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Women network calls for revision of rights award to Yaowares Shinawatra


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Come on people, stop blaming the woman.

She cares, so much, about Thailand, that she even had to go to Myanmar to ask the astrologer about the future of her country, and the future of her wrongly accused, husband.

Tears come to my eyes, about her concerns.

Give her the award and a kick out of this country to go and pester her husband.

For the sake of accuracy, she's not Thaksin's former wife. That would be Khunying Potjanam. However, whatever her realationship, she doesn't seem to qualify for this type of prize.

she is being groomed to be thaksins new PM. yes, there are many many others who qualify. donating money does not make you a saint in my book. she is weak and evil.

" weak and evil."

That would make her a weevil...

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Come on people, stop blaming the woman.

She cares, so much, about Thailand, that she even had to go to Myanmar to ask the astrologer about the future of her country, and the future of her wrongly accused, husband.

Tears come to my eyes, about her concerns.

Give her the award and a kick out of this country to go and pester her husband.

why comment if you don't even know who this person is?

All I see in this thread is a bunch of knee jerk reactions.

I don't know what Yaowares does for women in Thailand but it's clear that neither do the posters on here. In fact the poster above seems to be under the impression that this it Potjaman.

Maybe you people should look at what she's done before you trash her.

Does it really matter what she has done? The media which is controlled by the elite will have you believe that all the rich people give much of their wealth to charity when in fact the charity is run by the person who set it up to bennifit themselves .It also means while they are making demands on the poor to pay for their scams (Bankers & Such) they themselves get to pick what their should of been tax payments are spent on & it isnt on any benifit to the comon man. Getting all their tax breaks to give eachother another windfall off a multimillion pound painting . They try to force this myth of the arts being of benifit to the populous when in fact it is the rich that bennifit from the reduced ticket prices for elitist properganda plays. The poor pay for the upkeep & the salaries of these so called artist while they struggle to pay bills & feed their families.

Awards are just another why of the rich getting more for nothing. Just look at the cost of all the funtions that the same few elite muppets have. You really dont have to search for them .Medals here there and everywhere. Given by eachother to eachother.

The rich in the UK just get made Knights & dames which gives them another mega add on for the rest of their life.

So while they do give the odd postman a blue peter badge the rich get the badge & bennifits Its a world elite thing

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The Shinawatra Brand plague-cart trundles on. The businesses and the relatives including this lady might very well be good and honest, but they carry the contagion so its all aboard the rot-buggy time. I would distance myself from him and his businesses, and change my name, personally.

You won't be able to give a Shinawatra-made life-jacket to a drowning person eventually. You can almost hear the sobbing and weeping echoing across the sands from Dubai.

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The Shinawatra Brand plague-cart trundles on. The businesses and the relatives including this lady might very well be good and honest, but they carry the contagion so its all aboard the rot-buggy time. I would distance myself from him and his businesses, and change my name, personally.

You won't be able to give a Shinawatra-made life-jacket to a drowning person eventually. You can almost hear the sobbing and weeping echoing across the sands from Dubai.

Why go on about a scam that all the elite of the world are doing them blame it on one family ? Do you count Thakins to get to sleep at night ? While most count sheep of the fruitcake followers kind.

You & many more seem to be totally Thaksin obsessed to the max & dare I say to a lunitic level . The guy isn't going away because he has the popular support of the nation.

If you really want to do something that could change things maybe you should start by slagging Abisit for being a total idiot for backing the fruitcake & maybe try to force that elite rabble to change policies so the majority of Thai people will vote for them rather than the pitance they get at the moment.

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Come on people, stop blaming the woman.

She cares, so much, about Thailand, that she even had to go to Myanmar to ask the astrologer about the future of her country, and the future of her wrongly accused, husband.

Tears come to my eyes, about her concerns.

Give her the award and a kick out of this country to go and pester her husband.

why comment if you don't even know who this person is?

All I see in this thread is a bunch of knee jerk reactions.

I don't know what Yaowares does for women in Thailand but it's clear that neither do the posters on here. In fact the poster above seems to be under the impression that this it Potjaman.

Maybe you people should look at what she's done before you trash her.

Or maybe you should tell us what you she has done

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just give her an honorary doctor title and call it a day...

looking at the picture, did she eat the missing rice?

Now that was a low blow.tongue.png

Does any one know any thing about what she has done.

