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Slaying and burning of woman teacher 'inhumane'

Lite Beer

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About the only thing Thaksin did right, was to go after these pigs back in the day. The governments since him have done absolutely NOTHING.

Unfortunately it was that action that exacerbated the current situation and why there will never be a solution whilst a Shinawat is around.

There has to be dialogue and compromise not more violence. Won't be easy with the radical muslims though who aren't exactly known for seeing the wider picture.

What exactly does it mean, "won't be easy with the radical Muslims"? That is a cop-out. They want only Shariat, Islamic law. And, by default, implicitly, all Muslims support them. Negotiation and appeasement only contributes to further terrorism and further demands.

Islam has a philosophy, a strategical philosophy with regard to dialogue, that is written in Quran and Hadith. It advises to use deceit and pretence with the infidel until such time as it is possible to force them to submit.

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The death of this teacher is sadly overshadowed by the vitriolic comments of some posters. Very sad that her death is a springboard by some camps to spread additonal hate.

RIP Dear Lady.

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The death of this teacher is sadly overshadowed by the vitriolic comments of some posters. Very sad that her death is a springboard by some camps to spread additonal hate.

RIP Dear Lady.

Look, I come from the country with muslim minority, and I know what I'm talking about — they killed more people here than traffic accidents. Islam is toxic, wiping out is the only way to go. Cutting all connections with saudites, and leveling all mosques could be a good start.

Edited by vadimbz
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The death of this teacher is sadly overshadowed by the vitriolic comments of some posters. Very sad that her death is a springboard by some camps to spread additonal hate.

RIP Dear Lady.

what it is supposed to be done in cases like this?

to understand them, forgive them perhaps, or maybe put the other cheek?

All this relativism is the root of the problem, it´s what make them more powerful.

There are no more chances left with those radicals, eye for and eye should it be the only response

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An eye for an eye doesn't work here. All we get is a whole world blind.

There is a category of 'people' who cannot be called people.

I previously mentioned that the only language these animals understand is cruelty.

4 for 1 will be just about right proportion if you look at the numbers of Thai victims and those animals losses.

And, please, do not mention humanity terms in this context. Blood is all they understand.

All these murderers have families. And families are responsible for their actions just as much as their spiritual leaders.

It is a widely recognized fact that education starts at home and continues at school.

NOTE! It is not Islam I am talking about. I am talking of inhuman animals having nothing to do with any religion.

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This could be a good comment without the disclaimer in the end. Islam is the thing that makes them inhuman. Have you ever heard of shinta or dao terrorists? Or about a gang of Mahayana buddhists mutilating the entire village, including children, cattle and pets, for the sole reason that people who live there follow Therawada? Do you know any other religion that indulges pedophilia, and clearly imposes the imperative of violence to non-believers? How about cutting people's arms off for petty thefts? Stoning victims of rape for adultery? Torturing animals (search for "halal" on youtube)?

Take Islam away, and those people will go back to their palm oil or whatever...

Edited by vadimbz
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About the only thing Thaksin did right, was to go after these pigs back in the day. The governments since him have done absolutely NOTHING.

Unfortunately it was that action that exacerbated the current situation and why there will never be a solution whilst a Shinawat is around.

There has to be dialogue and compromise not more violence. Won't be easy with the radical muslims though who aren't exactly known for seeing the wider picture.

What exactly does it mean, "won't be easy with the radical Muslims"? That is a cop-out. They want only Shariat, Islamic law. And, by default, implicitly, all Muslims support them. Negotiation and appeasement only contributes to further terrorism and further demands.

Islam has a philosophy, a strategical philosophy with regard to dialogue, that is written in Quran and Hadith. It advises to use deceit and pretence with the infidel until such time as it is possible to force them to submit.

Sounds like what is happening in the UK. whistling.gif

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This could be a good comment without the disclaimer in the end. Islam is the thing that makes them inhuman. Have you ever heard of shinta or dao terrorists? Or about a gang of Mahayana buddhists mutilating the entire village, including children, cattle and pets, for the sole reason that people who live there follow Therawada? Do you know any other religion that indulges pedophilia, and clearly imposes the imperative of violence to non-believers? How about cutting people's arms off for petty thefts? Stoning victims of rape for adultery? Torturing animals (search for "halal" on youtube)?

