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Red shirts demolish Army security checkpoint near NACC


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That's the checkpoint?

I was expecting a fortified position with sandbags and flower pots like others in Bangkok. I wasn't expecting a gazebo from Home Pro covered in "urbanised" jungle green camo.

Interesting use of the verb "demolish" as well, more a dismantling I feel, but hey, it's The Nation and Hyperbole is Good.

Since you are so in tune with the Red Shirts perhaps you could explain the motives or justification for dismantling the checkpoint?

Motives for dismantling?

Personally speaking, I would say, Taste, as in aesthetic standards, or lack thereof

Happy now?

Edited by fab4
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That's the checkpoint?

I was expecting a fortified position with sandbags and flower pots like others in Bangkok. I wasn't expecting a gazebo from Home Pro covered in "urbanised" jungle green camo.

Interesting use of the verb "demolish" as well, more a dismantling I feel, but hey, it's The Nation and Hyperbole is Good.

looks like a federal offense to me. Isn't this destroying government property?

Try that in a developed country and see what happens.

Yeah, get the Feds on it whistling.gif unfortunately this isn't Kansas, Dorothy, sorry, danielle

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Wow, between the monk beating and now this, the bravado of the red s hirt fanatics are ratcheting up.

Good thing the cool-spirited, calm, rational, and even-handed pacifist Jatuporn will denounce these red shirts and demand they leave his organization.

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Sad to see that even the Army now can not protect themselves from red attack

they could if they were allowed their guns ,so much bullshit

theres two army bunkers outside the constitutional court on ratchada rd and the soldiers there were taking pictures

of each other this morning at the gate

there wasnt a gun in sight ,not one of them were armed

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That's the checkpoint?

I was expecting a fortified position with sandbags and flower pots like others in Bangkok. I wasn't expecting a gazebo from Home Pro covered in "urbanised" jungle green camo.

Interesting use of the verb "demolish" as well, more a dismantling I feel, but hey, it's The Nation and Hyperbole is Good.

Since you are so in tune with the Red Shirts perhaps you could explain the motives or justification for dismantling the checkpoint?

Motives for dismantling?

Personally speaking, I would say, Taste, as in aesthetic standards, or lack thereof

Happy now?


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That's the checkpoint?

I was expecting a fortified position with sandbags and flower pots like others in Bangkok. I wasn't expecting a gazebo from Home Pro covered in "urbanised" jungle green camo.

Interesting use of the verb "demolish" as well, more a dismantling I feel, but hey, it's The Nation and Hyperbole is Good.

Since you are so in tune with the Red Shirts perhaps you could explain the motives or justification for dismantling the checkpoint?

Motives for dismantling?

Personally speaking, I would say, Taste, as in aesthetic standards, or lack thereof

Happy now?

I would say tasteless.

Where are you living, fab4? I guess not in Bangkok, or at least not in the areas that have been frequently attacked.

I've already explained how my neighbourhood (close to Makhawan Bridge) is safer with the appreciated presence of the unarmed soldiers.

The removal of their check-points brings no benefit at all for us. What benefit does it brings for you, besides your taste for aesthetics?

Can't you tolerate their presence, at least from the humanitarian point of view? Don't you feel pity for all the victims, including the children that died from the grenade attacks? sad.png

WE ARE TALKING ABOUT OUR LIVES! This is real, not a TV show.

The attacks have not stopped with the presence of the soldiers but they have diminished, and now they use to happen only at night.

Edited by MGP
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If the red rouge want it, beg and gag for it; time for the soldiers to arm themselves as soldiers should. Red shirts wanna come play with fire again- then come and get burned. They never learn.

Most of these people are the ones that love slaughter, organize dog fights, chicken fights, kill wild life with catapults, go to gigs on M/Cycles armed with knives, drink local whiskey, Where do they work ?? surely not at Big C, 7-11, internet cafe's, sorry but more than likely--SELF EMPLOYED example taking cattle to water holes, scraping beer money together in the village mixing sand and cement, then getting in a pick-up paid expenses to BKK, to cause as much havoc as possible.

This is not aimed at decent local people in rural areas, but the elements that are recruited from the same environment. Selected by a local village red -head man.

Please pro gov posters do not counter this post with PAD/DEMS/Suthep type replies. These are not on topic.

