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Hi, this is the first time I'm posting in this forum, though I have been reading Thai Visa for quite some time.

Having lived in Thailand for nearly 3 years now, I have learned that the state of the car industry in LOS would make this acronym stand for Land Of Sadness: usually the variants we get here are lower spec'ed as in western countries.

Having said that, I today went down to the Mazda dealer in Phuket and looked at the recently launched 2014 version of the Mazda 3.

The car is great in terms of look and feel (thought a little bit cramped around the rear seats) but what was baffling to me was that the sales person told me that not even the top model comes with a rear camera or even parking sensors. Why is it baffling to me? Well, because the car seems to have Rear Vehicle Monitoring (RVM) and sensors that make the car break automatically if something jumps in front of it at low speeds. Granted, RVM might be quite useful around Phuket but I have yet to see it work with the crazy traffic here.

Parking sensors is something everyone benefits of quite regularily I would assume but RVM and automatic breaking? I just don't see how one would prioritize these. And since the car already has sensors to know what is behind, next to or in front of it, it should basically be able to do parking help "for free".

Can anyone shed some light on if they really lack those features or do I have to just pay a bit extra?

Features not available that are available in western countries as far as I could gather:

- parking sensors front and back

- rear camera

- 2.5 liter gasoline or 2.2 diesel engines

- adaptive cruise control

- lane departure warning

- sun roof (ok, who would like even more sun around here? smile.png)

- power driver seat

- heated seats (maybe around here AC like Camry)

- rain sensor

- light sensor

- dual zone automatic AC

- automatically moving lights when cornering (not sure what they call this)

- 9 speaker bose sound system (only 6 speaker non-bose)

- automatic high beam assistant

- automatic emergency breaking system

- i-eloop regenerative breaking system

For the same price as the top model in other countries with all those features of course. And that with being locally manufactured.

I really like the car, it's not bad by any means. But I am wondering if I get a good deal here because it certainly doesn't feel like it.

I'd appreciate corrections and comments.

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excellent first post ;)&

personally I just wonder about the this supposedly new engine...powerful yet fuel efficient...whats the performance/torque??

spoke to a guy at the demo @ central & all he knew was various pricing and monthly interest options lol...he did think Hp=165 which sounds decent although other specs seem to indicate 155hp for this 2.0 engine marketed heavily as very sporty/racy?

I'm seriously considering a mazda again as the handling was excellent in the previous/older version 3 however engines lacking so currently im more in favor of the cx-5 which offer 2.2 diesel or 2.5 regular firepower! however do those benzine take E85 I wonder?

Probably test drives of cx-5 2.2/2.5 vs. m3 2.0 will give the definite answer & of course whether the extra price n space of a compact SUV is the better choice for a bit more money ...


Thanks for the reply worldfun. I have test driven the Mazda 3 and while not being amazingly sporty, it did have an adequate "punch" for a 2.0 engine. I have rented up2date versions of Vios, Altis and City plus have test driven Camry and Accord. They all felt a bit dull in terms of acceleration which the Mazda did totally not. With a 2.5 liter engine I think you'd actually get a bit of fun out of it. Or alternatively you'd get a quieter engine since it doesn't have to work as much when accelerating.

The top model comes with an automatic transmission that supports manual mode with paddle shifters which is quite nice. I noticed one interesting thing: when you are in manual and driving in 4th or 5th gear, then floor the gas pedal all the way (makes something like a click. not sound but you'll feel it), it will jump to 2nd gear automatically. So it's manual only to a certain degree :)

I guess I should test drive the CX-5 aswell though I am not a big fan of the 1.44/1.67M THB price (1.1M THB for the 3 is already enough for a car imho) and the white leather in the Mazda 3 looks just awesome. The infotainment system in the 3 is also nicer.


Ah sounds good that the new 2.0 engine is more or less as I expected i.e. with some edge over the latest altis/civic in its class where civic tend to be not bad at all with its 155hp even running on E85!

