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Caretaker premier Yingluck says she's willing to die on the democratic battlefield


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Yingluck is a hero, showing strength, leadership and standing up for democracy in the face of obnoxious bullying by some very cowardly people.

Suthep is a corrupt, boneheaded bully with murder charges hanging over his head... and yet, bizarrely enough and to their utter shame, we have a vocal group of posters on this forum supporting this scumbag. Suthep is worthless, he is just interested in a power grab at all costs.

I presume you are joking?

Every time he posts he is joking - or haven't you noticed.

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hahahahahaha, quite obviously this was written for her as she is simply too stupid to string together a sentence such as this nor does she even know what it means. She has no intention of ever meeting anyone for a one on one debate that is televised, she is simply not capable of the brain power needed to answe questions that are not pre arranged so she already knows the answers(have to be told to her of course). Her publicity writers are just trying to garner support for her by having people think she is something she is not, once again we see her pathetic grovelling.

it's a pity that nobody in this government is listening to you, isn't it?

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If you regard this as a 'simplistic rant' then shame upon you. The point is about the support claimed for his drugs war is the difference between theory and practice. Thaksin used a series of popularist images to get people on his side, but the reality of the practice was vastly different. You posters who come out with these comments should think a little deeper about the issues because behind these types of policies there may lie a greater truth. For example, the campaign against identifying the Jews as the enemy was an approach taken by a certain regime - but this became a runaway train and people - who may have been perfectly good and ordinary working class souls - found themselves on the train aiding a regime in the slaughter of many people. This is how mass psychology works. Thaksin's case is not comparable in its mass, but he used similar psychology: Build up the picture of the enemy and once that is accepted go in for the kill. In this case it did no good whatsoever, partly because the main dealers were not targeted and also because he used this as a) a smokescreen to get rid of certain opponents and cool.png build popularity and show himself as a man of steel. Sadly many of those killed were not dealers. The charity that promotes reducing the harm caused by drug addiction identified many of those killed as harmless drug users who were pulled out of drop in centres and shot in the back of the head. Interesting here because a real drugs policy would not order extra judicial executions, however popular that may seem. It's undemocratic and autocratic and stinks of the kind of dictatorship you'd find in North Korea. The high places that you refer to made no comment in public about this. However, when those in much higher places identified the drug cultivation problem, they set up a projects which changed the game: instead of growing poppies people were encouraged to develop market gardens. Decisions at this intelligent and critical level can impact on and change society in a beneficial way as we have seen. Undemocratic decisions that lead to the slaughter of innocents in order to solve a problem in society is hardly an intelligent or even humane approach. If you would like chapter and verse on Mass Psychology, and in particular the mass psychology as used in both some religions and in politics such as communist or fascist regimes, I am happy to help you.

You misunderstand my post. I have nothing but contempt for Thaksin and I personally view his "war on drugs" as evil, particularly as I know (innocent) people who were murdered in it. However, it was just another of his populist policies and you won't find many Thai politicians bringing it up as a weapon against him as many of them supported it.

It's easy to paint Thaksin as evil, a dictator etc etc, but doing so is just playing the anti-democracy game. If you can't see that the current problem is far more than just Thaksin's past misdemeanours or crimes, you should do some reading around the subject!

(And you might want to make your rants easier to read by using paragraphing!)

well it's really easy to condemn Thaksin if you mention only the bad things (in your opinion!) but what about Health Insurance, what about water management, what about Public Transport, what about the rice scheme (in it's real sense)? For developing Thailand he was a mile stone!!

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Yingluck is a hero, showing strength, leadership and standing up for democracy in the face of obnoxious bullying by some very cowardly people.

Suthep is a corrupt, boneheaded bully with murder charges hanging over his head... and yet, bizarrely enough and to their utter shame, we have a vocal group of posters on this forum supporting this scumbag. Suthep is worthless, he is just interested in a power grab at all costs.

