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Bad tricks of ais internet dataplans, and reasons why your credit disappear!

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Around 2 weeks ago the 3 g signal comes in our area, so I want try it out!

First to test it I sign up to daily 14 bath Mao Mao pack toping up 100 baht .speed was okay can watch 384 kbit YouTube videos shortly the package run out on next day , I download some larger data , then I recognizes speed goes up 3,5 gb but only 2 minutes , then service switch off!

Was thinking , no problem sign up again for 14 bath, but all my money was gone nothing 84 baht left!

No body knows why, after one our I got a call back , your money finish must top up you use internet over time!

84 baht in 2 minutes downloading full speed what a great deal!

Next issue comes today, I ask about the different packages , yes we have one 500 mb 299 thb and 399 for one gig

I ask does the speed will be the same , on 299 and 399 package after the main data used up. Yes it will be the same 384 Edge plus Sir !

But my feeling was right after used up the 500 mb in half hour, I found another bad data trick out, I cannot use edge like hotline promise , call again a woman picked up , told what happen, plz check the difference of2promotiins, I see was the aswer

You only in the 2 g mode now not in edge plus, btw same trick use also true when you download more then 1o gigabyte I inside the 384 kbit flat!

I told the woman that the hotliner before , give me wrong information about package condition!

I ask, what possibilitys I have?

Would you be so kind to activate me the 1 gb package, because I got wrong information before about the speed, I told willing to pay200baht,

The difference between the 2 package was only 100!

Thinking change the packages was only a dream, the aswer you must top up first your credit not enough

When you change you loose your old

Packages must pay 400 thb again!

I told ask your boss find a solution, when the hotliner before make a mistike in information, no cannot my boss will reject me also..

So it's sounds ironic that a voice during waiting time told at the moment

We do always our best and it's our goul tomake customers satisfied with our service!

Any other story's about other tricky dataplans money gone issue welcome !

Iam sure the have more in stock , I just found 2 of them...


They sold him basic 500mb package, which don't offer 384 kbit speed after initial 500mb. It is 64 kbit I guess. Now they are asking 200 baht for each 1gb extra or something.

Also, daily internet packages end at 23:59 so they are not full 24 hours I think. So it used his remaining balance real fast.

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Yes you have to be really careful using AIS internet. After internet package finishes it will eat all your money in prepaid account very fast. I had a friend losing over 160 b within an hour without warning. This was after a daily 14 b package expired.

I recommend switching to DTAC. They are at least so decent to have a maximum charge of 49 b per day for internet. If you use more than 49b in 1 day they will refund it the amount over 49 b.

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