I guess the prices you mentioned are for the top models while if e.g. going for one of the cheapest automatics for CX5 I guess it comes closer to the M3 perhaps as I'm not too much into the interior stuff which usually tends to be where they really skim on the profits!

Actually the real alternative I was considering was a 2nd hand bmw or benz e.g. C200 or 318 or X1 so it shall be interesting the at the motor show & talodrot smile.png

First I need to get rid of my old family wagon though!!

On the specifics particularly the rear parking sensors I dont really see how they could sell it without as even the 'mini' cars below 500k has it as standard & the auto brake stuff...wouldn't trust it at all would rather be without it but as ABS it probably cant be all bad just needs a good driver to handle or face the crashes just like everyone here!

The last thing going against mazda 3 is that the wait to get the new model might be some 3 months currently & that may deter me, but motor show time might give more accurate info lets see ;)


I forgot to mention earlier that yes, they can take E85. According to the specs: Unleaded 95 / Gas Gasohol Octane 95 E10, E20 and E85.

I guess the prices you mentioned are for the top models while if e.g. going for one of the cheapest automatics for CX5 I guess it comes closer to the M3 perhaps as I'm not too much into the interior stuff which usually tends to be where they really skim on the profits!

Yea they make the big buck on the interior though the prices I quoted are for the 2.5 liter engine. The 2.0 version is underpowered for a CX-5 according to some reviewers (and just enough for the 3).

On the specifics particularly the rear parking sensors I dont really see how they could sell it without as even the 'mini' cars below 500k has it as standard

Exactly! Every el-cheapo car has those sensors nowerdays. Rear camera being optional I could understand but no sensors? I really really hope they are just optional but it didn't sound like it. It's right up there with the Teana for 1.7M THB I test drove which didn't have a USB connector.

One of those facepalm moments :)

I'm still hoping the sales person just didn't really know about the option.


ok so assuming its identical 2.0 165hp engines for the 3 & cx-5 obviously for cx-5 only 2.5 & 2.2 DIESEL 175hp would be the interesting ones to compare ;)

then the bmw 2.0 (turbo) 185hp either x1/320 for some 2.2m including free service 5years.....not so much different deal overall really and probably much more fun drivin in that german 'rubbish' car!


I guess I should test drive the CX-5 aswell though I am not a big fan of the 1.44/1.67M THB price (1.1M THB for the 3 is already enough for a car imho) and the white leather in the Mazda 3 looks just awesome. The infotainment system in the 3 is also nicer.

Your post is timely for me, thanks.

So you actually like the white leather seats? Based on the photos, I can't say I like it, and in fact would probably ask if they could switch to a dark color (this being Thailand, I expect the answer is no). My issue with the light color is staining from blue jeans and such. I have noticed dark stains on the beige leather in other brands, so I would assume the white would be even worse, unless it could be effectively cleaned. Maybe when I see the white in person I will change my mind, tho.

Of the missing features, those that gave me greatest pause are the rear view camera and the lack of side/curtain airbags in ALL sedan models. I wasn't aware of the lack of parking sensors as well (specs are in Thai only), but that really compounds the problem...it makes me tempted to go for the new City, get 6 airbags and more useful safety features, at a lower price but a more boring package. Or possible the Civic, again boring.

As for the RVM, my understanding is that this is essentially useless in city driving since it only works above specified speeds (maybe latest versions changed that), making it pointless here in Bangkok. Plus, I'm sure it would be of no value with regard to the biggest hazard here -- motorbikes. Just give me the rear view camera!

Anyway, I was pretty set on getting the 3, reviews have been glowing around the world and I love the looks, but now it looks like I'll give all the competitors a fair shot at the motor show.


I feel exactly the same way as you do, eppic. I too was pretty set on the Mazda 3 after watching and reading reviews about it and comparing the specs of the Japan built versions to the competition from Toyota and Honda. Now with all those missing features I feel kinda dumb if I'd go for it nonetheless. From the looks and driving it wins hands down for me. If I'd be in my home country, it would be a no brainer but here...

