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Have you paid in advance? I paid 3 years in advance but their system still tries to invoice me monthly. As the monthly bills do not get paid they cut us off and will not connect us again until we show them the receipt for 3 years.


I got a Text message off these clowns saying I was about to be cut off for non payment.

I was up to date and went to the shop in Lamai, they were good enough to phone C T H in BKK, but the stupid people could'nt tell me what I owed and actually asked me when I last paid a bill !

surely it should be them telling me, I asked for an up to date invoice and balance but the person in BKK said it would take to long.

I have been told that a lot of Bars and Restaurants in the Lamai area got cut off for no good reason.

I have been on C T H website and there is an appology for them being stupid and cutting off wrong box's


Can you be more specific? Cable or Satellite? Premium Channels or everything (including Free To Air)?

CTH Satellite, full monty package on Koh Samui.

This post was originally posted to the Koh Samui forum because i know many people who have had the same problem. It's actually the second time i've been cut off.

So is it a nationwide problem or just restricted to the Koh Samui area?

As for the customer service.....what can i say....total joke!


I live in Chiang Mai and have never been cut off. I've paid every bill late, mainly due to the fact that they don't send them on time. They don't seem to have much of a clue as to who owes what as far as I can tell.


Can you be more specific? Cable or Satellite? Premium Channels or everything (including Free To Air)?

CTH Satellite, full monty package on Koh Samui.

This post was originally posted to the Koh Samui forum because i know many people who have had the same problem. It's actually the second time i've been cut off.

So is it a nationwide problem or just restricted to the Koh Samui area?

As for the customer service.....what can i say....total joke!

So is it a nationwide problem or just restricted to the Koh Samui area?

Satellite service can't be 'cut' for an small area, but can suffer from signal degradation due to heavy rain, volcanic ash, military or other factions causing local interference.
Are you still receiving the free-to-air channels? If yes, then it's CTH being CTH as others have stated.
If everything is out, and the "Quality" level of the signal is near or at "zero" on all the channels then the dish might have been knocked out of alignment or you have equipment failure.

No, i was cut off by the system. And it's not just me. I didn't get a bill in 6 months. Every time i call and ask for a bill they never send. Now guess what....i'm so disgusted by this clueless company that i've cut them off. Bye bye to CTH!

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Talking to a Thai friend and owner of a shop that installs CTH a few Villages away, got a good idea what they are like...

He and his wife had to pay a up front fee of 200,000 baht, so say was a good deal as they would received X amount each month as an Agent + % of all installations, new customers and customer payments..

As yet they have received 0 baht, for over 1 year work or there investment... So shop owners are also very unhappy...

They also said that customers that cancel have not received the deposit back, and they advise customers to NOT pay for 4 months before getting the dish collected and set top box returned..

Also said was a big problem with customers getting switched off that took the Promotion Offer of pay 2 years and get 1 year free...

Edit: my area over 50 KM north west of BKK


I definitely regret going for the 3 year package. Cut off on Thursday for non-payment, showed them the receipt for 3 years payment and reconnected Friday, then cut off again Saturday half way through the Man U game.

  • 3 months later...

I too paid for the "pay 2 years in advance get 3rd free" via KTV (Cable TV company) Khon Kaen

I too received demands for payment for 2 months in a row, even though I phoned and supposedly got it all sorted after first invoice. I asked for a letter confirming I had paid (or bill) showing I had paid but got nothing. Thye said they had problems tracking payment when via Agents who paid on a group number but ti was recorded and sorted out after my second invocie and subsequnet call..

Anyway no demands since nor cutoffs so that issue seems to have been sorted out.

However, I note that the 142 channels I originally signed up for (via cable box) had reduced to 126 after the new channel line up was actioned by CTH yesterday (07/07/14).

