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Bittorents With True Adsl In Pattaya


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I have been reading about bittorents on the internet.

Is it possible to use bittorents on True Adsl? I have a 1024k line but international connections seem to range in the 400 to 600K range.

If possible, does anyone have knowledge of the best way to set up on an Intel Apple Imac? What is the best software? Is there an internet site that gives step by step instructions on set up and use for beginners?


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Not sure about macs. But if you go to BIT COMET you can get the program that will manage your torrents. Then just goto many of the torrent sites for your torrents. I use torrentspy and a few others. I have a PC and not a mac. But i'd guess that it would be the same

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This may be a good starting point :-


You'll probably have to alter the ports that your client uses, most ISPs block the defaults and many (read cheap) are performing packet shaping to limit the bandwidth used even on the non-default ports.

BTW, the forum rules forbid discussion of filesharing but threads do seem to stay open if no mention of specific torrent / donkey sites is mentioned.

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