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Pheu Thai tells US President Obama and UN of attempts to block election in Thailand


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Remember Mr. Obama and Mrs.Clinton "touring" Thailand, Cambodia and Myanmar?..... Malaysia?....just months ago......

Rice? Corruption? etc, etc....just hidden the truth....

USA prefers a "yellow" government in Thailand...not a "red" one...Period.

Look at the world's future economics and at the "cold" war in progress with Russia and China....All depends what you wants for Thailand, a Western domination or an Asian domination?.....to be with the winners or to be with the losers?....or better....Neutral.

I think the Thai banks already are using "loser" tactics...the same that put the US into the financial troubles its are now...

If the US get into war with China......for Thailand to house an US military base may be not so good idea...Japan wants the US to leave Okinawa for long time now....The Philippines too. Guess why?

Do you just make this shit stuff up in your head? First of all, the US is not monolithic in what it wants. The US bankers want control of Thailand and most of the rest of he US couldn't care less. The question is: Do you want Thais to exploit Thai people or Do you want multinationals, backed by US and British banks, exploiting Thai people. People around the world are exploited, including yourself. (Google Bilderberg Group, Trans Pacific Partnership, and Carlyle Group of which Thaksin is a member) Thaksin would sell Thailand out to the multinationals if they would let him be the Hun Sen of Thailand.

The US will not go to war with anyone and the Thai governments will always side with the power that is less controlling. That rules China out. As for Japan, the Okinawans want the base moved out of Okinawa only. The Japanese know that the US Navy is their only bulwark against Chinese aggression. As for the Philippine Islands, you couldn't be more wrong. They just bought $15 billion of US airplanes, helicopters, and second-hand ships and, late last year (2013) invited the US Navy to reopen Subic Bay Naval Base as a US base. Just because this forum is anonymous, doesn't give you the right to make up and disseminate lies. BTW, the US hasn't had a base in Thailand since 1975.

Not quite true. It may not be a 'base' but it certainly is a listening post & still operating: JUSMAGTHAI

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Andrew “Zenjournalist” Marshall wrote in his epic piece in November:

Yet another terribly damaging crisis is looming. The Yellow bloc will do its best to once again incite mayhem in Bangkok in coming days and weeks. The Democrat Party has totally abdicated its duty to be a responsible parliamentary opposition that holds the government to account via constitutional methods. Instead, they intend to continue to sabotage parliament’s ability to function, and then claim democracy in Thailand is no longer working. Four deputy Democrat leaders including Korn Chatikavanij resigned from their positions on October 30 to enable them to join illegal attempts to bring down thegovernment without (they hope) jeopardising the legal status of their party.

The Yellow movement also intends to create another damaging confrontation with Cambodia over Preah Vihear, to add to the chaos and rally nationalist Thais to their cause. They will attempt to mount more mass rallies in Bangkok to paralyse the city. And when they have ramped up chaos and tension to fever pitch, they intend to remove the government via a judicial coup by partisan judges. They will then seek to freeze democracy for years.

Of course we all know that Andrew is not biased and reports the truth without color influence don't we? Case in point:

Andrew MacG Marshall @zenjournalist

Notorious crook Suthep Thaugsuban is collecting money on the streets of Bangkok again. pic.twitter.com/Jgx1zphxcD

Nice one Pimay1!!

Andrew really knows how to make a joke out of himself. Any journalist who cares about his credibility would never write something like that.

As far as his credibility is concerned he has none in Thailand, excluding of course the red apologists on this board. When he worked for Reuters he wrote an article that put more than one member of the royal family in a bad light. Reuters refused to publish it. He resigned from Reuters and published it with another news organization. He is now working directly for Robert Amsterdam.

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Remind me again - which side are Pheu Thai on coffee1.gif

Pheu Thai are on the side of the Thai people, they want to have elections so that the Thai people's vote will be respectted. The PDRC are a small group who believe that they would be better running the country.

Funny! Hehe! But from all that you said you left out that the votes done last time showed less than half wanted this leader to remain and almost half refused to vote or voted No vote. YOU also forget to mention the coercion and intimidation used to get those votes. Lets not forget how your RED leader have shown they feel that once they are elected that they are above the law and can do what they want without reprisal.

Most importantly lest you forget or still dont know, democracy is not just about voting. Which still surprises me that you have not learned yet.

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Remember Mr. Obama and Mrs.Clinton "touring" Thailand, Cambodia and Myanmar?..... Malaysia?....just months ago......

