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Ko Tee admits organising 'Red Riot' Forces


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(Ko Tee) explained that he had been inspired to organize his own underground movements

Rules of Underground Movements

1st RULE: You do not talk about Underground Movements.

2nd RULE: You DO NOT talk about Underground Movements.

This guy is a put-up patsy and his end will not be pretty. He can't be bright enough to have thought of this himself. <shakes head>

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Mr. Ko Tee is a perfect example of what happens when an organization gives unbridled, non-stop hate speech. A small percentage of weak-minded individuals will get all fired up and take action. They are a tiny minority but if they are dealt with harshly, it will inspire other, less weak-minded, to avenge their harsh treatment. The UDD needs some dead martyrs to get more people angry enough to do violence. I suggest the police, with much secret prodding from the Army, lock Mr. Ko Tee in a mental hospital for six months for 'observation'. There he can be heavily medicated and not spread his crazy. It will be an abject lesson to other would-be Ko Tees. Jatuporn and the UDD are being provocative and and have even got General Prayuth to speak intemperately. Calm and patience until the courts end the current governments' right to walk the streets as free men. Please don't speak of violence against Ko Tee or anyone else. Rule of Law, if not respected, is meaningless. Stay on the side of peaceful activism and support the Rule of Law and the courts.

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BTW, on the Bangkok Post webpage, why is YL pictured in a wheelchair?

It was a failed attempt on her life by the desperate yellow shirt Bangkok amart.

Either that, or she tripped getting out of her van and twisted her ankle.

A lot of things concerning YL seem to fail smile.png.

Just did a google and saw the vid of her slipping. She got up straight away and didn't seem to be in pain, unlike my experience with torn ankle ligaments. Maybe she'll need to go overseas for specialised treatment? Immediately?

What? And miss her corruption trial? Heaven forbid.

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If the government doesn't deal with this loony, the army will. He can join Sae Daeng. Red apologists here will say he's only one man and what he says and does isn't the UDD stance. And yet, the UDD continues keeping quiet about this guy rather then condemning him or distancing themselves from him. If the red shirts are itching for a fight, I'll put my money on the army winning it.

And yet the Democrats continue keeping quiet about Suthep rather than condemning him or distancing themselves from him. Same Same.

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BTW, on the Bangkok Post webpage, why is YL pictured in a wheelchair?

It was a failed attempt on her life by the desperate yellow shirt Bangkok amart.

Either that, or she tripped getting out of her van and twisted her ankle.

A lot of things concerning YL seem to fail smile.png.

Just did a google and saw the vid of her slipping. She got up straight away and didn't seem to be in pain, unlike my experience with torn ankle ligaments. Maybe she'll need to go overseas for specialised treatment? Immediately?

What? And miss her corruption trial? Heaven forbid.

Dallas YL has got her 'non-appearance' before the court covered already. From the wheel chair to a hospital bed, two days before the date for her to appear.

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Mr. Ko Tee is a perfect example of what happens when an organization gives unbridled, non-stop hate speech. A small percentage of weak-minded individuals will get all fired up and take action. They are a tiny minority but if they are dealt with harshly, it will inspire other, less weak-minded, to avenge their harsh treatment. The UDD needs some dead martyrs to get more people angry enough to do violence. I suggest the police, with much secret prodding from the Army, lock Mr. Ko Tee in a mental hospital for six months for 'observation'. There he can be heavily medicated and not spread his crazy. It will be an abject lesson to other would-be Ko Tees. Jatuporn and the UDD are being provocative and and have even got General Prayuth to speak intemperately. Calm and patience until the courts end the current governments' right to walk the streets as free men. Please don't speak of violence against Ko Tee or anyone else. Rule of Law, if not respected, is meaningless. Stay on the side of peaceful activism and support the Rule of Law and the courts.

Ko Tee is likely to turn into a dead martyr around the time he gets too demanding asking Thaksin to make good promises of remuneration. He will be far more useful to teh cause in this new capacity and much cheaper to run.

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So how much smack talk does it actually take to get locked up around here?

Sent from somewhere in the Pacific

Suthep is still out and about running around so I guess it takes at least more than 4 months worth.

when did Suthep talk about or plan a "riot army" or talk in favour of violence?

only morons compare the talks of Suthep with the dangerous moron Ko Tee

.........................."only morons compare the talks of Suthep with the dangerous moron Ko Tee"......................................

