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Is Phuket and the world your ash tray?

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Just one of the problems with our ciggie smoking neighbours. At our apartments some tenants just flick their ash over the balcony onto the people and drying clothes below. I go up and offer an ashtray, sort of shame them into better manners. Those that throw the butts down into the pathways, I throw the butts back up onto their balcony. They soon get the message :)

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Take heart GOM. I'm a life-long (life-short?) smoker and never throw my butts anywhere outside. I'll field strip the hot end off, and if there's no bin to throw the filter nearby, I'll put it in my pocket (seriously!) until I get home to toss it in the bin.

Not all smokers are inconsiderate, just that some inconsiderate people happen to be smokers. smile.png

Thank you iSabai, your efforts are awesome and much appreciated.


I use a lot of things in this world to gauge the insanity of the human race, and smoking is one of them. The fact that it even exists as a thing and that it is somehow socially acceptable to cause others to breath your smoke (maybe not in California) and further, it is acceptable to just throw the butts on the ground just proves how irrational, illogical and selfish we are. Even seemingly rational people I know, some of them dive instructors, I see throwing butts on the ground or in the storm sewer or putting them out in the sand at the beach and leaving them. And I fell like a dick, and for sure appear like a dick, for telling them not to worry about it, as I will be picking it up for them later on my dive. Kata House Reef after a rain and there are tens of thousands of butts all over the sand underwater. Some of the apathetic comments towards the environment by people in this and other forums only confirms it. It's times like these I feel that Agent Smith was right.


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As a reformed smoker I have been on both ends of the spectrum.

I used to be a flicker but now I frown at anyone who smokes.

Reformed smokers are the biggest whingers, including me.

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very very annoying i know, i hate to see people do this, they are either throwing them out of there car or ditching them in the street before they enter any shops , to me its down right dirty and rude to do this, in general Smokers are selfish..

I was involved with the ''one of the Beach clean ups, and you would of been amazed at the amount of cigarettes i picked up, ., some of the tourists were looking at us as thought we had two heads, even when we picked up the debris beside them, they did not quite get what we were doing ???.. its all about basic education..... it aint rocket science, take your trash home with you or place it in a bin....


As a reformed smoker I have been on both ends of the spectrum.

I used to be a flicker but now I frown at anyone who smokes.

Reformed smokers are the biggest whingers, including me.

Like non purer than the purified


Re the OP;

Its nothing new, worldwide for my observance span of 50 years of this vile habit this is the norm.[ back in the day tho' we also had no option but to breath in their 2nd hand smoke.].one would have expected much more backlash against these filthy people who seem to think they have some sort of right to just drop their old buts where ever they are.

Had a westerner expat chainsmoker at my condo last year who though nothing of dropping them into the swimmingpool overflow grate ..when i challenged him he just said what are you on about?

The pool filter will collect them..w00t.gif


Maybe you could become a TPV in the cigarette end and bus ticket division....You seem to think you own the place which is a great start..

You don't seem to be too concerned about the pollution and damage to the environment your moto causes mind you......

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It simply portrays the general ignorance and selfish behavior of most smokers.

People like this have such weak minds that they need to be forgiven and thought of as 'special needs' kind of people.

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A few more public rubbish bins would help solve the problem

Jungceylon which is a large shopping centre only has about half a dozen

Try finding one on the streets or beaches, i know a few exist if you can find them


Glad to see we have a couple of considerate smokers here, but I'll say in my observations, 99% of smokers toss their butts wherever with nary a thought of it actually being something that shouldn't be done.

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2000 Baht fine in Bangkok, that's a start.thumbsup.gif

Should do the same thing here with all types of rubbish not disposed of properly

They could spend the money on installing public rubbish bins


As a reformed smoker I have been on both ends of the spectrum.

I used to be a flicker but now I frown at anyone who smokes.

Reformed smokers are the biggest whingers, including me.

Reformed and enlightened.


As a reformed smoker I have been on both ends of the spectrum.

I used to be a flicker but now I frown at anyone who smokes.

Reformed smokers are the biggest whingers, including me.

Reformed and enlightened.
You have to have smoked to truly hate the vile things. People who have never smoked can only imagine without experiencing it for years.
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Maybe you could become a TPV in the cigarette end and bus ticket division....You seem to think you own the place which is a great start..

You don't seem to be too concerned about the pollution and damage to the environment your moto causes mind you......

"Own the place", huh? Don't get that comment at all.

Point taken regarding the pollution my bike makes, but I don't compound the problem by blatantly littering.

Anyway, probably better off driving a diesel pickup belching smoke......safer anyway.....

  • Like 1

As a reformed smoker I have been on both ends of the spectrum.

I used to be a flicker but now I frown at anyone who smokes.

Reformed smokers are the biggest whingers, including me.

Reformed and enlightened.
You have to have smoked to truly hate the vile things. People who have never smoked can only imagine without experiencing it for years.

Not so.

Never smoked and absolutely hate the vile stuff and the attitude of the people that comes with it.

Some people are just aware.


Used to be a smoker and thinking about it I probably flicked the odd butt on the floor but it really pisses me off now.

I must have picked up about 100 butts from outside my restaurant door this week and with the Thai;s just trowing all their food wrappers from their trucks and bikes the place is just like one big tip.

  • Like 1

As a reformed smoker I have been on both ends of the spectrum.

I used to be a flicker but now I frown at anyone who smokes.

Reformed smokers are the biggest whingers, including me.

Reformed and enlightened.
You have to have smoked to truly hate the vile things. People who have never smoked can only imagine without experiencing it for years.

Not so.

Never smoked and absolutely hate the vile stuff and the attitude of the people that comes with it.

Some people are just aware.

That's a third party perspective but no less valid.

Really have to experience them first hand to truly appreciate the horror.

Even people I know smoke now hate them passionately but are addicted, or should I say afflicted.


It simply portrays the general ignorance and selfish behavior of most smokers.

People like this have such weak minds that they need to be forgiven and thought of as 'special needs' kind of people.

Its much harder for long term smokers to give up than long term drinkers giving up booze

Personally i have not had a smoke for 6 weeks, stopping drinking booze was easy, the time

i most enjoyed a smoke was when drinking which i stopped straight away with no withdrawal

problems, still think about smoking on accassions but can enjoy a drink without smoking


It simply portrays the general ignorance and selfish behavior of most smokers.

People like this have such weak minds that they need to be forgiven and thought of as 'special needs' kind of people.

Its much harder for long term smokers to give up than long term drinkers giving up booze

Personally i have not had a smoke for 6 weeks, stopping drinking booze was easy, the time

i most enjoyed a smoke was when drinking which i stopped straight away with no withdrawal

problems, still think about smoking on accassions but can enjoy a drink without smoking

Good to see...keep it up....the people around you will thank you.


It simply portrays the general ignorance and selfish behavior of most smokers.

People like this have such weak minds that they need to be forgiven and thought of as 'special needs' kind of people.

Its much harder for long term smokers to give up than long term drinkers giving up booze

Personally i have not had a smoke for 6 weeks, stopping drinking booze was easy, the time

i most enjoyed a smoke was when drinking which i stopped straight away with no withdrawal

problems, still think about smoking on accassions but can enjoy a drink without smoking

Good to see...keep it up....the people around you will thank you.

I think people who DUI are a bigger health hazard for everyone else, no shortage of them in Phuket

Do you drink and drive??


I dont have problem with smokers. I usually just stomp on their head if they smoke next to me.

Sent from my iPad Air

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