Please pro gov posters do not counter this post with PAD/DEMS/Suthep type replies. These are not on topic.

With respect, no, strike that, no respect deserved or intended, your diatribe about categorising red shirts as loving slaughter is typical old style PAD demonising and just as off topic.

Listen to yourself, "going to gigs on motorcycles armed with knives and drinking the local whiskey", Employment prospects according to you, only Big C, 7 - 11 or internet cafes, but wait , it's worse than that, they're, I can hardly bring myself to write the words, they're, SELF EMPLOYED !!

If this was the UK I suppose you would have written to the Daily Mail, but being in Thailand, (you are here , aren't you?) you vent off on this forum.

Give it a rest.

Read what I put --not lie as usual.. "employment prospects==I SAID surely not, Big C, or 7-11, or internet cafes " These are the types that are red thugs. I listed this style of upbringing. GET IT. Twisting distorting posts, you must understand other posters pick up on this and your supporters grow less. SELF EMPLOYED cattle /buffalo drovers. You are twisted in the same mind and groove as the PTP.

You have deliberately distorted my post Thanks.

Listen again I am no PAD or Dem lover just anti B/S against all that you stand for on here.

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I would say tasteless.

Where are you living, fab4? I guess not in Bangkok, or at least not in the areas that have been frequently attacked.

I've already explained how my neighbourhood (close to Makhawan Bridge) is safer with the appreciated presence of the unarmed soldiers.

The removal of their check-points brings no benefit at all for us. What benefit it brings for you, besides your taste for aesthetics?

Can't you tolerate their presence, at least from the humanitarian point of view? Don't you feel pity for all the victims, including the children that died from the grenade attacks? sad.png

WE ARE TALKING ABOUT OUR LIVES! This is real, not a TV show.

The attacks have not stopped with the presence of the soldiers, but they have diminished, and now they use to happen only at night.

Bravo. You're really milking this, aren't you, we've gone from the dismantling of a military gazebo to whether I uphold the sanctity of life.

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Most of these people are the ones that love slaughter, organize dog fights, chicken fights, kill wild life with catapults, go to gigs on M/Cycles armed with knives, drink local whiskey, Where do they work ?? surely not at Big C, 7-11, internet cafe's, sorry but more than likely--SELF EMPLOYED example taking cattle to water holes, scraping beer money together in the village mixing sand and cement, then getting in a pick-up paid expenses to BKK, to cause as much havoc as possible.

This is not aimed at decent local people in rural areas, but the elements that are recruited from the same environment. Selected by a local village red -head man.

Please pro gov posters do not counter this post with PAD/DEMS/Suthep type replies. These are not on topic.

Please pro gov posters do not counter this post with PAD/DEMS/Suthep type replies. These are not on topic.

With respect, no, strike that, no respect deserved or intended, your diatribe about categorising red shirts as loving slaughter is typical old style PAD demonising and just as off topic.

Listen to yourself, "going to gigs on motorcycles armed with knives and drinking the local whiskey", Employment prospects according to you, only Big C, 7 - 11 or internet cafes, but wait , it's worse than that, they're, I can hardly bring myself to write the words, they're, SELF EMPLOYED !!

If this was the UK I suppose you would have written to the Daily Mail, but being in Thailand, (you are here , aren't you?) you vent off on this forum.

Give it a rest.

Read what I put --not lie as usual.. "employment prospects==I SAID surely not, Big C, or 7-11, or internet cafes " These are the types that are red thugs. I listed this style of upbringing. GET IT. Twisting distorting posts, you must understand other posters pick up on this and your supporters grow less. SELF EMPLOYED cattle /buffalo drovers. You are twisted in the same mind and groove as the PTP.

You have deliberately distorted my post Thanks.

Listen again I am no PAD or Dem lover just anti B/S against all that you stand for on here.

Not any different now as far as I can see. I'm amused how often you and yours are so quick to call anybody who criticises your posts, as liars. Feeling insecure are we?

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I would say tasteless.

Where are you living, fab4? I guess not in Bangkok, or at least not in the areas that have been frequently attacked.

I've already explained how my neighbourhood (close to Makhawan Bridge) is safer with the appreciated presence of the unarmed soldiers.

The removal of their check-points brings no benefit at all for us. What benefit it brings for you, besides your taste for aesthetics?

