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Monk-beating redshirts under arrest: Police


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One of the violence lover red-shirts was wearing a Police jacket.


The same police paraphernalia that I can purchase at my local cop shop store! So what relevance does this have. The RTP did a great job arresting these galahs...

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Actually that is an insult to the beautiful pink and grey parrots native to Australia, calling these disgusting scumbags "galahs".

And as crazy as yourverage galah is, any one bird would have more intelligence, morals and decency than every filthy redshirt in Thailand combined. Thai Rouge indeed !

OK bunch of bloody magpies! That's better....

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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arrest the bashers ?good. no need for that.

but more importantly, its time to disrobe this con artist "monk", he is dragging buddhism into the mud by playing politics.

Please explain how you disrobe someone who (in your eyes) is not a monk.

You should really give up on that nonsense - it doesn't really fly, actually wouldn't even get off the ground.

study what a monk is supposed to be and then comment. they are to stay away from violence, throwing water on someone? not likely. i do think he was an imposter.

You would never consider that the reds that beat him are lying?

Based on the hysterics i personally witnessed by the reds trying to recruit people to go to bangkok and fight against the protesters, all it would have taken to get beaten up is for the monk to point out that destroying other peoples property is not a good thing to do.

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arrest the bashers ?good. no need for that.

but more importantly, its time to disrobe this con artist "monk", he is dragging buddhism into the mud by playing politics.

True under Thai Buddhism, his acts were against his very oaths to the lord Buddha and the vows that he undertook. This though in no way exonerates what the people did in return.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You appear to be an expert on Thai Buddhism. Would you please enlighten the public on this forum about the very oaths to the lord Buddha and the vows the monk in question undertook. And then please explain us where did he go wrong.

ahh look it up yourself. Its all over the net and you want me to bite hook, line and sinker? Don't need to, you know I'm right. So all you get is a nibble. Look it up yourselves ya lazy buggers ;)

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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What is becoming of this country...it is getting to where...you can not beat you wife, children, neighbor, fellow business owner, farangs, or even monks...without getting into trouble...what is a normal angry simpleton Thai male to do?

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What is becoming of this country...it is getting to where...you can not beat you wife, children, neighbor, fellow business owner, farangs, or even monks...without getting into trouble...what is a normal angry simpleton Thai male to do?

Become a Red Shirt, then you can do .... well anything. Even beat up Monks while the police watch

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Food vendor killed in fight with rival at Kanchanaburi, two turks involved in knife fight in Pattaya and this. The LOS is rapidly in decline in my view, add this to all the transportation 'accidents' and the upcoming carnage total of deaths at Songkran. <deleted> is going on?

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gabruce, on 27 Mar 2014 - 09:51, said:
Darcula, on 26 Mar 2014 - 18:03, said:
MunterHunter, on 26 Mar 2014 - 17:37, said:

they will be released on bail (possibly paid for by the government) and their cases heard in court in 3-5 years from now... they will be either charged with assult and fined 500b or released citing lack of evidence or 'the Monk caused it' excuse

Didn't know it was a farang monk.

explain the joke please.

And I thought I was dumb, but you take the cake for not tying "the Monk caused it" to the usual "the farang caused it."

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You appear to be an expert on Thai Buddhism. Would you please enlighten the public on this forum about the very oaths to the lord Buddha and the vows the monk in question undertook. And then please explain us where did he go wrong.
ahh look it up yourself. Its all over the net and you want me to bite hook, line and sinker? Don't need to, you know I'm right. So all you get is a nibble. Look it up yourselves ya lazy buggers wink.png.pagespeed.ce.HJgPQ3U3SA.png

In other words Cricketnut has absolutely nothing to back up his anal statement, was just hoping he was going to get away with it, but when challenged he did exactly what his PTP heros would do, dropped it like a hot potato. Typical red flag waving fanatic ranting. Am beginning to wonder if Cricketnut and moonao are in fact the same poster, would not surprise me in the least. Both comments lack any real substance.

