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Getting my Personal effects - without me - into Thailand


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I leave China for UK end June/early July. I want my goods to leave China about the same time, but bound for Bangkok. I will come to Bangkok late November. Only then will I have a Bangkok address.

I can't store goods in China (no such facilities outside Shanghai). I can't store goods in Thailand. One Bangkok storage company refuses to deal with me at a distance, as I might be a criminal. The other answered my initial inquiry, but the e-mails soon dried up. MBE are failing to reply my mails about mailboxes and cabinets (the crux of the issue with the first storage company appeared to be lack of a Thai address).

Two obvious issues are that I don't speak, even less write, Thai, but that, generally, whatever the language, Thais tend not to reply e-mails.

We then get to how to get my goods into Thailand. My view, from past experience, is to avoid tangling with shipping at all costs. Generally, I simply post parcels country to country (I'm not trying to get much into Thailand), but I'm told that Thailand is still in that horrible past where packages are delved into by customs and random charges made, irrespective of the goods being obviously old books, clothes, etc or with the endorsement "unsolicited gift".

Any bright ideas, anyone, about any part of this unhole mess?!

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Pop over on a cheap flight, bring as much as you can then, get a mailbox sorted, make arrangements for a destination location in person to receive your goods, or you may find a shipping service that will store for you.

I've rented basic rooms in Thai-style apartments for B2000 per month just to store stuff, or maybe you know/meet someone here who'll let you use a corner of their garage or up in the roof space whatever?

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Thanks, Wym . I'm getting a general message there .... face to face, face to face, face to face. The very message I was already getting. It's Asia! I guess a bit more annoying is face to face, in London, I can get enhanced luggage allowance of 60Kg. You can solve things awfully quickly at that rate ....... but the UK Chinese e-mail response is worse than Thai e-mail responses. Everything is face to face! Quick question, though - do you know of mailbox providers, other than MBE?

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Yes, and think how easy major scams would be if what you were doing were possible by remote control, really requires the same ID verification as banking, if not more.

Many ex-MBE franchisees have gone over to "Post Mail Box".

There's one in Amarin Plaza shopping centre on the ground floor: https://maps.google.com/maps?q=amarin+plaza+mall+bangkok&hl=en&ll=13.744721,100.541403&spn=0.012047,0.015428&fb=1&gl=us&hq=bangkok+%22Amarin+Plaza%22&cid=13601358923053280566&t=h&z=16

K Rung Amnuaydech is the owner, nice lady but they don't have storage space.

Edited by wym
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Don't worry, guys, I'd only think of posting and uninsured surface at that; and, yep, it's old and battered stuff I'd send. In fact, it's nearly all books, papers and clothes. I'm not a sartorially elegant person! I've discovered that books, in fact, are, anyway, free of duty. Sadly, as best as I understand, there's duty on clothing ... but that clothing?

Anything electronic is going to have to go back to UK with me, then back out to Asia as airline baggage. Pain, but I don't see the alternative.

Good news - looks like I've sorted getting a Thai mail address, company being willing to deal remote, but with scans of my passport, etc flying around, which is fair enough.

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ALl things in a shipment are levied duty at the rate of the highest item in the pack. I believe clothes are 60% so the customs will be based on that and they will probably base it on the new value of the clothes. It is a protective tarrif for the clothes industry here and they do apply it.

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Thanks, Harry. So it looks like single types of item per pack eg only books. I never knew about charging all on basis highest item.

Have you come upon a detailed listing of the tariffs? I've scooted around the Thai Government sites; and can't seem to find one.

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Thanks, Harry. So it looks like single types of item per pack eg only books. I never knew about charging all on basis highest item.

Have you come upon a detailed listing of the tariffs? I've scooted around the Thai Government sites; and can't seem to find one.


though it takes some figering about th reductions.

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Many thanks, Harry. Not the easiet thing in the world; and heaven knows why I never found it. Nonetheless, very useful.

Remember 7%VAT on everything too regardless of duty free or not.

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