I figured she would be in the politics up to her neck but there was no word about her actions.

so far most of what I have seen here is really nonsense. For all we really know she may have been very active in helping women.

She just has the bad luck to be in a clan that has a very unsavory reputation. Don't know that much about her she might be a good apple in a barrel full of bad ones for all I know and it seems like most of the posters here know about the same as I do.sad.png

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Outcry Over Women's Rights Award For A Shinawatra
By Khaosod English

BANGKOK: -- Sister of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra says she's willing to give up her women's rights award following an outcry over her eligibility.

Ms. Yaowaret Shinawatra was previously named by the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security as the winner of the 2014 prize for advancing women′s rights and gender equality on the occasion of annual International Women Day.

Explaining the decision to honour Ms. Yaowaret with the award, the prize committee cited her role as a chairwoman of a women′s foundation.

However, the news provokes criticism from a number of gender rights activists, as Ms. Yaowaret has not been known as an active campaigner for women′s welfare in Thai society, and the foundation she chairs is relatively obscure.

Others suspect that a political favour was behind the rationale for the prize.

Among the more prominent critics of the award is Ms. Supensri Puengkhokesoong, a leading member of Women and Men Progressive Movement Foundation (WMP), who told reporters that Ms. Yaowaret was not an appropriate winner for the award since there are many other activists who deserve the prize.

She said her foundation would file a letter to urge the award committee to reconsider its decision next week.

Ms. Yaowaret has not spoken to the media about the award, but she has released a statement today detailing her willingness to recant the prize.

"I am not saddened by the criticism, because I have never expected any rewarding for my works on development of women′s rights," Ms. Yaowaret said in a statement, which was released to the media by one of her daughters, "I believe many women have benefited from my dedication in the last 20 years, and that is a life′s award for me".

The statement continues, "I am willing to recant the award to construct an atmosphere of unity and reconciliation in the society".

She also expressed her support for other activists who have campaigned to advance women′s rights in the country.

Source: http://www.khaosod.co.th/en/view_newsonline.php?newsid=TVRNNU16a3dOVGt5TUE9PQ==

-- Khaosod English 2014-03-04

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Yaowares has no regrets over opposition to rights promotion award


BANGKOK: -- Mrs Yaowares Shinawatra, president of the National Outstanding Thai Women Association, has no regrets over opposition to the proposed awarding of outstanding performance to her by the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security, her daughter Miss Chayika Wongpahan said.

Miss Chayika, the eldest daughter of Mrs Yaowares , said in an open letter released to the media today that her mother has no regrets after the Women and Men Progressive Movement Foundation coordinator Miss Supensri Puengkoksoong opposed the outstanding performance award to her, citing reasons of inappropriateness and disqualification.

The awarding ceremony is scheduled to be held at Muangthong Thani exhibition center on March 7 to mark the International Women’s Day on March 18.

Miss Chayika said her mother would like to inform that she has devoted all the time in working to promote equal rights of women and men, and women’s rights protection.

Her mother did all work with hope for nothing but for the benefit of women which she said confidently would be of great interest to many women.

This was what she intended to achieve throughout her 20 years of live in working for the societies, she said.

Yaowares said in the open letter that she was ready to abdicate the right for the award to create an atmosphere of unity and reconciliation in the country, and also would like to boost the morale of all women who are to be awarded for outstanding performance in working for women’s rights.

Mrs Yaowares is among 35 women named recipients to this year’s outstanding performances in 16 categories of works for women and family activities.

She was proposed by the Office of the Women’s Affairs and Family Development to the organizing committee of this year’s ceremony to mark the International Women’s Day to be a qualified recipient with outstanding performance in promoting equal rights of women and men, and also rights protection for women.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/yaowares-regrets-opposition-rights-promotion-award/

-- Thai PBS 2014-03-04

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rubl, on 03 Mar 2014 - 13:46, said:
terryp, on 03 Mar 2014 - 11:15, said:

Mrs Yaowares Shinawatra as a recipient to this year’s award for outstanding performance in promoting equal rights of men and women, and women’s right protection.