Could not have put it better myself ! clap2.gif

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You can never condone violence, and i presume this guy is a bit of Walter Mitty, but i don't know why anyone is surprised about this.

You continue to overthrow elected Governments of one particular voter base through non voting means, then deep hatred and crazy people will tend to surface.

If those elected governments of one particular man stopped breaking the law they wouldn't get overthrown, in trouble with the courts, or in the mess they create for themselves. Would they?

But that would mean being transparent, having checks and balances, being accountable and managing things properly. No fun or profit in that. Is there?

This loony has crossed the line and should be dealt with appropriately before he does something stupid and more innocent lives are lost.

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Now we hear and see the comments from Ko-Tee, yet I have serious doubts as to just what support this creature will actually receive from the massed ranks of his army of Red Riot Forces if push comes to shove.

Methinks there will not be a rush of volunteers ready to sacrifice their lifeblood for the Shinwatra clan as exhorted to do so by Ko-Tee who like his paymaster will indeed be languishing, no doubt happily ensconced alongside Jutuporn and Thida for company too in the comfort of a safe counting house haven far from the scene of conflict ..

The military will not stand idly by while those those aforementioned parties among others conspire to treasonable acts. The Army Commander in Chief ,General Prayuth has previously already stated he would not tolerate any attempts by anyone or any group to conduct treasonable acts against Thailand and its peoples

Those aforementioned parties, Ko-Tee, Jutuporn, Thida and many others including the rank and file Red Shirt pawns in their merry red band would do well to remember these lines below from ''The Old Shikarri by Rudyard Kipling....

Go stalk the red deer (Red Shirt treasonable leaders) o'er the heather.

Ride, follow the fox (Red Shirts treasonable leaders) if you can.

But for pleasure and profit together.

Allow me the hunting of ( Ko-tee, Jutuporn and Thida to a) man.

The chase of the Human (Red Shirt treasonable leaders) the search for the soul.

To its ruin.... the hunting of (The Red Shirt treasonable leaders to a) man

Both my thanks to the late Rudyard Kipling for those lines, and my apologies for the re-editing of part of those lines to fit with the current scenario

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Methinks that Fat Haggis is indeed seeing the light regarding the recruitment and the subsequent reaction of those Ko-Tee might recruit should push come to shove. Indeed in that situation the constipation the Red Shirt Riot squad didn't know they had will be instantly cured.hit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJ.

The military no doubt will and would be instructed to act by some suitable authority if the need arises.However as to who, what and when ,if ever makes such an order waits to be seen. wai2.gif

Edited by siampolee
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Siampolee I never believed they'd recruit 200,000 in the first place, I always thought it was just a load of bovine Scatology, same with the claims to having 10 Million weapons, but really, if I wanted to recruit a small Army for something that was going to result in a violent confrontation with the Government or the Army, I wouldn't be shouting it from the roof tops, and plastering it all over the tabloids..

Military Coups in African countries conducted my mercenaries were successful in that nobody talked about it prior to it happening ;)

Rule number 1 about fight club?? ;)

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"On balance I think that the governments from the Thaksin faction have been better for the people of Thailand than the other party would have been"

"It is possible to support PT, Yingluck, even UDD and not support violence.

In summary, I bend towards the reds"

"You are reading things into my post that are quite simply not there. What I said is what I mean. Don't assume for one minute that I believe what you think I believe. You hate Thaksin, fine ,I really couldn't care less, but it does not mean that because I don't share your views on him or his faction, that I support what you allege I do. As for sitting in the middle, I'll sit where I like, and no amount of intolerant ranting from you will change that."

Ok which part did I read things into. You think thaksin was great for Thailand, you support yl, the ptp and the udd but claim you dont like violence(no mention of the corruption I notice).

How can you support a side that uses corruption and violence at its core while claiming you dont support it. If you were serious you would not support them purely on principle as you know they are corrupt and violence proned. This is the same as handing someone a gun then saying that you dont support violence when they start to shoot people, you are supporting them therefore you are a part of what they are doing whether you like it or not.

Either you are for the methods they use or you are against them for what they do, you cant have it both ways, do you support the graft the ptp are involved in, do you agree with what they have done in regard to thaksin(passport, returning his money etc), did you think they were ok to do what they did in 2010, do you agree with the way they are letting the reds run what happens(violence,seperation threats, armed rebellion ), do you think they are all above the law of Thailand(court proceedings). Basic questions, any no answers and you still want to support them makes you out a hypocrit whether you agree or not.

