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"mismatched couples" - definition?


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Please check out Kitsune's post history before feeding the troll.

Lol- My 1000'th post is going to get deleted.

Oh my god I have a stalker

Seriously you keep popping up every time I talk about myself.

Don't you have a life to live ?

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to the contrary, the old guy with the hottie i find is regularly rare here unless he has something going for him - money, style or a mixture of both.

Far more common is the old guy by the pool, on the street, shopping or in a restaurant with a somewhat battle scarred and dour faced country woman of very little visible charm or appeal. Thing is, he may think he has a good deal, but for me it would cruel and unusual punishment.

Could your jealousy being displayed here?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Edited by Somsrisonphimai
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yeah I know anyone who says anything about old farts buying young wives, is either a dumb beefed up young guy or a bitter Western woman.

The fact remains, it is neither of them that got the OP writing : It was a 21 yo Lukkrung girl she said "it is not right", so don't come and lecture me about my imaginary bitterness.

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yeah I know anyone who says anything about old farts buying young wives, is either a dumb beefed up young guy or a bitter Western woman.

The fact remains, it is neither of them that got the OP writing : It was a 21 yo Lukkrung girl she said "it is not right", so don't come and lecture me about my imaginary bitterness.

Hey 'old farts' have feelings you know, mature wordly wise/unwise sounds better

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you are coming across like a bitter Western or Westernized female, perhaps living in Thailand, that frequently observes older Western men with much younger Thai women, and this bothers you.

Many, if not most older Western men have settled or visit Thailand (not for the culture, infrastructure, climate, or scenery) but to be with younger females who adhere to the traditional (pre women's lib) values of women taking care of the home, children and physical needs, while the man is the breadwinner and provides home, food and money. Most men are not so self-deluded to believe they are God's gift to these women in the physical sense. Both parties benefit from this arrangement. After a period of time, genuine affection may occur between these "mismatched" couples

Hello cliches :5 minutes ago i was a young guy with muscles, now i said I am a woman I have to be bitter and western.

They don't adhere to traditional values, they just want a ticket out of here.

Why do you think we have so many stories about men being dumped the minute the wife gets full visa?

Post #17, you said you once had a boyfriend....,so Im assuming you are a woman as a gay guy would not care about this topic. If you read my post, i stated that many men move to Thailand (not take women to other countries, which I agree with you is a recipe for disaster is a vast age difference). I would like to know why you come across as bitter when you see the old guys with young ladies?

Shall remind you the OP: it's a 21yo lukkrung who said 'it's not right' Is she also bitter?

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I think it's a misconception or that of insecurity to say in the west one is more likely matched with some less attractive than in Thailand. In my late twenties & early thirties I preferred mid thirties but often got stuck or ended up with early twenties. Never large. In my late forties, even if I did return to the US, I would still be able to compete obtain late twenties to mid thirties. A western male's appearance in relation to the whatever beauty/age of their Thai counterparts seems more critically discussed in this country. Ultimately in the West, it's more personality whereas here it's up for grabs. The reality is to note whose discussing. I find many single foreigners or foreign tourist couples looking at mixed couples, see only the Thai prostitute stereotype, basically ignorance & highly prejudiced people. Many times when I walk into a foreigner only bar/restaurant with my Thai wife, I feel many eyes fall in my direction of which I give the appropriate stare back. Never had an issue in Udon Thani or Srinikarin, but Sukhumvit is quite tiresome.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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yeah I know anyone who says anything about old farts buying young wives, is either a dumb beefed up young guy or a bitter Western woman.

The fact remains, it is neither of them that got the OP writing : It was a 21 yo Lukkrung girl she said "it is not right", so don't come and lecture me about my imaginary bitterness.

Hey 'old farts' have feelings you know, mature wordly wise/unwise sounds better

Sorry a guy who who buy himself a Thai woman half his age is anything but mature or wise.

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how many readers believe their girlfriend / wife would have still choose them for a partner had he had to openly compete in the west in the real world?

None, unless they're deluded, in which case we will soon find them in the " The Thai wife left me the minute she got her visa/after stealing all my money" section.

just realized you are female, does this mean you are totally pissed because no westerner wants to be with you for what ever reason. It always seems that the women and men that have had failed relationships like to bag anyone that is having a good one simply because they are jealous as sh*t they cannot snare someone. Dont worry, I feel sorry for people like you that have to try to denegrate others because they failed, I am sure you will find a fat, old and ugly thai for yourself if you look hard and offer enough money. Have a nice day nowbiggrin.png .

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to the contrary, the old guy with the hottie i find is regularly rare here unless he has something going for him - money, style or a mixture of both.

