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Injectible Vitamin B-12


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I have found that taking B Complex AND a single 500mcu of methyobal keeps my B12 levels at the optimum level (as determined by blood tests). That combination gives the benefits of Methycobal (B12) and B Compex (I have an absorprtion problem which causes glositis and B Complex fixes that).

Can I ask what brand of B Complex you take?

Blackmores Exec B's, shop around and you can find 120 tabs for 490 baht, alternatively you can pay up to THB 1,000 for the same bottle!.

Which shop do you use?

Just comparing Blackmores and MEGA. I know MEGA can also be pricey but generally I've found Blackmores to be the most expensive. The composition seems much higher with MEGA.



Edited by uptheos
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

"fetish B-12 injections"....http://www.kevinmd.com/blog/2013/02/fetish-vitamin-b12-shots.html

Google it....it's almost a total hoax, except for those who have had extremely serious stomach surgery.

The Mayo Clinic and the CDC disagree:



Edited by chiang mai
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I have Pernicious Anemia. This means I'm unable to absorb B12 in my diet because of something to do with something called an "intrinsic factor" in my stomach or intestine (can't remember where). B12 is needed in a diet to help produce healthy red blood cells. My Pernicious Anemia was diagnosed with the shilling test (Google it). If I don't get B12 shots from time to time, my blood levels drop with some pretty unpleasant side effects. It's kept in check with a CBC (Complete Blood Count) test to check my levels of hemoglobin and hematocrit. I was told it is hereditary.

I went to McCormick Hospital in Chiang Mai and explained my condition. They ran a CBC test and confirmed at the time of my visit, I was deficient. The doctor prescribed the B12 shot and the nurse administered it. Soon I was back to normal.

Now, whenever I start to feel the symptoms of Pernicious Anemia, I go to the hospital and ask them to run a CBC test. If it's low, they administer the B12 shot.

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Where can you get a test here in CM that will tell you what you are deficient in? And what kind of test is it?

Its actually cheaper to get jabbed with the Multi-Vitamin B than to take a test.

Its water soluble so it isn't an issue if you already had sufficient levels.

And for those of you that have not had this jab, I can tell you it makes a noticeable difference over simply having a good diet or taking supplements.


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"fetish B-12 injections"....http://www.kevinmd.com/blog/2013/02/fetish-vitamin-b12-shots.html

Google it....it's almost a total hoax, except for those who have had extremely serious stomach surgery.

A quote in the comments from the author of the link you provide indicates your conclusion that its a "hoax" is not correct:

"I'm pointing out that current guidelines and science support treating B12 deficiency, with oral B12. I'm not questioning whether B12 is essential, or whether it should be treated. I'm saying that most of the time, it doesn't need to be injected. "

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I have pernicious anemia too, which makes it necessary for me to get B12 shots. I have a question. My doctor administers the B12 shot (which I get monthly) intravenously. I'm pretty sure the shot is supposed to be delivered in the muscle. It's certainly more comfortable to get the shot in the vein. Does anyone have any knowledge regarding this?

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I have pernicious anemia too, which makes it necessary for me to get B12 shots. I have a question. My doctor administers the B12 shot (which I get monthly) intravenously. I'm pretty sure the shot is supposed to be delivered in the muscle. It's certainly more comfortable to get the shot in the vein. Does anyone have any knowledge regarding this?

My shots have never been IV.

They have been both (IM) and (subQ). I have better effect with (IM).

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"fetish B-12 injections"....http://www.kevinmd.com/blog/2013/02/fetish-vitamin-b12-shots.html

Google it....it's almost a total hoax, except for those who have had extremely serious stomach surgery.

Well I didn't Google it yet but I did use the site you pointed out.

Here is a quote from it.

"vitamin B12 deficiency can include anemia, neuropathy"

So it would seem that it is not a hoax.wai.gif

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I've had docs do IV and self done IM.

I have had them done IM now the doctor does them IV one needle takes the blood for a blood test and has a side cylinder that is used to inject the B12. If not testing blood she does it in the shoulder.

