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Prayuth declines to commit himself that he will not stage coup


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It is hard to imagine a situation most serious than this. A sitting cabinet minister attends a rally that calls for secession. It also calls for readiness for an armed rebellion. And it also admonishes the independent agencies. A sitting prime minister fails to show up to a commission that could lead to her impeachment and removal from office. She attacks the institution on facebook, clearly encouraging the UDD. The UDD cements the NACC from the world before they vow to go to the EC and the Civil Court. It is a horrible situation, and likely prays on Prayuth's mind continually. After all, he is sworn to protect the constitution. And so with these full-frontal assaults on the constitution's empowered institutions - like the independent agencies and the judicial system - the county has been placed in the most dangerous position that it's in. The constitutional process should see this through. It is working. But if the judicial process is impeded - then there is no more dangerous situation than that.

You are completely right in what you say.... He is sworn to protect... Bring in the soldiers now and crush the communists... Today..

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Coup please.

It is the only thing to put all this nonsense to sleep. There will be a little resistance from the UDD and the reds, but that will soon be put to bed with some targeted arrests made at the higher levels, then the reds sent packing like in 2010.

Keep all UDD leaders, PTP MPs suspected of corruption including YL and all red shirt leaders locked up in a military prison to be investigated by a special branch of the NACC with swift and harsh sentencing on irrefutable evidence, to serve as a future warning to anyone else wishing to tread a similar path.

Appoint a neutral PM and cabinet, pay the farmers off via a special budget approval by the constitutional court, and suspend the rice pledging scheme.

Then we can set about imposing the new reforms to hopefully bring Thailand back down to earth.

Not the most helpful suggestion, coup's of late have been pretty bloody affairs. I know the rich element of Thai society have a difficult time understanding the democratic process but any other path would be anarchy. The point of an election is to decide on who manages the country and if the losers don't modify their policies to attract voters in the next election then they will continue in the wilderness.

The fact that Thailand is so prone to coup's is in the power general's have over politicians, a constitution that gives them impunity is bizarre! I remember swearing an oath of allegiance to the Monarch, her government and officers set over me, to break that oath is in my mind treason.

The last coup was bloodless. Not so much as a broken fingernail.

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It is hard to imagine a situation most serious than this. A sitting cabinet minister attends a rally that calls for secession. It also calls for readiness for an armed rebellion. And it also admonishes the independent agencies. A sitting prime minister fails to show up to a commission that could lead to her impeachment and removal from office. She attacks the institution on facebook, clearly encouraging the UDD. The UDD cements the NACC from the world before they vow to go to the EC and the Civil Court. It is a horrible situation, and likely prays on Prayuth's mind continually. After all, he is sworn to protect the constitution. And so with these full-frontal assaults on the constitution's empowered institutions - like the independent agencies and the judicial system - the county has been placed in the most dangerous position that it's in. The constitutional process should see this through. It is working. But if the judicial process is impeded - then there is no more dangerous situation than that.

"Anyway, all coups were aimed to end the situation."

Prayuth is acknowledging that a military coup won't work this time - probably never will again in support of the Yellows.

It looks like the military is very slowly starting to separate itself from the protestors and their losing cause.

Without military backing the permanent state institutions addicted to derailing democracy via judicial coups and farcical criminal charges against sitting Prime Ministers (yes, plural) will very quickly be bought under control.

It looks like the events kicked off following the refusal of a small minority to accept the TRT (PPP / PTP) 2005 landslide win (375 out of 500 seats) are finally coming to an end.

Not much left to do put for the anti-democrats to slink off into the dark to hope and pray that no criminal charges are filed against them.

Yingluck's quiet and restrained approach to dealing with Yellows has outsmarted them and won the ultimate victory for truth, justice and freedom.

In the fullness of time, good always triumphs over evil.

A very familiar posting style. coffee1.gif

Regurgitated from the red typing pool along with the usual nonsense.

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Prediction . . . within 10 days the elections will be declared invalid . . . the coup (judicial or otherwise) will then follow this.

When PTP lose the following election, I'm sure we will hear about an "electoral coup" from UDD, with the normal calls to mass uprising to fight for (red) democracy. The blame of course will be put on the RTArmy for having undue influence on voters by not declaring they would rule out a coup.

Should the PTP lose a free and fair election then the worst thing that they could possibly do would be to emulate the other sides actions of the the last decade. They would lose their moral authority which is why I imagine that they would never do so. For mine, I find it hard to see a viable alternative to PTP for a rural voter in the short to medium term so I would expect to continue to see large PTP electoral victories making your concerns about the future, in all practicality, irrelevant.