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I have been out of the country for a while working and when I phoned my wife back in Chiang Mai last night I mentioned this story to her and asked her what she and her Thai friends thought about it.

She said there was a lot of anger towards the redshirts from the people of Chiang Mai and that some people who used to openly support the reds have withdrawn their support.

I have been saying for years that the day will come when the Thai Rouge will be chased out of town like the filthy vermin they are and all their current supporters will deny any link to them. The people will turn on them and it will be something like killing innocent kids at protest sites or beating up Monks that will trigger it.

Quite possibly the worse thing ever to happen to this beautiful country, along with the Shinawatra regime.

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arrest the bashers ?good. no need for that.

but more importantly, its time to disrobe this con artist "monk", he is dragging buddhism into the mud by playing politics.

True under Thai Buddhism, his acts were against his very oaths to the lord Buddha and the vows that he undertook. This though in no way exonerates what the people did in return.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You appear to be an expert on Thai Buddhism. Would you please enlighten the public on this forum about the very oaths to the lord Buddha and the vows the monk in question undertook. And then please explain us where did he go wrong.

You have asked an excellent question. As I am not an expert and must rely upon those who are considered experts, I offer the following guidance;

“Direct involvement in political activity, strictly speaking, is not sanctioned,”- Paul Harrison, professor of Buddhist studies at Stanford University, excerpt from his interview on Buddhist teachings and the acceptable role of monks in politics

In countries,such as Sri Lanka where Buddhists monks have been active in political actions and have been accused of inciting violence, there is a trend to be even more specific and forbidding of any form of political activity. For example, News 1 of Sri Lanka reported last month as follows;

It has been decided to prohibit monks of the Amarapura Sri Saddhamma Wanshika Maha Nikaya to engage in politics, without permission.

The Sangha Council of the Chapter arrived at this decision when it met at the Welisara Kappina Walawwa Sri Ma Malakaya in Balapitiya on Monday.

Co-Registrar of Amarapura Sri Saddhamma Wanshika Maha Nikaya, Ven. Balapitiya Siriseevali Thera expressed the following views:

“We arrived at this historic decision after extensively discussing the activites of Bhikkhus at present. We arrived at this historic decision to stop monks from sitting on the streets, creating conflicts with the police in a sensitive manner, speaking in a manner unbefitting of a monk and other things so that we can bring forth a serene Bikkhu society.”

The Wall Street Journal had a rather candid article earlier this month that discussed the political activities of monks. http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304834704579402350661992292

It cuts both ways though as monks have been accused of taking the Redshirt side too. It didn't bother the former Abhisit government when monks were detained and allegedly roughed up in 2010. The WSJ makes two valid observations;

The competing factions have used monks to add a measure of spiritual legitimacy to their cause, and Phra Buddha Issara is just one of several taking sides. In 2010, hundreds of clerics quietly lent their support to pro-Shinawatra "Red Shirt" protesters, dozens of whom were shot dead by security forces in Bangkok while pushing for new elections.A dozen senior monks were placed on the then-government's security watch list. Some, including monks who, like many of the Red Shirts, come from the northeast of the country, joined protests as a kind of human shield to deter action from security forces

Some Buddhist organizations have tried to put the brakes on Phra Buddha Issara's activism, warning him that he is violating clerical rules by taking such a public, political stance in a country where monks aren't even allowed to vote.

In consideration of the above, it is why I believe that the monk was not behaving as a monk when he entered into a dispute with the protestors.

The Pollyanna brigade of TVF have accused me of attempting to excuse or justify the physical assault on the man in the monk's robes. I haven't done so, as an assault is wrong. Mob violence is wrong. However, the kidnapping and torture allegations in respect to Phra Buddha Issara in Bangkok have struck a nerve with some people and they have no patience for politicking monks. I suppose it would be akin to a RC Bishop in a parish where children were molested, to lecture parents on how to raise their children. The parishioners would be in no mood to get such a lecture.

A group of red shirts attacked a monk and your breaking down into minute detail what the monk did wrong!!!

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