WHAT? has this parasite done amd where???

this is one of the main problems in Thailand too much elite cr"p like this...there are MANY good average Thais who have done so much to help the Poor and Women in distress this is an insult to their devoted work

Now, now, don't be too harsh on her. When her driver fell ill and could no longer function as MP, she reluctantly left her safe home and agreed to stand as candidate. Now that showed courage, dedication. Mind you, her many tasks seemed to have kept her from campaigning in the district and meet the electorate which wanted some more say in who represented them as MP, but that's just the normal disturbance created by those who do not understand democracy.

Just can't help yourself can you? Lets have your ideas of those people you think understand democracy, you must have some ideas as you have decided this woman doesn't.

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smovi57, on 03 Mar 2014 - 21:21, said:

She looks like a cow.

Thank you for your valuable contribution on this subject. I'm sure there's more incisive political insight where that come from, I can hardly wait.

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rubl, on 03 Mar 2014 - 18:59, said:
commie Joe, on 03 Mar 2014 - 17:15, said:
Yunla, on 03 Mar 2014 - 16:59, said:

The Shinawatra Brand plague-cart trundles on. The businesses and the relatives including this lady might very well be good and honest, but they carry the contagion so its all aboard the rot-buggy time. I would distance myself from him and his businesses, and change my name, personally.

You won't be able to give a Shinawatra-made life-jacket to a drowning person eventually. You can almost hear the sobbing and weeping echoing across the sands from Dubai.

Why go on about a scam that all the elite of the world are doing them blame it on one family ? Do you count Thakins to get to sleep at night ? While most count sheep of the fruitcake followers kind.

You & many more seem to be totally Thaksin obsessed to the max & dare I say to a lunitic level . The guy isn't going away because he has the popular support of the nation.

If you really want to do something that could change things maybe you should start by slagging Abisit for being a total idiot for backing the fruitcake & maybe try to force that elite rabble to change policies so the majority of Thai people will vote for them rather than the pitance they get at the moment.

As this is Thailand, and aforum about Thailand anything outside Thailand is of less importance.

Now you seem somewhat obsessed with keeping telling all that we should forget Thaksin, the criminal fugitive who runs and commands his government.

Of course it's also nice of you to slap the others and than suggest they shape up following with a maybe that would help.

BTW the last general election the Democrat party got 33% of votes cast with Pheu Thai 44%, a real pittance. Now even with that support it doesn't mean that Thaksin has 'the popular support of the Nation'. Probably only of the brainwashed part to which I'm inclined to add you. Maybe it's just your member name which confuses me rolleyes.gif

Actually at the last general election the democrat party got 0% of the votes cast, but...........

..........guess what, your post has not the slightest relevance to the thread.

As a self certified "Off Topic" inspector surely you should set some standards?

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just give her an honorary doctor title and call it a day...

looking at the picture, did she eat the missing rice?

Now that was a low blow.tongue.png

Does any one know any thing about what she has done.

I figured she would be in the politics up to her neck but there was no word about her actions.

so far most of what I have seen here is really nonsense. For all we really know she may have been very active in helping women.

She just has the bad luck to be in a clan that has a very unsavory reputation. Don't know that much about her she might be a good apple in a barrel full of bad ones for all I know and it seems like most of the posters here know about the same as I do.sad.png

Yaowares Shinawatra, was President of the National Council of Women of Thailand under the Royal Patronage of Her Majesty the Queen. She was active in the launch of several initiatives to improve the position of women in Thai society.

She has worked on behalf of women's rights and the opening up of opportunity for women for about 25 years. She was not involved in politics until Thaksin was forced into exile and the family came under attack. It is interesting that few of Thaksin's 9 siblings were interested in politics on a national scale. The Shinawatra family was a trendsetter when it came to women expressing themselves. Sister Yaowalak (RIP) was the first woman mayor of Chiang Mai and Yingluck is the first PM. All of the Shinawatra women have been independent and successful in their own right.

I find it odd that the denigrating and misogynistic comments in this thread are being voiced by middle aged men, most of whom probably have a few failed marriages or abandoned families to show for their time on earth. It is also odd that the males calling Yaowares a cow etc. are most likely morbidly obese themselves. I suppose one should laugh at such people, but really it does explain why they have a sorry track record with educated secure women. Perhaps there are better candidates than Yaowares, but considering the fear and resentment many of the respondents on this thread have for women, I don't think those males are in a position to render judgement.