Rice? Corruption? etc, etc....just hidden the truth....

USA prefers a "yellow" government in Thailand...not a "red" one...Period.

Look at the world's future economics and at the "cold" war in progress with Russia and China....All depends what you wants for Thailand, a Western domination or an Asian domination?.....to be with the winners or to be with the losers?....or better....Neutral.

I think the Thai banks already are using "loser" tactics...the same that put the US into the financial troubles its are now...

If the US get into war with China......for Thailand to house an US military base may be not so good idea...Japan wants the US to leave Okinawa for long time now....The Philippines too. Guess why?

Do you just make this shit stuff up in your head? First of all, the US is not monolithic in what it wants. The US bankers want control of Thailand and most of the rest of he US couldn't care less. The question is: Do you want Thais to exploit Thai people or Do you want multinationals, backed by US and British banks, exploiting Thai people. People around the world are exploited, including yourself. (Google Bilderberg Group, Trans Pacific Partnership, and Carlyle Group of which Thaksin is a member) Thaksin would sell Thailand out to the multinationals if they would let him be the Hun Sen of Thailand.

The US will not go to war with anyone and the Thai governments will always side with the power that is less controlling. That rules China out. As for Japan, the Okinawans want the base moved out of Okinawa only. The Japanese know that the US Navy is their only bulwark against Chinese aggression. As for the Philippine Islands, you couldn't be more wrong. They just bought $15 billion of US airplanes, helicopters, and second-hand ships and, late last year (2013) invited the US Navy to reopen Subic Bay Naval Base as a US base. Just because this forum is anonymous, doesn't give you the right to make up and disseminate lies. BTW, the US hasn't had a base in Thailand since 1975.

"Thaksin will sell Thailand to the multinationals." ....Anyone will do if following Bush and Obama's teaching?

"The US will not go to war with anyone" ????....Are you talking about USA?.....

Japan...Philippines...You are talking about what its Governments (servants to the US) wants. I am talking about its people....

Ask the Thai people if they want to be servants of the US?...not its Government, Banks and Corporations...or you are referring to the elite when you refers to Thai people? Lies? Trues? NOBODY knows what is what and never will talking politics....

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The more that the pro-democracy side exposes the unelectable's attempt to eliminate Electoral and Parliamentary Democracy, the better.

To shine a light on them, as they are trying to surreptitiously expedite a coup via their Independent Organizations and user-friendly judiciary causes the rats to scurry..By not using their military like last time, and launching their judicial and demonization vendetta against Thaksin causing him to self-exile, they think they can make a coup not appear to be a coup.

That certainly doesn't work with domestic audiences...They know exactly what is happening.

I understand there are UDD/RS meetings going on now, carefully managed as to participation, to "dot-the I's and cross-the T's" in finalizing their action plans when the Ammart makes their final moves via their compliant agencies and judiciary.......From what I can see, this is not 2006 all-over-again, let me assure you.

If you truly believe that PT are democracy, you are severely deluded.

They are pro Taksin - end of.

If you believe being controlled by a fugitive on the run = democracy, bending to that fugitive's every whim is democracy, giving 30 billion baht of tax payers moneyt to that fugitive is democreacy.....etc.

There is no hope for you. The brainwashing worked very well on you.

But hey, as long as my Thai family keep getting 40% over market prices for their rice, I will back anyone regardless - right ?!

PTP supporters fervidly hope the PAD-Dem's continue deluding themselves as per above quote.

Attributing this uni-dimensional Thaksin focus to the politicised electoral majority, effectively prevents the PAD-Dem's from adapting to their political reality. This blindness renders them unelectable in the foreseeable future.

Until arrogant PAD-dem's take this electoral majority seriously, they will never evolve their policies and leadership to the point of electoral competitiveness.

Nothing in the least deluded about my post. I stated facts only, facts that you and the other red sheeple refuse to believe possibly due to the brain washing or trying to ignore the incovenient truth. Either way, the facts are the facts - the immutable truth. If you can't handle the truth, that's your problem. The deluded ones are clearly the red sheeple such as yourself...

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Pheu Thai complains about election obstructions to US and UN


BANGKOK 28 March 2014 (NNT) — The Pheu Thai party has sent letters to both US President Barack Obama and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon complaining about election obstructions in the country.

Deputy Secretary General to the Pheu Thai Party Ms. Anuttama Amornvivat stated that she had gone to the US Embassy in Bangkok and asked the US Ambassador to issue a letter to US President Barack Obama regarding the election obstructions in Thailand.

