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Abhisit calls on Yingluck, Suthep to hold talks on live TV


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The best suggestion yet. Hold a referendum for proceeding with reform. Abhisit is right in saying that few trust that reform would ever follow an election. All we have to do is look to the last election to see that that really didn't pan out ! Abhisit has pointed out the common point between the two sides. PDRC want reform, and Pheu Thai " says " that they want reform. A referendum puts the public will to the test. Abhisit's suggestion of a televised debate between Yingluck and Suthep is not just window-dressing. His calls for dialogue between the two are becoming much more apparent. Abhisit is aware that talk is necessary, and he is also aware a referendum offers a democratic solution. Give Pheu Thai five minutes to shoot it down, however. They'll dream up all sorts of excuses. They'll call it unconstitutional, and they'll suggest Suthep debate Ko Tee. But at least Abhisit's call has made it into the public consciousness, and the more Pheu Thai takes us further into the Twilight Zone, the more sensible the suggestion will look.

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She already said she wouldn't do that. What wrong with Abhisit? A short memory or does he just like to hear himself talk?

What's wrong with a PM that's too sacred to debate because she doesn't know enough to do so?

The simple answer is that she's not fit for purpose - like having a papier mache hammer

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Just going on past appearances on various interviews, no chance. If she had nothing to hide and had done a good job no one could make her lose face. This is quite the opposite, the PM would be under fire from the first word, and she would never be able to cope with the onslaught.

The P.M. © should take the challenge not to do would be the final DENIAL.

The handful of pro gov posters will not be responding as they are the same as the PM, blame another or switch the subject.

Healthy debate, clear the air. Why would the P.M. decline ?????

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Smart man Abhisit. Distancing himself from the conflict and presenting the voice of reason happy in the knowledge that Yingluck couldn't tell you the 2 sides of a coin and that Suthep can talk for days

Abhisit might be smart, but after boycotting the last election and threatening to do the same at the next one, the man has no credibility. He is nothing more than Suthep's lap dog answering to his master's voice. This is nothing more than a publicity stunt by the marginalised leader of a marginalised and increasingly irrelevant party.

If he wanted to make a serious contribution, he could start by confirming that his party will contest the next election and set out policies that benefit the whole country, not just the Democrats tradition supporters.

Did you forget the main reason, you have a nerve when you fail to nominate your Issan lady to tell the whole world the truth. failed post does not want to know.

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She already said she wouldn't do that. What wrong with Abhisit? A short memory or does he just like to hear himself talk?

Nope, I just think he'd like the acting PM of the country come out and explain her governments policies, plans for the future, strategies for resolving the rice payment crisis and her thoughts on eradicating corruption. Not too much to ask really.

No, not too much to ask but certainly far in excess of what our Barbie-doll interim PM will every be capable of.

Maybe Abhisit and Yinluck should debate on TV, call it "Thailand's Winner Takes All"

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Abhisit was a bit weak when he was in power, perhaps he's grown a pair.

Yes I was very unhappy with him as PM, and sure many thought it can't get worse....but it could get a lot worse.....

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Abhisit was a bit weak when he was in power, perhaps he's grown a pair.

Yes I was very unhappy with him as PM, and sure many thought it can't get worse....but it could get a lot worse.....

Tell us what you were not happy about. ????

was there mass monies disappearing, did they buy billions worth of dud tablets, did they go against the law of the land and try to rush through bills at 3am, was he ruled by a relative abroad, did he leave the country in a financial mess???? Answer NO.

On topic Abhisit in a debate with Yingluck would make her more dim than PTP polices that's why she will either decline or not answer, because she answers to only ONE.

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Smart man Abhisit. Distancing himself from the conflict and presenting the voice of reason happy in the knowledge that Yingluck couldn't tell you the 2 sides of a coin and that Suthep can talk for days

Abhisit might be smart, but after boycotting the last election and threatening to do the same at the next one, the man has no credibility. He is nothing more than Suthep's lap dog answering to his master's voice. This is nothing more than a publicity stunt by the marginalised leader of a marginalised and increasingly irrelevant party.

If he wanted to make a serious contribution, he could start by confirming that his party will contest the next election and set out policies that benefit the whole country, not just the Democrats tradition supporters.

You still seem to think that elections before reform are useful. Democratic and all that. "respect my vote till it's counted" as the Pheu Thai attitude is?

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The best suggestion yet. Hold a referendum for proceeding with reform. Abhisit is right in saying that few trust that reform would ever follow an election. All we have to do is look to the last election to see that that really didn't pan out ! Abhisit has pointed out the common point between the two sides. PDRC want reform, and Pheu Thai " says " that they want reform. A referendum puts the public will to the test. Abhisit's suggestion of a televised debate between Yingluck and Suthep is not just window-dressing. His calls for dialogue between the two are becoming much more apparent. Abhisit is aware that talk is necessary, and he is also aware a referendum offers a democratic solution. Give Pheu Thai five minutes to shoot it down, however. They'll dream up all sorts of excuses. They'll call it unconstitutional, and they'll suggest Suthep debate Ko Tee. But at least Abhisit's call has made it into the public consciousness, and the more Pheu Thai takes us further into the Twilight Zone, the more sensible the suggestion will look.

It's about time the laggard Abhisit caught up with the prevailing view of the country that a referendum needs to be held on any "reforms" certain people have vaguely referenced.

In fact, the Senate committee that invited Abhisit needs to invite Suthep to present his "reforms" proposal to it and thereby to the public so that everyone can see and know what changes Suthep has in mind. Suthep would need to be specific, comprehensive, detailed, because voting only on the word "reform" would otherwise occur in a vacuum.

If not invite Suthep, then the Senate committee should recall Abhisit to present reforms, given the DP boycotted the Feb 2nd election, remains up in the air about any new election, and Abhisit's democratic credentials have been self-revealed to be less than stellar.

Abhisit really needs to clean up his act. He's calling for a referendum out of one side of his mouth while out of the other side he's calling for a dog and pony television show between the caretaker PM and the streetwalker and foot stomper Suthep, who has no position in government or in a political party, and thus no standing to debate the prime minister.

If it's beneath the Senate committee to invite Suthep to air his reforms, then it certainly would be inappropriate to allow Suthep to appear offhand on live television opposite the prime minister. The Senate committee needs to complete the task it has assumed. Meanwhile the PM can continue to work on the delinquent EC to do its job to schedule a general election.

Another skirting around the topic--debate on TV. as stated before---reforms after the government has been ousted by the court.

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