Moonao, IMHO you are dead spot on here with those sentiments...my Thai wife and I try to remain politically neutral and have been here 9 years (CM). We do not actively support either side and as a foreigner I remain out of arguments with locals either way, but I feel obligated to say that what is being foisted on the nation by PCAD and its band of thugs, using the false pretenses of improving democracy, is a hypocrisy and a total sham. This a death duel over power and access to the public largess that will eventually spiral out of control and nobody will win, especially the vast majority of Thais who simply want to live in peace, earn a living and stay away from trouble. The answer lies in finding a middle way, not the PTP way and not the PCAD way. Can calm and reasoned adult leaders in this country figure out how to do this before they precipitate a civil war? I surely pray that will be the case before he come to the abyss.

Fore man: By calling Suthep's supporters a 'band of thugs' shows just how uninformed you are and also shows that you are not the political neutral you claim to be. Moonmao is a poster here known for his pro-red shirt and pro Thaksin sentiments. Those of us who have studied political psychology and in particular mass movements can easily identify the dangers in this society. It's easy to cop out and say that most Thais want to live in peace and so forth. That's always been true across the world and history but as long as you have people like Thaksin trying to take over complete societies and manipulate the judicial and political systems for their own ends, then the masses cannot live in peace. The real danger in Thailand comes from the Thaksin clan and not Suthep or his follows - most of whom are peaceful people. Indeed, to back up this statement my wife and family - peasant farmers from the South East - have been involved of their own volition. There is no pressure on them at all and they, unlike some posters here, fully understand that Suthep is of the moment and not a political force for the future. They also understand where Thaksin is at with his lies and manipulation and they see him as an elitist money grabbing, power hungry would-be dictator who is destroying this land for his own ends. Many people from their region understand this and I have been amazed at the depth of their understanding and feelings on this topic.

I agree, Bully Boy Sutheps supporters are not thugs, its the paid group of armed so called body guards he has around him that are thugs.

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Yingluck is a hero, showing strength, leadership and standing up for democracy in the face of obnoxious bullying by some very cowardly people.

Suthep is a corrupt, boneheaded bully with murder charges hanging over his head... and yet, bizarrely enough and to their utter shame, we have a vocal group of posters on this forum supporting this scumbag. Suthep is worthless, he is just interested in a power grab at all costs.

I'm not going to defend Suthep, i do believe that someone had to step up before PTP got their hands on 2 trillion baht with no oversight. As for Yingluck, check box A. or B. corrupt, or completely stupid and incompetent. There are no other choices, rice rotting in warehouses, the government telling the farmers a year ago that they couldn't afford to pay 15,000 baht per tonne for rice, then backing down when the farmers threatened to protest. They not only continued to pay above world market prices, they did it knowing that they couldn't sell what they already had. I take it back, there is only one choice, box B. stupid and incompetent.

She is super hero! Being Taksin’s sister is merely a coinsidence (just like his brother in law becoming PM). These are honest folk wanting only to help their poor brothers and sisters. But you and your ilk, the yellow shirt thugs and the powerful anti democracy elitists are jealous….ph34r.png.pagespeed.ce.GOH20nhrx_.png

Edited by fullcave
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I do believe her statement will inflame the red mob even more and increase their boldness if that is possible.

Unfortunately, probably you are right. Are rumors in Chiang Rai that Reds are ready for confrontation.... Now I hope that the Military will Shut Down and Restart Thailand soon, but just using the slogan, not including Suthep at all.

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Yingluck is a hero, showing strength, leadership and standing up for democracy in the face of obnoxious bullying by some very cowardly people.

Suthep is a corrupt, boneheaded bully with murder charges hanging over his head... and yet, bizarrely enough and to their utter shame, we have a vocal group of posters on this forum supporting this scumbag. Suthep is worthless, he is just interested in a power grab at all costs.

I'm not going to defend Suthep, i do believe that someone had to step up before PTP got their hands on 2 trillion baht with no oversight. As for Yingluck, check box A. or B. corrupt, or completely stupid and incompetent. There are no other choices, rice rotting in warehouses, the government telling the farmers a year ago that they couldn't afford to pay 15,000 baht per tonne for rice, then backing down when the farmers threatened to protest. They not only continued to pay above world market prices, they did it knowing that they couldn't sell what they already had. I take it back, there is only one choice, box B. stupid and incompetent.