I support the Thailand people, not the yellows and the majority of protesters are just that, ordinary thais, not yellows. The red supporters are claiming thay are yellows because it makes them feel righteous, red v yellow, if they had to admit they were not yellows it removes any legitimacy they seem to think they have because it means they are not supporting thais in general but simply thaksin, the ptp and reds over the rest of the country and this is not democracy as it is against the majority of thai people that are not aligned with either side but want responsible govt without the corruption and violence. What is it you want

You have expanded my statement that I " bend not uncritically towards the reds" ( reds being a generic umbrella term for the current government and its support base) into what you see as alleged support for a wide variety of actions and policies, real, alleged and sometimes fancifull.

I have already emphasised that I do not support violence. I don't think that violence is at the core of Pheu Thai. Yes there are factions who talk about it, and some who would, and have committed acts of violence, but that is true of the other side of the divide.

On corruption, it exists throughout the political, civil, judicial and military fields of life in Thailand, again on both sides of the divide. I don't know which side is the more corrupt. I think that the best way of getting rid of it is through open transparent democratic government. I think it will take a generation, at least, to get rid of it, or at least get it under control. Because it is so widespread throughout society, I don't regard it as a major factor in deciding which side I tend to prefer.

I don't know much about Thaksins passports or his money, so don't really have a view. Armed rebellion and secession are just wild talk, with little substance, on the fringes of the whole argument.

I don't subscribe to the "with them or against them" argument. As I have explained at length, I look at things across the board, in their context, and come up with a view.

I don't believe that makes me a hypocrite.

These are my personal views. In the big picture they don't really matter, I don't have a vote after all, and I don't engage in political debate with Thais. I will occasionally discuss things with my wife, when she initiates such discussion.

So that is where I stand. These views are formed by my personal politics, coloured by where I live in Thailand and the views of my wife. If you disagree with them fine, but please don't turn them into something they are not.

Shall we call an end to this exchange now?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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What a fruitcake ! I,ll bet he even wears red underwear :) I have been of the impression for around a year that the formation of designated redshirt villages, several thousand of them, is nothing less than the amassing of a private army awaiting for instructions from our man in Dubai, and even willing and preparing to take on the army if necessary. The interesting times are on the way :)

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What a fruitcake ! I,ll bet he even wears red underwear smile.png I have been of the impression for around a year that the formation of designated redshirt villages, several thousand of them, is nothing less than the amassing of a private army awaiting for instructions from our man in Dubai, and even willing and preparing to take on the army if necessary. The interesting times are on the way smile.png

Thaksin has been either blindsided or double crossed by the Yellows 3 times now.

Very unlikely it will happen again.

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What a fruitcake ! I,ll bet he even wears red underwear smile.png I have been of the impression for around a year that the formation of designated redshirt villages, several thousand of them, is nothing less than the amassing of a private army awaiting for instructions from our man in Dubai, and even willing and preparing to take on the army if necessary. The interesting times are on the way smile.png

Thaksin has been either blindsided or double crossed by the Yellows 3 times now.

Very unlikely it will happen again.

Well if your beloved Red Army do come to Bangkok and start shooting up the place, as they have threatened, the Army would have the moral right to cut them down where they stood in the name of Thailand

Doesnt matter how eager they are, they are civilians with limited training, resources, tactics and (lets be honest here) stomach for it. No match for a trained, disciplined Military force with some serious firepower (and the law on their side)

How many of them must die before they realise they will lose? With any luck just the handful of hateful leaders (Ko Tee and Jutaporn) - after they fall, hopefully, the rest will realise their mistake and quietly leave.

If they start a guerrilla war, then god help them... they would be willing to bring civil war to the country and kill/maim innocent citizens of the country in the name of their Demi-God (Thaksin)

The way i see it, they have lost either way...

Edited by MunterHunter
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What a fruitcake ! I,ll bet he even wears red underwear smile.png I have been of the impression for around a year that the formation of designated redshirt villages, several thousand of them, is nothing less than the amassing of a private army awaiting for instructions from our man in Dubai, and even willing and preparing to take on the army if necessary. The interesting times are on the way smile.png

Thaksin has been either blindsided or double crossed by the Yellows 3 times now.