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A coup just before the government and the UN can officially call for reconcilliation talks.

Convenient, eh?

sent from my hippo phone

I thought I read that Yinluck said no to talks with Suthep. I'm not on either side, but Suthep is willing to have talks from what I read. Yinluck said no. A TV debate would allow all Thais see what's being said on both sides.

One reason why YL has refused as there would be nothing coming from her side.

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A coup just before the government and the UN can officially call for reconcilliation talks.

Convenient, eh?

sent from my hippo phone

I thought I read that Yinluck said no to talks with Suthep. I'm not on either side, but Suthep is willing to have talks from what I read. Yinluck said no. A TV debate would allow all Thais see what's being said on both sides.

One reason why YL has refused as there would be nothing coming from her side.

Why should Yingluck meet on equal terms with Suthep.

One is the leader of the elected government of the nation and the other a mouthpiece for an illegal rabble.

Besides any worthwhile negotiations will have to take place with those above Suthep and I don't think they would want the television exposure.

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A coup just before the government and the UN can officially call for reconcilliation talks.

Convenient, eh?

sent from my hippo phone

I thought I read that Yinluck said no to talks with Suthep. I'm not on either side, but Suthep is willing to have talks from what I read. Yinluck said no. A TV debate would allow all Thais see what's being said on both sides.

One reason why YL has refused as there would be nothing coming from her side.

Why should Yingluck meet on equal terms with Suthep.

One is the leader of the elected government of the nation and the other a mouthpiece for an illegal rabble.

Besides any worthwhile negotiations will have to take place with those above Suthep and I don't think they would want the television exposure.

Sorry, Pipkins Just for info, Yingluck is not the leader of the elected government, she is a caretaker PM, which under the constitution will expire shortly. There is no elected government in place at present.

Sorry to point that out, but that's how it is. Considering also that she is a party list candidate, they're not really elected either in real terms.

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Pipkins??? Don't know him (her?) but he (she?) must be all right if his (her?) views are so similar to my own that it has caused confusion.

Yes there is currently an official caretaker government in Thailand - doesn't change anything. Yingluck occupies a constitutional position and Suthep is, as far as I can gather, unemployed. Party list candidates are elected - just not individually. As soon as the other half "nut up" and contest an election I would assume that PTP will be back as the duly elected, royally appointed government of Thailand.

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It is hard to imagine a situation most serious than this. A sitting cabinet minister attends a rally that calls for secession. It also calls for readiness for an armed rebellion. And it also admonishes the independent agencies. A sitting prime minister fails to show up to a commission that could lead to her impeachment and removal from office. She attacks the institution on facebook, clearly encouraging the UDD. The UDD cements the NACC from the world before they vow to go to the EC and the Civil Court. It is a horrible situation, and likely prays on Prayuth's mind continually. After all, he is sworn to protect the constitution. And so with these full-frontal assaults on the constitution's empowered institutions - like the independent agencies and the judicial system - the county has been placed in the most dangerous position that it's in. The constitutional process should see this through. It is working. But if the judicial process is impeded - then there is no more dangerous situation than that.

"Anyway, all coups were aimed to end the situation."

Prayuth is acknowledging that a military coup won't work this time - probably never will again in support of the Yellows.

It looks like the military is very slowly starting to separate itself from the protestors and their losing cause.

Without military backing the permanent state institutions addicted to derailing democracy via judicial coups and farcical criminal charges against sitting Prime Ministers (yes, plural) will very quickly be bought under control.

It looks like the events kicked off following the refusal of a small minority to accept the TRT (PPP / PTP) 2005 landslide win (375 out of 500 seats) are finally coming to an end.

Not much left to do put for the anti-democrats to slink off into the dark to hope and pray that no criminal charges are filed against them.

Yingluck's quiet and restrained approach to dealing with Yellows has outsmarted them and won the ultimate victory for truth, justice and freedom.

In the fullness of time, good always triumphs over evil.

The kicker here is that depending on what side of the political divide you sit on will depend on who is actually good and who is actually evil.

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Further coup will not end any situation. The armed forces should stand on the side of the democratically elected government with the King as the head of state to reinstate law and order and enforcing the rule of law.

where have you been for the last 2 months

There is no democratically elected government

The country is in caretaker mode because of corrupt practices

what rule of Law

any time the law is against the Taskin family

the law is no good

where do you come up with all the BS from

Your twist that a caretaker government is not as well as a democratically people elected government with the King as the HOS is not funny at all.

