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New Restaurant in Meechok Plaza


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Pizzeria Giotto opened a month ago by the brother and sister team of Lapin Restaurant, which by the way I rather like. Their new place has a beautiful facade and exquisite dining room. The house wine by the glass, Mont Gras Cab (180 bht), was very nice. Margherita Pizza (150 bht) was ok but not worth returning for, small with a very thin crust which is not to my liking (same pies as Lapin). My boys, the real pizza connoisseurs didn't care for it either. Spaghetti Pesto was not good. Watery and bitter most likely from using parsley along with basil and only peanuts in the sauce. But the biggest problem was that a lot of the pasta was in pieces less than an inch long and overcooked. The cook obviously just handled it roughly and without any culinary understanding, touch or love. After we inquired about the state of the dish the Chef/owner came over and told us they also offered fresh fettucini from the Royal Project for the same price which I did not see stated anywhere on the menu. As I know her I figured I'd try one more things and ordered Fettucini Scampi (185 bht) which she described as spicy. The shrimp were nice but once again overcooked pasta, watery sauce and under seasoned with no spice. My Thai partner said it was like a Thai stir-fry, a very good comparison as it looked like it was prepared by a Thai cooking Thai food. The most surprising thing was the Chef stayed in the dinning room while the person who already put out our subpar dishes made us another with the obvious results. The very friendly Chef, who asked for our honest opinion and really listened and cared, checked with us and upon finding out that it we didn't like it any better went and made us something on the house. Her Spaghetti olio Parma ham with rocket (220 bht) was superb! The same pasta was cooked al dente and was even full length! Goes to show that a restaurant needs a Chef in the kitchen and to be lucky enough to have one like her it's a shame she wasn't behind the stove where she was meant to be.The Tiramisu (85 bht) was also inedible, previously frozen and not fully defrosted.

The place really looks like a class act and it they can their act together, as it's still new and they have the kitchen skills to, it could be a winner! But if they settle with the quality of food they are putting out now it will never be a place I'll become a regular. I'll be back in a few months hoping it is as good as it can be!

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Well I am really sorry to hear this as I live near this restaurant and was planning on going. My experience with Italian restaurants in general not all, is that the cooking of the pasta is overdone as the Thai chef doesn't know what al dente means, and most restaurants charge you for extra Parmesan cheese they get out of a crafted can. In an Italian restaurant you should be give bread with butter and olive oil after your order is placed. To an Italian not having bread with a meal is a sin.

I hope the above restaurant gets it right and I will try them a month or so down the road, well after Songran.

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Got to agree with the OP, the Tiramisu I ordered last night was very poor to say the least. I was in there last week at lunch time and had a Pizza the hot medi one @250 baht. Unfortunately I must have been the first person to order a pizza that day, as the underneath of the pizza was quite undercooked. I put this down to being the first order etc. So decided to go again last night, ordered the same pizza and this time it was cooked much better underneath. I too had the Wine, Mont gras cab/sauv. 500ml. The bill was some 1500 Baht, for 1 soup, 1 fish and veggies, one pizza, one Tiramisu, and one coffee, with 3 soda and fruit juice along with 500 ml carafe of wine. Will go back, but only if Mamma Mia is closed, their beer alone is 50 baht a bottle cheaper!

Regular disclaimer:- I have no interest etc.................................

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I agree with that Mama Mia will still be my to go to place for pizza in the area but it would be nice to have an alternative for entrees. This new place is definitely more expensive and even the service try's hard to be more upscale but as I find here often it is more show than substance lacking fundamentals. To be clear I didn't say it was like a Thai cooking Italian food, as obviously the Thai Chef/owner is more than capable, but it was like a Thai cooking Thai food.

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Where is Momma Mia?

its the road that leads to maejo university.

Becareful not to break the glass cup, they charged me an arm and leg for a replacment.

p.s. not kid friendly.

Mamma Mia - and actually not friendly at all even to regulars. Good bread and oil, good pizza and pasta but tiramisu very missable. Lapin and Arcobaleno streets ahead in my experience.

MM is about 2-3km on the left after the lights beyond meechok and just before the large AFM sign. Easy to miss.

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My family, which includes a 1, 9 & 10 yr old, have always felt welcome at Mama Mia. Run by a family themselves consisting of a husband (who almost always buys me a glass of wine even if I'm just picking up take-away), wife and daughter interact with my kids and, even if their in the back kitchen, are always sure to all come over and say goodbye. But some friends have mentioned a lack of hospality.

Pizzeria Giotto, even with it's elegant decor, is very kid friendly. They brought plastic cups and place settings for my brood but my boys quickly put them aside and requested proper silver and china wear -lol, they're going to be an expensive bunch of little gourmands to take out at this rate!

