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Geriatric Tattoos


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I'm gonna be 56 y.o. soon an' I always wanted to get a tat...not just some little emblem but like twin dragons coming down the arms...or a landscape on my back. I've noticed that the skin on my arms is sagging a bit these days, but not to the extent that a tat could not be supported without embarrasment...for the next few years...

Forum brethern...has anyone had a tat when over 50 y.o.?...old enough to know better, perhaps but wild enough in de haid to say 'fuggit...lets do it'...any distortions to the image regarding old and sagging skin?

I would select the design carefully...I have a low pain threshehold and would carry a litre thermos of vodka to ease the pain. We're not talking about a 'gettin' drunk and gettin' a tat' scenario here...the activity shall be with all true deliberation...

help ol' tutsi out...

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not such a good idea to drink and tatto at the same time. Alcohol thins the blood. You will bleed more and the quality of the work will suffer.

I understand the sentiment though. How about some good pain pills....might be a little better...


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...I have a low pain threshehold and would carry a litre thermos of vodka to ease the pain. We're not talking about a 'gettin' drunk and gettin' a tat' scenario here...the activity shall be with all true deliberation...

help ol' tutsi out...

The best way to stand the pain is being absolutely sober. Being drunk, or stoned, will only numb the initial pain, but the longer the session takes the pain will be far more difficult to handle than when sober. A large tattoo is not done in one session, but in several sessions that will last as long as you can tolerate it. And that depends very much on the day. On some days you might quit after an hour, and on others you might be good for four hours, or even more. I have seen once a women handling more than eight hours straight. And once i have seen a huge biker collapsing after less than one minute of needle work.

Have a good night's sleep, a nice breakfast, and that's it.

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Not a big fan of the old tattoo's myself and also not old enough to join in...but <deleted>...go for it!

Dr. Pepper...whats the worst that can happen? Maybe a failure of the thermos during the procedure?

Dr Pepper is hard to find but one could surely mix de vodka wid de root beer...deys many ways ob obliviating de pain ob piercing...

(doan' I know you from somewhere before?...)

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...I have a low pain threshehold and would carry a litre thermos of vodka to ease the pain. We're not talking about a 'gettin' drunk and gettin' a tat' scenario here...the activity shall be with all true deliberation...

help ol' tutsi out...

The best way to stand the pain is being absolutely sober. Being drunk, or stoned, will only numb the initial pain, but the longer the session takes the pain will be far more difficult to handle than when sober. A large tattoo is not done in one session, but in several sessions that will last as long as you can tolerate it. And that depends very much on the day. On some days you might quit after an hour, and on others you might be good for four hours, or even more. I have seen once a women handling more than eight hours straight. And once i have seen a huge biker collapsing after less than one minute of needle work.

Have a good night's sleep, a nice breakfast, and that's it.

I've had cysts removed from different parts of my body and have found that the back area to be relatively impervious to the knife...could we say the same about tattoing? Dragons going down the arms involves the under arm area that is sensitive...probably pretty painful.

I'm just a sissy...if tattooing = unbearable pain then I withdraw

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No worries lil needle pricks don't hurt much mate. (just sore like a sunburn if thats gives you an indication what it feels like)

you sure about dat brit?...if not, ah's gonna have to do some damage...

its my epidermis, after all...('oh...sob...')

I would like an outline of de 'Raft of the Medusa' (discussed in another thread) on my back but my shoulders ain't big enough...

(Somchai...' is that "The Raft" on yer back?')

(Tutsi..'yeah, but doan' tell anyone...')...

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i had 7hrs work done on my arm last friday, i'm working on a half sleeve.

the pain wasn't too bad, i could have lasted a lot longer but the artist hands had had enough. got another 5-7hrs before its done.

go for it mate, you only live once!

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I think that I have answered my question like before...that I want an elaborate tat...a dragon from the small of my back to the head peeking out of my right arm above the shirt line (ah got's 10 years to go on the job, so can't be lookin' like no yob..)...looks like the a 2-3 day job but not much pain as back skin ain't that sensitive...looks like 2-3 colors, whaddye think? Someone said something about a tattooist called Jim Wong.

In a previous life I was with my mom on a ferry from SF to Sausalito and there was a guy with magnificent tattoos displaying dragons down his arms in a singlet in cold temp conditions...I said to myself then that if I was to get a tattoo it would be like that one and never as an emblem...my mom was disgusted, of course, but she's dead now...

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I'm just a sissy...if tattooing = unbearable pain then I withdraw

That's the fun part - you can't withdraw unless you want to run around with a half finished piece.

