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True Online - terrible Int'l download, fine domestic speeds (a week now)

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For the last week I've not been able to connect to some overseas site - TheGuardian.com and www.fanchants.com are just two. Others are slow.

I've done speed tests and the service is fine within Thailand - 45MB download but when I go to say New York, it's batters the connection down to .75MB to 3.5. Basically unusable for sites being served from outside of Thailand.

I've called them twice, both times they say they will call back cos they cant work it out, or rather I can't get a straight answer - they speak great English just won't say why or what the problem is.

Just wondering if anyone else is having these issues or knows what the problem is before I switch providers - the same sites are fine on the same laptop on other ISP's /networks - haven't been able to try another True connection.

Thanks for any assistance.



Something is broken at True. I'm getting dial-up speeds on downloads from my dedi in France. Would be getting around 1.3 MB/s usually. I'm in BKK.


Something is broken at True. I'm getting dial-up speeds on downloads from my dedi in France. Would be getting around 1.3 MB/s usually. I'm in BKK.

Yeah I think so. The lady was very articulate and knew what I was asking and she would not answer. I was asking if there was issues with True connecting outside of Thailand and if others were experiencing the same issues. Smelt very fishy. I'm going to have to chnage to 3BB or other if it doesn't sort itself next day or so.


Thread #XXX about this subject. Get a VPN and you'll be fine.

Perhaps other members can make another XXX threads and the problem disappears by itself.


There are already several threads about this issue that have been very active for the last week. Not really any need to start a new one! ;)

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus SlimKat using Tapatalk


Here's a traceroute to my server in France. Looks like a problem at the True gateway.

Traceroute has started…

traceroute to [Redacted] , 64 hops max, 72 byte packets
1 ( 1.439 ms 1.397 ms 1.253 ms
2 ( 24.897 ms ( 64.925 ms ( 25.085 ms
3 ( 23.212 ms 22.214 ms 24.320 ms
4 te3-2-87.node254-43.mtg.net.trueinternet.co.th ( 25.049 ms 21.923 ms 21.920 ms
5 61-91-210-50.static.asianet.co.th ( 22.825 ms 24.118 ms 22.709 ms
6 61-91-213-36.static.asianet.co.th ( 23.271 ms 22.822 ms 23.033 ms
7 61-91-213-130.static.asianet.co.th ( 23.186 ms 26.082 ms 24.194 ms
8 tig-net242-41.trueintergateway.com ( 27.791 ms 32.137 ms 31.778 ms
9 sg-icr-gs2-241-174.trueintergateway.com ( 54.573 ms 55.820 ms 55.712 ms
10 tig-net245-34.trueintergateway.com ( 255.740 ms 254.659 ms 255.204 ms
11 * amsix2.routers.ovh.net ( 255.651 ms 270.678 ms
12 rbx-g2-a9.fr.eu ( 262.342 ms 261.134 ms 260.834 ms
13 rbx-1-6k.fr.eu ( 263.728 ms 262.522 ms *
14 rbx-54-m1.fr.eu ( 261.140 ms 261.333 ms 264.646 ms
15 [Redacted] 249.843 ms 249.680 ms 253.308 ms


Here's a traceroute to my server in France. Looks like a problem at the True gateway.

Traceroute has started…

traceroute to [Redacted] , 64 hops max, 72 byte packets

1 ( 1.439 ms 1.397 ms 1.253 ms

2 ( 24.897 ms ( 64.925 ms ( 25.085 ms

3 ( 23.212 ms 22.214 ms 24.320 ms

4 te3-2-87.node254-43.mtg.net.trueinternet.co.th ( 25.049 ms 21.923 ms 21.920 ms

5 61-91-210-50.static.asianet.co.th ( 22.825 ms 24.118 ms 22.709 ms

6 61-91-213-36.static.asianet.co.th ( 23.271 ms 22.822 ms 23.033 ms

7 61-91-213-130.static.asianet.co.th ( 23.186 ms 26.082 ms 24.194 ms

8 tig-net242-41.trueintergateway.com ( 27.791 ms 32.137 ms 31.778 ms

9 sg-icr-gs2-241-174.trueintergateway.com ( 54.573 ms 55.820 ms 55.712 ms

10 tig-net245-34.trueintergateway.com ( 255.740 ms 254.659 ms 255.204 ms

11 * amsix2.routers.ovh.net ( 255.651 ms 270.678 ms

12 rbx-g2-a9.fr.eu ( 262.342 ms 261.134 ms 260.834 ms

13 rbx-1-6k.fr.eu ( 263.728 ms 262.522 ms *

14 rbx-54-m1.fr.eu ( 261.140 ms 261.333 ms 264.646 ms

15 [Redacted] 249.843 ms 249.680 ms 253.308 ms

Ping looks normal. From singapore to True pop in Europe took 200 ms, which is perfectly normal for SG - EU submarine fiber link.


I have been experiencing the exact same international problem with TOT for the last 10 days or so. Thai speeds excellent, international down to 3.75 download and 0.66 upload, Ping 268ms to UK


Flushing your browser cache should help with some sites, its a caching issue with true BUT its further compounded by your browser cache as well.

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