Very unlikely it will happen again.

Well if your beloved Red Army do come to Bangkok and start shooting up the place, as they have threatened, the Army would have the moral right to cut them down where they stood in the name of Thailand

Doesnt matter how eager they are, they are civilians with limited training, resources, tactics and (lets be honest here) stomach for it. No match for a trained, disciplined Military force with some serious firepower (and the law on their side)

How many of them must die before they realise they will lose? With any luck just the handful of hateful leaders (Ko Tee and Jutaporn) - after they fall, hopefully, the rest will realise their mistake and quietly leave.

If they start a guerrilla war, then god help them... they would be willing to bring civil war to the country and kill/maim innocent citizens of the country in the name of their Demi-God (Thaksin)

The way i see it, they have lost either way...

Not to be too derogatory but the Thai military aren't really that crash hot.

They've mostly only ever seen action against their own citizens.

even tin pot Laos gave the Thai military a bit of a touch up.

Look how clumsy and ineffective the"special warfare seals" surrounding Suthep have been, the BIB have shown them up.

Pure speculation on my behalf, but I imagine if Reds start getting killed in the streets again it will evolve into a guerrilla war and Thailand will be in the worlds headlines for all the wrong reasons.

If the military was willing to get into a conflict in the streets with the Reds, one would assume it would have begun already.

Let's not forget Prayuth retires in September (mandatory) and he has hopes that his little brother will one day get the top job, given that the Reds would most likely be the government and be the ones making the military appointments - better he doesn't upset them too much.

It's not about "demigod"Thaksin.

People have chosen their government 5 times and all but once had their choice tossed out of office illegally.

I'm guessing enough is enough - final showdown time.

The way I see it they can't lose - history (and demography) is on their side.

The only question is how long it will take and how many people have to die before the Yellows accept the inevitable.

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Not to be too derogatory but the Thai military aren't really that crash hot.

They've mostly only ever seen action against their own citizens.

even tin pot Laos gave the Thai military a bit of a touch up.

Look how clumsy and ineffective the"special warfare seals" surrounding Suthep have been, the BIB have shown them up.

And the Red Shirt Riot Squads are crash hot... right?

Pure speculation on my behalf, but I imagine if Reds start getting killed in the streets again it will evolve into a guerrilla war and Thailand will be in the worlds headlines for all the wrong reasons.

If the military was willing to get into a conflict in the streets with the Reds, one would assume it would have begun already.

I agree with the Gurerrilla war bit, regardless of political affiliation i assume we both agree this is the worst case scenario and both hope it doesnt get to this.

The Military doesnt want the conflict, but it appears that the UDD movement might force their hand and bring the fight to them... The Military thus far has been reasonably passive, yes the Genral had a bit of a spat recently towards Jutaporn, but truth be told he was one of the main aggressors in the last protest and probably deserved it (off topic, during the 2010 protests i got quite close to Jutaporn one day as he was walking along the Skywalk... how i wished i'd punched the guy in the face that day - lol)

It's not about "demigod"Thaksin.

People have chosen their government 5 times and all but once had their choice tossed out of office illegally.

I'm guessing enough is enough - final showdown time.

Dont be so nieve, this is totaly about Thaksin

Looks like this government is about to get tossed out Legally...

The way I see it they can't lose - history (and demography) is on their side.

The only question is how long it will take and how many people have to die before the Yellows accept the inevitable.

With the PTP party starting to lose their rural support, i can see them 'losing' the next election quite easily... if the voters dont goto the Democrats (most probably wont due to their lackluster efforts recently) then they will goto smaller parties... it is my beleif that these smaller parties will look to the Democrats for a Colatition this time around...

Dont forget, last (real) election, PTP only 'beat' the Democrats by 3 million voters... its VERY realisitc that they have lost at least that with the recent problems they have faced... If those voters goto the smaller parties or the Democrats then it could be very quickly become 'bye bye Thaksin run PTP'

Please excuse typo's and spelling errors... its getting late and i didnt proof read this post properly smile.png

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What a fruitcake ! I,ll bet he even wears red underwear smile.png I have been of the impression for around a year that the formation of designated redshirt villages, several thousand of them, is nothing less than the amassing of a private army awaiting for instructions from our man in Dubai, and even willing and preparing to take on the army if necessary. The interesting times are on the way smile.png

Thaksin has been either blindsided or double crossed by the Yellows 3 times now.