She is super hero! Being Taksin’s sister is merely a coinsidence (just like his brother in law becoming PM). These are honest folk wanting only to help their poor brothers and sisters. But you and your ilk, the yellow shirt thugs and the powerful anti democracy elitists are jealous….ph34r.png.pagespeed.ce.GOH20nhrx_.png

and as usual Ms. Yingluck answers questions not asked as in

"Asked about Mr Suthep's claim that she has no authority to make decisions for the country, Ms Yingluck argued that the current problems cannot be solved one person, but require the input of all Thai people."

BTW I am indeed at the moment wearing a yellow shirt (in 2007 many companies handed them out to celibrate H.M. the Kings 80th birthday) and I'm even sitting at the office of a local bank. Now if you think that means I'm a thug, or 'ilk' or an anti-democratic elitist, you better consult a specialist. Admiring Ms. Yingluck seems to have weird side effects which are of real interest to some in the psychiatric profession.

Stay cool and keep smiling

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Talk is cheap. And nowhere more so than in Thai politics.

Thaksin said he'd fight alongside his red troops but then remembered he had to go shopping in Paris. Chalerm promised he decapitate himself. So why should we believe Yingluck's 'Little Miss Braveheart' dramatics either? laugh.png

Edited by bigbamboo
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Guess that's something her brother told her to say too.

Could you please call Suthep and ask him for a new line? This one is getting old.

Is Shannon a old ladies name, or simply an Irish or Welsh name?

It's a Thai Rogue name.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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This is just an emotional triggering strategy. Her bunch of diehard red supporters will also come out and die for their "democracy".

Let's see how many people can she trigger this time?

And by the way, pls don't insult the uniform group.

"I'm also the defence minister meaning I'm like a soldier who has to do his duty until the last minute. A soldier has to keep the last stronghold and die on the battlefield. I will die in the democratic battlefield," she said.

Giving such a shameless statement. Where are you during the political crisis? Where are you during the death of the innocent people?

Either you allocate your duties to others or hiding at somewhere else.

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yep she has balls, not giving in to the thugs and various shysters in thai politics who are only interested in their personal agendas at the troff of tea money

Yes, the female equivalent of 'balls'. Always willing to say a lot to people if there's no need to listen. Alway ready to paint a pretty picture. Mind you, with her "I;m in charge" government losing 700++ billion on rice price pledging alone it would seem that she and her fellow Pheu Thai members are only interested in their personel agendas and their 'tea money'. Big brother had a new passport and a majority of Thai people were wading in floodwaters. Ms. Yingluck saying "please wait" and Pheu Thai at the same time pushing what we do not want.

Now pray tell why did the blanket amnesty bill coverage was extended to cover the first two years of Ms. Yinglucks government as well?

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Btw, did anyone read this article? Every red shirt should read it, it might open some eyes :-)

"Elections don't always lead to democracy, says (John) Kerry"


Great article! One quote:

"And what you have in many places is a general election, a popular election, absent reform, present with great corruption, great cronyism and a huge distortion of democratic process."

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Guess that's something her brother told her to say too.

Could you please call Suthep and ask him for a new line? This one is getting old.

Is Shannon a old ladies name, or simply an Irish or Welsh name?

It's a Thai Rogue name.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

There was a Del Shannon. Maybe he's a fan? His biggest hit could be Pheu Thai's party song.........

'Runaway' thumbsup.gif

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Dr. Anand, please come to the aid of Thailand and try to instill some common sense into the warring factions. They are like rabble rouser's with no definite aim in mind, except to name call, bully and intimidate. It takes me back to China's Little Red Book rallies. The next thing we may expect is to see people being harangued and made to wear slogans around their necks. I love this country and it hurts me to see it rapidly sliding into a civil war. All conflicts are ended only after all sides sit down and compromise. As Kitchener said "Your Country Needs You!' For me, you are the only one on the horizon who has a ghost of a chance to bring Thailand to it's senses.

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