Can't you tolerate their presence, at least from the humanitarian point of view? Don't you feel pity for all the victims, including the children that died from the grenade attacks? sad.png

WE ARE TALKING ABOUT OUR LIVES! This is real, not a TV show.

The attacks have not stopped with the presence of the soldiers, but they have diminished, and now they use to happen only at night.

Bravo. You're really milking this, aren't you, we've gone from the dismantling of a military gazebo to whether I uphold the sanctity of life.

So, are you not respecting life?

Or perhaps you are still not understanding the question.

Besides your dislike for the aesthetics of the military gazebos, what other reasons do you have for supporting the dismantling of Army Checkpoints that are providing real protection to us against a real risk for our lives?

Edited by MGP
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Well This is something I would never believe could happen. FOOLS, now if you want to lose everything that the PM PTP stand for carry on because you reds are in for a bloody nose, Brain is needed to be turned on when you wake a sleeping giant.

You will be hunted down to the far corners of Issan, do you not realize the biggest army barracks are all over ISSAN.

Yes they have some lovely bases. Pssst, want to know a secret? The majority of people posted there are from Issan. Want to know another secret?

Many of them come from families who support the PTP. Want to know another secret? During the 2010 troubles, those units were kept out of Bangkok because there was a concern they would not be effective. Even the regular army units in Bangkok exercised restraint. Suthep and Abhisit had to wait for the Royal Guard units to take over in Bangkok before they could attack the protestors.

Yea, so, I don't think anyone is going to be hunted to the far corners of Issan . However, I'll be out with some of the boys next week. I can ask them if they would be willing to hunt down their family members, if you want. I'm sure I'll get a few laughs.

Ask your red boys all you want, at least by doing that you will all be agreeing with yourselves and not arguing the toss with anti Government (majority) posters.

Your boys I would guess are the hardcore red type. I am talking about 20 year old army lads would under orders would tackle unrest if asked to.

As for hunting down Family members -- JOKE. with all the millions they wouldn't even know who was who. Stupid remark

So ask your boys about something YOU made up. the joke is on you. By the way Your idol Yingluck defence minister is where ??? doing nothing.

She would react strongly if an OTOP shop was attacked.

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Most of these people are the ones that love slaughter, organize dog fights, chicken fights, kill wild life with catapults, go to gigs on M/Cycles armed with knives, drink local whiskey, Where do they work ?? surely not at Big C, 7-11, internet cafe's, sorry but more than likely--SELF EMPLOYED example taking cattle to water holes, scraping beer money together in the village mixing sand and cement, then getting in a pick-up paid expenses to BKK, to cause as much havoc as possible.

This is not aimed at decent local people in rural areas, but the elements that are recruited from the same environment. Selected by a local village red -head man.

Please pro gov posters do not counter this post with PAD/DEMS/Suthep type replies. These are not on topic.

Please pro gov posters do not counter this post with PAD/DEMS/Suthep type replies. These are not on topic.

With respect, no, strike that, no respect deserved or intended, your diatribe about categorising red shirts as loving slaughter is typical old style PAD demonising and just as off topic.

Listen to yourself, "going to gigs on motorcycles armed with knives and drinking the local whiskey", Employment prospects according to you, only Big C, 7 - 11 or internet cafes, but wait , it's worse than that, they're, I can hardly bring myself to write the words, they're, SELF EMPLOYED !!

If this was the UK I suppose you would have written to the Daily Mail, but being in Thailand, (you are here , aren't you?) you vent off on this forum.

Give it a rest.

Read what I put --not lie as usual.. "employment prospects==I SAID surely not, Big C, or 7-11, or internet cafes " These are the types that are red thugs. I listed this style of upbringing. GET IT. Twisting distorting posts, you must understand other posters pick up on this and your supporters grow less. SELF EMPLOYED cattle /buffalo drovers. You are twisted in the same mind and groove as the PTP.

You have deliberately distorted my post Thanks.

Listen again I am no PAD or Dem lover just anti B/S against all that you stand for on here.

Not any different now as far as I can see. I'm amused how often you and yours are so quick to call anybody who criticises your posts, as liars. Feeling insecure are we?

No way insecure, here for 32 years and insecure--stupid remark.

