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Chiang Mai: Woman caught with 4kg of crystal meth


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Woman caught with 4kg of crystal meth
The Nation


CHIANG MAI: -- A Thai woman was arrested at Chiang Mai International Airport on the weekend carrying 4.2kg of crystal meth, which had a street value of well over Bt13 million.

Siwaporn Sriphumichon, 27, has pleaded guilty. She said she was paid Bt30,000 to carry the drug from China's Guangzhou to Thailand via Hong Kong.

The drug was found hidden inside strollers Siwaporn had carried after her flight from Hong Kong landed in Chiang Mai on Sunday.

"It's the first time I've done this," Siwaporn said.

A native of Chachoengsao, she said she met the person who hired her via an Internet-based chat programme.

Anti-narcotics officials suspect Siwaporn's case might be linked to a transnational drug-trafficking network. About a week ago, an Indonesian travelling from Guangzhou was also arrested at Chiang Mai Airport for smuggling 2kg of crystal meth.

-- The Nation 2014-04-01

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After all this people is been caught and arrested, all they can say is i am been hired to do this and pay a little money for this, weren't they aware of the implication for the first place before traveling to bring in this stuff?, why do they now think before agreeing to do this business, no pity for this ones.

Edited by Tywais
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I know I won't be at all popular for saying this, but I can't help feeling incredibly sorry for this girl.

It's easy for us to say that it's crazy to do that for 30k, but we don't know the personal circumstances of the girl, what she was promised or her motivations for going along with it. But, she is now a victim and she will pay a heavy price because it's so much drugs and it's taken from another country which are both aggravating factors when she is up for sentence.

I completely and utterly disagree with you. You seem to be implying that it's possible to carry out some kind of cost benefit analysis with situations like this? blink.png You know ....to somehow calculate the " risk factor " and that is complete rubbish.

Whether it's 30,000, 300,000 or 3 million the fact is, it doesn't take much intelligence to understand if you are caught, you will go away for a very long time.

So she or anyone else who engages in these activities doesn't deserve any sympathy. If you value your life and if you value freedom this is far more valuable than any amount of money you are offered.

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Another drugs mule rounded up, with the usual posed picture of the massed forces of law and order in self-congratulatory mood. There must be hundreds like her, serving swingeing prison sentences for what many would regard as a relatively minor offence.

Meanwhile, it's business as usual for the wealthy drugs barons who run the mule trains and every other aspect of this filthy business.

Nabbing the small fry is all too easy. Now let's concentrate on bringing their rich and powerful paymasters to justice. Or are they, like the bankers who launder the drug's trade's ill gotten gains, too big to jail?

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I know I won't be at all popular for saying this, but I can't help feeling incredibly sorry for this girl.

It's easy for us to say that it's crazy to do that for 30k, but we don't know the personal circumstances of the girl, what she was promised or her motivations for going along with it. But, she is now a victim and she will pay a heavy price because it's so much drugs and it's taken from another country which are both aggravating factors when she is up for sentence.

I completely and utterly disagree with you. You seem to be implying that it's possible to carry out some kind of cost benefit analysis with situations like this? blink.png You know ....to somehow calculate the " risk factor " and that is complete rubbish.

Whether it's 30,000, 300,000 or 3 million the fact is, it doesn't take much intelligence to understand if you are caught, you will go away for a very long time.

So she or anyone else who engages in these activities doesn't deserve any sympathy. If you value your life and if you value freedom this is far more valuable than any amount of money you are offered.

I'm sure she values her life and her freedom. The fact that she was prepared to risk both for so little (to us) money indicates a degree of desperation more deserving of sympathy than sanctimony.

Many of us have money troubles and decisions have to be made. Thankfully, most of us go about it without dealing in stuff that ruins lives. Are you saying it's OK for someone with financial problems to do a hit on someone. ?

Drugs can kill the same as a bullet.

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I know I won't be at all popular for saying this, but I can't help feeling incredibly sorry for this girl.

It's easy for us to say that it's crazy to do that for 30k, but we don't know the personal circumstances of the girl, what she was promised or her motivations for going along with it. But, she is now a victim and she will pay a heavy price because it's so much drugs and it's taken from another country which are both aggravating factors when she is up for sentence.

I completely and utterly disagree with you. You seem to be implying that it's possible to carry out some kind of cost benefit analysis with situations like this? blink.png You know ....to somehow calculate the " risk factor " and that is complete rubbish.

Whether it's 30,000, 300,000 or 3 million the fact is, it doesn't take much intelligence to understand if you are caught, you will go away for a very long time.

So she or anyone else who engages in these activities doesn't deserve any sympathy. If you value your life and if you value freedom this is far more valuable than any amount of money you are offered.