The airbags would be also a pretty big negative point but luckily it seems the top model hatchback got those.

Actually the old Mazda 3 seems to have parking sensors as well as dual zone AC at least, didn't compare more features so that's doubly weird.

I agree totally with you that RVM is probably useless in BKK and probably most places in Thailand.

So you actually like the white leather seats? Based on the photos, I can't say I like it, and in fact would probably ask if they could switch to a dark color (this being Thailand, I expect the answer is no). My issue with the light color is staining from blue jeans and such. I have noticed dark stains on the beige leather in other brands, so I would assume the white would be even worse, unless it could be effectively cleaned. Maybe when I see the white in person I will change my mind, tho.

Yes I do like them a lot. They are not really white but cream-ish. The contrast of that color and the black is just something that looks very nice in my opinion. But style is a matter of taste. As far as I was told and from what I can see on the website, if you choose the sedan version, you get only black interior. Only the top model hatchback gets the creamy one so I guess that's good news for you smile.png

Regarding the fear of dark stains, that is something I also have, I need to do more research to see how big of an issue this could be.

One more thing to consider: if you or your friends/relatives are fairly tall, then you might not be pleased by the available leg room on the rear seats. After driving the car, I switched to the seat behind the driver and had nearly no space for my legs, they were touching the drivers seat.

By the way: they are producing the lower spec models first and the top models later. So waiting time for high spec models will be quite a bit (I couldn't get even a guesstimate but I would say 3+ months).

Here a link to the spec website translated via Google: http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mazda.co.th%2Fmodels_mazda3-14y_spec.php&act=url

Attached some photos I took, unfortunately I forgot to take proper shots of the interior...








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I feel exactly the same way as you do, eppic. I too was pretty set on the Mazda 3 after watching and reading reviews about it and comparing the specs of the Japan built versions to the competition from Toyota and Honda. Now with all those missing features I feel kinda dumb if I'd go for it nonetheless. From the looks and driving it wins hands down for me. If I'd be in my home country, it would be a no brainer but here...

The airbags would be also a pretty big negative point but luckily it seems the top model hatchback got those.

Actually the old Mazda 3 seems to have parking sensors as well as dual zone AC at least, didn't compare more features so that's doubly weird.

I agree totally with you that RVM is probably useless in BKK and probably most places in Thailand.

So you actually like the white leather seats? Based on the photos, I can't say I like it, and in fact would probably ask if they could switch to a dark color (this being Thailand, I expect the answer is no). My issue with the light color is staining from blue jeans and such. I have noticed dark stains on the beige leather in other brands, so I would assume the white would be even worse, unless it could be effectively cleaned. Maybe when I see the white in person I will change my mind, tho.

Yes I do like them a lot. They are not really white but cream-ish. The contrast of that color and the black is just something that looks very nice in my opinion. But style is a matter of taste. As far as I was told and from what I can see on the website, if you choose the sedan version, you get only black interior. Only the top model hatchback gets the creamy one so I guess that's good news for you smile.png

Regarding the fear of dark stains, that is something I also have, I need to do more research to see how big of an issue this could be.

One more thing to consider: if you or your friends/relatives are fairly tall, then you might not be pleased by the available leg room on the rear seats. After driving the car, I switched to the seat behind the driver and had nearly no space for my legs, they were touching the drivers seat.

By the way: they are producing the lower spec models first and the top models later. So waiting time for high spec models will be quite a bit (I couldn't get even a guesstimate but I would say 3+ months).

Here a link to the spec website translated via Google: http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mazda.co.th%2Fmodels_mazda3-14y_spec.php&act=url

Attached some photos I took, unfortunately I forgot to take proper shots of the interior...

I'm not a big fan of this "Kuro" design language. I think it will date itself quickly; and the rear end look especially truncated. It's the same with the cx-5. Funny but it looks good in the smaller 2 however, but design is always subjective.