Talk about me not play to the gallery --"YOURS" to mean what?? I do not mind constructive criticism --I don't like the twist on my posts and lies. Read again your answer I explained.

You stick with your few posters, shows the majority of posters are wrong to criticize bad governance. Stick with your kind and please reply with decent answers without bringing Suthep Dems Yellows into the wrongdoings of government.

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This one should be pinned so that people can't deny who started the hostilities.

Yes, isn't it funny how the faction responsible for THIS has been screaming for months how anti-government protests (many of which were not that much more political really than holiday song-fests) were unholy, utterly undemocratic, anti-social, violent atrocities. I'll say this for old square-face; he doesn't waste time on subtleties.

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I would say tasteless.

Where are you living, fab4? I guess not in Bangkok, or at least not in the areas that have been frequently attacked.

I've already explained how my neighbourhood (close to Makhawan Bridge) is safer with the appreciated presence of the unarmed soldiers.

The removal of their check-points brings no benefit at all for us. What benefit it brings for you, besides your taste for aesthetics?

Can't you tolerate their presence, at least from the humanitarian point of view? Don't you feel pity for all the victims, including the children that died from the grenade attacks? sad.png

WE ARE TALKING ABOUT OUR LIVES! This is real, not a TV show.

The attacks have not stopped with the presence of the soldiers, but they have diminished, and now they use to happen only at night.

Bravo. You're really milking this, aren't you, we've gone from the dismantling of a military gazebo to whether I uphold the sanctity of life.

I am wondering if you have a heart. Not the organ that pumps blood, but the human qualities of compassion, loving kindness, carefulness, etc.

You are celebrating the removal of a protection that is preventing more disgraces and loss of lives, simply because you don't like the aesthetics. We have asked if you have further reasons beyond aesthetics, but you just make a laugh.

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At some point the police and the army are going to have to act like they know how to stop this madness...instead they act like pussxxs getting their butts kicked by folks who have been emboldened and encouraged by the lack of action by those in authority...when action is the only thing they understand...enough already...start being the PROTECTORS you are being paid to be...unbelievably dysfunctional...a disgrace...

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A bit over-dramatic today, aren't we?

NO. time will tell the PM is supposed to be in control of the PTP. if she cannot rein in these nutters then she will have more problems than she has already.

unless these reds back off, street fights on a massive scale. Who wants mega problems?? T.S. because he is losing the fight and he is encouraging it all, the leader of the nutters,,,, and the PM is doing what--nothing.

Yingluck is caretaker PM and in a political party called the PTP. The UDD on the other hand is not a political party and Yingluck has no influence over it whatsoever. The UDD has their own leader and he is called Jatuporn. Jatuporn is not a caretaker PM and does not have any influence over the PTP.

Now do you understand?

WoW how stupid can I get ??? And all along I thought they were all under one parasol !!

BUT how is it that Thaksin controls the reds--we all know he has funded them, they acted for him in the 2010 red siege. The red support at election time and after.

Jutaporn was selected for cabinet position by the SHINS serving in her/his government, is a spokesperson for the government on many occasions.

I think you are on something to suggest otherwise, fancy posting something like this, unbelievable.

I forgot though the PM is not responsible for anything, attending meetings, mainly shopping trips and opening OTOP events. You are a waste of time in reality especially now after this post.

WoW how stupid can I get ???

Well I don't think you've hit your apogee yet, but keep those petulant posts going, they keep me amused.

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I would say tasteless.

Where are you living, fab4? I guess not in Bangkok, or at least not in the areas that have been frequently attacked.

I've already explained how my neighbourhood (close to Makhawan Bridge) is safer with the appreciated presence of the unarmed soldiers.

The removal of their check-points brings no benefit at all for us. What benefit it brings for you, besides your taste for aesthetics?

Can't you tolerate their presence, at least from the humanitarian point of view? Don't you feel pity for all the victims, including the children that died from the grenade attacks? sad.png

WE ARE TALKING ABOUT OUR LIVES! This is real, not a TV show.

The attacks have not stopped with the presence of the soldiers, but they have diminished, and now they use to happen only at night.

Bravo. You're really milking this, aren't you, we've gone from the dismantling of a military gazebo to whether I uphold the sanctity of life.

I am wondering if you have a heart. Not the organ that pumps blood, but the human qualities of compassion, loving kindness, carefulness, etc.