In fact, it seems that you are trivializing the mandatory role of the armed forces to stand on the side of a government to reinstate law and order and enforcing the rule of law. - even if it is on caretaker mode, in accordance to the Constitution and Royal Decree. It is not BS and your twist was not funny at all.

When is 'any time' the law is against Tasin family, the law is no good.

You may try to twist, spin or distort to win or provoke an argument, but that does not solve what are actually happening socially, politically and in the independence judiciary. In fact you cannot offer any suggestion for the peace and the unifying of my beloved Thailand with such attitude. Your triviality is childish.

1st if you bothered to read my many many posting you would see I try to sit on the fence and have given many many comments on the best for Thailands futtre

2nd When is 'any time' the law is against Tasin family, the law is no good.

Are you really living in Thailand

she has been summoned at law to appear before the NCC to answer charges

she took off to the safety of her home and got her thugs to cement the building shut so they can not judge her

Now I am not saying that the protestors are not as bead, in fact many cases will show they are

but they are not the leader of out country

she sets a standard by her example

now thats an ocxy moron if I ever wrote one

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It looks like the events kicked off following the refusal of a small minority to accept the TRT (PPP / PTP) 2005 landslide win (375 out of 500 seats) are finally coming to an end.

Its always interesting to see the truth twisted for some ones own ego

PTP won 265 seats not 375


Yingluck's quiet and restrained approach to dealing with Yellows has outsmarted them

The truth is she nothing but a puppet from the start and always under order to keep her mouth shut


and won the ultimate victory for truth, justice and freedom.

afraid to talk to the Thai people is truth, justice and freedom.

have you been watching too many Superman movies, total fiction

In the fullness of time, good always triumphs over evil.

well at least once you where correct

The good Thai people will triumpth of the evil PTO Party

This is what I dont understand about this forum - the number of seats Thaksin won in the 2005 election is a fact that can be easily verified - so why would anyone even bother trying to contest it. Anyone can look it up and discover the truth for themselves - denying facts just shows ignorance or wilful bias.

General elections were held in Thailand on 6 February 2005. With a turnout of 60.7 percent, the Thai Rak Thai Party (Thais Love Thais Party) of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra won a landslide victory. Out of 500 seats in the House of Representatives, Thaksin's party won 375 seats, with its former coalition partner, the Chart Thai Party (Thai Nation Party), taking 26 seats. The opposition Democrat Party of Thailand (Phak Prachatipat) won only 96 seats and the newly formed Mahachon Party took three seats.

Okay lets look at your posting

First we are talking about Yinglucks election the parliment we are in revolt with now

you gave us a quote and some figures of an older election

but what did you not give us, and link to prove what you write is correct and not made up by your self

but as this election has no bearing on this protest I have no interest in old history

so as balance must be kept let me give you




In 2011 general election, Pheu Thai Party contested for the first time since its foundation.

On 16 May Thaksin's youngest sister Yingluck Shinawatra was nominated head of PTP's party-list proportional representation and contender of prime minister Abhisit.

One of her main issues in campaign was national reconciliation.[13] The election was expected to be a neck-and-neck between Pheu Thai and the ruling Democrats.

Unexpectedly, the party won 265 of 500 seats

Despite its absolute majority, the winning party announced to form a coalition government with five minor parties.

So the fact is as I said PTP got 265 votes, I have no idea why you are usuing figures from an older election from a different political party

you can twist this each and every way you like we are talking abut PTP the present government


My original post, states that Thaksins' huge win in 2005 - 375 seats was the beginning point of the ongoing troubles. I'm using the figures for the election that I quoted. I'm not too sure how things work on this forum but quoting figures from an election other than the one I am talking about would seem like an odd thing to do. If I were to discuss the 2011 election results, then yes, PTP won 265 - but that is not the election that I was talking about.

As for posting a link... I don't know how, I just google - took the top result and then copy and pasted.

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Coup please.

It is the only thing to put all this nonsense to sleep. There will be a little resistance from the UDD and the reds, but that will soon be put to bed with some targeted arrests made at the higher levels, then the reds sent packing like in 2010.

Keep all UDD leaders, PTP MPs suspected of corruption including YL and all red shirt leaders locked up in a military prison to be investigated by a special branch of the NACC with swift and harsh sentencing on irrefutable evidence, to serve as a future warning to anyone else wishing to tread a similar path.

