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PM Yingluck: No break from politics any time soon


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Is Pipkins back?

Are you referring to the blatant trolling by HonestQuietBob, or one of the others ?

What is it with you yellow peanuts?

If you have nothing to contribute to the topic - don't post.

Leave the moderating to the moderators.

Looks like the moderating has been done by the moderators.


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"Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra insisted that she has not considered taking a break from politics in the near future"

Of course not.....And why should she even consider it?.......Just because the PAD-Dem's want her gone so they can improve their electoral chances?

The coup-mongers try to spin the story that they have had an effect, and the PTP will have a reduced majority.....Wishful thinking to the extreme....The electoral base of Ms. Y. and the PTP have strengthened immeasurably in the face of anti-democracy noise and acting-out.

Her support has magnified to such an extent, that the DP really want her gone....

But that is all self-serving rhetoric and posturing.

The PAD-Dem's would be better served, by re-considering their own leadership. Their penchant for pointing everywhere but themselves as the cause of electoral futility, continues to haunt them.

"And why should she even consider it?" She already has - How about doing the honourable thing having presided over a massive amount of lying and cheating, ignoring the horrendous amount of corruption, and overseeing all the deaths and injuries

"coup-mongers" - don't you ever stop polluting the threads with your nonsensical BS? Losing half the voters represents an increase in the voting base? Not in my maths class.

"But that is all self-serving rhetoric and posturing" - that's about the limit of your posts.

Tell me - who represents that PAD part of your "PAD-Dems" nonsense that you pollute every thread with?

Good job Moruya, Mr. Fryslan Boppe needs to get his head out of the Reds channel and stop posting red rhetoric. He clearly has an Eesan girlfriend and is thinking with the "wrong head". Such a shame, he seems an educated person judging by his command of English.

First off and once again clearly: Look up the last proper election results (which were still polluted by harassing of Democrat supporters in most areas and vote buying) look up the result of the popular vote. You will find that nationally the difference between Phue Thai and the Dems was only 13% !!!! This should have resulted in a difference in seats of 23 %. But due to adjustments this Government made the difference was 123 seats!!!! Can you imagine some people are p*ssed off?

That's how democratic the Phue Thai party is. Then he constantly brings up this "Elite" against the poor rhetoric. Total nonsense. First off how can the difference between the Elite and the Reds only be 13%. Thailand should be so lucky! Secondly: search the internet and find one full fledgling member of the Democrats who even has 10% of the wealth the Sae Khu clan has (Sae Khu is their REAL name, it only changed in 1938 when these Chinese had to do it). So who are the Elite now? Meanwhile KNOWING that it's the rich Chinese Thais that control the entire middle man business, which is why the farmers are still poor and need to depend on Government hand outs (IF they get them, which is not the case in vast areas, except Eesan).

Then talking democratic systems. Do you know of any democratic country where you get convicted of electoral fraud, start a new party with new puppets, and then can still run for elections? The Phue Thai did this. First they were the PPP, they got convicted and moved on to become the TRT. They again got convicted and changed their name to Phue Thai.

Suthep (of whom I am NOT a supporter because he is in it for his own power deal) has said he is tired of fighting them in the courts (the legal way) because he wins, and still loses as they change the names and puppets. Hence the call for a change in Constitution and a change in the electoral laws (that have been adjusted with electorates to fit the Phue Thai). THEN we can finally have free and fair elections, and I would put forward for that first time, due to the emotions that are very real and alive, with a watchful eye of the UN.

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No time for rest, there is much for this lady, the face of democracy in Thailand to do:

1, Defeat the flailing coup attempt

2, win a crushing victory in the ensuing election

3, Round up and lock up the street thugs who caused this mess

4, Round up and lock up the behind the scenes string pullers and financiers who masterminded this mess

5, Clean out the corrupted public officials who have destroyed the independence of the courts, the military and the NGO's - lock them up too

6, Preside over a new referendum to fix the damage done to the 1997 constitution

7, And finally, return to doing the peoples work by implementing PTP policy that has and will continue to improve the lives of everyday Thais

You go get'em girl!

Interesting fantasy. Not really my cup of tea though.

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