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i just registered in thai visa….by coincidence i tried to get informations about pizzeria near my home…i know Meechok plaza, becoz i use to spend time in Rimping…this wednesday...i was on the way going back to reach my car in meechok parking…i stop front of this new pizzeria with a strange name "Giotto"….after searching infos about this giotto…i rode closely the post of Junglechef…so i decided to get my opinion by myself…This restaurant attract u like a magnet..nice windows, warm and elegant surrounding…so i decide to eat there, my lunch time...

i ordered 1 pizza half ham/ mushrooms and half parma ham with rocket salad….1 tomato salad with mozzarella...

my friend has ordered "crabe aux gratins" and one "boeuf bourguignon" but in fact we share each dishes ……….and we share together the tiramissu of the house...

…annnd after that.. we ordered another tiramissutongue.png …..


  • first, the pizza dough was crispy and tasty full of flavor…by the way, the most important for me is the quality of the ingredients use for it….im french and living near italy….i really know in deep, what is a good pizza!… and this beautiful restaurant full of charms, give me a lot of surprise…they really has their own signature…they use the best cheese (beautifull melting and gratiné)…the quality of the parma ham was good…moreover, the tomato sauce was not aggressive …kind of heaven….we can not say that is an italian pizza or thai ….This Pizza was for me… perfect!!!…and the oven is like a sculpture art ….rare to see this in thailand.
  • the tomato salad was nice with balsamique vinegar and a nice mozza…no mistake...
  • crabe aux gratin was unexpecting surprise for me…i never eat that before…maybe little bit heavy to eat this at lunch time…but very tasty too...
  • Le boeuf bourguignon……I'm french annnd what can i say ….i know since I'm a little child the real taste of boeuf bourguignon…..when i put on my mounth the first spoon of this bourguignon, i realize all the work to get this "authenticité" … oignons was nice cooked, the meat was tender … i realize that i was in a little diamond restaurant ….i was really feel home in a cozy place, full of creativity and boldness ….
  • ​the lacker of the cake was the tiramissu…..ultra fresh served in a simple glass….so we decided to order another one..w00t.gif

bloody!!! they have their own signature ….then, i decided to talk to the owner, directly and frankly about my opinion and my feelings….

The chef, feel a very kind and listening person and open mind….and we talk about the food and traveling…blablabla...

i told her, the reason of my venue in Giotto….and the post of jungle chef…she replied me that everyone should have his own critic or review…but she couldn't understand why this man, didn't wrote in his post all details of his report... that GIOTTO didn't charge him some dishes becozz of his complains...

Infine…just want to tell to all readers of Thaivisa….listen ur own feeling before following 1 judgment... before going in….u can have a nice surprise!!! don't underestimate thai chef….

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I'm glad junky www superchef (would love to know what that's about) had an enjoyable meal. I totally agree that each is person entitled to their own opinion and often encourage people on this forum to go try a place that perhaps I didn't like too much and see what they think and suggest they report back if they care to. For example I said the pizza was just not to my liking at Giotto, not that I found anything wrong with it, only that I prefer one made with more dough. Food and dinning experiences can be situational with many factors accumulating to determine whether one has a satiating meal. And I've found that with the inconsistencies of many of the establishments here one can be pleased with a meal somewhere and the next time not even if ordering the same thing at the same place.

I also agree, as I implied in one of my replies, that one should not underestimate a Thai Chef but in this particular case the cook there did not show proper skill and understanding of the cuisine in the dishes prepared for us. As I also agreed that the Chef/Owner was friendly, approachable and showed general concern for both her customers and product.

Finally the only reason I'm commenting again is that as I have been called out I'd like to explain that I try to be totally honest, forthcoming and detailed in my reviews. When I complain about something I usually give my reasons and often make suggestions on how I believe it could be better. As far as I can remember we were charged for all the dishes and as we ate them all I fully expect to be. I posted the topic upon returning home, as I often do, with the intentions of getting the details correct while they are fresh in my mind.

To copy my a line for my original post "made us something on the house", meaning the Chef prepared for herself and didn't charge us for it. This was not something we ordered nor asked for but happily accepted upon being offered. But also this does not constitute not being charged for some dishes especially since this implies more than one. But as I am capable of making a mistake thinking back perhaps we were not charged for the frozen in the middle tiramissu as we didn't eat it and I apologize if this is the case and if anything else in my post was incorrect in any way. I checked with my partner who scrutinizes the checks more closely than myself and she also couldn't recall not being charged for anything except the "on the house" pasta dish which we thoroughly enjoyed, as I originally wrote, and appreciated the kind and professional jesture. Again upon my inquiry she wasn't 100% sure about the dessert. I would like to suggest if one is saying something about another on a public forum they should be as detailed as possible as casual accusations can be misleading and damaging.

Anyway I'm so glad that the latest report is glowing and perhaps the food is better now as I said it was capable of. I'm looking forward to returning with hopeful optimism!

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I just ate lunch at Giotto had pizza sautéed vegetables and pasta. I thought pizza taste was outstanding

Had the right blend of flavors. In fact

It is one of the best I have had in CM. THE crust is crunchy which was good. She did say that she will offer a thicker crust in the near future.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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I'm retired from the business but was Chef/owner of restaurants in America for twenty-five years. I also owned catering companies as well as did industry consulting as well as being employed as a private Chef. My customers included Heads of State, Wineries in Napa Valley and Fortune 500 companies. I wish I was able to take you up on your offer to let me be your host and cook to my best ability for your pleasure.

