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claiming benefits if I take my Thai children to the UK


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Have you been paying National Insurance while you have been away? If not, answer is probably no. You may be able to get child tax credits though - may. You would be able to get family allowance though as they are British citizens (once you are at home). Think you would need a job of finances though really - can family over there help during the day?

I would suggest you don't even try to claim anything, the UK Gov is clamping down big time, the process is now complicated to say the least and they have things in place to make sure you are looking for work, you have to attend courses and meetings of many types. basicly you need to be destitute, desperate and hungry before they will help you and even then its only subsistence pay. It doesn't matter if you have been paying NI or not. personnaly I think they should have done this years ago, to prevent the mess that the UK is in now.

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But until an end is put to all the welfare waste, it is an entitlement and everyone should claim it. If you don't others will!

Morally reprehensible. The so called waste is benefits being handed out because people make fraudulent claims.

Agree. Too many fraudulent claims. But Marty's claim would not be fraudulent, so my advice is go for it.

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The OP doesn't contribute to the UK anymore so it's only natural he wants to take his foreign bred family there to scrounge as much out of the UK system as he can for all four of them and then leave again before giving anything back. This seems to be a very common mentality these days and everybody thinks they are entitled to as many "freebies" as they can get their hands on. Yes, the UK system allows this but that doesn't make it a morally decent thing to do as an alternative to actually supporting yourself when you are able to do so, which appears to be the case of the OP.

Well done OP. What a total champ you are and you make us all proud to be British.

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Notmyself, there is a big difference, anyone blowing up a bus is not running the country. They have not done me any harm personally, but I despise that type of people if you could call them that. The people running the country have taken unfair payments from me throughout my life, so I am entitled to get it back if I can. ie, when I become a pensioner, I will not got my annual increases even though I have paid for them all my life, just because I live in Thailand.

That is nothing to do with people blowing up buses.

The logic of what is good for the goose is good for the gander is identical.

There is nothing wrong in what is legally available and offered by government departments.

Our state pensions are frozen here in Thailand, yet when we die our wives will receive bereeavement benefits, and huge sums if they have kids. Morally wrong yes, but until the government stop it, you would be foolish not to claim.

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But until an end is put to all the welfare waste, it is an entitlement and everyone should claim it. If you don't others will!

Morally reprehensible. The so called waste is benefits being handed out because people make fraudulent claims.

Agree. Too many fraudulent claims. But Marty's claim would not be fraudulent, so my advice is go for it.

The welfare system is there to help people who find themselves in a position of need and not those who put themselves in a position of need.

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The OP doesn't contribute to the UK anymore so it's only natural he wants to take his foreign bred family there to scrounge as much out of the UK system as he can for all four of them and then leave again before giving anything back. This seems to be a very common mentality these days and everybody thinks they are entitled to as many "freebies" as they can get their hands on. Yes, the UK system allows this but that doesn't make it a morally decent thing to do as an alternative to actually supporting yourself when you are able to do so, which appears to be the case of the OP.

Well done OP. What a total champ you are and you make us all proud to be British.

Indeed the OP doesn't contribute to the UK anymore, (but he likely will when he receives his state pension). The thousands of immigrants who arrive every month with their extended families have NEVER contributed, and get more freebies that any of us would get if we returned to the UK.

The welfare system needs to be massively overhauled, but there are too many do-gooders in the UK which prevents it. Perhaps if we were all to return to the UK with our hands out (asking for what we are legally entitled to) the government may act! But then again......................

If it's legal accept it.. Otherwise steer clear!

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the uk government decides which people they will give money by making out sets of rules.if you can fit yourself into the set of rules you can make a claim. this is not fraud this is your entitlement. if people don't claim benefits governments won't reduce taxation. other people's claims cost you nothing so what's your problem?

And therein in your post is the whole problems

"this is your entitlement" .....grubby little f*kcers with their hands out wanting something for nothing

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But until an end is put to all the welfare waste, it is an entitlement and everyone should claim it. If you don't others will!

Morally reprehensible. The so called waste is benefits being handed out because people make fraudulent claims.

Agree. Too many fraudulent claims. But Marty's claim would not be fraudulent, so my advice is go for it.

The welfare system is there to help people who find themselves in a position of need and not those who put themselves in a position of need.

Perfectly summed up

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Notmyself, there is a big difference, anyone blowing up a bus is not running the country. They have not done me any harm personally, but I despise that type of people if you could call them that. The people running the country have taken unfair payments from me throughout my life, so I am entitled to get it back if I can. ie, when I become a pensioner, I will not got my annual increases even though I have paid for them all my life, just because I live in Thailand.

That is nothing to do with people blowing up buses.

The logic of what is good for the goose is good for the gander is identical.