Moreover, the Ms. Anuttama has sent an additional letter to the UN headquarters in New York, addressed to Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, to report on the current political conflicts in the country.

According to the letters, a group of people in Thailand has been attempting to hinder the democratic processes — as evidenced particularly by the case of elections obstruction, which is a gross violation of the public’s rights to vote.

Ms. Anuttama further stated that she merely wished that the international community keep a close watch on the developing situation in Thailand, and how the country’s democracy is currently being thwarted.


-- NNT 2014-03-28 footer_n.gif

well we can see that this lady was appointed to this job as she has the same brain power as yl, none. Only someone that is totally brain dead would be stupid enough to do this, probably one of yl's "smart beautiful women" just like hergiggle.gif

i like her.

actually i like them both.

sandwich anyone?

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Reuters didn't publish his book because:

A. The story is untrue.

B. The story is true and Reuters staff would be in physical danger if published.

Due to the subject matter and contents of the article and forum rules I will forgo answering your question. Let Google be your friend. Find the article, read it and decide for yourself.

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Why is it that Thai people always have to seek approval from their American master. What has America got to do with the problems in Thailand?

Ah, of course, America, the world's boogeyman. I am not sure why but I am easy to rise to the challenge to those who view the U.S. as collectively thinking they are anyone's master. Yes, we still hold some sway in the world, and for good reason but the post WW II position is long past and any educated person on the globe knows this. I do agree that this is a Thai issue for Thais to resolve. I wish them well but huge changes in the culture will need to take place, I fear.

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If I was going to send a letter to anyone in the international community regarding the undermining of Democracy, these two would be last on my list.

Yes, thank you again for confirming your low opinion of my country. Fortunately, you are, as we all are, very unimportant to the flow of history.

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This would have to be the most bizarre corespondence that a U.S. President has ever received, the PTP brought these people onto the streets, they are demanding reform before elections , granted, it is not legal or democratic to block people going about their daily work, it is also is not legal to threaten the NACC , there is a police force that up holds the law , so where is the problem, look into your own back yard PTP and you will find it.bah.gif

Ha! Idon'tknow. I imagine President Obams has received some pretty bizarre correspondence from Tea Party supporters.

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Don't worry you cry babies. As long as Uncle Thaksin keeps his promises of multiple oil concessions in the region to the US, the US will keep backing you and help to keep you in power.

Concerns about oil concessions should be focused on China, not the U.S. It appears, from the most recept research that the U.S. Is looking at improved domestic oil resources. I think you need to find some new fodder for your Thaksin - U.S. connection.

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More twaddle from the Thaksin Support Group (Thaksin's 'SPG' but without the fire power). I can't believe that these people (there are only a handful and we all know who they are) believe the rubbish they write and I am now more inclined to believe what another poster said on here a short while earlier, that these guys are being paid for it. Sad as it may be I can't see any other reason for the continual stream of fudged and garbled rhetoric dressed up as logic. PTP's actions are, as already pointed out several times by other posters, a laughing stock of the international diplomatic community. Most self respecting Thais with a modicum of education must be really cringing about this.

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Pheu Thai tells US and UN of attempts to block election in Thailand

Meanwhile in other news

Pheu Thai Does not tell US and UN of Red 'unarmed' Pheu Thai Supporters caught with M79 launcher with Grenades and M16 rounds attacking National Anti-Corruption Organization.

Edited by GentlemanJim
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The US Embassy prepares reports on Thai politics for the State Department.

Included in those reports are crucial things that are not allowed to be discussed inside Thailand.

Like who ordered the 2006 coup. They know.

It is quite obvious that many Thai Visa members have not done their homework and read about those unmentionable issues.

The root of the political problems.

+ 1.

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The US Embassy prepares reports on Thai politics for the State Department.

Included in those reports are crucial things that are not allowed to be discussed inside Thailand.

Like who ordered the 2006 coup. They know.

It is quite obvious that many Thai Visa members have not done their homework and read about those unmentionable issues.

The root of the political problems.

+ 1.

2006 is not the root of the political problems. They have been there for decades. The cause of the peak in the current problems are the judges who allowed Thaksins thugs to intimidate them back in 2001 when they failed to rule democratically and legally on the maids testimony backed by the butler that "Madam wanted to borrow our names your honour". Give scumbags an inch and they will take a mile. Agree thou that many Thai Visa members need to do their homework especially those wearing Red tinted glasses.