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rubl, on 03 Mar 2014 - 13:46, said:
terryp, on 03 Mar 2014 - 11:15, said:

Mrs Yaowares Shinawatra as a recipient to this year’s award for outstanding performance in promoting equal rights of men and women, and women’s right protection.

WHAT? has this parasite done amd where???

this is one of the main problems in Thailand too much elite cr"p like this...there are MANY good average Thais who have done so much to help the Poor and Women in distress this is an insult to their devoted work

Now, now, don't be too harsh on her. When her driver fell ill and could no longer function as MP, she reluctantly left her safe home and agreed to stand as candidate. Now that showed courage, dedication. Mind you, her many tasks seemed to have kept her from campaigning in the district and meet the electorate which wanted some more say in who represented them as MP, but that's just the normal disturbance created by those who do not understand democracy.

Just can't help yourself can you? Lets have your ideas of those people you think understand democracy, you must have some ideas as you have decided this woman doesn't.

My dear chap, your 'reading and apprehending' course not finished yet I guess, or did you fail the exam?

I didn't say Mrs. Yaowares didn't understand democracy. but now that you put forward that suggestion I might tend to agree with you. Thanks wai.gif

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rubl, on 03 Mar 2014 - 18:59, said:
commie Joe, on 03 Mar 2014 - 17:15, said:
Yunla, on 03 Mar 2014 - 16:59, said:

The Shinawatra Brand plague-cart trundles on. The businesses and the relatives including this lady might very well be good and honest, but they carry the contagion so its all aboard the rot-buggy time. I would distance myself from him and his businesses, and change my name, personally.

You won't be able to give a Shinawatra-made life-jacket to a drowning person eventually. You can almost hear the sobbing and weeping echoing across the sands from Dubai.

Why go on about a scam that all the elite of the world are doing them blame it on one family ? Do you count Thakins to get to sleep at night ? While most count sheep of the fruitcake followers kind.

You & many more seem to be totally Thaksin obsessed to the max & dare I say to a lunitic level . The guy isn't going away because he has the popular support of the nation.

If you really want to do something that could change things maybe you should start by slagging Abisit for being a total idiot for backing the fruitcake & maybe try to force that elite rabble to change policies so the majority of Thai people will vote for them rather than the pitance they get at the moment.

As this is Thailand, and aforum about Thailand anything outside Thailand is of less importance.

Now you seem somewhat obsessed with keeping telling all that we should forget Thaksin, the criminal fugitive who runs and commands his government.

Of course it's also nice of you to slap the others and than suggest they shape up following with a maybe that would help.

BTW the last general election the Democrat party got 33% of votes cast with Pheu Thai 44%, a real pittance. Now even with that support it doesn't mean that Thaksin has 'the popular support of the Nation'. Probably only of the brainwashed part to which I'm inclined to add you. Maybe it's just your member name which confuses me rolleyes.gif

Actually at the last general election the democrat party got 0% of the votes cast, but...........

..........guess what, your post has not the slightest relevance to the thread.

As a self certified "Off Topic" inspector surely you should set some standards?

Actually even you should understand that the last general election is that of July 3rd, 2011. The "current general election" is not completed yet.

Off course you ignore that I just refuted some BS type of remark from another poster.

PS in a reply to another post of mine here in this topic you asked "Lets have your ideas of those people you think understand democracy".

Now if that isn't an invitation to wander off topic I'll start looking out of the window till I see a flock of pigs flying past. Luckily that shouldn't take long here in Bangkok along the Chao Praya.biggrin.png

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Agree that denigrating Yaowares is bad form.

With regard to the 'trendsetting' Shinawats the fact that in a male dominated society we have had a female mayor, two female MPs and a female PM all from the family of it's richest and most powerful political leader, none of whom were particularly qualified for the positions they held, is remarkable to say the least.

It's called nepotism ...

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smovi57, on 03 Mar 2014 - 21:21, said:

She looks like a cow.

Thank you for your valuable contribution on this subject. I'm sure there's more incisive political insight where that come from, I can hardly wait.

You too. Otherwise, tell us what valuable contributions she has made (any examples?) that are deserving of this award? How has she contributed to a better society, rather than the common observation that she she is out for personal gain only?

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just give her an honorary doctor title and call it a day...

looking at the picture, did she eat the missing rice?

Now that was a low blow.tongue.png

Does any one know any thing about what she has done.