Very unlikely it will happen again.

But didn't you just say this wasn't about Thaksin?

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With the PTP party starting to lose their rural support, i can see them 'losing' the next election quite easily... if the voters dont goto the Democrats (most probably wont due to their lackluster efforts recently) then they will goto smaller parties... it is my beleif that these smaller parties will look to the Democrats for a Colatition this time around...

Dont forget, last (real) election, PTP only 'beat' the Democrats by 3 million voters... its VERY realisitc that they have lost at least that with the recent problems they have faced... If those voters goto the smaller parties or the Democrats then it could be very quickly become 'bye bye Thaksin run PTP'

Please excuse typo's and spelling errors... its getting late and i didnt proof read this post properly smile.png

1. The Red goon squad are probably crap, but the differential with the army is probably not as great as you would expect it to be, plus they'll have the advantage of it being a guerrilla war in an urban landscape - tanks, RPG's and fighter jets aren't much use in such situations.

2.By it's not about Thaksin, I mean if Thaksin and his whole family were to book a flight on Malaysian Airlines and disappear overnight, the Reds would still exist.The Yellow claim that they just want to get rid of the Shinawatras' is false, they want to end the Red movement that insists upon popular rule in Thailand - just getting rid of Thaksin doesn't solve their problems, they need to rejig the constitution to create a system where a minority of voters can win a parliamentary majority.

3. Red support has been consistently high for 10 years, one would expect it to continue. Nobody will really know if it has risen or fallen until there is another proper election. 3 million is a big margin in electoral terms though and I don't think the last 4 months have done any favours for the Democrats as far as winning over new supporters. With the level and hatred and animosity in the nation you could also expect turnout to be very high at the next election - this too should favour the Reds. Who knows what will happen, but you'd have to expect another PTP win, probably in a coalition.

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With the PTP party starting to lose their rural support, i can see them 'losing' the next election quite easily... if the voters dont goto the Democrats (most probably wont due to their lackluster efforts recently) then they will goto smaller parties... it is my beleif that these smaller parties will look to the Democrats for a Colatition this time around...

Dont forget, last (real) election, PTP only 'beat' the Democrats by 3 million voters... its VERY realisitc that they have lost at least that with the recent problems they have faced... If those voters goto the smaller parties or the Democrats then it could be very quickly become 'bye bye Thaksin run PTP'

Please excuse typo's and spelling errors... its getting late and i didnt proof read this post properly smile.png

1. The Red goon squad are probably crap, but the differential with the army is probably not as great as you would expect it to be, plus they'll have the advantage of it being a guerrilla war in an urban landscape - tanks, RPG's and fighter jets aren't much use in such situations.

2.By it's not about Thaksin, I mean if Thaksin and his whole family were to book a flight on Malaysian Airlines and disappear overnight, the Reds would still exist.The Yellow claim that they just want to get rid of the Shinawatras' is false, they want to end the Red movement that insists upon popular rule in Thailand - just getting rid of Thaksin doesn't solve their problems, they need to rejig the constitution to create a system where a minority of voters can win a parliamentary majority.

3. Red support has been consistently high for 10 years, one would expect it to continue. Nobody will really know if it has risen or fallen until there is another proper election. 3 million is a big margin in electoral terms though and I don't think the last 4 months have done any favours for the Democrats as far as winning over new supporters. With the level and hatred and animosity in the nation you could also expect turnout to be very high at the next election - this too should favour the Reds. Who knows what will happen, but you'd have to expect another PTP win, probably in a coalition.

You do realise that half the reason it takes so long for the army to go to Bangkok to intervene is becaues they have to screen out all the soldiers who won't follow orders, or won't fight? The thai army is not some bastion of discipline and order, even less so when it comes to shooting one's own countrymen. The have fought communism, a bit, but this is just fighting over politics. The Thai army is never going to get drawn into a long term guerilla war against Thai buddhists. NO WAY. Half wouldn't fight anyway, half the officers would run away. To control a town of a decent size, you have to cow the population into believing they are going to shoot an awful lot of people. Bangkok is one thing, could you imagine them shooting in Korat or Chiangmai? THey would get lynched. Absolutely lynched.