You are celebrating the removal of a protection that is preventing more disgraces and loss of lives, simply because you don't like the aesthetics. We have asked if you have further reasons beyond aesthetics, but you just make a laugh.

And you, my friend, are missing that scintilla of intellect that recognises Sarcasm.

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Well This is something I would never believe could happen. FOOLS, now if you want to lose everything that the PM PTP stand for carry on because you reds are in for a bloody nose, Brain is needed to be turned on when you wake a sleeping giant.

You will be hunted down to the far corners of Issan, do you not realize the biggest army barracks are all over ISSAN.

Yes they have some lovely bases. Pssst, want to know a secret? The majority of people posted there are from Issan. Want to know another secret?

Many of them come from families who support the PTP. Want to know another secret? During the 2010 troubles, those units were kept out of Bangkok because there was a concern they would not be effective. Even the regular army units in Bangkok exercised restraint. Suthep and Abhisit had to wait for the Royal Guard units to take over in Bangkok before they could attack the protestors.

Yea, so, I don't think anyone is going to be hunted to the far corners of Issan . However, I'll be out with some of the boys next week. I can ask them if they would be willing to hunt down their family members, if you want. I'm sure I'll get a few laughs.

Ask your red boys all you want, at least by doing that you will all be agreeing with yourselves and not arguing the toss with anti Government (majority) posters.

Your boys I would guess are the hardcore red type. I am talking about 20 year old army lads would under orders would tackle unrest if asked to.

As for hunting down Family members -- JOKE. with all the millions they wouldn't even know who was who. Stupid remark

So ask your boys about something YOU made up. the joke is on you. By the way Your idol Yingluck defence minister is where ??? doing nothing.

She would react strongly if an OTOP shop was attacked.

He uses the "his boys" to further his agenda as to allure to the fact he has his finger on the pulse of society and is in sync with the red shirt mind set which is to reinforce his superiority over his perceived view that everyone else sits at a bar in Pattaya drinking beer with no intrepid idea of what we are talking about.

When it comes to "unsubstantiated claims" they are experts. They use it as a weapon.

I could rebut that and say I have spoken to my "crew" from the 5th infantry division or as I like to call them the "5th good old boys" (as we are a tight nit bunch) and we had a good laugh about geiatrickid and his comments. The major who is my uncle from the 5th said geiatrickid has no idea and in fact had a great laugh at his expense…….See where I am going with this…It drives my argument home and is inadvertently condescending to geri at the same time. A win win for the PTP supporters in this argument context. A double whammy, if you will! Of course it is as plausible as geri's comments because there is no proof to rebut it…The world is my oyster behind a keyboard and a monitor.

Don't get me wrong, geri makes some pertinent and valid points. It is littered through history of the military splintering under a civil conflict into entities that fight for and against a particular side, but his quip at the end that is an "unsubstantiated claim" to try to drive his point home while being condescending to the poster let him down and only showed a window into who he really is.

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A bit over-dramatic today, aren't we?

NO. time will tell the PM is supposed to be in control of the PTP. if she cannot rein in these nutters then she will have more problems than she has already.

unless these reds back off, street fights on a massive scale. Who wants mega problems?? T.S. because he is losing the fight and he is encouraging it all, the leader of the nutters,,,, and the PM is doing what--nothing.

Yingluck is caretaker PM and in a political party called the PTP. The UDD on the other hand is not a political party and Yingluck has no influence over it whatsoever. The UDD has their own leader and he is called Jatuporn. Jatuporn is not a caretaker PM and does not have any influence over the PTP.

Now do you understand?

WoW how stupid can I get ??? And all along I thought they were all under one parasol !!

BUT how is it that Thaksin controls the reds--we all know he has funded them, they acted for him in the 2010 red siege. The red support at election time and after.

Jutaporn was selected for cabinet position by the SHINS serving in her/his government, is a spokesperson for the government on many occasions.

I think you are on something to suggest otherwise, fancy posting something like this, unbelievable.

I forgot though the PM is not responsible for anything, attending meetings, mainly shopping trips and opening OTOP events. You are a waste of time in reality especially now after this post.

WoW how stupid can I get ???

Well I don't think you've hit your apogee yet, but keep those petulant posts going, they keep me amused.