Far more common is the old guy by the pool, on the street, shopping or in a restaurant with a somewhat battle scarred and dour faced country woman of very little visible charm or appeal. Thing is, he may think he has a good deal, but for me it would cruel and unusual punishment.

I second that, 90% of the farangs' Thai gf/wives are not "hotties" by any standard. I count myself extremely lucky to belong to the minority :-P

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how many readers believe their girlfriend / wife would have still choose them for a partner had he had to openly compete in the west in the real world?

None, unless they're deluded, in which case we will soon find them in the " The Thai wife left me the minute she got her visa/after stealing all my money" section.

just realized you are female, does this mean you are totally pissed because no westerner wants to be with you for what ever reason. It always seems that the women and men that have had failed relationships like to bag anyone that is having a good one simply because they are jealous as sh*t they cannot snare someone. Dont worry, I feel sorry for people like you that have to try to denegrate others because they failed, I am sure you will find a fat, old and ugly thai for yourself if you look hard and offer enough money. Have a nice day nowbiggrin.png .

Yeah I am so jealous I wish I could have a red neck husband twice my age, that can't spell "denigrate" and need to ask Thaivisa how to live with me.

look who's spitting the dummy, you cant decide if your a man or woman but doesnt matter because with your attitude no one would want to be with you anyway. All you are is another reason to read posts in here, takes all kinds to make tv a great place to be and when we get someone that is loveless such as yourself that cant decide if they are male or female but just want to abuse everyone it makes for a great laugh. I am older than my wife, only by 17 years and she earns way more than me and could have a choice of men way wealthier than me but she chose me over them all. That must piss people like you off heaps because you are not able to say the same so you need to come in here and try to denigrate those that do, definitely feel sorry for you now especially when you start picking on their spelling(ps, you should check your own grammar/spelling before commenting on anyone elses)cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

Edited by seajae
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They don't adhere to traditional values, they just want a ticket out of here.

Why do you think we have so many stories about men being dumped the minute the wife gets full visa?

I meet hundreds of younger Thai women every month looking for a farang, not talking about sex workers but ordinary girls

Fewer than 5% of them would be willing to leave Thailand, probably more like 1 out of a hundred.

They would never dream of asking their man to share in the housework, change nappies etc.

So how does that fit with your viewpoint?

"Hundreds"? Where? Asked the gf's daughter, a uni student, and some of her friends. They say, "only if we were very poor."
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The white chicks I've lived with in France, the US and Mexico had to deal with similar adjustment issues.

After the money kicked in they were down with it.

They don't have any idea at this point but they're ALL in my will.

Some of 'em may actually bump into each other when it's read.

So, sue me . . . . . ;- )

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

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I had a boyfriend I was in love with, I refused to marry him because he was a millionaire (in Euro). He was my age, he was a successful professional, and handsome.

The family was always in the middle with their cash telling us how to live our lives

Money means selling your backside like a piece of meat, given up your principles, your beliefs, and eventually your soul.

Hey kitty Kat ... if he's still single, shrimp girl has two lovely single sisters.

Just saying like ... rolleyes.gif

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Thai women are like fragile tropical flowers and wilt in other countries.

Noooooooooooooooooo ... say it isn't so ... facepalm.gif

note to self ... cancel Shrimp Girl's Visa application with the Embassy on Monday.

Thanks thailiketoo ... you've just saved me from a world of hurt ... thumbsup.gif

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The 21 year old girl's opinion was that it's not right, but also that it was much tougher for her to be noticed in Thailand than in the west. I think some of these Thai women also have to wake up and realize the average farang man they see in Thailand (i.e. older) is not representative at all of the average guy they would meet in the west.

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yeah I know anyone who says anything about old farts buying young wives, is either a dumb beefed up young guy or a bitter Western woman.

The fact remains, it is neither of them that got the OP writing : It was a 21 yo Lukkrung girl she said "it is not right", so don't come and lecture me about my imaginary bitterness.

The OP said quote, "Today I am spending time on some islands with a gorgeous, childless 27 year old, white skinned Lao girl and I notice many men (Thai and farang) stare at her, for one reason being its an odd sight as in the west, she would normally be with a guy much better looking and in his early 30's."

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Thai women are like fragile tropical flowers and wilt in other countries.

Noooooooooooooooooo ... say it isn't so ... facepalm.gif

note to self ... cancel Shrimp Girl's Visa application with the Embassy on Monday.

Thanks thailiketoo ... you've just saved me from a world of hurt ... thumbsup.gif

Compare and contrast Thai women with women from the Philippines.

