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How to find out the real age of a Thai woman?


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SAy you think she's lying and she looks 22 then ask to see her ID card. If she refuses you know IMMEDIATELY she is one of the many scammers, dump her.

You'll have a tough time finding a woman under those circumstances, then. Most women tell the truth about their age to strangers for several years of their lives - and the majority of them come after 70.

OP, if the woman is a liar, you'll know soon enough, from other facts. If she ONLY lies about her age, you have an excellent start in your relationship. If you press her about it, confront her about her age, you have zero chance.


So what - zero chance with a lying desperate gold-digging Thai outcast. Find out the truth right away. Don't worry about if she runs away there are millions more.

Ask her if she has any kids too as that is the main reason that these women, unwanted by Thai men, stoop to the level of trying to find an old farang online.

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The Chinese zodiac does not always work as the girls from the country have their month and sign dictated by the head man of the village. My GF told me her sign and I laughed because it was 2 signs away from the correct one. But she insisted that it was the one that the Head man established and that is the official sign. And I have seen all of the other legal documents to know the exact day, month and year of her birth.

Same as spelling of the name. No problem here, nobody cares. The english spelling of the name is different in almost all of her documents. No body cares as nobody really uses english. As long as the thai is correct.

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The Chinese zodiac does not always work as the girls from the country have their month and sign dictated by the head man of the village. My GF told me her sign and I laughed because it was 2 signs away from the correct one. But she insisted that it was the one that the Head man established and that is the official sign. And I have seen all of the other legal documents to know the exact day, month and year of her birth.

Same as spelling of the name. No problem here, nobody cares. The english spelling of the name is different in almost all of her documents. No body cares as nobody really uses english. As long as the thai is correct.

Many country girls are not the age that their ID card says. Years ago, and even today, it may have been a long drive to the amphur and many didn't bother to register until some months or years later. The Amphur doesn't back date the birth registration, unless you persuage them financially.
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So what - zero chance with a lying desperate gold-digging Thai outcast. Find out the truth right away. Don't worry about if she runs away there are millions more.

Ask her if she has any kids too as that is the main reason that these women, unwanted by Thai men, stoop to the level of trying to find an old farang online.

And another single man weighs in with expert words on the Simplicity of Women 101. 5555 Thanks for that, professor.


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

have some fun with her..the ask her to write her birthday date down in thai..you do the same...then you say..darling i wont this

so i never forget your birthday present,,i no you like gold ,,so me never forget the date..

thais will slip up if lying

You could always knock her off and carbon date her !

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Personally, I think that TLL is quite a good resource, but, like anything out there in the BWW (Big Wide World), one has to

have one's eyes wide open. What you see is not always what you get! Clearly, the ladies who are offering their wares are going to present their best possible aspects, which means , largely, that their profile pictures will not be the most recent, but the oldest. They are consequently always going to look older in the flesh!

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You may not get the real age even from the ID card, many Thai people did not register the birth straight away especially in isaan born on the farm. She might have been born 1988 but the ID card states 1990

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In my experience over 30 years - very very few Thai people have their real date of birth on their ID cards - or passports. It is not a reliable source of information. There are many reasons for showing an incorrect date. Common ones are - that the father couldn't remember the real date when he registered the birth - or a different date was chosen because it was more "auspicious" - or the village headman (poo-yai-baan) chose the date - or (very common) a false date was given to prevent any black magic from being effective because Thais believe date of birth info is vital for magic to work. Most Thais are fully aware that their real DOB and their official DOB are different and will seldom divulge the real one to anyone - especially husband/wife - who might use it for doing magic at some time in the future when the marriage has turned sour. Many modern Thais will dismiss such matters as nonsense publicly - but actually do believe this way - and will still protect their real date of birth. It is part of the Thai way of life - just accept it and get on with life.

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If you like her, what the hell difference does it make?

Gee,is she worried about how old YOU ARE?

My wife is 58 and very proud of it. I'm proud of it too because she looks about 40. We "Falang" do seem to have some dumb-values when it comes to peoples ages.

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If you like her, what the hell difference does it make?

It makes a lot of difference if the lady is deliberately lying. Maybe not to you,but definitely to me. This doesn't mean she could not be forgiven, but her lying would definitely me a negative data point.

Edited by HerbalEd
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What is her Chinese zodiac sign? It should give you a clue...

Great idea! I did not think about this but I will ask her.

Of course she could lie about that also.