But if your interested in putting together some sort of social event, a potluck or even better a charitable dinner, I would be more than happy to participate and would look forward to sharing my cuisine with other's who have the same passion.

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Thumbs up for the pizza. This place and Street Pizza are now my favorite pizza places in CM. But the tiramisu was served in a glass with cocoa unevenly sprinkled on top. Thumbs down.

Why would serving it in a glass disqualify it from being a good tiramisu? I don't get it.

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Thumbs up for the pizza. This place and Street Pizza are now my favorite pizza places in CM. But the tiramisu was served in a glass with cocoa unevenly sprinkled on top. Thumbs down.

Why would serving it in a glass disqualify it from being a good tiramisu? I don't get it.

That doesn't disqualify it, although it's kind of rare. And the mascarpone was there, although it didn't taste handmade, but where's the sponge cake soaked in coffee? Personally, I don't mind the lack of brandy or liqueur because I don't drink, but it was just mascarpone that was too soft in a glass with cocoa sprinkled on top very sloppily. It was so unprofessional that it made me suspect they don't know how to make it keep its shape unless they put it in a glass. I'll bet you the pizza person had nothing to do with that sorry excuse of a tiramisu.

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Thanks worth a visit I think.

"Posted 2014-03-19 22:21:46

Pizzeria Giotto opened a month ago by the brother and sister team of Lapin Restaurant, which by the way I rather like. Their new place has a beautiful facade and exquisite dining room. The house wine by the glass, Mont Gras Cab (180 bht), was very nice. Margherita Pizza (150 bht) was ok but not worth returning for, small with a very thin crust which is not to my liking (same pies as Lapin). My boys, the real pizza connoisseurs didn't care for it either. Spaghetti Pesto was not good. Watery and bitter most likely from using parsley along with basil and only peanuts in the sauce. But the biggest problem was that a lot of the pasta was in pieces less than an inch long and overcooked. The cook obviously just handled it roughly and without any culinary understanding, touch or love. After we inquired about the state of the dish the Chef/owner came over and told us they also offered fresh fettucini from the Royal Project for the same price which I did not see stated anywhere on the menu. As I know her I figured I'd try one more things and ordered Fettucini Scampi (185 bht) which she described as spicy. The shrimp were nice but once again overcooked pasta, watery sauce and under seasoned with no spice. My Thai partner said it was like a Thai stir-fry, a very good comparison as it looked like it was prepared by a Thai cooking Thai food. The most surprising thing was the Chef stayed in the dinning room while the person who already put out our subpar dishes made us another with the obvious results. The very friendly Chef, who asked for our honest opinion and really listened and cared, checked with us and upon finding out that it we didn't like it any better went and made us something on the house. Her Spaghetti olio Parma ham with rocket (220 bht) was superb! The same pasta was cooked al dente and was even full length! Goes to show that a restaurant needs a Chef in the kitchen and to be lucky enough to have one like her it's a shame she wasn't behind the stove where she was meant to be.The Tiramisu (85 bht) was also inedible, previously frozen and not fully defrosted.

The place really looks like a class act and it they can their act together, as it's still new and they have the kitchen skills to, it could be a winner! But if they settle with the quality of food they are putting out now it will never be a place I'll become a regular. I'll be back in a few months hoping it is as good as it can be!"

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Why would you want the American dough type of thing in an Italian restaurant? Thin crust is the authentic and they should try to keep it that way. Anyway good input from all and we shall try it out soon.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Moderating pizza thread # 357,956.


the usual dissenting views,

the eternal fight between 'American Ultra-topped thick" and the"Italian thin crispy and delicate"

the conflict betw.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


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Moderating pizza thread # 357,956.


the usual dissenting views,

the eternal fight between 'American Ultra-topped thick" and the"Italian thin crispy and delicate"

the conflict betw.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Actually, it's the Australians who like to pile on the toppings.

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Why would you want the American dough type of thing in an Italian restaurant? Thin crust is the authentic and they should try to keep it that way. Anyway good input from all and we shall try it out soon.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

As your referring to my statement "a very thin crust which is not to my liking" I'd like to state that I prefer a thin crust Pizza, actually thinner than I had in some of the places during my most recent visit to Rome. Food likes are personal and many care for dished prepared similar to how they were first introduced to them and one's that bring back memories of their childhood etc. A general statement that there is an a American dough type is not really accurate as the pizza served in the the Italian section of Boston called the North End where I developed my appreciation for pies are served with a quite thin crust. There is no right or wrong and the way a preparations changes as it moves around the world is all part of the food evolution. I personally like a thin crust but thick enough to do it's job of holding up the sauce and cheese and one that will not totally dry out under the heat of the pizza oven. I could go on with a deep discussion of deep dish and dough ratios but instead will quote an anonymous famous Italian pizza maker whom said "Up to you!" (as well as "Pizza Pizza").

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Ah, yes. The North End in Boston - Pizzeria Regina. It almost brings tears to my eyes. Why do I expect to find something like that in Chiang Mai? TIT for God's sake! ...must be the water, or something....

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