3.4 million Filipinos in America. 69% born in Philippines.

234 thousand Thais in America.

Edited by thailiketoo
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I meet hundreds of younger Thai women every month looking for a farang, not talking about sex workers but ordinary girls

Fewer than 5% of them would be willing to leave Thailand, probably more like 1 out of a hundred.

They would never dream of asking their man to share in the housework, change nappies etc.

So how does that fit with your viewpoint?

"Hundreds"? Where? Asked the gf's daughter, a uni student, and some of her friends. They say, "only if we were very poor."

Yes of course I did say they are regular girls, in Thailand the vast majority of Thais are very poor.

I have no interest in associating with wealthier Thais socially, only for career/business purposes, they're almost as boring as farang. . .

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yeah I know anyone who says anything about old farts buying young wives, is either a dumb beefed up young guy or a bitter Western woman.

The fact remains, it is neither of them that got the OP writing : It was a 21 yo Lukkrung girl she said "it is not right", so don't come and lecture me about my imaginary bitterness.

The OP said quote, "Today I am spending time on some islands with a gorgeous, childless 27 year old, white skinned Lao girl and I notice many men (Thai and farang) stare at her, for one reason being its an odd sight as in the west, she would normally be with a guy much better looking and in his early 30's."

Only renting…keeps them fresh. But they have to think you're leaning towards the buy option to keep them interested. Little does she know, the rental contract ends in BKK later today with no renewal option. Really, she believes I would "loan" her 400,000 baht to start a restaurant after together 1 week? Maybe another sucker out there….Sex is already boring…I can only imagine the same girl after 20 years together.

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Please check out Kitsune's post history before feeding the troll.

Lol- My 1000'th post is going to get deleted.

could say exactly the same about the op......yawn yawn ........last week he had given up paying for it and was in a steady content relationship with a teacher from bangkok who had her own money ......these trolls are really boring,keeps the forum alive for those with nothing better to do i suppose.

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Please check out Kitsune's post history before feeding the troll.

Lol- My 1000'th post is going to get deleted.

could say exactly the same about the op......yawn yawn ........last week he had given up paying for it and was in a steady content relationship with a teacher from bangkok who had her own money ......these trolls are really boring,keeps the forum alive for those with nothing better to do i suppose.

Its sort of a internal dilemma for me; which way to go. There are advantages to both but the teacher had a severe sweat issue. Could you handle someone sweating profusely at the dinner table, to the point it was running off her chin and dripping off her eyes? Call me picky but it was just too much. No one else had the least bit of sweat.

I like the bargirls as it lets me control the relationship on my terms…I pay for performance, much like an actor is paid to make a movie. They fail to act well and their paycheque suffers. Too bad, they can always get a real job like most people.

If my posts disturb you, do you not understand the ignore function? Its like the Pattaya complainers who keep returning to Walking Street just to say how perverse it it.

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From the OP:

"............. mismatched couples (where the man is with a girl he could never hope to attract back home) is right, ..............."

If you want a certain 'item' and cannot find it in the supermarket, you go to another supermarket, no?

So in someone's opinion, an old fat unattractive western man should have and old fat unattractive wife, just to make it a match?

Well in my opinion, if that is your opinion, and you are an old fat unattractive western, then by all means go ahead and get a matching wife to go with you,

but let others do as they want.

Usually when I pass such a 'mismatched' couple in Thailand, it is the couple that seems uncomfortable with it, instead of me.

Also, as another poster, usually the Thai female is actually not that attractive at all. Anyway, why should who you are with, be subject

to the approval of strangers??

Now, when I do see an older guy with a hot young girl, I will mostly think "good on you man", while I'll check her from top to bottom biggrin.png .

Thai women have a certain approach to a relationship where they will take care of their partner. Western women on the other hand

are more emancipated and see how to live with a man differently. Some guys like emancipated women, some don't.

Those that don't try to find what they do like. Some find that in Thailand.

People should be less judgmental.

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to the contrary, the old guy with the hottie i find is regularly rare here unless he has something going for him - money, style or a mixture of both.

Far more common is the old guy by the pool, on the street, shopping or in a restaurant with a somewhat battle scarred and dour faced country woman of very little visible charm or appeal. Thing is, he may think he has a good deal, but for me it would cruel and unusual punishment.

I think if you go back to your own country you will see a hell of a lot more old guys shopping or in restaurants with battle scarred and dour faced women of very little charm or appeal....a lot more. Furthermore; the women here are far more likely to be better cooks, carers and companions than a lot of Western 'liberated' women. You would do well to remember that 'Beauty is only skin deep'.

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