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Let Down By Viangbua Mansion


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Hi All,

My wife and I will be moving to Chiang Mai by the end of October. I visited on a "reconnaisance trip" in February/March, one purpose being to find a place to stay while we search for a (rental) house. Since we will be bringing our four cats I asked around specifically for "pet friendly" places. On my visit to Vianbua Mansion the answer I got was "Yes of course, no problem!" :D I know this is Thailand but still was rather irritated when my recent booking request was turned down, citing "the existing policy" of not allowing ANY pets on the premises :o

Anyway, that is now history. Do any of you "Olde Chiange Maie Handse" know of a condo or similar that would let us bring our cats? We are not too concerned about location since we will rent a car anyway and, since we only plan to stay one or two months, budget is no real problem either (Viangbua is NOT cheap!). We however need a fairly large place, preferably two rooms, since the little panthers want room to move around.

Much appreciate any suggestions/experiences :D


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I'm afraid I'm not experienced enough to offer advise on alternatives really, but just to play Devils Advocate....! :o The ViangBua Mansion website does state no pets in their policies. Of course this doesn't excuse them agreeing to it on your recky run! I would love to have a cat too, but am staying at the Viang Bua Mansions from July, so no such luck for me!

Anyway, I hope your search goes well.



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I agree with your "Viangbua is NOT cheap!!", however, 'value for money', it's a very good deal.

I know everyone at the desk is aware of the 'no pet rule', so I suggest it's simply another example of Thai-falang-Thai language breakdown.

As a Viangbua resident, I must say, I won't be too disapointed your four 'little panthers' won't be stinking up the garbage area.


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Thank you mahseer for the suggestion. I will contact Rimping shortly.

Thank you mallmagician for the sympathy. I however think it was rather a case of a recent or temporary employee not checking before answering than me/her misunderstanding. I think that after some 20 trips since the early '80s, totalling 1½ years in Thailand, that my Thai/English communications don't break down that easily. Since this question was really the main object of my visit, I took care to be very clear. After your reply I went through their website again and found the point in the FAQ about not allowing pets. Extremely careless of me not to notice it before!

pacnw, I agree that Viangbua offer value for money, which is a major reason we would have liked to stay there. I can however assure you that if we had stayed, you would not have been able to smell or otherwise notice any trace of our cats. Cats in general are extremely tidy animals, constantly cleaning themselves. As if this would not suffice, we regularly bathe our animals. They are not your average soi cats, but rather pedigree cats that probably keep themselves cleaner and less odorous than you or I.

Regards, Priceless

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There's a great boutique/budget place called the Chiang Mai Thai Guesthouse. I don't remember the street but it's only 2 blocks from Loi Kroh, moving outward from the Tapae gate. I'm not certian they allow cats, but there were always a few hanging about the pool and restaurant and the staff was quite comfortable with them. Wish I could provide more info!

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