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I became tired of the daily routine...


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The fact that you cannot tell a Thai he/she's wrong, because of the face thing.

Or even make them feel like they have done something wrong

is tiresome.

Is everyone in the beauty contest a winner? Does every Thai boxing match end in a draw? Is every person in the Army a general. Are there no people in Thai prisons? Does every legal action in Thailand not have a winner? ...........

Is losing a competition the same as being wrong?

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grass is alwasy greener .... move here:

horrible drivers

inept immigration officials

'protexia' (who u know gets u what u want)




loud music in several languages

religioius rules /codes of dress/

no pork in most restaraunts

have to decide between dairy or meat when going out to a restaraunt

hard calcified water

exorbitant interest in banks

family thinks you are a walkng atm

requred militiary service including active reserve duty just when u have : exams, a huge project to hand to the boss, birth of a your son, vacation planned overseas...

missiles interupting your party..

and most improtant: NO DECENT THAI FOOD in restaraunts.

did i forget something...?

yeah you forgot to say where HERE is

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grass is alwasy greener .... move here:

horrible drivers

inept immigration officials

'protexia' (who u know gets u what u want)




loud music in several languages

religioius rules /codes of dress/

no pork in most restaraunts

have to decide between dairy or meat when going out to a restaraunt

hard calcified water

exorbitant interest in banks

family thinks you are a walkng atm

requred militiary service including active reserve duty just when u have : exams, a huge project to hand to the boss, birth of a your son, vacation planned overseas...

missiles interupting your party..

and most improtant: NO DECENT THAI FOOD in restaraunts.

did i forget something...?


Yes my friend now imports them to your country if your in need Binathumbsup.gif

Edit, missiles interupting your party is hard to fathom for myself. Very very full on.

Edited by krisb
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I thought you was a guy that had been to Thailand a bit, met a girl who was rich , and then was spouting off everyday about her ( Imaginary ), .

Don't tell me you was a guy that knows the ins and outs of the bar scene....................you're missus, she was aiming high..........go back to Aus, that's if your not there already, pathetic.

And you met your wife where, her dream was to meet a Farang who travelled Thousands of Kms to take advantage of financially vulnerable women, she done great, she really triumphed !

I married a Sex Tourist.

I doubt she'll put that on her CV, then again, I doubt she'll tell the truth about many things.

This will get deleted, because it affects so many Thai Visa members.

Edited by Banzai99
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If you don't like the service in Thailand, vote with your money, don't buy anything, don't stay here, go elsewhere where the grass is greener, and everybody is happy all the time, good luck with that !

Edited by Banzai99
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Barking dogs

Poor customer service

Poor choice of decent beer

Shallowness of most Thais


Thai obsession with white skin

Thai banking (again) absolute morons staff most of them

One man's poison is another man's pleasure:

1. I love both barking dogs, and whining dogs, their multifaceted vocalizations do not annoy me but fascinate me, and comfort me in the wee hours, whenever I feel lonely, which is almost never in Thailand.

2. I realize customer service is never what we hope it will be, but behind the customer service people in Thailand who are mostly sincerely wanting to help, and solve any problem for you, just to be helpful, lie the multinationals which will screw you for a pence. My biggest problem is with the Telecoms, because these companies are the closest we routinely get to multinationals in Thailand, the same big corps that love to screw us where we come from in our home countries. At least in Thailand, I feel the service people are wishing they could do more for us, if only they did not need to represent and be bound by the crazy marketing strategies of these international companies, which are all alike, where ever we see them. The baby bells in the US, or AIS in Thailand....All the same crappy customer service, because these execs all attend the same conferences, seminars, and strategy sessions. except that the little people you talk to at AIS are hoping to help you. I have had it with AIS, but I feel sympathy for the wage earners they hire.

3. The beer, I do agree, but I do not drink the stuff. If I did, then the beer should be German with those micro fine bubbles that slide down one's throat. There is nothing I love more than German beer, but I will not pay the crazy prices they now charge. And, I am too lazy to make it myself.

Besides, since I am trying to study, I just do not have enough time to waste hefting one glass after the next. And the buzz you get is a further waste of time that I could be spending learning something useful in the remaining years I have left in this unfair world.

So.... Beer, I could care less.

4. So far, I have not noticed any Shallowness of Thai people, but maybe this is because I am basically a shallow person, and I have never thought about shallowness as being a trait that matters to me among my fellows.

So, same answer as the Beer question.

5. Is that Leghorn? What is that, I do not know.

6. Regarding the white skin, and the bankers:

I think you must be mistaken, because it is obvious to me that it is the BANKERS who are SMART enough to stay indoors at their desks, while the Farang sunbathe in Thailand down around the equator, soaking up the rays, destroying the chromosomes in their cells, and waiting for a kiss from Miss Melanoma.


So, this is why I could not be happier with living in Thailand, and why I will never leave, or will leave but only for short trips to the poorer and less livable places around the world.

Edited by CzarThustraThusSpake
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I thought you was a guy that had been to Thailand a bit, met a girl who was rich , and then was spouting off everyday about her ( Imaginary ), .