Take Islam away, and those people will go back to their palm oil or whatever...

Yes, my friend. look back to history. Shintoists, Daoists, Christians, Hinduists, ancient Romans, and many other religious fanatics did the same. Not because of their religion but being brainwashed into animals.

Including Communists and Nazis.

Welcome to the Earth.

I see some people here advising to level mosques. To irradicate Islam. They are all wrong.

Look back to history. Muslims lived in peace with Jews for centuries. Moors were more tolerant to other religions including Christianity than Christians to other denominations of the same Christianity.

Any brainwashed fanatic of any religious group is capable of atrocities. Because a brainwashed fanatic stops being a human being by becoming a desensitized humanoid. It has nothing to do with Islam.

There are millions of decent Muslims. Do not proclaim a Holy war on them. Do not touch their mosques. Better use inhuman rules against the brainwashed humanoids.

You cannot stop a terrorist who has been brainwashed and is ready to die. But you can turn his mother and father and sister and brother against him.

Not easy to stomach in this world of political correctness? Than do nothing until the events touch you personally.

BTW cutting off fingers and palms of a thief was practiced not only by Muslims. Scandinavians used this practice too, before they even heard of Islam. And Mongols used to rape women and than disembowel them not being Muslims.

Edited by ABCer
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Oh really? Mongols?

First of all, history is in history, and muslims are comitting their atrocities as we speak. Moreover, atrocities are deeply embedded in their religious pratice, and dogmas, in fact you can't be a good muslim, if you don't start your day with an atrocity or two.

Second, dao terrorists? Buddhist religous cleansings? Can you give me a prooflink? I have some for points I make:

Rape victims: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1141267/Saudi-judge-sentences-pregnant-gang-rape-victim-100-lashes-committing-adultery.html

Animal abuse:

Pedophilia: http://www.wnd.com/2012/12/army-acknowledges-pedophilia-part-of-islam/



It's good that you mention nazis — ideologies can be maleficent, and corrupting, and people should be protected from certain ideologies the same way as they are protected from viral infections. In most countries of the world they just won't let you build Hitler shrine in district center, and giving Mein Kampf to children can get you a prison sentence. Islam should be treated the same way, and it's not a holy war, it's a crime prevention.

Edited by vadimbz
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

About the only thing Thaksin did right, was to go after these pigs back in the day. The governments since him have done absolutely NOTHING.

You do realise that you will now be slaughtered by all the bleeding-heart liberals, the Thaksin-haters and the Dem-lovers, don't you? Of course, what you said was quite right, appeasing these scum only encourages them to further gruesome savage acts.

Just dripping with the milk of human kindness aren't you.

Did it ever occur to you that it was not that big as problem until Thaksin went on his murder spree.

He took a small camp fire and made it into a raging forest fire.

When I think about a murder spree, I can only recall Abhisit. During his government misery people were shot in BKK, Rohinja's being pushed back on the sea, Lao h'Mong forcefully deported back to Laos where the GOL was waiting for them. Thaksin is a leader, Abhisit is an airbubble with a necktie.

You may want to see a doctor about it. Not sure if they can help you with long term memory.

The killings in Bangkok were in defense of the citizens of Bangkok from terrorists who were lobbing bombs at transportation centers and invading hospitals. All the time urging the burning down of Bangkok

It was not the Rohinja's who were pushed out to sea it was Burmese people. A situation I deplore and one of the reasons I don't like Abhist even though I admit he is the best man for the job. He swept it under the carpet by appointing the army to investigate it.

Repatriating is happening all the time. We have no knowledge of what happens to them when they go back. Most of the Lao were illegal immigrants looking for work. Better than the current government using the Rohinja's for human trafficking.

You are correct Thaksin is a leader. So was Hitler.

You have very poor role models.

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The death of this teacher is sadly overshadowed by the vitriolic comments of some posters. Very sad that her death is a springboard by some camps to spread additonal hate.

RIP Dear Lady.

what it is supposed to be done in cases like this?

to understand them, forgive them perhaps, or maybe put the other cheek?

