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getting rid of cockroaches in condo


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Hi All,

I live on the 7th floor of a condo, I have started seeing baby cockroaches in and around the food cubboard despite making sure all food is in sealed bags,

A few months back it was just 1 or 2 roaches every few days, today I have killed about 10! they are only tiny roaches so I assume somewhere there is a nest or one of my neighbours is bringing them in and they are coming through the pipes...

Anyone know the best way of getting rid of cockroaches?

I have tried a few things from 7/11 such as a sticky pad which did nothing plus some chalk like poison which also had no affect,

Thanks in advance for any replies

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The OP may be fastidiously clean but maybe the neighbours aint. However, it doesn't need to be rubbish or garbage that they are breeding in. Cockroaches like paper and cardboard so if you aren't saving any of these for a rainy day, maybe a neighbour is?

In my experience, the black plastic traps just make nice little coffins for them to die in but does nothing to stop others coming in. You don't see as many but they are still around. Also forget about the aerosol sprays as well; waste of money. I used to use chemical 'bombs' in the US, available at all hardware stores. They are coffee can sized, you stand them in a dish with some water (as the bottoms get hot) and you get the heck out of the place for at least 6 hours. Make sure there's no uncovered food left out and it also helps to cover up plates, cups and crockery as you are supposed to open all drawers and cupboards for maximum penetration. One can was good for a single-bed apartment.

Last year, I was having repeated bug infestations although the cockroaches were mostly outside in the drainage system. The neighbours yard was a mess of 'stored' junk of all sorts, up against the adjoining wall. I was pleased to find a local (Chinese?) version of the roach bombs at HomePro and since I had 4-bedrooms, upstairs and downstairs, I set of one on each floor.

Awesome results! Didn't see any more bugs or roaches while we lived there.

Edited by NanLaew
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Cockroaches are very hard to get rid off and no, it is not always the neighbors; they are just bloody hardy.

I work in hotels where obviously we do not like to see cockroaches. They still come in (sewage pipes and the like) and we use a pest control company that employs a double strategy (a combination of previous posts): cockroach baits on a monthly basis and bombs every 6 months.

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