It get worse. Last night 3 further new channels CTH have given us for about 2 months (Max Sports HD , WWE HD & Zee Nung) were cut by CTH and all I can see now for those channels 55,66,77 is a blank screen with a "No Valid entitlement" Message. So now down to 123 (from the original 142 via Cable boxes)

Today I phoned the helpdesk. After waiitng 20 mins on hold I was told CTH have a new packages policy and if I want to continue to receive those 3 channels I must pay an additional 499 Baht per month. I was NOT happy and told the lady I was not angry with her psersonally but with CTH and asked how CTH can change their packages policy foer those who have contracted and paid in advance (mine expires Aug 2106) for another 2 years, then CTH massivley reduces channels (which we contracted for back in Aug 2013) and now the final insult decide to cull a further 3 channels we have ALREADY been receiving because they now wish to charge 499 Baht per month extra for those under their new packages policy if we wish to continue watching what we already had.

I said to the lady If those 3 channels had been offered in the first places as extra charge content OR if they had increased the Original 142 channels then asking for extra payment would be more justifiable BUT to cut 3 channels already being received and say I must pay if I want them and reducing channels to 123 now (originally 142) is outrageous. I asked how CTH can morraly or possible legally do such things. I said I appreciate CTH have made heavy losses but doing this to advacne paying trusting cutomers is not going help people trust in them and isw more likely to cause people to leave.who have not already paid in advance.

I said, when I signed up you had just the the one FULL package for 142 channels (cable box) + 6 EPL channels. I paid for that full package and EPL. Now you say you can just change package policy rules without warning (no doubt because CHT have made large losses so far a 23/5/2014 Bangkok Post article "CTH rolls out new plans". sorry no link provided as unsure if Iam allowed to publish links here to Bangkok Post but I Google search will easily find).

I said, you are only providng 123 (as I post). What is to stop CTH deciding to remove other channels (we already receive) under a future "new packages policy" and ask for more money if we want them back? If CTH polices can change and override original packages contracted for, then what is there to stop CTH removing the 3 Fox movie channels next and any further CTH feel necesary to try and increase revenue by charging extra for those removed.

I said I feel morally and maybe legally CTH should honour the original full pachage subcribers paid in advanc efor and contracted for and only apply the new policy to those joining CTH since the implementation of the new Package regime.

I have asked the Helpdesk to record a formal complaint and arrange for a senior person to phone back (can speak to my Thai wife if he/she likes) and explain how Channels being received prior to 07/07/14 can be removed purley so CTH can make extra subscription charges to get them back. I said it feel like being asked to pay twice . The Helpdesk lady said she would see what she can do and I await their advice. I reiterated to the pleasant CTH Helpdesk lady that my anoyance was NOT aimed at her but purely at CTHs changes.

I know some will say the usual boring comment of "TIT" but how CTH can change rules as it pleases despite contracts signed and paid for in advance by trusting customers I do not know.

Another concern is that CTH and KTV (their agent previously) have parted company. I now fear KTV will cut the CTH signal soon. I phoned CTH a month ago but they (and KTV "sort of" smile.png) both said KTV were current agents (despite posts in the Khon Kaen Forum to the contrary. Maybe they were playing with words (namely were ceasing but technically still together at the timel). In Khon Kaen Forum someone posted a week or so ago thet he had paid KTV for the next month's CTH subscription and has since been cut off. (no idea if by KTV or by CTH who maybe think he has not paid).

I phoned CTH a week ago (after seeing the post) to ask if CTH had now parted company with KTV and they seemed to be saying yes. I asked about my continued signal (still 2 years paid for in advance) via KTV;s street cables. I was told by the CTH helpdesk thet CTH will supply me with a Satellite box and fit it for free if I am cut off. I would have expected CTH and KTV to have made deisions after the split so at least CTH could tell me what will happen rather than "IF I am cut off").

I suggested I did not want a dish as I was getting more channels via Cable box ( whistling.gif only a few more since 07/07/14,) and if I ever wish to increase to1 or 2 more boxes the Cable can cope with that and rain affects Cable signal less than satellite system . I said that was why I went with cable in the first place. I was told contact CTH if I am cut you off. Now I live is constant fear of being cut off (hopefully not during the EPL season).