To be honest I have not tried to notice the difference as it would also include the amount of walking I do. Which varies a lot.

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I really don't remember how much it cost. I only need it ever 2 or 3 years so I don't pay much attention to it. I do go to get the CBC check when I think I am feeling symptoms. I don't ever remember it being extremely expensive.

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Uptheos... Not entirely true. I,am a GP. a vitamin B COMPLEX , meaning a group of B Vitamins is far more beneficial..

Tablet or dissolved. All are ok. The body will rid itself of excess.

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

I don't know whether you are a GP or not, but that's irrelevant.

Their can be many reasons for taking B12, lets say as methylcobabine 1-2 grams sublingually on an empty stomach. One reason quite established is for peripheral neuropathy, in which case a Multi B Complex would be very little use as the dosage is far too small, they are probably of very little use anyway. There are combinations of Vit B1 B6 & B12 that can be bought in high doses, but Vit B6 is know to cause peripheral neuropathy. The best way is to choose your B supplements for a particular reason, not just shove a load of B vitamins down, which can be adequately received from food.

I believe I suffer from peripheral neuropathy, that was the opinion of a GP in Australia, but I have not been to a specialist.

About 5 years ago I noticed when I sat at the computer for any length of time, or did a long trip in the car, my feet started to feel hot and I suffered from pins and needles in the feet and sometimes in my hands. When I did some research (Google research) the word diabetes kept popping up, so I was convinced I was a diabetic. A blood test for diabetes said no, so I concentrated on perhaps having peripheral neuropathy.

When I looked into pn Vitamin B12 was mentioned a lot so I started taking B12 in tablet form. Started off taking 1000 mcg a day but it made little if any difference so I built it up to 5000 mcg a day, and have been doing that for about the last 4 years. Cannot remember the last time I had hot feet or pins and needles.

When I do a trip back to Australia I stock up on "NATURES OWN" High Strength Vitamin B12 tablets, 60 x 1000 mcg tablets in a bottle. The form is Cyanocobalamin.

Are 1000 mcg tablets available in Chiang Mai ? The only ones I found were in the Chinese pharmacy in Wororot Market and they were only 100 mcg tablets.

I have heard that some people suffer so bad from pn they have to have injections to be able to walk.

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Uptheos... Not entirely true. I,am a GP. a vitamin B COMPLEX , meaning a group of B Vitamins is far more beneficial..

Tablet or dissolved. All are ok. The body will rid itself of excess.

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

I don't know whether you are a GP or not, but that's irrelevant.

Their can be many reasons for taking B12, lets say as methylcobabine 1-2 grams sublingually on an empty stomach. One reason quite established is for peripheral neuropathy, in which case a Multi B Complex would be very little use as the dosage is far too small, they are probably of very little use anyway. There are combinations of Vit B1 B6 & B12 that can be bought in high doses, but Vit B6 is know to cause peripheral neuropathy. The best way is to choose your B supplements for a particular reason, not just shove a load of B vitamins down, which can be adequately received from food.

I believe I suffer from peripheral neuropathy, that was the opinion of a GP in Australia, but I have not been to a specialist.

About 5 years ago I noticed when I sat at the computer for any length of time, or did a long trip in the car, my feet started to feel hot and I suffered from pins and needles in the feet and sometimes in my hands. When I did some research (Google research) the word diabetes kept popping up, so I was convinced I was a diabetic. A blood test for diabetes said no, so I concentrated on perhaps having peripheral neuropathy.

When I looked into pn Vitamin B12 was mentioned a lot so I started taking B12 in tablet form. Started off taking 1000 mcg a day but it made little if any difference so I built it up to 5000 mcg a day, and have been doing that for about the last 4 years. Cannot remember the last time I had hot feet or pins and needles.

When I do a trip back to Australia I stock up on "NATURES OWN" High Strength Vitamin B12 tablets, 60 x 1000 mcg tablets in a bottle. The form is Cyanocobalamin.

Are 1000 mcg tablets available in Chiang Mai ? The only ones I found were in the Chinese pharmacy in Wororot Market and they were only 100 mcg tablets.

