is noteworthy that these Opposition sources seldom focus on their own constituency when it comes to corruption, for self-evident reasons.

There are many who will argue that the Thai bureaucracy is the primary source of Govtl. corruption.

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