Just ask her to see her ID card. Make an excuse to view your passport, driver license, or ID card ... joke about your terrible photo ... and then say 'now let me see your ID photo."

BTW, I've done this with many Thai ladies and I've never discovered that one had been lying about her age.

What a man really needs to worry about is the girl who says she's 18 or 19 when she's actually 15. I've never found this myself but I've met men who have.

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Going into someone's private stuff to pry into their personal/private information without their permission is IMO barely a small step away from stealing, perhaps even worse than say taking some change for the parking meter without telling them.

There are lies and there are lies. Would you answer truthfully if you thought a dress made your GF look fat, or if you didn't like the present your kid bought you? Women's age is traditionally one of those topics, used to be rude to even inquire about the topic, as much as her asking you your salary.

Of course a lot of such etiquette has gone out the window - witness my even needing to explain these issues.

So if it really is important to you - and I agree with those who question why that would be so - then just come out and ask to see her ID card, say you want to verify with objective evidence, and if you see she was "lying" just laugh it off and reassure her it doesn't actually matter, even if it does to you (which IMO it shouldn't either).

Really shouldn't be a big deal, and if anything helps establish the fact that you are the man and in charge, she's lucky to get you not vice-versa.

I agree 100%. In addition, I would never check her smartphone for her Line contacts, or look for strangers in the gallery. One of my dates tried to check my messages while I went for a pee. Bad mistake.
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Do you understand Thai years ? As in this year is 2557, if not you'll need to memorise it and convert later.

2557..easy convert...take off 543...so 2014....

You're quite the mathematician.

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1. count the stretch marks and multiply with missing missing teeth.

2. add the lenght of all polished toenails together (in cm).

3. then multiply with the number of bottles of spy she can drink without getting drunk.


1. 5 stretch marks 2 missing teeth = 10

2. 7 cm

3. 3 spys

she is 51 but will claim she is 39.


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I guess the only sure way to find out is to check her ID card when she leaves her bag unattended next time biggrin.png

assuming you can read and speak Thai.

Have you actually seen a Thai ID card where the birth year is only in Thai? I haven't.

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I guess the only sure way to find out is to check her ID card when she leaves her bag unattended next time biggrin.png

assuming you can read and speak Thai.

The year is in Roman characters. Simply subtract 543 and you'll have the birth year CE

FWIW ... Actually it's Arabic digits (0, 1, 2, 3, etc.), not Roman (aka Latin) characters (bka, alphabet) ... and definitely not Roman Numerals (I, II, III, IV, V, X, etc.).

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On the run up to our marriage my now wife turned out to be 6 years younger than we had thought. Didn't make any difference apart from meaning I have her menopause to look forward to.

Sent from my GT-S7500 using Tapatalk 2

We ?

Believe it or not, some People with Thai ID cards and passports don't know their real age, an example, I know a Thai person originally from Malaysia who moved to Thailand at a very young age, her father Malaysian, her mother Chinese, they settled in the Hat Yai area and it wasnt until years later that she receved a Thai ID card and later a Thai passport but up to now she does not know her real age as no birth certificate was ever available....

If there was never a birth certificate and she didn't know her age, then how was she able to get her accurate birth date on her ID card?

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Stop the uncertainty both in the age and the trust issue. Just ask to see her id (with a smile). Tell her you just dont believe her. Simple. Can not have a serious relationship if you skirt around thongs like honesty and trust. Nip it in the bud now. I've found brutal honesty with thai girls works best for me and scares off those looking to take me for a ride (well almost all...)

Agree about the honesty part. However, I find that polite, respectful honesty works much better than brutal honesty with Thai girls. I prefer they respect me, not fear me.

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How to find out the real age of a Thai woman?

Ask her how many years she have worked at the bar and add 18. Simple really.

so every woman in Thailand has worked in a bar at one time or another your saying?

Maybe all the ones he's known.

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Chinese Zodiac Year should work, until they get a read on why we are asking that question.

Just ask to see the ID card, nothing odd with this, and from the beginning she will be less likely to "play games" with you. If she hesitates, it might be for a reason. If you don't like lies etc. then just move on.

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When I was new to Thailand and a bit "green" and playing the field....I used to wonder how it was that every second lady I dated always seemed to have a birthday within a couple of days of us meeting. Eventually I copped on and when a lady would tell me it's her birthday in two days time or so I would display utter shock and tell her that it must be by divine providence that we met because tomorrow it was my birthday too, just one day before hers. Never heard another word about their birthdays after that.

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