I figured she would be in the politics up to her neck but there was no word about her actions.

so far most of what I have seen here is really nonsense. For all we really know she may have been very active in helping women.

She just has the bad luck to be in a clan that has a very unsavory reputation. Don't know that much about her she might be a good apple in a barrel full of bad ones for all I know and it seems like most of the posters here know about the same as I do.sad.png

Yaowares Shinawatra, was President of the National Council of Women of Thailand under the Royal Patronage of Her Majesty the Queen. She was active in the launch of several initiatives to improve the position of women in Thai society.

She has worked on behalf of women's rights and the opening up of opportunity for women for about 25 years. She was not involved in politics until Thaksin was forced into exile and the family came under attack. It is interesting that few of Thaksin's 9 siblings were interested in politics on a national scale. The Shinawatra family was a trendsetter when it came to women expressing themselves. Sister Yaowalak (RIP) was the first woman mayor of Chiang Mai and Yingluck is the first PM. All of the Shinawatra women have been independent and successful in their own right.

I find it odd that the denigrating and misogynistic comments in this thread are being voiced by middle aged men, most of whom probably have a few failed marriages or abandoned families to show for their time on earth. It is also odd that the males calling Yaowares a cow etc. are most likely morbidly obese themselves. I suppose one should laugh at such people, but really it does explain why they have a sorry track record with educated secure women. Perhaps there are better candidates than Yaowares, but considering the fear and resentment many of the respondents on this thread have for women, I don't think those males are in a position to render judgement.

yep.. Yaowaret, Has been busy with her sister..

"It is no secret that the premier's sister, Mrs Yaowaret, has close

ties with the National Women's Council of Thailand. During her

presidency back when her brother Thaksin was prime minister, Mrs

Yaowaret also attempted to get state funding for her organisation, which

would strengthen both its financial status as well as Thai Rak Thai

Party's links with the women's network.

That effort was put on hold with the dissolution of TRT.

Will Mrs Yaowaret's little sister help make her dream come true now?

A bill to manage the women's fund is now being drafted by a group of

leading members in the Women Lawyers Association and the National

Women's Council.

Under the draft bill, which they hope to push through the Senate's

women's committee, the 7.7-billion-baht fund will be managed by a

national women's network organisation with representatives in every

province. Fund seekers must be registered members of this organisation."

google. transparency for new womens fund

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just give her an honorary doctor title and call it a day...

looking at the picture, did she eat the missing rice?

Now that was a low blow.tongue.png

Does any one know any thing about what she has done.

I figured she would be in the politics up to her neck but there was no word about her actions.

so far most of what I have seen here is really nonsense. For all we really know she may have been very active in helping women.

She just has the bad luck to be in a clan that has a very unsavory reputation. Don't know that much about her she might be a good apple in a barrel full of bad ones for all I know and it seems like most of the posters here know about the same as I do.sad.png

Yaowares Shinawatra, was President of the National Council of Women of Thailand under the Royal Patronage of Her Majesty the Queen. She was active in the launch of several initiatives to improve the position of women in Thai society.

She has worked on behalf of women's rights and the opening up of opportunity for women for about 25 years. She was not involved in politics until Thaksin was forced into exile and the family came under attack. It is interesting that few of Thaksin's 9 siblings were interested in politics on a national scale. The Shinawatra family was a trendsetter when it came to women expressing themselves. Sister Yaowalak (RIP) was the first woman mayor of Chiang Mai and Yingluck is the first PM. All of the Shinawatra women have been independent and successful in their own right.

I find it odd that the denigrating and misogynistic comments in this thread are being voiced by middle aged men, most of whom probably have a few failed marriages or abandoned families to show for their time on earth. It is also odd that the males calling Yaowares a cow etc. are most likely morbidly obese themselves. I suppose one should laugh at such people, but really it does explain why they have a sorry track record with educated secure women. Perhaps there are better candidates than Yaowares, but considering the fear and resentment many of the respondents on this thread have for women, I don't think those males are in a position to render judgement.

Judgement and sexism?! What a trendy you are.

They have done nothing of their own merit- only rode the coat tails of their corrupt family member Thaksin. Being a member of something doesn't prove anything- look at the puppet PM- she goes into hiding, plays dress up and poses- only that.

Tell me what they have done that warrants recognition- regardless of chromosome type.

Edited by gemini81
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