Appoint a neutral PM and cabinet, pay the farmers off via a special budget approval by the constitutional court, and suspend the rice pledging scheme.

Then we can set about imposing the new reforms to hopefully bring Thailand back down to earth.

Not the most helpful suggestion, coup's of late have been pretty bloody affairs. I know the rich element of Thai society have a difficult time understanding the democratic process but any other path would be anarchy. The point of an election is to decide on who manages the country and if the losers don't modify their policies to attract voters in the next election then they will continue in the wilderness.

The fact that Thailand is so prone to coup's is in the power general's have over politicians, a constitution that gives them impunity is bizarre! I remember swearing an oath of allegiance to the Monarch, her government and officers set over me, to break that oath is in my mind treason.

The last coup was bloodless. Not so much as a broken fingernail.

91 people dead and 2500+ injured say different. There's no such thing as a bloodless coup, judicial or otherwise. It always ends in violence, even if its a little delayed.

The difference between 2008 and now is the protest is not two years down the line, it's happening now, even as EC is playing tricks, NACC is plotting, civil court is blocking arrests, them protestors are amassing! And this time, they're angry at the independants too.

What's the point of a judicial coup if you get zero days of peace as a result?

IMHO, Perhaps they should do their jobs instead? Deliver elections, let police arrest gunmen, let them clear this lot, stop the politicing. I know it's a wacky idea, but it might just work....


My god some people love to re-write history

this picture was not taken during a Coup

an election and a new government was formed at the vote of the majority of Mp's sitting at the time

so a democratically elected government where in power

so the coup was in fact BLOODLESS

there as so many people on this suite who just twist the truth to make their ego

Edited by tezzainoz
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I think the point being made is that actions have consequences. The day of the coup may not have seen bloodshed - but the coup most certainly caused a great deal of bloodshed in the days, weeks and months following.

Listen to what Mr Neverdie told you earlier, they're onto you.

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I think the point being made is that actions have consequences. The day of the coup may not have seen bloodshed - but the coup most certainly caused a great deal of bloodshed in the days, weeks and months following.

Listen to what Mr Neverdie told you earlier, they're onto you.

Who's onto me and about what?

Have I somehow transgressed.

I have no idea of any of the rules or norms of this place.

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I think the point being made is that actions have consequences. The day of the coup may not have seen bloodshed - but the coup most certainly caused a great deal of bloodshed in the days, weeks and months following.

agree but if we go through life blaming every thing that will happen in 5 years time on something we did to day

100.000 falangs would be commiting suicide for that last drink they had before thinking that young beautiful thai girl really did love him

Take responsibility for things you do and stop blaming them on some one else

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I think the point being made is that actions have consequences. The day of the coup may not have seen bloodshed - but the coup most certainly caused a great deal of bloodshed in the days, weeks and months following.

agree but if we go through life blaming every thing that will happen in 5 years time on something we did to day

100.000 falangs would be commiting suicide for that last drink they had before thinking that young beautiful thai girl really did love him

Take responsibility for things you do and stop blaming them on some one else

If I were to murder someone - I shouldn't be surprised when the police come to take me away and lock me up. Certain things are foreseeable, especially events with a precedent. After the events of 2010 the consequences of a coup (military or judicial) are known to all. A coup is not the solution to todays problems.

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Having been here through the last coup and seeing where things are heading and what is likely to come once the Red shirt's come to town....

If none are willing to compromise ... I'm not sure how else this can end?

But have to believe that even a coup would be better than PRDC and Red mobs clashing in the streets killing each other and who ever else gets in the way..

So agree with the general that a coup is definitely not legal or the right thing.... But the question I am starting to ask, is it better than the alternative?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Actually he did not go so far as to say not the right thing to do.

what he said was

"But I admit that a coup is not right legally. Anyway, all coups were aimed to end the situation,"

I do not have that much knowledge of most of them other than the 2006 but it seems to me that is what the 2006 was about. To end the situation. So far the only movement we have seen to end the situation was Suthep agreeing to meet Yingluck on Television.

That in it's self sounds good but the questions would be limited. In the long run of no value.

Now if the questions were unlimited I would like to see Suthep face off against Yingluck and a assistant of her choice. It would bed extremely enlightening for the country to see which one would answer the questions.

Also keep it to the current administration. To bring up past incidents would just turn it into a mud slinging contest.