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Don't worry you cry babies. As long as Uncle Thaksin keeps his promises of multiple oil concessions in the region to the US, the US will keep backing you and help to keep you in power.

Concerns about oil concessions should be focused on China, not the U.S. It appears, from the most recept research that the U.S. Is looking at improved domestic oil resources. I think you need to find some new fodder for your Thaksin - U.S. connection.

Chevron and Cambodia? When Ambassador Kenney goes to Chiang Mai where does she stay? Not the embassy housing, that's for sure. Perhaps Pojaman's place? The US needs this relationship to keep China at bay and away from Thai interests.

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Remember Mr. Obama and Mrs.Clinton "touring" Thailand, Cambodia and Myanmar?..... Malaysia?....just months ago......

Rice? Corruption? etc, etc....just hidden the truth....

USA prefers a "yellow" government in Thailand...not a "red" one...Period.

Look at the world's future economics and at the "cold" war in progress with Russia and China....All depends what you wants for Thailand, a Western domination or an Asian domination?.....to be with the winners or to be with the losers?....or better....Neutral.

I think the Thai banks already are using "loser" tactics...the same that put the US into the financial troubles its are now...

If the US get into war with China......for Thailand to house an US military base may be not so good idea...Japan wants the US to leave Okinawa for long time now....The Philippines too. Guess why?

Do you just make this shit stuff up in your head? First of all, the US is not monolithic in what it wants. The US bankers want control of Thailand and most of the rest of he US couldn't care less. The question is: Do you want Thais to exploit Thai people or Do you want multinationals, backed by US and British banks, exploiting Thai people. People around the world are exploited, including yourself. (Google Bilderberg Group, Trans Pacific Partnership, and Carlyle Group of which Thaksin is a member) Thaksin would sell Thailand out to the multinationals if they would let him be the Hun Sen of Thailand.

The US will not go to war with anyone and the Thai governments will always side with the power that is less controlling. That rules China out. As for Japan, the Okinawans want the base moved out of Okinawa only. The Japanese know that the US Navy is their only bulwark against Chinese aggression. As for the Philippine Islands, you couldn't be more wrong. They just bought $15 billion of US airplanes, helicopters, and second-hand ships and, late last year (2013) invited the US Navy to reopen Subic Bay Naval Base as a US base. Just because this forum is anonymous, doesn't give you the right to make up and disseminate lies. BTW, the US hasn't had a base in Thailand since 1975.

Not quite true. It may not be a 'base' but it certainly is a listening post & still operating: JUSMAGTHAI

JUSMAG. LOL. Every embassy in the world is a "listening post". And there are more "boots on the ground" in Thailand every time a ship visits Pattaya. Like he said, there's been no US base in Thailand since 1975. Period.

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Remember Mr. Obama and Mrs.Clinton "touring" Thailand, Cambodia and Myanmar?..... Malaysia?....just months ago......

Rice? Corruption? etc, etc....just hidden the truth....

USA prefers a "yellow" government in Thailand...not a "red" one...Period.

Look at the world's future economics and at the "cold" war in progress with Russia and China....All depends what you wants for Thailand, a Western domination or an Asian domination?.....to be with the winners or to be with the losers?....or better....Neutral.

I think the Thai banks already are using "loser" tactics...the same that put the US into the financial troubles its are now...

If the US get into war with China......for Thailand to house an US military base may be not so good idea...Japan wants the US to leave Okinawa for long time now....The Philippines too. Guess why?

Do you just make this shit stuff up in your head? First of all, the US is not monolithic in what it wants. The US bankers want control of Thailand and most of the rest of he US couldn't care less. The question is: Do you want Thais to exploit Thai people or Do you want multinationals, backed by US and British banks, exploiting Thai people. People around the world are exploited, including yourself. (Google Bilderberg Group, Trans Pacific Partnership, and Carlyle Group of which Thaksin is a member) Thaksin would sell Thailand out to the multinationals if they would let him be the Hun Sen of Thailand.

The US will not go to war with anyone and the Thai governments will always side with the power that is less controlling. That rules China out. As for Japan, the Okinawans want the base moved out of Okinawa only. The Japanese know that the US Navy is their only bulwark against Chinese aggression. As for the Philippine Islands, you couldn't be more wrong. They just bought $15 billion of US airplanes, helicopters, and second-hand ships and, late last year (2013) invited the US Navy to reopen Subic Bay Naval Base as a US base. Just because this forum is anonymous, doesn't give you the right to make up and disseminate lies. BTW, the US hasn't had a base in Thailand since 1975.