Don't tell me you was a guy that knows the ins and outs of the bar scene....................you're missus, she was aiming high..........go back to Aus, that's if your not there already, pathetic.

And you met your wife where, her dream was to meet a Farang who travelled Thousands of Kms to take advantage of financially vulnerable women, she done great, she really triumphed !

I married a Sex Tourist.

I doubt she'll put that on her CV, then again, I doubt she'll tell the truth about many things.

This will get deleted, because it affects so many Thai Visa members.

are you talking to me?

Who ever you are referring to ... your post says more about you then others.

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grass is alwasy greener .... move here:

horrible drivers

inept immigration officials

'protexia' (who u know gets u what u want)




loud music in several languages

religioius rules /codes of dress/

no pork in most restaraunts

have to decide between dairy or meat when going out to a restaraunt

hard calcified water

exorbitant interest in banks

family thinks you are a walkng atm

requred militiary service including active reserve duty just when u have : exams, a huge project to hand to the boss, birth of a your son, vacation planned overseas...

missiles interupting your party..

and most improtant: NO DECENT THAI FOOD in restaraunts.

did i forget something...?

Great post and a perspective wake-up call.

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^^ the Czar, you are a card ... but I like your posts ... a different perspective to many.

One can never predict when one's card is up, especially in this fickle world.

Best to have a perspective that entertains the many and annoys the few, the elite at the top of any organization, such as the bankers on wall street, who are always hiding from the sunshine.

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grass is alwasy greener .... move here:

horrible drivers

inept immigration officials

'protexia' (who u know gets u what u want)




loud music in several languages

religioius rules /codes of dress/

no pork in most restaraunts

have to decide between dairy or meat when going out to a restaraunt

hard calcified water

exorbitant interest in banks

family thinks you are a walkng atm

requred militiary service including active reserve duty just when u have : exams, a huge project to hand to the boss, birth of a your son, vacation planned overseas...

missiles interupting your party..

and most improtant: NO DECENT THAI FOOD in restaraunts.

did i forget something...?

Great post and a perspective wake-up call.

Or, 'prospective' wake up call, would be my view.

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  • 3 months later...

I thought you was a guy that had been to Thailand a bit, met a girl who was rich , and then was spouting off everyday about her ( Imaginary ), .

Don't tell me you was a guy that knows the ins and outs of the bar scene....................you're missus, she was aiming high..........go back to Aus, that's if your not there already, pathetic.

And you met your wife where, her dream was to meet a Farang who travelled Thousands of Kms to take advantage of financially vulnerable women, she done great, she really triumphed !

I married a Sex Tourist.

I doubt she'll put that on her CV, then again, I doubt she'll tell the truth about many things.

This will get deleted, because it affects so many Thai Visa members.

Interesting ... coffee1.gif

But, like so many things you write ... it says more about you then it does about me or my Partner.

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The subordination of the truth of statement to the person making the statement at a psychological, social, cultural and institutional level and the consequent psychological, social, cultural and institutional malaise that results from doing so.

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  • drinking...
  • chasing women...
  • getting ripped off...
  • being seen as a walking ATM machine...
  • the language barrier...
  • the corruption at every level...
  • immigration...
  • banking...
  • Thai politics...

And this is just at home, when he leaves the house it gets worse!

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Someone is only seen as a walking ATM if he/she stupid enough to give people the impression that this is what he/she is.

Sure, go ahead and lead with your wallet if that's really all you've got going for you in this country but, <deleted>, don't start complaining when people - Thai and foreigner - take this piss

If drinking and shagging are the highlights of his day it follows by the company he is probably in that he likes to flash the cash and sets himself up to be considered a walking ATM.

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  • drinking...--- Well, if you have a problem with drinking you would have it anywhere else. It has an easy solution though. Stop drinking.

  • chasing women...---- Stop doing it too. Look for a decent one who is not a bargirl and you won't have to chase anybody when you need sex.

fighting traffic...---- Relax, traffic jams are a great place to think about your own stuff. When you arrive late, blame the traffic. Oh, and if there was no traffic jam but you are late because you got up late, blame the traffic too. Another option is to move to the countryside.

getting ripped off...---- Learn to haggle. It is fun.

being seen as a walking ATM machine...---- Show the "OUT OF ORDER" sign. The ones looking for an ATM will go to the next.

the language barrier...---- Learn it. The less somebody should do when they move to a place is try to learn the language. At least try. If you don't drink so much, you don't need to chase women anymore and you save a lot of time in traffic, you can use that time for something more useful and productive.

the corruption at every level...---- Yes, in the west only the top level government are entitled to corruption.

being portrayed in the media as moronic villains...---- Stop watching the media, this will give you more time. It is not useful here or in any other country.

immigration...----- Having to do a trip every 90 days is not so much of a hassle.

banking...----- Personally I like banking here, they are quite fast and treat me much better than in the west. You also have the option to do it online if you need.

Thai politics...----- Politics are politics. It doesnt really matter the place you are.

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