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Lakes in Chiang Mai?


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Recently, I've been fantasizing (in a non-sexual way, mostly) about moving to Chiang Mai.

Just to keep my plans / dreams on track... are there many lakes in Chiang Mai? and are their many lakeside houses? and are the lakes safe for swimming?

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There are lakes, sure. Some nice ones that have sectioned off swimming areas and boating. They have little thatched raised (bamboo) areas for eating/picnic and food places to serve beer and cooked food - and the little girls and old ladies come round with the usual homemade fare (quail eggs/fruit/insects/etc) - entry 20 baht. No houses around the ones I know of - they are usually government land (like national parks or reservoirs).

//Edit: I go every few months with my kids and friends :)

Edited by wolf5370
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i'm not aware of any lakeside homes unless it's a private lake on the premises. as for swimming in them, i wouldn't due to the bacteria but often kids do. i have gone swimming in the moving water where people go rafting like up in Mae Wang.

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There is a Moo Baan on Canal Road that has a massive lake in it and a lot of the houses back onto it.

The only problem with this Moo Baan is that many houses are derelict and there is no housing committee, so no security and no maintenance.

Can't remember the name, maybe someone else knows it

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Chiang Mai--and Thailand in general--cannot boast of having many lakes. The few "lakes" I've seen are small, man-made bodies of water carved out of the ground by someone wanting to create a more natural atmosphere, or they are (again man-made) reservoirs behind dams.

Coming from the Land of 10,000 Lakes I've been dismayed by bodies of water here and the recreational activities I've come upon. Permanent lake homes with water rights or even overnight rental cabins similar to those found in the US, for example, are not in the Thai culture. Water sports like recreational boating, water skiing, and the like are also rare-to-non-existent. (In 5 years here in Chiang Mai I've only come across one pickup truck with a trailer hitch, which may be a good thing.) Swimming in lakes also is not what one might expect: the lake bottoms are quite naturally muddy or stoney, the water may be far from clear and free of water plants, and no sand is present along the shoreline.

Nonetheless, as has been said by others, well within 20 minutes outside of Chiang Mai you can most likely find what you're looking for if it's a day's picnic in a park with some water for fishing. Ubiquitous mosquitos always add to the ambiance at no additional cost.

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There is a Moo Baan on Canal Road that has a massive lake in it and a lot of the houses back onto it.

The only problem with this Moo Baan is that many houses are derelict and there is no housing committee, so no security and no maintenance.

Can't remember the name, maybe someone else knows it

if it's the one i'm thinking of - can't recall the name either, residents have complained for years that the moobaan is overrun with snakes, some of them very large - possibly pythons. a number of cats carcasses have been found days after they have gone missing. it's a bizarre moobaan. had to go to a meeting there one time and took a look around. some homes are fabulous while others are shacks, about to collapse. no maintenance whatsoever.

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Moo Bann Banwangtan (http://banwangtan.com/index.html ) in Hang Dong 15 minutes South of Chiang Mai city center on #108 has three lakes with lots for sale.

Go to site, click pic of house upper left, click on map. I would not swim in the lakes nor would I swim in any private lake in Thailand.

There are some very high end houses currently under construction on the lakes.

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There is a Moo Baan on Canal Road that has a massive lake in it and a lot of the houses back onto it.

The only problem with this Moo Baan is that many houses are derelict and there is no housing committee, so no security and no maintenance.

Can't remember the name, maybe someone else knows it

if it's the one i'm thinking of - can't recall the name either, residents have complained for years that the moobaan is overrun with snakes, some of them very large - possibly pythons. a number of cats carcasses have been found days after they have gone missing. it's a bizarre moobaan. had to go to a meeting there one time and took a look around. some homes are fabulous while others are shacks, about to collapse. no maintenance whatsoever.

It's called chiang mai Lakeland. It's is run down but I think it has great potential for the future. There are no lakes in there though! There are large landscaped ponds, very pleasant and some super large mansion type places. Lots of empty plots and no security. There will be snakes but no more than anywhere else.

The answer to the original question is chiang mai and the neighboring provinces don't have many lakes. It's more reservoirs and rivers.

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main lake is called huay thung thao, ok to swim...mae sa waterfalls further away in mae rim, very clean and cool refreshing water.

chiang mai grand canyon for cliff jumping, very deep water.

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The area around Chiang Mai is surrounded by reservoirs of many sizes, check it out on Google earth. Your lake front home could be humble or huge, floating or not. Boats, power or paddle of a wide variety, can be had easily in CM though trailers tend to be a rare sight. Not just Mae Ngat reservoir has floating cabins, or lake front housing; heck talk to local fishing shops for update info about surrounding lakes. Even the remote stretches of local rivers support float cabins and water front living spots.

More to the north east, waters can contain liver flukes - ehhhh

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