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Missing Malaysia Airlines jet carrying 239 triggers Southeast Asia search


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I suspect it was more due to her being on TV so much versus anything related to the disappearance. If we are to believe that somehow she had something important and that someone took an entire plane to get her boyfriend, to get to her, then it is truly Mission Impossible type stuff. If she really did have some important information, they'd just grab him off the street somewhere, or grab them both after she moved.

If she's being scared off so that the search stops, then they're going about it all wrong.

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in a lab they couldnt figure out how the Geller did bend those spoons ,but he loves some free publicity so is always happy to hop on any passing band wagon ....

Geller had spoons made with pliable metal placed in the middles. Any 9th grade science student should be able to fabricate similar.

I found my friends car in the car park of a hotel in NZRC after they gave up the Rally due to engine problems, but we cannot find MH370

Similar happened to me: I had a rented motorbike stolen. I looked at the plate number on the rental agreement, then cruised all over downtown Chiang Rai on a bicycle. I actually found the stolen motorbike, put a lock on it, and reported it to police. They police yawned and said, 'you found the motobike, so what's the big deal?' I said, 'The big deal is I want the theif hauled up for theft.' The Thai cops were too lazy assed to act.
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I'm a seer.

I can see that they haven't found a spec of debris.

I can see that governments have gone silent.

I can see that there's no concerted effort to find the plane in the ocean...

The public has a short memory. They move on. In view of the scale of this tragedy, that's sad. But it's just the way of things. It's not grounds for dredging up new (or old) nutjob conspiracy theories, nor for concluding there hasn't been a "concerted" effort. It amazes me how trivial some believe the process of searching a huge ocean to be, esp. with no real assurance that's where the aircraft actually is.

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I'm a seer.

I can see that they haven't found a spec of debris.

I can see that governments have gone silent.

I can see that there's no concerted effort to find the plane in the ocean...

They said it will take weeks to get new equipment on site.

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In fact, bang on cue....

PERTH, Australia: A mini-sub hunting for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 will be back in the search zone within days, an official said on Saturday, as the Australian ship carrying the device prepared to leave on the mission.

Australian vessel Ocean Shield is carrying the US Navy Bluefin-21 mini-sub which had been scouring the seabed for the plane which disappeared on March 8 carrying 239 people until it docked to resupply early this week.

Ocean Shield was due to head back on Saturday to the remote area of the Indian Ocean where transmissions believed to have come from the plane's black box recorders were heard last month, a journey expected to take three days.

Once in the area, Ocean Shield will be able to deploy the Bluefin-21 to look for "any non-normal items, any metallic items", US Navy Captain Mark Matthews told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.


An Australian naval vessel carrying an underwater drone involved in the search for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 left port on Saturday on its second mission to scan part of the Indian Ocean where the longest sonar "ping" was heard over a month ago.

The Ocean Shield is heading to the area where a signal was first located and heard for some two hours on April 5, about 1,600 km (1,000 miles) northwest of Perth to launch the Bluefin-21 submersible.


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I'm a seer.

I can see that they haven't found a spec of debris.

I can see that governments have gone silent.

I can see that there's no concerted effort to find the plane in the ocean...

Perhaps no one really knows where to look...?

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It's in China.

Expand on your conclussion....

Gut feel.

Expansion will simply bring criticism from other posters. So not worth it.

At this stage any half-reasoned version of events might fly (pun intended).

Why would Beijing bother to take a 777 bound for Beijing as it was, or do you mean that it is in pieces scattered across the corner of a foreign field?

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I'm a seer.

I can see that they haven't found a spec of debris.

I can see that governments have gone silent.

I can see that there's no concerted effort to find the plane in the ocean...

Perhaps no one really knows where to look...?

Or they know exactly where it is and are working on getting it back.

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Tony Abbott has been spending a lot of time in Beijing.

Reinforcing Australia's commitment to finding the plane?

Most of the passengers were PRC but Beijing doesn't appear to be doing a lot.

So why does Abbott have to go on his knees?

PRC-Malaysian problem in my view. Let them sort it.

In the meantime, most normal people will continue to fly Boeings with confidence but not out of KL on Malaysian Airlines.

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Tony Abbott has been spending a lot of time in Beijing.

Reinforcing Australia's commitment to finding the plane?

Most of the passengers were PRC but Beijing doesn't appear to be doing a lot.

So why does Abbott have to go on his knees?

PRC-Malaysian problem in my view. Let them sort it.