The pain depends on many factors.

Big black tribal style tattoos, and large colored spaces are mostly done with lots of needles soldered together, that can hurt a lot. The more intricate Asian style tattoos are done with less needles, and there the pain is neglegible.

Thai temple tattoos properly done hurt badly, especially if the ajarn has a heavy hand. But after the tattoo is finished there is hardly any healing pain as it is just dots on the slin and not like machine tattoos large spaces of the skin.

You have to be really careful at the treatment after, especially if you get it done here in this climate. No soap for a week, and carefully clean the space with fresh water. I found it best to cover it with vaseline to keep the healing skin soft. Many tattoists advise healing cream such as Bephanthen, but i find that this keeps it too wet.

No sun for at least a month, and no saltwater until it has healed completely. Don't scratch the healing crust off.

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colours fade although at your age, u might fade first.... :o

my darling bina...you are keeping me from my rest...but I am 'forever young...'

the tat colors should be clear, but can the withering skin tone sustain a magnificent tattoo?...

brings up a story, regarding a street gang dude in Venice CA in the late 70s whos name was Popeye and had the Popeye cartoon character duly tattooed on his right forearm...his gang mate was Chico who had the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe tattooed same same. Dey both bad mofos dat nobody fuh wid. Dey gang in charge ob dey local liquor store across dey street from our USD250 per month flat 2 block from de beach back in dem days. Dem boys always gettin' new tats wid plenty ob vaseline to cover...

I saw plenty of violence down de liquor store but when I went in to pick up some buds dey just say yeah...honorary member ob de street gang...'bloods' country...'

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No worries lil needle pricks don't hurt much mate. (just sore like a sunburn if thats gives you an indication what it feels like)

Personally, when i had mine done, the pain was more like, someone holding a cigarette really close to my skin for 2 hours. But once the outline was done it was completely numb and i couldnt feel a thing.

I had to laugh though, there was this other guy waiting to have one done, and he was there acting all flash and cockey with his slicked back hair, fake tan and fake rolex, you know the sort. Then he takes his shirt off and sits down in the seat next to me, tells the bloke he wants a sun put round his nipple. Well the needle only just touched him and he started screaming and the crying, ohhhhh sooo funny everyone laughed their ass off :D needless to say he jumped up put his shirt on and changed his mind :o

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I heard about this guy in Bangkok who had a 1000 Baht note tatooed on his "Old Chap"

When he got back he proudly showed it to his girlfreind who said "Why You Do That"

To which he replied. "Well for 3 reasons Terak" "Firstly I like to keep my hands on my money, secondly I like to see my Money grow and thirdly.....I'd love to see you blow that in The Emporium" :D

Go for it Mate if you really want it.. but as the famous Oxxy Ozbourne said "If you wanna be unique these days DON'T get a Tat" His words not mine :o

Have your nipple pierced instead..that's quite unique and I am told the pain is over swiftly, then you may consider piercing your tounge..apart from the fact you talk like a 3 year old for a week, again its different and not Too painful from what I have heard...if all this is just too much then just pierce your ear, virtually painless.

I am not against Tats, just never really wanted one myself, but my Best Mate in Bangkok is covered in them from head to foot (literally), He says he is not getting anymore..But I don't beleive him, I can read him like a book :D

Good Luck


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No worries lil needle pricks don't hurt much mate. (just sore like a sunburn if thats gives you an indication what it feels like)

Personally, when i had mine done, the pain was more like, someone holding a cigarette really close to my skin for 2 hours. But once the outline was done it was completely numb and i couldnt feel a thing.

I had to laugh though, there was this other guy waiting to have one done, and he was there acting all flash and cockey with his slicked back hair, fake tan and fake rolex, you know the sort. Then he takes his shirt off and sits down in the seat next to me, tells the bloke he wants a sun put round his nipple. Well the needle only just touched him and he started screaming and the crying, ohhhhh sooo funny everyone laughed their ass off :D needless to say he jumped up put his shirt on and changed his mind :o

so...then we can say...tats around tits are not a good idea if you have low tolerance to pain...

(let me look..there must be a smiley around here somewhere)

DB...where did you have your tat and how big was it if 2 hours were required for the application?

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I'm gonna be 56 y.o. soon an' I always wanted to get a tat...not just some little emblem but like twin dragons coming down the arms...or a landscape on my back. I've noticed that the skin on my arms is sagging a bit these days, but not to the extent that a tat could not be supported without embarrasment...for the next few years...

help ol' tutsi out...

