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90 days reporting on the road

Guest siamjourney

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Guest siamjourney

I've never mailed immigration requesting a 90 day stamp before. I always go to the office. The pollution is obviously bad here and I plan to head South. What are my choices if I'm not back in CM for my 90 day reporting?

Can you go to any immigration office in Thailand and report? If you mail immigration in CM can you expect any problems upon returning to CM or is it easy?


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Every 90 days you need to report where you are staying, so if you are staying elsewhere than your regular address you report to that immigration office. But with proof of your address there, like a hotel bill, to show that yu report to the right office.

Personally I always report by mail to my own office, but not sure how CM-immigration currently deals with mail-in reports.

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Two years ago I was in Mukdhan when my 90 Day became due.

They welcomed me with open arms.

I was the only Frang customer they had, had that day and the male officer's last posting had been Chiang Mai.

He wanted to chat about CM and if things had changed.

It's a 90 Day with Immigration and all immigration offices are on their computer net.


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Given the requirement for foreigners to report their projected whereabouts if they're away from their normal address for more than 24 hours, the first part of post #3 is correct as you're not actually home. One can report at any Imm office. Having said that, if you're on the move I'd be inclined to post. Give em a call and see what they reckon.

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I was wondering if I would have to leave the country to change my guaranteed income to a marriage extended permission to stay?

Not sure what you want to know. Chnage from what to marriage?

But normally you do not need to leave, you just change the reason for an extension.

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I was wondering if I would have to leave the country to change my guaranteed income to a marriage extended permission to stay?

Not sure what you want to know. Chnage from what to marriage?

But normally you do not need to leave, you just change the reason for an extension.

As I said I have a guaranteed income of 65,000 baht a month with a letter from the coucelet and papers to prove it.

I was just wondering if my Canadian Dollar got so low that I would not have that much what I would have to do to switch it to a marriage permission to stay for one year from a guaranteed income permission to stay for one year.

In short change from a regular retirement to a marriage one.

I was told by a fellow yesterday that I would have to leave the country to do it. He also said that a joint account in the bank would do for the 400,000 baht in the bank.

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Just in case anyone chances to misunderstand, "On the road" 90-day reports apply, of course, to travel within Thailand, not travel abroad. You report your address upon entering the country and, next, 90 days after the date of entry, and every 90 days thereafter until you leave the country. And so on...

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