In the meantime, most normal people will continue to fly Boeings with confidence but not out of KL on Malaysian Airlines.

I think it's mainly related to trade. As in China is a large trading partner for Australia, and growing. More exports to China, than imports, to boot.




Edited by Carmine6
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Tony Abbott has been spending a lot of time in Beijing.

Reinforcing Australia's commitment to finding the plane?

Most of the passengers were PRC but Beijing doesn't appear to be doing a lot.

So why does Abbott have to go on his knees?

PRC-Malaysian problem in my view. Let them sort it.

In the meantime, most normal people will continue to fly Boeings with confidence but not out of KL on Malaysian Airlines.

I don't see it as just a PRC-Malaysian issue. There were 3 or 4 Americans on that plane which I believe would usually bring America out in force.

There were other nationalities too. Yet those countries seem silent. I don't see the effort in or above the ocean.

It smells to me as if they know where it is and are working on getting it back.

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Tony Abbott has been spending a lot of time in Beijing.

Reinforcing Australia's commitment to finding the plane?

Most of the passengers were PRC but Beijing doesn't appear to be doing a lot.

So why does Abbott have to go on his knees?

PRC-Malaysian problem in my view. Let them sort it.

In the meantime, most normal people will continue to fly Boeings with confidence but not out of KL on Malaysian Airlines.

I don't see it as just a PRC-Malaysian issue. There were 3 or 4 Americans on that plane which I believe would usually bring America out in force.

There were other nationalities too. Yet those countries seem silent. I don't see the effort in or above the ocean.

It smells to me as if they know where it is and are working on getting it back.

I don't think that's the case.

Australia has spent $60 Million on the search (that they're admitting to, and any more would make the natives uneasy). Why spend anything to continue a charade. They would be better off just saying the whereabouts is unknown, but a lot of avenues are being explored in an attempt to locate it.

The Americans have had quite a presence there as I read it earlier.

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Malaysia plane searchers doubt that some once-promising signals came from missing jet Published May 12, 2014

The Wall Street Journal

Searchers preparing to resume the underwater hunt for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 increasingly suspect that some of the electronic signals detected last month didn't come from the jetliner's black-box flight recorders, a senior Australian naval officer said.

The doubts—based on further acoustic analysis of the transmissions by Australian authorities over recent weeks—represent another potential setback in the two-month-old operation. An initial underwater search in the southern Indian Ocean has already failed to find any sign of the missing plane, while a costly air-and-ship search of the ocean's surface turned up only garbage.

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I can't see how it could have gone to China, by hook or by crook.

I see it as distraught pilot (in trial room day before, seeing his famous friend sentenced unfairly),

Locking out crew, killing passengers, while turning plane around to crash in to Petronas Towers. Perhaps forced away by Malaysian jets, or changed his mind, but somehow/somewhere ditched at sea leaving minimal debris.

Any landing or crash on land could not have gone undetected for 2 months, with such a big news story.

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I'd like to see an investigation of the death or Anwar's attorney, 3 weeks ago.

The papers said it was him crashing his car, but then add that a truck broadsided it. Where was he going that night? ....to report something that Malaysian authorities didn't want reported? Who was the attorney communicating with leading up to the mysterious and untimely death? ... by phone and email, or....? Did the attorney know or have any communication with the pilot? Was he drugged?

If Malaysian investigators are anything like their Thai counterparts, expect nothing of significance. No thinking outside the box, and no following up on leads, and generally shoddy and quick conclusions based on what top bananas want.

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I can't see how it could have gone to China, by hook or by crook.

I see it as distraught pilot (in trial room day before, seeing his famous friend sentenced unfairly),

Locking out crew, killing passengers, while turning plane around to crash in to Petronas Towers. Perhaps forced away by Malaysian jets, or changed his mind, but somehow/somewhere ditched at sea leaving minimal debris.

Any landing or crash on land could not have gone undetected for 2 months, with such a big news story.

Motive seems to fit the facts as we know them.

Other motives are just wild guesses based on zero knowledge?

If not this scenario, you could say it was highly co-incidental that a courtroom drama involving the pilot preceded the worlds most mysterious plane disappearance.

Goodnight MH370.

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Reckon the pilot might have dumped it, but not totally confident that he dumped it in the South Indian Ocean.

I would think a lot of passengers were also dumping.

Apologies for any offence by what could be construed as callous terminology.

It is not meant that way.


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