Not quite true. It may not be a 'base' but it certainly is a listening post & still operating: JUSMAGTHAI

JUSMAG. LOL. Every embassy in the world is a "listening post". And there are more "boots on the ground" in Thailand every time a ship visits Pattaya. Like he said, there's been no US base in Thailand since 1975. Period.


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Maybe Abhisit should send a letter to the UN and Obama and tell them that the PTP don't adhere to the other 14 principles of democracy. Maybe Abhsisit should tell them in this letter than elections are meaningless because an accused mass murderer, accused terrorist convicted criminal fugitive that is UNELECTABLE will be running the show if the PTP win. So kinda puts a true slant on any future elections. Obama would see that that is not acceptable and would maybe………just maybe think reform is needed to ensure an unelectable criminal is not PM.

One could say that unless reforms are implemented this will be an electoral coup. Those dirty coup mongers that not only supportered the 1992 coup when it suited their agenda, but are performing coups every election to keep a grip on power. The DEM's have denounced every coup in Thai history and the PTP have heralded 2. The 1992 coup and the 2011 coup. So to reiterate DEMS tally in coups - 0. The PTP - 2.

The PTP sound like a spoilt unaccountable younger brother that always blames his older brother for everything yet still feels hard done by. I can see the letter to mum telling her that it "is not my fault", "they made me do it"

When the PTP learn than democracy begins post ballot box then they won't have to worry. It is this complete refusal to respect democracy after elections that triggered this push for reform. The 2007 constitution strengthed the checks and balances much to 61% of the populations delight that voted for it, but that was not enough tp keep the insulant child from staying true to all the principles of democracy. They still managed to ride roughshod through the rule of law with impertinence and just like a spoilt younger brother blamed his elder brother for his own wrong doings.

This is a wonderful example of the PTP highlighting to the UN and the USA of it's inability to respect democracy. The USA has already seen this PTP warped belief structure. PTP said the PDRC are violent. The USA said they are not. The PTP denounced the rule of law. The USA said the rule of law is paramount to democracy.

I remember a Dr Weng sending a letter to the UN when the UN did not suit their agenda with the amnesty bill. He effectively said to the UN your wrong and we are right. Here are some quotes to the UN from him. "your declarations could be misleading and your credibility come under scrutiny" and "you are misinformed" and "you are completely incorrect". Just to reiterate, that is an official statement from the PTP/UDD to the UN.

The USA and especially the UN are well aware that the PTP and the UDD send letters on a whim and the UN who was also threatened when the UN did not suit their agenda will not be forgotten when the UN rep opens this new letter with shaky nervous hands and sweat dripping from his brow wondering if it is another threat or not form a govt that have a terrorist wing to do all it's dirty work.

"much to 61% of the populations delight that voted for it"

spinning the lie again? there was no choice the Army threatened to stay in power and no campaign against it was allowed - does it match up to your highfalutin ideals of democracy or are you a hypocrite?


Sorry you're right. Thanks for highlighting my incorrect %.

On 19 August 2007, a referendum was held in which 59.3% of the voters voted in favor of the constitution.

Thanks for the wiki link, by the way here's a bit of it.

"The military junta-appointed Constitution Drafting Assembly unanimously approved the draft in July 2007,[1]despite a lot of public controversy about several clauses. The junta passed a law making it illegal to publicly criticize the draft.[2] The junta also ran a successful promotion campaign leading up to the referendum, and threatened to not step down if the constitution is not accepted."

Surely one even as blinkered and misinformed as you can see a constitution forced upon the people with the threat of permanent military rule, and the threat of prison if criticized, is, in itself, unconstitutional.

Edited by fasteddie
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Why would America care about democracy in Thailand? It has just spent five billion dollars destroying democracy in the Ukraine, refused to recognise the democratic process in the Crimea, supports such famously democratic countries as Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. America and it's military arm NATO have no interest in democracy, just compliance.

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The more that the pro-democracy side exposes the unelectable's attempt to eliminate Electoral and Parliamentary Democracy, the better.

To shine a light on them, as they are trying to surreptitiously expedite a coup via their Independent Organizations and user-friendly judiciary causes the rats to scurry..By not using their military like last time, and launching their judicial and demonization vendetta against Thaksin causing him to self-exile, they think they can make a coup not appear to be a coup.

That certainly doesn't work with domestic audiences...They know exactly what is happening.