I have heard that some people suffer so bad from pn they have to have injections to be able to walk.

Methycobal is the prefered form these days, available from most large pharmacies in 500 muc tablets, inexpensive and effective.

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  • 3 weeks later...

"fetish B-12 injections"....http://www.kevinmd.com/blog/2013/02/fetish-vitamin-b12-shots.html

Google it....it's almost a total hoax, except for those who have had extremely serious stomach surgery.

The Mayo Clinic and the CDC disagree:




This research was done on a large sample of people in Ontario. Bottom line is millions could be saved by using oral doses instead of injections.

Here is another abstract from the Dutch saying oral is just as effective (with the exception of people who can't swallow the pills).


and another study:


Edited by Thighlander
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"fetish B-12 injections"....http://www.kevinmd.com/blog/2013/02/fetish-vitamin-b12-shots.html

Google it....it's almost a total hoax, except for those who have had extremely serious stomach surgery.

The Mayo Clinic and the CDC disagree:



I read both of your cited articles....neither one uses the word "injection" one time.

I was not questioning the validity of B12 deficiencies; just the "injection fetish."

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i have strange story happened once i was travelling in outback oz some years ago stopped at small town hotel

over a few drinks barman asked if could give a lift to a man next day to town 12hrs away on my journey home

next day into trip a strong smell of vegemite b12 in car asked him if he had a broken jar in his bag

then told me his story after mine accident was on pain tablets

then started drinking heavy till eventully went of his head sent to mental home for 12months on release had to take heaps

of b12 tablets every day so much the smell came through skin told me once while there in home they brought a alcholic from streets into hospital

the doctors said would not last till morning so tryed a overdose iv b12 next morn he was up walking around

so keep your vegemite on toast of morn up cheers

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  • 5 months later...

I am coming into this one pretty late, in Australia my local doc would give me 2 b12 shots a bit apart every so often and give me a dose of pills, he only ever told me I was deficient in vit b. I have felt totally run down now for quite a while, lethargic, memory getting a lot worse than normal(and I dont drink/smoke!), mood swings, dizzy spells etc and thought it was caused from the chest infection I have had for around a month, I even went to a heart specialist last week for more tests that were normal. Today I finally typed in the symptoms I have had in google and lo and behold it came up with vitamin b deficiency, described to a tee exactly what has been happening with me for a while. It also went on to sat that it can be caused through medication for diabetes as well as another one I am on, it also said that it can also result from major stomach/intestine surgery which I had to undergo 20 years ago. What I find strange is that none of my doctors told me about this and it explains my problems exactly as they are. I am going to get some complex vit b tabs and b12 too and see if it does make a difference. Never realized just how serious vit b deficiency can be till I looked it up

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I am coming into this one pretty late, in Australia my local doc would give me 2 b12 shots a bit apart every so often and give me a dose of pills, he only ever told me I was deficient in vit b. I have felt totally run down now for quite a while, lethargic, memory getting a lot worse than normal(and I dont drink/smoke!), mood swings, dizzy spells etc and thought it was caused from the chest infection I have had for around a month, I even went to a heart specialist last week for more tests that were normal. Today I finally typed in the symptoms I have had in google and lo and behold it came up with vitamin b deficiency, described to a tee exactly what has been happening with me for a while. It also went on to sat that it can be caused through medication for diabetes as well as another one I am on, it also said that it can also result from major stomach/intestine surgery which I had to undergo 20 years ago. What I find strange is that none of my doctors told me about this and it explains my problems exactly as they are. I am going to get some complex vit b tabs and b12 too and see if it does make a difference. Never realized just how serious vit b deficiency can be till I looked it up

I think getting a diagnosis depends a lot on the doctor. I was tested years ago in LA and the results were low, so my doc told me to follow up with sublingual supplements. When I got retested last year in CM, the results substantially lower, but the local doctor was indifferent and told me to take a One a Day and stop worrying so much! If you are deficient, a b complex is not going to have enough b12 to make a difference. The highest b12-only supplement I could find locally was 100mcg from the pharmacy--better but not by much. You may be better off either getting injections from a doctor, or ordering some of the sublingual tabs online.