E & OE

As you can see nothing sounds very encouraging.

Are others having similar issues?

Kind regards


Have never dealt with a more incompetent bunch than CTH, and that is saying something. Other posters, how did you get CTH to respond to you? They won't respond to even my polite enquiries.

They are a case study in poor quality management. My advice ... use any provider but never this bunch of clowns. I am in Bkk with thankfully only a one year package. My most common channels are 'searching for signal' 'you are not entitled' (I am), 'no playkey' (rubbish) and occasionally a TV channel with varying reception - sometimes no sound, sometimes broken picture. And it is not the building. Have checked that.

Of course, the few channels I now receive are entirely different to what I originally signed up for.


We have had no aus network for ages and that's the only reason we got it and the kids cartoons in English and three of those channels have <deleted> off too.any one else have aus network still working on cth satellite ?


We have had no aus network for ages and that's the only reason we got it and the kids cartoons in English and three of those channels have <deleted> off too.any one else have aus network still working on cth satellite ?

Had same problem. Thundering silence from the idiots at CTH. Got kid from the installation company to sort out oznetwork - now on channel 811. What he did? I have no idea.

If you can, get another provider. I understand True Knowledge now do oznetwork (for as long as it lasts - September?).


We have had no aus network for ages and that's the only reason we got it and the kids cartoons in English and three of those channels have <deleted> off too.any one else have aus network still working on cth satellite ?

Australian Network has been eliminated by the Abbott government! No-one has it, funding was withdrawn!


We have had no aus network for ages and that's the only reason we got it and the kids cartoons in English and three of those channels have <deleted> off too.any one else have aus network still working on cth satellite ?

Australian Network has been eliminated by the Abbott government! No-one has it, funding was withdrawn!

Australian Network will, repeat, will be eliminated by Abbot govt in another brilliant piece of foreign policy (September, I hear, 2 weeks before the afl gf). It exists now and I am watching it at the moment

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We have had no aus network for ages and that's the only reason we got it and the kids cartoons in English and three of those channels have <deleted> off too.any one else have aus network still working on cth satellite ?

Australian Network has been eliminated by the Abbott government! No-one has it, funding was withdrawn!

Australian Network will, repeat, will be eliminated by Abbot govt in another brilliant piece of foreign policy (September, I hear, 2 weeks before the afl gf). It exists now and I am watching it at the moment

Oh fair enough! My mistake - thought it had gone already!


I too cannot receive Australian Network or Channel News Asia, which like many were cut off when the Junta first took took over. Nearly all others have been restored a long time ago (couple of music channels still missing)

I asked CTH the other day about AN & CNA, during my call on matters mentioned in an earlier post, and was told they do not yet have official approval to show them yet but have applied to be allowed to reinstate them.

I mentioned my local Cable company never stopped showing AN & CNA. I was advised different rules for different type of operations were applied.

Hopefully they will return soon (apologies for 3 sentences beginning with I).


I too cannot receive Australian Network or Channel News Asia, which like many were cut off when the Junta first took took over. Nearly all others have been restored a long time ago (couple of music channels still missing)

I asked CTH the other day about AN & CNA, during my call on matters mentioned in an earlier post, and was told they do not yet have official approval to show them yet but have applied to be allowed to reinstate them.

I mentioned my local Cable company never stopped showing AN & CNA. I was advised different rules for different type of operations were applied.

Hopefully they will return soon (apologies for 3 sentences beginning with I).

Afraid that is complete BS from CTH.

As mentioned above, you will get no help and no truth out of them. I got the kid from the installation company to come round and he got australianetwork for me - using CTH


I too cannot receive Australian Network or Channel News Asia, which like many were cut off when the Junta first took took over. Nearly all others have been restored a long time ago (couple of music channels still missing)

I asked CTH the other day about AN & CNA, during my call on matters mentioned in an earlier post, and was told they do not yet have official approval to show them yet but have applied to be allowed to reinstate them.