I understand there are UDD/RS meetings going on now, carefully managed as to participation, to "dot-the I's and cross-the T's" in finalizing their action plans when the Ammart makes their final moves via their compliant agencies and judiciary.......From what I can see, this is not 2006 all-over-again, let me assure you.

The international community doesn't support PT/Thaksin that is fairly clear by now. They have never made even 1 comment that they condemn Suthep's actions. Last week the US said it supports both sides. Wooaah, amazing isn't it?? They also said that the PDRC is a peaceful movement.

The international community has seen enough of PT's corruption. It is clearly holding the country back. PT does things that are good for them, not for the country. The country is suffering and people are dying because of that. The international community believes that everything is better than that corrupt Shin bunch. Otherwise they would have made at least some comments the last 5 months.

Yes a coup is next and long overdue. And yes, the international community will not condemn a coup. Mind you, not everybody wears red glasses.

Soon the RULE OF LAW will be reinstated and PT will have to accept punishment for their criminal deeds.

In an admitted fit of pique at your pack of lies, I "liked" your post just so I could "unlike" it again.

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Teacher, he looks at me crying-baby.jpg

You know what is even funnier? There is a numbnut in the country by the name of Suthep who doesn't hold any political position and is trying to overthrow a government. He wrote to Obama also requesting help. I doubt Obama even read his letter. He will probably respond to an official letter from one government to another tho.

...and the international community (including the US) don't condemn what Suthep is doing. You still don't get it?

"and the international community (including the US) don't condemn what Suthep is doing"

They have said it's up to the Thais to sort it out, while respecting the rule of law and the democratic process, both of which suthep does not comply with.

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The more that the pro-democracy side exposes the unelectable's attempt to eliminate Electoral and Parliamentary Democracy, the better.

To shine a light on them, as they are trying to surreptitiously expedite a coup via their Independent Organizations and user-friendly judiciary causes the rats to scurry..By not using their military like last time, and launching their judicial and demonization vendetta against Thaksin causing him to self-exile, they think they can make a coup not appear to be a coup.

That certainly doesn't work with domestic audiences...They know exactly what is happening.

I understand there are UDD/RS meetings going on now, carefully managed as to participation, to "dot-the I's and cross-the T's" in finalizing their action plans when the Ammart makes their final moves via their compliant agencies and judiciary.......From what I can see, this is not 2006 all-over-again, let me assure you.

The international community doesn't support PT/Thaksin that is fairly clear by now. They have never made even 1 comment that they condemn Suthep's actions. Last week the US said it supports both sides. Wooaah, amazing isn't it?? They also said that the PDRC is a peaceful movement.

The international community has seen enough of PT's corruption. It is clearly holding the country back. PT does things that are good for them, not for the country. The country is suffering and people are dying because of that. The international community believes that everything is better than that corrupt Shin bunch. Otherwise they would have made at least some comments the last 5 months.

Yes a coup is next and long overdue. And yes, the international community will not condemn a coup. Mind you, not everybody wears red glasses.

Soon the RULE OF LAW will be reinstated and PT will have to accept punishment for their criminal deeds.

"It (PTP) is clearly holding the country back. PT does things that are good for them, not for the country. The country is suffering and people are dying because of that. The international community believes that everything is better than that corrupt Shin bunch. Otherwise they would have made at least some comments the last 5 months".

#1 - Every statement that I have seen from a meaningful "International Community" has been in support of Electoral and Parliamentary Democracy. Hence, villifying those who seek to overthrow it.

#2 - If the PTP is all that gross as suggested in the quote, have an election. A very objective method of affirming that negativity, or otherwise.

In reality, everyone knows this is PAD-Dem rhetoric, devoid of reality......Their persistence in nullifying an election and its' tabulation is the most significant evidence negating their own hyperbole.

Quite laughable actually....Their balderdash about the PTP being the mother-of-all-governing-screwups, but don't have an electionfacepalm.gif .

Let's see ...do we have a statement from a meaningful "International Community?

When asked how she viewed the PDRC protest, the US ambassador said it was a "peaceful protest", and the people have the right to express themselves.

The US ambassador said she was unaware of the protesters' criticism that she and the US government were biased in favour of the Thai government.

"It's been a time of huge emotion. People have had very strong views, so I think sometimes people have been frustrated. One side or the other thinks the United States has not stepped up to support their side. In fact, we don't take sides. But I think both sides hope [we take their side]."


I don't think you will get far in this discussion boppe. This is getting to complicated for you. You better go back to your same old coup mongers, electoral majority and fascist blah blah rhetoric. Suits you much better.