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With the PTP party starting to lose their rural support, i can see them 'losing' the next election quite easily... if the voters dont goto the Democrats (most probably wont due to their lackluster efforts recently) then they will goto smaller parties... it is my beleif that these smaller parties will look to the Democrats for a Colatition this time around...

Dont forget, last (real) election, PTP only 'beat' the Democrats by 3 million voters... its VERY realisitc that they have lost at least that with the recent problems they have faced... If those voters goto the smaller parties or the Democrats then it could be very quickly become 'bye bye Thaksin run PTP'

Please excuse typo's and spelling errors... its getting late and i didnt proof read this post properly smile.png

1. The Red goon squad are probably crap, but the differential with the army is probably not as great as you would expect it to be, plus they'll have the advantage of it being a guerrilla war in an urban landscape - tanks, RPG's and fighter jets aren't much use in such situations.

2.By it's not about Thaksin, I mean if Thaksin and his whole family were to book a flight on Malaysian Airlines and disappear overnight, the Reds would still exist.The Yellow claim that they just want to get rid of the Shinawatras' is false, they want to end the Red movement that insists upon popular rule in Thailand - just getting rid of Thaksin doesn't solve their problems, they need to rejig the constitution to create a system where a minority of voters can win a parliamentary majority.

3. Red support has been consistently high for 10 years, one would expect it to continue. Nobody will really know if it has risen or fallen until there is another proper election. 3 million is a big margin in electoral terms though and I don't think the last 4 months have done any favours for the Democrats as far as winning over new supporters. With the level and hatred and animosity in the nation you could also expect turnout to be very high at the next election - this too should favour the Reds. Who knows what will happen, but you'd have to expect another PTP win, probably in a coalition.

You do realise that half the reason it takes so long for the army to go to Bangkok to intervene is becaues they have to screen out all the soldiers who won't follow orders, or won't fight? The thai army is not some bastion of discipline and order, even less so when it comes to shooting one's own countrymen. The have fought communism, a bit, but this is just fighting over politics. The Thai army is never going to get drawn into a long term guerilla war against Thai buddhists. NO WAY. Half wouldn't fight anyway, half the officers would run away. To control a town of a decent size, you have to cow the population into believing they are going to shoot an awful lot of people. Bangkok is one thing, could you imagine them shooting in Korat or Chiangmai? THey would get lynched. Absolutely lynched.

I have to agree with you there. The terrorist wing of the PTP are very strong in CM. They did get a 75% voter turn out which was way above the minority turn out of 47%. That is why yingluck is so comfortable in CM. She is surrounded by her own ilk.

In 2008, members of RCM51 gruesomely murdered a man during an assault on a PAD radio station. In 2009, they violently shut down the city's gay pride parade before it even began. The man that headed the group was Petchawat Wattanapongsirikul. With Mr Petchawat at the helm, RCM51 has been responsible for some of the worst red-shirt violence in the country, and they are threatening further violence in the upcoming NACC ruling.

Now who is this terrorist advocator Petchawat? He is an adviser to the social development minister (caretaker). In other words this terrorist is another member of the PTP like Nuttuwat. He promoted as did Nattawat, another constitutional no no called succession. Not a rumor It was recorded. It is a "FACT" (the PTP's greatest enemy" These guys are really surrounded by criminals. No wonder they need a police chief supportive of an unelectable, accused terrorist, accused mass murderer, convicted criminal fugitive. They would not have lasted 3 years without him.

"​Lynched" would be an understatement however. Going by the regimes "status quo" there will be some gruesomeness before the "lynching" act is committed. "Absolutely" lynched takes on a whole new meaning under the RCM51 ethos.

Edited by djjamie
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Wifey just said something that got me thinking.

She is not alone in thinking that the reds are trying to provoke a coup.

Reason being that PT have so effed up that they are willing for the military to step in, wait a few years for new elections and emerge, reborn and untarnished.

Well if your wife said it I can't possibly see how it cannot be true.

Any chance of getting some lottery numbers off the little lady?

All he's saying is what his wife and others have said which I suspect is quite true. I doubt that they are trying to provoke a coup but I can see why some might think that as it is a possibility although a small one in my view.

If the PTP come back they will have to deal with the rice scheme to start with and I'm certain the farmers will want it to continue at the old rate or maybe higher. The government tried to cut the amount last year but had to back off due to protests by the farmers. A while out of office may not be so bad for them especially if a lot are banned.

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