I mentioned my local Cable company never stopped showing AN & CNA. I was advised different rules for different type of operations were applied.

Hopefully they will return soon (apologies for 3 sentences beginning with I).

Afraid that is complete BS from CTH.

As mentioned above, you will get no help and no truth out of them. I got the kid from the installation company to come round and he got australianetwork for me - using CTH

Thank you xenophon for your post.

VERY INTERESTING and disconcerting.

Just a thought: Is it possible the "kid" just restored/re-enabled some setting CTH disabled when the Junta first told them to cut off AN (and many others) and therefore the kid may have over-ridden CTH's "disable".

Please may I ask if you have a Cable Box or Satellite (mine is Cable) and ALSO do you receive Channel News Asia.

If your answer is Cable and Yes. Please may I ask what the 'kid" did and I will try to replicate (if possible for a user).

Unfortunately for me CTH have parted company with the agent who installed my box, so I doubt the the Ex-agent will be very helpful and I am loathe to bring myself to their attention in case I speed up them stopping my CTH down their cable line.

Certainly MANY Auto searching attempts by me have failed to give me more than a Channel allocation of 184 CNA and 187 AN (other than a Black screen with no audio). Not that I trust the Table loaded to the Cable Box very much as I sometimes get very strange channel numbers after an auto-search, that (correctly IMHO) disappear shortly afterwards. The firmware that is installed on my Box has real problems allocating my selected "Favourite" channels sometimes adding ones I did not select and removing others I did. I often have to redo several times before I can get it settled on the channels I actually marked as favourite.

CTH's excuse was I have the correct latest Firmware uploaded but the Favourites code is complicated and prone to error (Hmmm. an easy out!). Interesting that the previous Firmware had NO issues.

For identification: Previous Cable box firmware thta came with the box in August 2013 had all menus etc. in Red and the current latest update has them in Aquamarine Blue (much nicer BUT as I said setting up favourites doesn't now work as it did before the firmware update).

Please can other CTH users confirm if they are able to currently view AN & CNA normally. If so, I will get back to CTH pronto.

Many thanks



Cable box and unfortunately don't know exactly what the kid did technically. However, he seemed familiar with the complaint and simply set to work reconfiguring something or other. Appeared to be very used to doing it. Suggest you speak to similar type in your area and take no notice of the incompetents at the provider - complete bs. Currently watching australianetwork as I write. Didn't ask for CNA as they have an excellent internet feed.


My CTH is a black screen on all channels. No error messages about searching for signal or "no valid entitlement" etc.

Anyone else have / has this problem?


My CTH is a black screen on all channels. No error messages about searching for signal or "no valid entitlement" etc.

Anyone else have / has this problem?

Yes my CTH (via Cable Box) provided via KTC Khon Kaen went down sometime 15th July (working perfectly 14th July evening as it always had for 11 months).

CTH said 15th July night they'd refer to Technical who would contact my wife. We have heard NOTHING from CTH for 2 days.

We visited KTV who said yesterday (16th July the problem is with the "System" KTV's end but hoped CTH would be OK yesterday. It was NOT

Today 17th (3rd day) CTH is still 100% down.

My wife visited KTV again and said we feel like everybody is not telling us everything. The lady at KTV said many KTV customers had contacted them over the issue (what a surprise! and I am not comforted that others are in the same predicament). She told my wife the Fibre Optic is broken this end, and CTH were/had sending technicians to deal with it (she put it in writing so my wife could come home and explain to me).

She said she hoped we may be up today (17th July) BUT as of 16:30pm we are still 100% down. I note however, that we are now getting a "Code and No signal" message box when going to a channel (for the last 2 days we did not get even get that (not sure if that means something is being worked on at last). On CTH Cable Box Menu> Settings> CA information> Service Status the info is EMPTY (apart from headings). The other observation is that the clock has the wrong and date and year is 2012 (resets to Zero time and 2012 every time I run an auto-search ito see (hope) if channels are back. I suspect when up though that the time on the Cable Box will auto correct to the true time and unless that happenes I suspect running auto-search is a total waste of my time.