All this relativism is the root of the problem, it´s what make them more powerful.

There are no more chances left with those radicals, eye for and eye should it be the only response

Just how do you choose who the eye will be. The terrorists are killing their own people.

I do not agree with the idea that all Muslims are in favor of imposing Sharia law. Many would welcome it but are not in favor of getting it through terrorism. I would say that most of the Muslims in the deep south are not in favor of it. they have lived to long with a kinder law to accept the authoritarian rule that a few would grab to hold over them. If they had been grown up with it yes it would be the way for them to go.

As I have said quite often disenfranchising the people is not the way to go. Make them feel a part of and they will cheerfully give the terrorists up.

There is several on this thread who support them. I wonder if they live in the deep south?

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Not surprising given the coverage the Nation gives them.

Read the Bangkok post. The southern terrorists make the red shirt murders look like babe's in the woods.

...Learn to read Thai.

Are they reporting more murders by the red shirts than by the terrorists?

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This could be a good comment without the disclaimer in the end. Islam is the thing that makes them inhuman. Have you ever heard of shinta or dao terrorists? Or about a gang of Mahayana buddhists mutilating the entire village, including children, cattle and pets, for the sole reason that people who live there follow Therawada? Do you know any other religion that indulges pedophilia, and clearly imposes the imperative of violence to non-believers? How about cutting people's arms off for petty thefts? Stoning victims of rape for adultery? Torturing animals (search for "halal" on youtube)?

Take Islam away, and those people will go back to their palm oil or whatever...

Yes, my friend. look back to history. Shintoists, Daoists, Christians, Hinduists, ancient Romans, and many other religious fanatics did the same. Not because of their religion but being brainwashed into animals.

Including Communists and Nazis.

Welcome to the Earth.

I see some people here advising to level mosques. To irradicate Islam. They are all wrong.

Look back to history. Muslims lived in peace with Jews for centuries. Moors were more tolerant to other religions including Christianity than Christians to other denominations of the same Christianity.

Any brainwashed fanatic of any religious group is capable of atrocities. Because a brainwashed fanatic stops being a human being by becoming a desensitized humanoid. It has nothing to do with Islam.

There are millions of decent Muslims. Do not proclaim a Holy war on them. Do not touch their mosques. Better use inhuman rules against the brainwashed humanoids.

You cannot stop a terrorist who has been brainwashed and is ready to die. But you can turn his mother and father and sister and brother against him.

Not easy to stomach in this world of political correctness? Than do nothing until the events touch you personally.

BTW cutting off fingers and palms of a thief was practiced not only by Muslims. Scandinavians used this practice too, before they even heard of Islam. And Mongols used to rape women and than disembowel them not being Muslims.

what you say has a lot of truth in it


"Look back to history. Muslims lived in peace with Jews for centuries. Moors were more tolerant to other religions including Christianity than Christians to other denominations of the same Christianity."

Unfortunately there was always the minority who followed the Koran where it says kill the infidels. Thus we had the Muslims invading and seizing other countries and forcing their religion on them. Which in turn brought about the Crusades which in my mind were not justifiable either.

Today we have the Muslims still practicing the methods of war to take over other countries. Sadly some of them are there own religious beliefs only a different sect Like a Methodist and a Baptist both Christianity but disagreeing on certain parts of it. fortunately the Christian world has learned to get along with each other. Unfortunately the Muslim world has not and in their insane drive for world domination lay principals of love kindness and generosity aside in favor of terrorism. They are a small minority yet they represent Islam to the rest of the world even in their own countries if they do not rule they will indiscriminately murder innocent people.

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This could be a good comment without the disclaimer in the end. Islam is the thing that makes them inhuman. Have you ever heard of shinta or dao terrorists? Or about a gang of Mahayana buddhists mutilating the entire village, including children, cattle and pets, for the sole reason that people who live there follow Therawada? Do you know any other religion that indulges pedophilia, and clearly imposes the imperative of violence to non-believers? How about cutting people's arms off for petty thefts? Stoning victims of rape for adultery? Torturing animals (search for "halal" on youtube)?

Take Islam away, and those people will go back to their palm oil or whatever...

I guess you haven't been keeping up to speed or Burma lately, or indeed two millennia of chrisendom.

