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Nose looked down at Lao people


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Don't the citizens of most countries think their people/ country are/ is the best?

Just about every country makes jokes about or denigrates another, often a neighbour.

Sometimes between regions (or racial groups) within a country.

Not defending the practise, but recognising that it is not uniquelyThai/Lao.

Sure it's like my stupid classmates in grade school making jokes about Canadians ( I am American) thinking that Canada was just an extension of America..but really when you get to know Canadians one realizes they are in generally super people and at the end of the day very different from Americans....I love Canada

.....and we don't live in igloos! cheesy.gif

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My parents in law,wife and son, many colleagues, friends do not see me "as lower as a soi dog." How can you make something like that up?

If you hang out drunk at the local market every day, acting like an animal, then they might have such a feeling regarding you.

Treat people the way you'd like being treated and you won't have such problems. My five baht to your comment.

Please restrict all comments to one bahts worth thank you.wink.png

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Good topic, interesting discussion. Love Laos and the people and the countryside. Prefer a night out in Vientienne to any city in Thailand. Where i live in upper Isaan, the people love it when i talk Laos rather than Thai.

Just my million Kip's worth.

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My parents in law,wife and son, many colleagues, friends do not see me "as lower as a soi dog." How can you make something like that up?

If you hang out drunk at the local market every day, acting like an animal, then they might have such a feeling regarding you.

Treat people the way you'd like being treated and you won't have such problems. My five baht to your comment.

Please restrict all comments to one bahts worth thank you.wink.png

Why didn't you show the superficial text of belg? Mind your own business. Thank you.-

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Good topic, interesting discussion. Love Laos and the people and the countryside. Prefer a night out in Vientienne to any city in Thailand. Where i live in upper Isaan, the people love it when i talk Laos rather than Thai.

Just my million Kip's worth.

Agreed, I love Vientiane, it may be a bit expensive but has it, good food, great night night life if know where to find it...etc..etc ;)

and if you venture out a bit 15 km you can be in some really ban Nok places and not in a bad sense of the word...have made some very long lasting friendships in a few villages..

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Let's call a spade a spade, aren't all "organized religions" <deleted>?

so true, all religions including that religion-that-is-not-a-religion (yeah yeah blah blah) are based on fear. buddhism in thailand is disneyland-buddhism. i don't mind that (up to them, i don't participate, only observe) but please don't give me this buddhism-is-so-much-better-than-christianity-or-islam-CRAP. it's all a farce, and yet another a tool to control anxious people's minds (and wallets). in theory buddhism is OKAY but as soon as it gets "performed" by your average humans it loses all its wisdom. in theory christianity is also okish as is islam... unfortunately most humans are NOT okay.

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Where I live in Issan the Thais are of Khmer descent not Laotians. Putting that aside the Thais are accused of looking down on the Laotians, Cambodians, Burmese, Malaysians, Northern, Northeastern, Central, Eastern, Southern, Red Shirts, Yellow Shirts. If I missed any one I'm sorry, Trying not to discriminate.whistling.gif

Many Lao people are also of Khmer decent or Chinese too. And there are Thais who have Burmese or even Malay blood too.

The issue has really nothing to do with ethnicity. Thailand has managed to create a social structure that makes the ability to speak Thai a badge of status along with white skin. The ability to speak polite Thai puts you up a few notches along with extra white skin (helps if you have a Chinese grandfather).

I experienced the linguistic aspect when I visited Issaan with a Lao speaking Westerner. He could be well understood by everyone but no one would speak to him in Lao/IIsaan in public. Isaan people use Thai in their public dealings, especially with people they do not know. Their Lao/Isaan has become a language of intimacy, to be used in the home among family members, with children or lovers/spouses or parents.

When Thais go to Laos, they look down at the fact that the Lao speak Lao all the time and in public.

Of course, the Thais who think that Lao cannot speak any other language are uninformed because any young person and no so young person in Laos where they can receive Thai TV will at least learn to understand Thai. Every kid learns Thai in school too. Many Lao with some education will speak Thai.

Every Lao kid does not learn Thai in school.

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In an attempt to prevent the development of a sex trade industry similar to that of Thailand, sexual contact between a Lao national and foreigners is illegal unless the two have been married in accordance with Lao family law. In some cases, the Lao government may not recognize a legal marriage certificate from foreign countries, therefore it is prudent to register the marriage with the Lao embassy prior to entering Laos.

Foreigners who enter into a sexual relationship with a Lao national may be interrogated, detained, arrested and/or jailed. The Lao national can be jailed without trial. Lao police have confiscated passports and imposed fines of up to $5000 USD. As an attempt to enforce this rule, foreigners are not permitted to invite Lao nationals of the opposite sex into their hotel rooms.

maybe why you didn't see a red light district

Only if you are heterosexual, female, Lao national is what you mean.

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