Have the artist intentionally exaggerate the the height of the design. Then, as you sag more....the image itself becomes more normal.

.....jus a thought

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I'm gonna be 56 y.o. soon an' I always wanted to get a tat...not just some little emblem but like twin dragons coming down the arms...or a landscape on my back. I've noticed that the skin on my arms is sagging a bit these days, but not to the extent that a tat could not be supported without embarrasment...for the next few years...

help ol' tutsi out...

Have the artist intentionally exaggerate the the height of the design. Then, as you sag more....the image itself becomes more normal.

.....jus a thought

not bad...I suppose I could go walkabout down soi Nana on my hands...


(just think about the implications at the local bj bar....mercy...)

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Tattoos do not hurt, I was really wated when I got mine though, But next to me was this guy who got one on his leg and he was nearly crying like a little girl.

If your a man it wont hurt (just kidding)

But its not as bad as what people say it is.

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Don't do it. I had mine done 30 years ago and removed again 25 years ago. I still carry the scars to prove it.

The pain getting the tats are nothing compared to the pain getting them removed. Similarly with the cost.

Understand 100% that once done you can not reverse a tat.

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colours fade although at your age, u might fade first.... :D

my darling bina...you are keeping me from my rest...but I am 'forever young...'

the tat colors should be clear, but can the withering skin tone sustain a magnificent tattoo?...

brings up a story, regarding a street gang dude in Venice CA in the late 70s whos name was Popeye and had the Popeye cartoon character duly tattooed on his right forearm...his gang mate was Chico who had the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe tattooed same same. Dey both bad mofos dat nobody fuh wid. Dey gang in charge ob dey local liquor store across dey street from our USD250 per month flat 2 block from de beach back in dem days. Dem boys always gettin' new tats wid plenty ob vaseline to cover...

I saw plenty of violence down de liquor store but when I went in to pick up some buds dey just say yeah...honorary member ob de street gang...'bloods' country...'

I give up, I can't read this - what language is it in ??? :o

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so...then we can say...tats around tits are not a good idea if you have low tolerance to pain...

(let me look..there must be a smiley around here somewhere)

DB...where did you have your tat and how big was it if 2 hours were required for the application?

I have mine of each of my upper arms, i decided to have them here because they were something personal to me, and i didn't really want to show them off. You wouldn't even know i had them unless i actually rolled my sleeves right up so you could see.

2 hours is quite a short time, for a relatively complicated tattoo, the one that took 2 hours is about 8 inches tall by about 4 inches wide, in a complicated loop design. Mine are both Celtic designs, designed by a friend of mine. And what took the time was the outlining, after that the skin goes numb and you cant feel them colouring in. :o

At the end of the day, its each to their own, i wouldn't have any more done as i am happy with the 2 i have. They both mean something to me and a particular point in my life, and i still look at them today 12 years after they have been done, and they bring back some great memories of my youth.

I will never regret having them done, even when i am "old and wrinkly" and if you want one done then go for it. Just make sure its something that means something to you :D

If you are really not sure, you could always get your design done as a fake tattoo, and "try" it out for a few weeks to see if it suits :D

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Don't do it. I had mine done 30 years ago and removed again 25 years ago. I still carry the scars to prove it.

The pain getting the tats are nothing compared to the pain getting them removed. Similarly with the cost.

Understand 100% that once done you can not reverse a tat.

i'll second that. i got a lot of tattoos when i was in the navy after leaving school and now im going through the long, painful and expensive process of getting them removed.

it's a lot cheaper to have them lasered in thailand than in the UK - but it hurts the same ....

if you want to have one done i would say choose the design and then put it away for a year. if you still like it then that's the one for you...

unfortunately my choices of swallows, naked women and dragons haven't aged too well - esp as now i have a decent office job.

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I have mine of each of my upper arms, i decided to have them here because they were something personal to me, and i didn't really want to show them off. You wouldn't even know i had them unless i actually rolled my sleeves right up so you could see.

Same here. Got my first tat a few months ago for my 39th birthday. Now I have one on each upper arm and one on right shoulder blade. The back didn't hurt at all, the left arm a bit but the right arm hurt like he11. :o

Each design represents something deeply personal to me, I got the images off the web and then tinkered with them until I was happy so I know they are unique in design if not theme. None of them have been seen by anybody except my wife.

I am not planning to get any more, but I might if something important happens in my life or if I get an idea for a design I really like.

To the OP I say go for it, but get it somewhere that it will usually be covered up with clothes so if you do come to regret it at least you won't have people looking at it reminding you it's there all the time

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