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feel like im dying


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I just got off Skype to a friend back home who is a doctor. He said, DO NOT TAKE IMMODIUM. All that does is stop you going and this is not a mild case of the runs after a night on the beer and a heavy curry. It will back you up and may cause very bad stomach cramps because of the potential illness you have. Before taking any meditation you need proper test for a proper diagnosis.

As dehydrated as you are, you must not stay alone. GO TO HOSPITAL IMMEDIATELY. Stay in for a good couple of days and do not discharge yourself or be encouraged to go home unless you feel at least 75% better.

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...you waited long enough....???

...blood tests should have been done...

(If it is Dengue, there is only 1 'treatment'....) hopefully you have passed the worst of it

...loose stool.... activated carbon might help....but if it has been going on for 1 week.....???

....plain rice with lemon....???

....colloidal silver......

...vitamin D3.....

...Bentonite Clay to detoxify....

(Without knowing you diet and habits previous to this...it is hard to say what you should adjust)

Good luck

Edited by SOTIRIOS
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Imodium --> Airport --> Home --> Hospital in developed country

Have to disagree about the hospital in a developed country , some of the hospitals here are better than the uk , ie Bangkok hospital group and I'm speaking from personal experience .

The poster says he can't afford hospital ? How about useing his medical insurance ?

Sorry but if you're out here with no money or insurance I've no sympathy but I hope I'm wrong

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If you reside here, and not passing by, get a prove of residence and bring it with your passport to a local government hospital and ask for your foreign health card....You will spend 2800THB but you will get a full check up with blood and urine test, and medical services for one year....

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I had exactly the same symptoms a few weeks ago.I really don't believe in " wasting time and money " going to a clinic or a hospital for a " common problem " in Thailand. Its normally " food poisoning " or from the " water machines " If it hasn't cleared up after 5 days then perhaps take a " run " to the nearest pharmacy and buy some " anti bacterial " tablets ( 50 baht ).Just drink plenty of water ( not cold ).Also in future be careful which " water machine " you are using as there are a lot of problems at the moment with them " not changing the filters " very often which would then mean that the " refreshing water " you are guzzling down is probably a " non filtered version of the " Mekong River " ............

" farang jaidee "


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If the OP has a raised temperature and is suffering virtually continuous diarrhea for 4 days he needs urgent medical evaluation.

A Thai public hospital will not be expensive.

Go to the Emergency Room.


+1 to that. Do NOT self-treat with antibiotics. Activated charcoal is OK and may help the diarrhea if you are able to keep it down.

From the sounds of this and the reported duration, may be a toxic strain of e.coli. You need to be hospitalized and have stool and blood tests. A government hospital will not be very expensive. Suggest either the Red cross Hospital in Sri Racha (Queen Vadhana) or else Nakorn Ping in Banglamung. The first is the better of the two but of course a bit further away. The Naval Hospital in Sattahip is another reasonable cost option.

Don't delay. Could be serious.

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If you reside here, and not passing by, get a prove of residence and bring it with your passport to a local government hospital and ask for your foreign health card....You will spend 2800THB but you will get a full check up with blood and urine test, and medical services for one year....

None of the hospitals in Chonburi province issue this.

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I wrote a reply but I don't see it

This is not a problem you should self medicate

Go to a hospital and have blood tests and stool cultures done.

Let a doctor familiar with the bacterial infections here prescribe something that is effective.

Using a gram negative antibiotic against a gram positive infection is a waste of time and money and can be counter productive. Using one broad spectrum oral antibiotic when your treatment should be a combo of multiple IV antibiotics can make your problem more difficult to cure.

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Go to a doctor. It might be Dengue. you might tough it out but if it's the haemorragic variety you quite possibly will not. I had haemorragic dengue a couple of years ago and I went to the Doc and spent 4 days in hospital. A lot of people aren't so lucky.

The Thais call it "khai luat awk". That translates as "blood-loss fever.. Basically your the virus attacks your blood platelets and you lose all clotting ability. Blood pisses out of every pore... You start off with 400,000 platelets per cc of blood. Mine got down to 40,000. If it falls below 20,000 that's when you start leaking blood.

You really should go to a Doctor if only to eliminate this possibility. You might just have a bad dose of the trots. Either way - go see a Doc.

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Now everyone's a doctor!

Go and get diagnosed.!!!!!!!!

If you are to weak to go, then pay for a doc to come to see you.

If you have a viral infection, antibiotics will do NOTHING

If it is dengue you just have to sit it out. (paracetamol and water)

If it is food poisoning get a doctor to confirm this - they need to decide if antibiotics are needed. Giving the wrong kind will achieve nothing.

If you are shitting a lot you will get dehydrated and things could get very serious - drink lots of fluids to compensate for the fluid coming out the other end.


Edited by wilcopops
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Now everyone's a doctor!

Go and get diagnosed.!!!!!!!!

If you are to weak to go, then pay for a doc to come to see you.

If you have a viral infection, antibiotics will do NOTHING

If it is dengue you just have to sit it out. (paracetamol and water)

If it is food poisoning get a doctor to confirm this - they need to decide if antibiotics are needed. Giving the wrong kind will achieve nothing.

If you are shitting a lot you will get dehydrated and things could get very serious - drink lots of fluids to compensate for the fluid coming out the other end.


I agree. You need a medical diagnosis.

If you have dengue virus then antibiotics do nothing for viruses but antibiotics will kill your good gut flora which can make your recovery worse. Imodium isn't always the best thing in my "I'm not a doctor" opinion either because it can block you up when your body may be trying to expel for your own good.

Get some electrolytes too. Cheap from the pharmacy.

But as has been said get to a doctor.

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If I was you, I would have immediately go to hospital. If you have no insurance and short of cash and you live in Pattaya then go to Soi Bukhaue there is a new government hospital called City Hospital or Pattaya Hospital. It is cheap. If for any chance you got Dengue then it is a serious thing. Beside being in hospital try to find some Papaya Leaves, take out the hard lines in it, then crush the leave and take out the juice. It is very bitter. You must drink half a tea spoon every 6 hours for few days. It really help and scientist had found out that it is a good remedy for this disease.

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Eating bananas might be good for the diarrhea. The advice here very good about getting to a hospital etc.,. I live near Sattahip but if I can be of assistance in getting you there, PM me.

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Ciprofloxacillin is the best for normal "bad" diarrhea.

It normally clears mine in 12 hours...I don't like most Thai food, and I have had some awful times.

Immodium will stop the runs in 30 minutes. Thr guy who said it backs up--he's right. I take only for a day. Let the poison go out. Don't take Immodium for 5 days.

If you are dehydrated, your mouth will feel dry and your pee will be "strong". Take the baby salts--in sachets/mix with water. You need Sodium. You also need potassium. Without potassium, your heart will get sick eventually.


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different antibiotics (Citrofloxacin 500mg), Bioflora probiotics, anti diarrhea and painkillers. In 12 hours symptoms went away and slowly i could eat normal food and drink normally.

That was my treatment regime recommendation on page 1 of this thread. I'm good smile.png

Edited by negreanu
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Totally agree with iamariva1957.

For OTHERS who might want to self-medicate for a mild diarrohea issue when travelling, might be worth remembering chemical name for Imodium is loperamide. A lot of the world hasn't heard of Imodium. Equally, a lot of the world - eg UK - has, but it's one hell of a lot cheaper to avoid the Imodium brand name, buying generic loperamide for a fraction of the price.

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