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Uptheos... Not entirely true. I,am a GP. a vitamin B COMPLEX , meaning a group of B Vitamins is far more beneficial..

Tablet or dissolved. All are ok. The body will rid itself of excess.

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

I don't know whether you are a GP or not, but that's irrelevant.

Their can be many reasons for taking B12, lets say as methylcobabine 1-2 grams sublingually on an empty stomach. One reason quite established is for peripheral neuropathy, in which case a Multi B Complex would be very little use as the dosage is far too small, they are probably of very little use anyway. There are combinations of Vit B1 B6 & B12 that can be bought in high doses, but Vit B6 is know to cause peripheral neuropathy. The best way is to choose your B supplements for a particular reason, not just shove a load of B vitamins down, which can be adequately received from food.

I believe I suffer from peripheral neuropathy, that was the opinion of a GP in Australia, but I have not been to a specialist.

About 5 years ago I noticed when I sat at the computer for any length of time, or did a long trip in the car, my feet started to feel hot and I suffered from pins and needles in the feet and sometimes in my hands. When I did some research (Google research) the word diabetes kept popping up, so I was convinced I was a diabetic. A blood test for diabetes said no, so I concentrated on perhaps having peripheral neuropathy.

When I looked into pn Vitamin B12 was mentioned a lot so I started taking B12 in tablet form. Started off taking 1000 mcg a day but it made little if any difference so I built it up to 5000 mcg a day, and have been doing that for about the last 4 years. Cannot remember the last time I had hot feet or pins and needles.

When I do a trip back to Australia I stock up on "NATURES OWN" High Strength Vitamin B12 tablets, 60 x 1000 mcg tablets in a bottle. The form is Cyanocobalamin.

Are 1000 mcg tablets available in Chiang Mai ? The only ones I found were in the Chinese pharmacy in Wororot Market and they were only 100 mcg tablets.

I have heard that some people suffer so bad from pn they have to have injections to be able to walk.

I receive injections but it is my understanding that there is another vitamin b involved in producing the best results. Interestingly enough when I first saw my doctor she had me bring in every thing I took one was a locally produced mild pain killer that I had been told would help restore the joint. She called the manufacture to get that information and the other was a Vitamin b complex she told me it was no good because it was so low in dosage. All other things she approved of.

When I was reading your post I was thinking of blood circulation. Sounded similar to what I have heard about some people sitting for a long period of time in an airplane. I have heard and have no first hand proof yet that magnetic insoles are good for peripheral neuropathy in the feet.

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  • 1 month later...

"fetish B-12 injections"....http://www.kevinmd.com/blog/2013/02/fetish-vitamin-b12-shots.html

Google it....it's almost a total hoax, except for those who have had extremely serious stomach surgery.

The Mayo Clinic and the CDC disagree:




This research was done on a large sample of people in Ontario. Bottom line is millions could be saved by using oral doses instead of injections.

Here is another abstract from the Dutch saying oral is just as effective (with the exception of people who can't swallow the pills).


and another study:


I am suspect of a study that requires you to swallow the pills. I have used two different brands of B12 pills and both recommended the use of them would best be served by under the tongue until they dissolve.

I am not sure but I believe the B12 shot has a little of another B in it.

What is the difference between 500 muc and 500 mcg? I have known two people who had peripheral neuropathy very badly. One had to use a walker and the other had to have his legs cut off just below the knees. These are extremes and I can not speak about others with a lesser degree because it is not exactly a subject that comes up.

I have it but at the present time it is not that big a problem. I have learned to keep my feet warm I take a Vitamin B12 shot once a month and from my doctors attitude I can tell she is not completely sold on it. I have magnetic insoles and I also put them in my slippers when I am at home. In addition I sleep with my socks on. To date and I am only talking two months it has not been the problem it was. I also have just doubled my dosage of a pill I take for uric acid which can lead to other problems some related.

I do have some B 12 500mcg that I received from iHerb. I will wait until all of what I am doing shows it's self to be the answer or not. At which point I will start to use them instead or with the injection depends on the results.

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