Take their religion away and they'd still be the dispicable scum that they are, preaching their hate and intolerance under another banner.

Edited by samran
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About the only thing Thaksin did right, was to go after these pigs back in the day. The governments since him have done absolutely NOTHING.

you mean like the time when 1300 people were stripped and stuffed into trucks and left to cook in the hot sun killing 85?

he did that up right.

yup uhuh.

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About the only thing Thaksin did right, was to go after these pigs back in the day. The governments since him have done absolutely NOTHING.

you mean like the time when 1300 people were stripped and stuffed into trucks and left to cook in the hot sun killing 85?

he did that up right.

yup uhuh.

You fail to understand, for many people here on this thread, that WAS doing it 'right'.

Their bigotry is no different to those who perpetuated this terrible crime against this woman.

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The death of this teacher is sadly overshadowed by the vitriolic comments of some posters. Very sad that her death is a springboard by some camps to spread additonal hate.

RIP Dear Lady.

what it is supposed to be done in cases like this?

to understand them, forgive them perhaps, or maybe put the other cheek?

All this relativism is the root of the problem, it´s what make them more powerful.

There are no more chances left with those radicals, eye for and eye should it be the only response

Just how do you choose who the eye will be. The terrorists are killing their own people.

I do not agree with the idea that all Muslims are in favor of imposing Sharia law. Many would welcome it but are not in favor of getting it through terrorism. I would say that most of the Muslims in the deep south are not in favor of it. they have lived to long with a kinder law to accept the authoritarian rule that a few would grab to hold over them. If they had been grown up with it yes it would be the way for them to go.

As I have said quite often disenfranchising the people is not the way to go. Make them feel a part of and they will cheerfully give the terrorists up.

There is several on this thread who support them. I wonder if they live in the deep south?

Just how do you choose who the eye will be.

Easy. Catch and burn alive this bastard who killed the teacher. Public execution with all press.

Letting this way know to the future brainwashed radicals what can be the consequences of their acts.

This it should be done with all dreadful criminals like those but in the whole world, not only in south thailand

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I,ve read all the replies and must say ,most posters are talking nonsense, Kill all, burn all. Lets get rid of those pesky Mooslims who by the way aren,t killing and burning all, but that doesn,t matter because my way is better than theirs. Lets get rid of hate filled retards that have infestered this OP. with their intolerance and idiotic solutions.

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This could be a good comment without the disclaimer in the end. Islam is the thing that makes them inhuman. Have you ever heard of shinta or dao terrorists? Or about a gang of Mahayana buddhists mutilating the entire village, including children, cattle and pets, for the sole reason that people who live there follow Therawada? Do you know any other religion that indulges pedophilia, and clearly imposes the imperative of violence to non-believers? How about cutting people's arms off for petty thefts? Stoning victims of rape for adultery? Torturing animals (search for "halal" on youtube)?

Take Islam away, and those people will go back to their palm oil or whatever...

Probably a good drink would help them. Look at the problems caused in the States when they made drinking illegal.

The terrorists are acting under the guise of Sharia law. That is why the Muslims except their actions.

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About the only thing Thaksin did right, was to go after these pigs back in the day. The governments since him have done absolutely NOTHING.

you mean like the time when 1300 people were stripped and stuffed into trucks and left to cook in the hot sun killing 85?

he did that up right.

yup uhuh.

You fail to understand, for many people here on this thread, that WAS doing it 'right'.

Their bigotry is no different to those who perpetuated this terrible crime against this woman.

What you fail to realize to many people on this thread who consider doing it rite they are unaware that their was no problem in comparison to the one it created.

They are justifying the actions of the current terrorists by justifying that cruel inhumane action and lack of response to it. Where the families of the murdered Muslims giving money such as the red shirt terrorists families were given? Even the one dumber than the average red shirt terrorist who was making bombs when one went off and killed him. His family received money from the Government.

It is a deplorable thing in the South all under the guise of religion as it is practiced today by the Islam faith only. But the facts remain Thaksin put a lot more desire for it into the people. They are just operating under Islam law.

It would have helped. Not stopped it if The government had tried to make some kind of restitution rather than justifying it.

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