There is nothing wrong in what is legally available and offered by government departments.

Our state pensions are frozen here in Thailand, yet when we die our wives will receive bereeavement benefits, and huge sums if they have kids. Morally wrong yes, but until the government stop it, you would be foolish not to claim.

Yes, morally wrong. Is that not enough?

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Am not Brit but think if you want to go back and stay for a year to show your kids a different life and country do it when they are older, a 1 and 2 year old are not old enough to learn about Britain wait till they are older can go to school and learn history and English.

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Notmyself. You are just clutching at straws, we will just have to agree to differ.

It's all about moral and ethical standards. If holding on to high standards is clutching at straws then so be it. At least I can walk down the road with my head held high.

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Notmyself. You are just clutching at straws, we will just have to agree to differ.

It's all about moral and ethical standards. If holding on to high standards is clutching at straws then so be it. At least I can walk down the road with my head held high.

So can I, you say your standards are high, that's fine, so are mine. This forum is all about opinions.

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there too young why dont you just save up until they are older then you wont be poncing of the british taxpayer simple isnt it,you obviously dont want to work there...but it appears your wife is the one wanting freebies so you can keep her in money over here.....sir your a disgrace and a teacher to boot,...maybe she just wants a holiday from you 3...why dont you take her...thumbsup.gif feel free to answer,i know you will read all the replies

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A question for you. kindly explain what the British tax payer should fund a jolly for the three of you?, suggest if you can't afford it, don't buy it !

And of course you would never take advantage of any legal rights!? whistling.gif

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A question for you. kindly explain what the British tax payer should fund a jolly for the three of you?, suggest if you can't afford it, don't buy it !

And of course you would never take advantage of any legal rights!? whistling.gif

Actually no, I would not take advantage unless it was seriously necessary, I was born in the era where honesty and honour came first. And is it the op's legal right to take money from the state to fund a jolly ? .?

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I think the problem is the attitude. I'm entitled so I should have it.

it shouldn't be an entitlement, or its your right to have it.

Sadly I work within the benefit umbrella, it's a joke and makes me sick the attitude of a lot of the people.

It's a way of life and for most are better off than myself.

still at least my taxes are being well spent

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I think this is a wind up, certainly got me going for a while..

Given how defensive and butthurt the OP was when he realised the backlash was coming him way, I think he really is the type of character presented in this thread.

The fact he only has 20 posts to his name and 2 Thai children may say otherwise as he has obviously been here for a while but I'm assuming he made a new account to ask this question without tarring the name of his regular TV account. Maybe if you look back in this thread and find someone supporting him then that could be his alter-ego.

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the uk government decides which people they will give money by making out sets of rules.if you can fit yourself into the set of rules you can make a claim. this is not fraud this is your entitlement. if people don't claim benefits governments won't reduce taxation. other people's claims cost you nothing so what's your problem?

And therein in your post is the whole problems

"this is your entitlement" .....grubby little f*kcers with their hands out wanting something for nothing

That just isn't true.

The Queen claimed her old age pension, are you accusing her of being a grubby little .... with her hand out?

MPs were entitled to lots of allowances and expenses, of course they claimed them all, even though they were rich.

Reality is the system gives, and if you are entitled, you take.

To not claim what they give would just be stupidity.

The OP will be a single parent family in the UK.

Most of the benefits system in the UK is designed to help families, especially single parent families.

Claim away and be happy. You, and your children, are worth it.

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Aside from the dubious morality of going back to claim benefit, are you really going to look after a 1 and 2 year old on your own for a year?

I've been looking into this and as far as I can tell in order to bring your wife over you will need to be earning (yes earning) a reasonable income (I think the guideline is £20k + £2,400 for every child) and have a place to live suitable for the size of your family. So you'd be on your own with two infants who wouldn't see their mother for a year. Sounds like a crack pot plan to start with to be honest.

As I'm discovering the only practical way to do it is for me to go over and stay in my brother's spare room, get a job, get a house and get up and running then bring them over later on. Best case is about 3 months and I can envisage 6 coming up quite quickly.

I'm in a relatively fortunate position of being in an industry where meeting the earning threshold isn't too difficult and my wife is working and housed here so being alone for 3-6 months isn't a show stopper, though not seeing them for that time will be hard it's a necessary step if we are going to do this.

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I think the problem is the attitude. I'm entitled so I should have it.

it shouldn't be an entitlement, or its your right to have it.

Sadly I work within the benefit umbrella, it's a joke and makes me sick the attitude of a lot of the people.

It's a way of life and for most are better off than myself.

still at least my taxes are being well spent

Agree it should not be an entitlement, but it is, so everyone is free to claim it LEGALLY!

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