I have nothing to defend, unlike you with your attitude/denial you have to defend non stop as you have not much to cheer about.

Every post near enough you are on the defense, don't you want to feel like bowing out with your government, cause after they are gone your left with no one.

For all the wrongs your red side has done I have to see yet any acknowledgement of the fact. keep yourself amused I 'll bet there are more of your opponents amused with your posts than mine.

On topic you acknowledge Jutaporn is the leader of the pack and in his position in the said government doesn't he make you feel a bit nervous.??

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Well This is something I would never believe could happen. FOOLS, now if you want to lose everything that the PM PTP stand for carry on because you reds are in for a bloody nose, Brain is needed to be turned on when you wake a sleeping giant.

You will be hunted down to the far corners of Issan, do you not realize the biggest army barracks are all over ISSAN.

Yes they have some lovely bases. Pssst, want to know a secret? The majority of people posted there are from Issan. Want to know another secret?

Many of them come from families who support the PTP. Want to know another secret? During the 2010 troubles, those units were kept out of Bangkok because there was a concern they would not be effective. Even the regular army units in Bangkok exercised restraint. Suthep and Abhisit had to wait for the Royal Guard units to take over in Bangkok before they could attack the protestors.

Yea, so, I don't think anyone is going to be hunted to the far corners of Issan . However, I'll be out with some of the boys next week. I can ask them if they would be willing to hunt down their family members, if you want. I'm sure I'll get a few laughs.

Ask your red boys all you want, at least by doing that you will all be agreeing with yourselves and not arguing the toss with anti Government (majority) posters.

Your boys I would guess are the hardcore red type. I am talking about 20 year old army lads would under orders would tackle unrest if asked to.

As for hunting down Family members -- JOKE. with all the millions they wouldn't even know who was who. Stupid remark

So ask your boys about something YOU made up. the joke is on you. By the way Your idol Yingluck defence minister is where ??? doing nothing.

She would react strongly if an OTOP shop was attacked.

He uses the "his boys" to further his agenda as to allure to the fact he has his finger on the pulse of society and is in sync with the red shirt mind set which is to reinforce his superiority over his perceived view that everyone else sits at a bar in Pattaya drinking beer with no intrepid idea of what we are talking about.

When it comes to "unsubstantiated claims" they are experts. They use it as a weapon.

I could rebut that and say I have spoken to my "crew" from the 5th infantry division or as I like to call them the "5th good old boys" (as we are a tight nit bunch) and we had a good laugh about geiatrickid and his comments. The major who is my uncle from the 5th said geiatrickid has no idea and in fact had a great laugh at his expense.See where I am going with thisIt drives my argument home and is inadvertently condescending to geri at the same time. A win win for the PTP supporters in this argument context. A double whammy, if you will! Of course it is as plausible as geri's comments because there is no proof to rebut itThe world is my oyster behind a keyboard and a monitor.

Don't get me wrong, geri makes some pertinent and valid points. It is littered through history of the military splintering under a civil conflict into entities that fight for and against a particular side, but his quip at the end that is an "unsubstantiated claim" to try to drive his point home while being condescending to the poster let him down and only showed a window into who he really is.

You've got a point or two there. I always wonder why GK deigns to talk with us, here, on TV. Because I'm sure all his insider knowledge and expertise must be getting the ear of international intelligence agencies, various national security agencies, and even the ghost of Richard M. Nixon. How he has time to commune with lesser mortals on TV remains one of the mysteries of the cosmos.

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Does anybody ever think, how the Thai army fight in the South? Scarcely isn't it? Especially we have minister of defense only stay up North

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

There is nothing to fight in the south. Most of the attacks are IEDs or clandestine.

If you are trying to call the Thai soldiers cowards, you are very wrong. My friend had to deactivate some of those IEDS. He did it with no protective gear. His unit has been ambushed and he has lost friends. One of my friends went home in a plastic container because that's all that was left of him. So, please don't denigrate those people. .

Did I mention "coward" any where? You might want to understand better or my English is not that good then I am sorry. I meant what kind of tactic our army is using, while teachers, monks, innocent kids, even soldiers in the South got kill. But while our dear lovely minister of defense goes around visiting villages and temples up North trying to drum up her votes.

Don't you think it time to change the tactic how we fight?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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