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Army chief says he will not tolerate separatism


BANGKOK: -- Army Commander-in-Chief General Prayuth Chan-ocha said today (Friday) he would not tolerate attempts by anybody or any group of people to carve out the Thai territory to set up a separate state from the kingdom.

He labelled the people who advocated armed rebellion and separatism as “saliva rebels” when asked by a reporter about cartaker Interior Minister Charupong Ruangsuwan’s recent remark about civilians getting armed and breaking up the country to form a separate state.

Commenting on a incident last week in Phayao province where some 8,000 volunteers known as village police staged a parade carrying red flags which was attended by several Pheu Thai party members, General Prayuth said he had ordered an investigation into the incident and warned authorities concerned not to allow such a parade to be repeated.

The army chief said he preferred to see protest leader Suthep Thuagsuban and caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to enter into negotiations, adding that preconditions set by the rival parties in the conflict were normal and could be worked out later on.

He condemned the increasing use of M79 grenades in attacks mostly against protesters and warned that the perpetrators would face severe punishment if caught.

Asked about the possibility of a coup, the army chief said that the coup was outdated, adding, however, he could not promise for sure whether there will be a coup or not in the future.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/army-chief-says-will-tolerate-separatism/


-- Thai PBS 2014-02-28

The General has and continues to show more leadership qualities and integrity than all the politicians put together.

He acts in a restrained manner commensurate with someone of his very senior military rank. Moreover, he seems to have understood the oath he swore and the meaning of the word oath.

Thailand is very lucky to have someone of this caliber in command of the army at a very difficult time.

Well if it was to come down to an interim non political committee to run the country and remove errors from the constitution he would get my vote as the man to head it.

He shows tremendous restraint already in not going after the red shirt leaders calling for a division in the country two different Nations. He knows that he has every rite to do it legally but he also realizes it would just cause more trouble and the ones calling for it are just useless mouth pieces. Thaksin could replace them easily enough.

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It is hard to imagine a situation most serious than this. A sitting cabinet minister attends a rally that calls for secession. It also calls for readiness for an armed rebellion. And it also admonishes the independent agencies. A sitting prime minister fails to show up to a commission that could lead to her impeachment and removal from office. She attacks the institution on facebook, clearly encouraging the UDD. The UDD cements the NACC from the world before they vow to go to the EC and the Civil Court. It is a horrible situation, and likely prays on Prayuth's mind continually. After all, he is sworn to protect the constitution. And so with these full-frontal assaults on the constitution's empowered institutions - like the independent agencies and the judicial system - the county has been placed in the most dangerous position that it's in. The constitutional process should see this through. It is working. But if the judicial process is impeded - then there is no more dangerous situation than that.

There is a cabinet...? you mean the Dems won the election...? What about a former cabinet member..? better...?> it's a caretaker gov't as far as I can recall.. but don't let that stop ya.. a "former Deputy Prime Minister has been leading an insurrection for months ignoring the rule of law rejecting charges against him filed by The Attorney Generals Office,,, (an independent agency incidentally).. threatening a PM before she became caretaker PM..and continually harassing and denigrating her night after night and encouraging others to do so as well... but that's all okay..? Okay then game on... this is far from over.. I too believe that the judicial coup is coming..but only history will tell us if it was legitimate or not...neither you or I can predict that...not here...cheers! Yeah and remember the head of the EC Election Commission (EC) drew laughter from reporters after suggesting in a condescending tone that a meeting with her might only be possible if it was arranged at a certain hotel where her opponents claim she had an as-yet-unproven extramarital affair...SO yeah there is a lotta class on both sides of this...

There you go, to hell with the people as long as it is legal.

I too believe that the judicial coup is coming..but only history will tell us if it was legitimate or not

What about thinking of the people for a change.

It is your kind of thinking that will bring on civil war.

You are not alone in that attitude. I may not be Thai but I love Thailand and the people in it. I care about their welfare. It would be nice to have a government that cared for them to.

Unfortunately we have one that doesn't but in your eyes that is OK it is legal.

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Army chief says he will not tolerate separatism

BANGKOK: -- Army Commander-in-Chief General Prayuth Chan-ocha said today (Friday) he would not tolerate attempts by anybody or any group of people to carve out the Thai territory to set up a separate state from the kingdom.

He labelled the people who advocated armed rebellion and separatism as “saliva rebels” when asked by a reporter about cartaker Interior Minister Charupong Ruangsuwan’s recent remark about civilians getting armed and breaking up the country to form a separate state.

I am beginning to seriously like this guy! thumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif

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