"the US ambassador said it was a "peaceful protest", and the people have the right to express themselves."

America also said the very same about an armed insurrection in the Ukraine which dislodged a democratically elected government.

America speaks with forked tongue.

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Maybe Abhisit should send a letter to the UN and Obama and tell them that the PTP don't adhere to the other 14 principles of democracy. Maybe Abhsisit should tell them in this letter than elections are meaningless because an accused mass murderer, accused terrorist convicted criminal fugitive that is UNELECTABLE will be running the show if the PTP win. So kinda puts a true slant on any future elections. Obama would see that that is not acceptable and would maybe………just maybe think reform is needed to ensure an unelectable criminal is not PM.

One could say that unless reforms are implemented this will be an electoral coup. Those dirty coup mongers that not only supportered the 1992 coup when it suited their agenda, but are performing coups every election to keep a grip on power. The DEM's have denounced every coup in Thai history and the PTP have heralded 2. The 1992 coup and the 2011 coup. So to reiterate DEMS tally in coups - 0. The PTP - 2.

The PTP sound like a spoilt unaccountable younger brother that always blames his older brother for everything yet still feels hard done by. I can see the letter to mum telling her that it "is not my fault", "they made me do it"

When the PTP learn than democracy begins post ballot box then they won't have to worry. It is this complete refusal to respect democracy after elections that triggered this push for reform. The 2007 constitution strengthed the checks and balances much to 61% of the populations delight that voted for it, but that was not enough tp keep the insulant child from staying true to all the principles of democracy. They still managed to ride roughshod through the rule of law with impertinence and just like a spoilt younger brother blamed his elder brother for his own wrong doings.

This is a wonderful example of the PTP highlighting to the UN and the USA of it's inability to respect democracy. The USA has already seen this PTP warped belief structure. PTP said the PDRC are violent. The USA said they are not. The PTP denounced the rule of law. The USA said the rule of law is paramount to democracy.

I remember a Dr Weng sending a letter to the UN when the UN did not suit their agenda with the amnesty bill. He effectively said to the UN your wrong and we are right. Here are some quotes to the UN from him. "your declarations could be misleading and your credibility come under scrutiny" and "you are misinformed" and "you are completely incorrect". Just to reiterate, that is an official statement from the PTP/UDD to the UN.

The USA and especially the UN are well aware that the PTP and the UDD send letters on a whim and the UN who was also threatened when the UN did not suit their agenda will not be forgotten when the UN rep opens this new letter with shaky nervous hands and sweat dripping from his brow wondering if it is another threat or not form a govt that have a terrorist wing to do all it's dirty work.

"much to 61% of the populations delight that voted for it"

spinning the lie again? there was no choice the Army threatened to stay in power and no campaign against it was allowed - does it match up to your highfalutin ideals of democracy or are you a hypocrite?


Sorry you're right. Thanks for highlighting my incorrect %.

On 19 August 2007, a referendum was held in which 59.3% of the voters voted in favor of the constitution.

Thanks for the wiki link, by the way here's a bit of it.

"The military junta-appointed Constitution Drafting Assembly unanimously approved the draft in July 2007,[1]despite a lot of public controversy about several clauses. The junta passed a law making it illegal to publicly criticize the draft.[2] The junta also ran a successful promotion campaign leading up to the referendum, and threatened to not step down if the constitution is not accepted."

Surely one even as blinkered and misinformed as you can see a constitution forced upon the people with the threat of permanent military rule, and the threat of prison if criticized, is, in itself, unconstitutional.

Look I know your frustration in accepting the will of the majority. Don't forget I support the DEM's and they lost the last 6 elections. So I do understand your frustration, though I didn't make the same excuses as you.

The majority voted for the constitution. Accept the majorities wishes.

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Why is it that Thai people always have to seek approval from their American master. What has America got to do with the problems in Thailand?

In Thailand, when you have a problem, even if it is all your own making, you go to your patron and ask him to sort it out. Society structure = patronage system.

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Maybe Abhisit should send a letter to the UN and Obama and tell them that the PTP don't adhere to the other 14 principles of democracy. Maybe Abhsisit should tell them in this letter than elections are meaningless because an accused mass murderer, accused terrorist convicted criminal fugitive that is UNELECTABLE will be running the show if the PTP win. So kinda puts a true slant on any future elections. Obama would see that that is not acceptable and would maybe………just maybe think reform is needed to ensure an unelectable criminal is not PM.