Mazdas have always been fun cars to drive.


so what this boils down to is that m3 is superior in its class, but the lower class city has more airbags and/or parking sensor/cam(or perhaps this RVM is indeed the advanced rear cam)?

I would agree its kinda silly and installing the sensor myself or paying to have mazda include it on delivery seems silly but having a superiour product allows them to tease us (in LOS) :P

haha please dont line up i want my m3 first!


for clear cut specs it seems SP top model differs mainly on dvd & gps add & bigger wheels ;)


Just saw one on display at my local Big C...looks even worse than the pics IMO. it is much too rounded for my liking and looks like a mini-blimp. Very much looks like the front end of the Mazda pickup and that's pretty much an eye-sore to most. Interior, especially the rear, looks tiny. The previous model, which I've sat in, feels bigger and he dash, with he single large dial, looks spartan and kinda cheap. No, this new Mazda design theme does nothing for me. The coming update to the ford Focus looks like it will be much nicer looking and with some nice features ( like reverse perpendicular parking assist).


Eisfled, thanks for the pics and the link, the main Mazda 3 site has specs that can't be translated

OMGImInPattaya, your opinion of the design is clearly in the minority, at least based on reviews and popularity of the vehicle in those countries where it has been previously released.

That said, I definitely prefer the looks of the sedan (not sure if one was on display), but there will not be one with top specs (such as curtain airbags, etc.). Most sedans in Thailand look incredibly boring.

As for the Focus, I mostly liked it when I checked it out at a previous motor show, it had good tech features, but I found it quite cramped in the cockpit and it felt a bit unrefined and I hated the seats on the hatchback....maybe they will improve it with an update, but I would be surprised if it's more spacious. I am an average size guy, so for some it would be really tight. I have more elbow room in my rented City. Perhaps the 3 will have the same issue with space, but reviews say it is more spacious than the Focus.

Personally, I care not at all about space in the rear, I would rarely have rear passengers or be hauling cargo.

Will be interesting to see if I agree with your criticisms after seeing it in person, but as for exterior styling, I doubt it.


Drove past Mazda,couldnt be bothered to look,all you lot put me off.I was quite keen at one time.Dont want 2 Litre,so its back to the upgraded Civic soon. Its so Simple with Honda.Id never set foot in a Ford place here, so ill just remain reliably bored but not conned by them leaving bits off..


The interior in front does not look tiny or cheap to me. To the contrary, it looks more premium than the competition in the same class. It also all has a nice feel to it and from what I can tell has a good fit and finish.

I also don't think it will age too quickly as it has no quirky design elements that might be contemporary but still "weird". Time will tell :)

To me it seems like Mazda took some clues from BMW and we all know those age really well.

The focus indeed has a good tech package, probably the best of the lot. There I don't get the feeling that I get screwed over with the Thai version.

It also has a bit more space in the rear. Engine power of the top model is about the same but subjectively I'd say the Mazda 3 drives a bit nicer. Not much though. As for the cockpit of the Focus, it looks kinda cheap to me. Has something of plastic toys in my opinion. It's not ugly though.

I heard from someone that you can order the parking sensors for 4k THB which is ok-ish. Not sure about the camera, will try to contact Mazda in Bangkok and see if they have more of a clue. Squeezing more money out of me to get the car to 80% of what it is in western countries is a real shame but what can you do? :)


Well,i had a 2.0 Civic,and it used more fuel than the 1.8 and no gain in performance worth a mention. plus Mazda are not too good on eco,perhaps the tax is higher,but that's not a reason. Im just a Honda Fan I guess.


The focus indeed has a good tech package, probably the best of the lot. There I don't get the feeling that I get screwed over with the Thai version.

It also has a bit more space in the rear. Engine power of the top model is about the same but subjectively I'd say the Mazda 3 drives a bit nicer. Not much though. As for the cockpit of the Focus, it looks kinda cheap to me. Has something of plastic toys in my opinion. It's not ugly though.