Hope this helps


I'm also in Khon Kaen with CTH through KTV.

Information from CTH as of yesterday is

we are solving your problem so we are going to the signal to your Set Top Box again within 4 days from now. Because of the Electronic Amplifier of cable was damage by fire.

So it might be a while yet................


I'm also in Khon Kaen with CTH through KTV.

Information from CTH as of yesterday is

we are solving your problem so we are going to the signal to your Set Top Box again within 4 days from now. Because of the Electronic Amplifier of cable was damage by fire.

So it might be a while yet................

I am sorry you are affected as I am. Forgive me but I am on the other hand happy that another in Khon Kaen can confirm the same situation as me as it means AT LAST there is a common explanation.

I cannot speak or read Thai and my wife when interpreting occasionally misunderstands (not being Tech savvy) and sometimes over simplifies what she feels is is salient.

Here is the typed explanation the KTV member of staff gave my wife (in Thai ONLY). If somebody can interpret exactly I would be interested.

Of course JamieP with all the rumours/facts that CTH has parted company with KTV I am concerned as no doubt you are (if you paid several years in advance as I did last July pay for 2 years get 3years) whether CTH or KTV will at some time pull the plug on the CTH signal via KTV cables. They should not as they contracted with us for whatever period was agreed and paid for BUT Companies here seem to do what they want.

JamieP may I ask:

1) Were you getting Channel News Asia and Australian Network before the cut-out/fire or whatever?

2) Were you getting Zee Dung ((Indian Channel, WWE & Max Sports (all new channels for around 6-8 weeks before the channel rescheduling (cutting is also accurate) on 07/07/14 and did you cease to receive them after that date. I ask because I lost them to a "No Valid Entitlement" message box on a black screen where the channels should be. The CTH Help Desk told me they are now part of an extra payment package following recent package policy changes.

I suppose that means CTH consider us lucky we got those 3 channels for the 6-8 weeks, but they never mentioned they were only temporary.

The Help Desk had no answer when I pointed out the large cut in channels from 142 to 121 (for Cable Boxes) of which 2 are duplicates so really 119) which is a 19% drop from what they originally offered and contracted with me and amny others last year.. They could at least have let us keep the 3 they removed as.




I haven't received Channel News Asia or Aus Network since the coup.

I did receive the other three channels and then lost them around the time you mentioned.

Fortunately, for me, I didn't pay up front but the uncertainty is still a major PIA.


I haven't received Channel News Asia or Aus Network since the coup.

I did receive the other three channels and then lost them around the time you mentioned.

Fortunately, for me, I didn't pay up front but the uncertainty is still a major PIA.

Firstly Minor correction to Post #24 I said when no signal the Cable box shows date of 2012 that was my bad memory. When no signal and after switching Box off then on the Date and Time default to 00:00:00 AND 01/01/2009

Thanks for the confirmation Jamie.

Well today (18th July) at 9:20am I noticed the Cable Box was showing the correct time. Sure enough when I tried some channels 73, 1 and few others they were back as normal. I then went out of my bedroom to call down to my "Better Half" that CTH was back. Unfortunately when I returned the CTH signal had gone off again (around 9:25am). So far as of 11:50am it not come back again.

Not another fire in the Fibre Optics Amplifier box I hope. I have no idea what's going on and certainly CTH Tech. Dept. have not phone my wife with any info in 3 days. I suppose there is sign of activity/progress AT LAST on the 4th day without CTH service.

IMHO CTH need to keep their Help Desk much better informed and when they say they or another CTH area will phone back customers, that should happen. In my case "it should be working. I will refer it to Tech. Dept. and they will contact you" followed by 3 days of total silence is NOT ACCEPTABLE for a large Company's Help Desk Customer Service.


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