One could say that unless reforms are implemented this will be an electoral coup. Those dirty coup mongers that not only supportered the 1992 coup when it suited their agenda, but are performing coups every election to keep a grip on power. The DEM's have denounced every coup in Thai history and the PTP have heralded 2. The 1992 coup and the 2011 coup. So to reiterate DEMS tally in coups - 0. The PTP - 2.

The PTP sound like a spoilt unaccountable younger brother that always blames his older brother for everything yet still feels hard done by. I can see the letter to mum telling her that it "is not my fault", "they made me do it"

When the PTP learn than democracy begins post ballot box then they won't have to worry. It is this complete refusal to respect democracy after elections that triggered this push for reform. The 2007 constitution strengthed the checks and balances much to 61% of the populations delight that voted for it, but that was not enough tp keep the insulant child from staying true to all the principles of democracy. They still managed to ride roughshod through the rule of law with impertinence and just like a spoilt younger brother blamed his elder brother for his own wrong doings.

This is a wonderful example of the PTP highlighting to the UN and the USA of it's inability to respect democracy. The USA has already seen this PTP warped belief structure. PTP said the PDRC are violent. The USA said they are not. The PTP denounced the rule of law. The USA said the rule of law is paramount to democracy.

I remember a Dr Weng sending a letter to the UN when the UN did not suit their agenda with the amnesty bill. He effectively said to the UN your wrong and we are right. Here are some quotes to the UN from him. "your declarations could be misleading and your credibility come under scrutiny" and "you are misinformed" and "you are completely incorrect". Just to reiterate, that is an official statement from the PTP/UDD to the UN.

The USA and especially the UN are well aware that the PTP and the UDD send letters on a whim and the UN who was also threatened when the UN did not suit their agenda will not be forgotten when the UN rep opens this new letter with shaky nervous hands and sweat dripping from his brow wondering if it is another threat or not form a govt that have a terrorist wing to do all it's dirty work.

"much to 61% of the populations delight that voted for it"

spinning the lie again? there was no choice the Army threatened to stay in power and no campaign against it was allowed - does it match up to your highfalutin ideals of democracy or are you a hypocrite?


Sorry you're right. Thanks for highlighting my incorrect %.

On 19 August 2007, a referendum was held in which 59.3% of the voters voted in favor of the constitution.

Thanks for the wiki link, by the way here's a bit of it.

"The military junta-appointed Constitution Drafting Assembly unanimously approved the draft in July 2007,[1]despite a lot of public controversy about several clauses. The junta passed a law making it illegal to publicly criticize the draft.[2] The junta also ran a successful promotion campaign leading up to the referendum, and threatened to not step down if the constitution is not accepted."

Surely one even as blinkered and misinformed as you can see a constitution forced upon the people with the threat of permanent military rule, and the threat of prison if criticized, is, in itself, unconstitutional.

Look I know your frustration in accepting the will of the majority. Don't forget I support the DEM's and they lost the last 6 elections. So I do understand your frustration, though I didn't make the same excuses as you.

The majority voted for the constitution. Accept the majorities wishes.

Like I said, "blinkered".

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ingless because an accused mass murderer, accused terrorist convicted criminal fugitive that is UNELECTABLE will be running the show if the PTP win.

"much to 61% of the populations delight that voted for it"

spinning the lie again? there was no choice the Army threatened to stay in power and no campaign against it was allowed - does it match up to your highfalutin ideals of democracy or are you a hypocrite?


Sorry you're right. Thanks for highlighting my incorrect %.

On 19 August 2007, a referendum was held in which 59.3% of the voters voted in favor of the constitution.

Thanks for the wiki link, by the way here's a bit of it.

"The military junta-appointed Constitution Drafting Assembly unanimously approved the draft in July 2007,[1]despite a lot of public controversy about several clauses. The junta passed a law making it illegal to publicly criticize the draft.[2] The junta also ran a successful promotion campaign leading up to the referendum, and threatened to not step down if the constitution is not accepted."

Surely one even as blinkered and misinformed as you can see a constitution forced upon the people with the threat of permanent military rule, and the threat of prison if criticized, is, in itself, unconstitutional.

Look I know your frustration in accepting the will of the majority. Don't forget I support the DEM's and they lost the last 6 elections. So I do understand your frustration, though I didn't make the same excuses as you.

The majority voted for the constitution. Accept the majorities wishes.

Like I said, "blinkered".

Like I said…Can't accept the majorities wishes.

I pity you…There is help.

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