The current Focus dash is very cluttered and plasticky but the overall tech and safety package in the top line spec is really good, especially considering the price. However, I was comparing this new Maz 3 with the revamped Focus that was just unveiled a few weeks ago. Everything has been improved and upgraded, including a completely new center dash stack, which is very clean and classy looking. If were lucky, we may see it in Thailand around the end of this year.

The mazda 3 looks a more upmarket on the outside than their japanese rivals, certainly the interiors are more plush, was not impressed with the new honda city and civic minor change, both very tacky hard plastic mass market vibe to me other than the power adjustable seats and nice soft touch points on drivers door and arm rest (which are welcome comforts previously reserved for the d seg class)

The maz3 inside looked and felt good, the switch gear although unfortunately stripped down even in s+ top hatch trim, but the black and white interiors are a nice touch compared to the sea of solid black only available to the cx5. Sedan is better looking of the 2 but both sedan and hatch look very good with KODO being much easier on the eyes than the previous Nagare joker smile language, I think given how stripped down the maz3 here is however unless youd have your sights set on a lower spec affordable trim or want to smile at the pumps with e85 compatability to not be be tempted to stretch a little more for the 1.2m 2.0c or 1.3m 2.0s cx5s because they have more road presence, clearence, spacious airry cabin, and are more equipped than the maz3 which as beautiful as it is you get more car for the money with the cx5, definately a class above despite some of my criticisms for the cx5 in other threads.


The New 3 is not to be compared to the City,its the same class as the Altis. The new Civic has a new liquid type suspension and no ones had a chance here to try one here, there are some pics on the net though. As for the CX5,to me its got that Re Badged look about it ,just like the Toyota Avanza. If one wants a Truck,the Lads Trailblazer isn't bad,i did find that hard to say, as i detest the Sluggy ?Slobby Look of all those things. Now a Nice Toyota Land Cruiser at a fair price with a V8 would be nice.


Well,i had a 2.0 Civic,and it used more fuel than the 1.8 and no gain in performance worth a mention. plus Mazda are not too good on eco,perhaps the tax is higher,but that's not a reason. Im just a Honda Fan I guess.

I look forward to some Thai measures of FE for this new skyactiv engine though. Should be quite a bit better than the outgoing model. I was put off from the mazda 2 at one stage due to mediocre FE from that 1.5.


I got some good info on the mazdas @ motor show and a bkk dealer:

*M3 S sport model can include rear sensors (not cam) in the package (thrown in for free) while the top model SP sport CANNOT factory install sensors (I guess incompability with the auto brake system)! So that becomes my preferred model which still feature large wheels & gps (navigator) can be added for 10k on top of listed 974k price.

However the test drive at small closed space outside impact challenger did not impress me as it felt a bit lagged & I didnt manage much above 60km/h, but probably I just didnt have time to really get it going in the few tracks of each only few minutes test...however handling superb as in the previous version.

*CX-5 2.5=1.44M This was tested on the normal road & I was encouraged to floor it and I reached more than 120km/h at one point and it felt really powerful and quite sporty as well as superb reverse/parking with the complete cam+sensor wink.png

Waiting time for delivery however is supposedly even longer for CX5 than M3 with some 3 months estimated for the prefered silver/aluminium colors and 2.5/2.2diesel(awd) models while M3 can be gotten as soon as next month (april) however again very color dependent!

*E85->even with supposedly same 2.0 engine CX-5 do NOT accept E85 as supposedly some differences are there, so the natural choice for comsumption concerned should be M3 vs. CX-5 XDL (diesel)!

*Reservation/booking: 10k & it can be refunded within 3 weeks and even changed to a different model/version e.g. from M3 2.0S to CX-5 2.5 at any time!

Happy driving smile.png

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Good review by worldfan. I booked the CX-5 diesel after testing both the CX-5 2.5 benzine and 2.2 diesel. Will try the new Mazda3 sometime next week. Yes i can change my order after testing the 3.

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