I'm sure she values her life and her freedom. The fact that she was prepared to risk both for so little (to us) money indicates a degree of desperation more deserving of sympathy than sanctimony.

Poverty is not an excuse and can never justify the act of doing something wrong.

And how about directing your concern for the lives those drugs would ruin if she had not been caught.

Edited by Asiantravel
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I know I won't be at all popular for saying this, but I can't help feeling incredibly sorry for this girl.

It's easy for us to say that it's crazy to do that for 30k, but we don't know the personal circumstances of the girl, what she was promised or her motivations for going along with it. But, she is now a victim and she will pay a heavy price because it's so much drugs and it's taken from another country which are both aggravating factors when she is up for sentence.

I completely and utterly disagree with you. You seem to be implying that it's possible to carry out some kind of cost benefit analysis with situations like this? blink.png You know ....to somehow calculate the " risk factor " and that is complete rubbish.

Whether it's 30,000, 300,000 or 3 million the fact is, it doesn't take much intelligence to understand if you are caught, you will go away for a very long time.

So she or anyone else who engages in these activities doesn't deserve any sympathy. If you value your life and if you value freedom this is far more valuable than any amount of money you are offered.

I'm sure she values her life and her freedom. The fact that she was prepared to risk both for so little (to us) money indicates a degree of desperation more deserving of sympathy than sanctimony.

Poverty is not an excuse and can never justify the act of doing something wrong.

And how about directing your concern for the lives those drugs would ruin if she had not been caught.

Unfortunately there will be another to take her place, the "big" bucks are hard to resist it seems.

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I know I won't be at all popular for saying this, but I can't help feeling incredibly sorry for this girl.

I agree and the filthy rich scumbag at the top, who talked her into it, will likely do no time at all.

She had choices....but made a bad choice.

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....do you expect the perpetrator to give you an accurate account of anything....

...utter nonsense.....

....commit a crime......get caught....plead for sympathy.....or 'tear a ligament'......

Edited by SOTIRIOS
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OK all you Old F*rts - name the artist who sang this song ...

Drugs may bring you Joy

But the danger is they Destroy

So watch what you do, or You'll be the next to go

Hey, yep old guy, but l can control my farts, AND, have never needed drugs to alter my young or old gray cells. smile.png

The female form is enough for me...........thumbsup.gif

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I know I won't be at all popular for saying this, but I can't help feeling incredibly sorry for this girl.

It's easy for us to say that it's crazy to do that for 30k, but we don't know the personal circumstances of the girl, what she was promised or her motivations for going along with it. But, she is now a victim and she will pay a heavy price because it's so much drugs and it's taken from another country which are both aggravating factors when she is up for sentence.

I completely and utterly disagree with you. You seem to be implying that it's possible to carry out some kind of cost benefit analysis with situations like this? blink.png You know ....to somehow calculate the " risk factor " and that is complete rubbish.

Whether it's 30,000, 300,000 or 3 million the fact is, it doesn't take much intelligence to understand if you are caught, you will go away for a very long time.

So she or anyone else who engages in these activities doesn't deserve any sympathy. If you value your life and if you value freedom this is far more valuable than any amount of money you are offered.

''You seem to be implying that it's possible to carry out some kind of cost benefit analysis with situations like this? blink.png.pagespeed.ce.1yRKwuklr5.png You know ....to somehow calculate the " risk factor " and that is complete rubbish.''

No rubbish at all...

You do not seem to realize that there are some very good con men aout there....

''Many people have done this and never a problem'

''It will be a very easy 30,000 bahts for you, sure''

''If you ever get into some kind of problem, I will fix it for you. I know many people out there''

''If you do not want to do it, it is ok, I have people here who want to do it again''

And so on...

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Poverty is not an excuse and can never justify the act of doing something wrong.

And how about directing your concern for the lives those drugs would ruin if she had not been caught.

Not sure providing drugs ruins anything or anyone.

Those who want them will find a way of getting them.

If they can't get them, those who will be destroyed would merely find another way to destroy themselves.

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After all this people is been caught and arrested, all they can say is i am been hired to do this and pay a little money for this, weren't they aware of the implication for the first place before traveling to bring in this stuff?, why do they now think before agreeing to do this business, no pity for this ones.

Mmmm and your Thai Visa name is godwish4love ?????!!!! Must be that revengeful hating God from the Old Testament.

Do you know what poverty is? Do you know all the circumstances? I don't like drug dealers but I feel sorry for silly people being dragged into it. Compassion is the key. Meta ! Yes, she should do time. And yes it should be in accordance with the crime. First time. What she then needs is a proper schooling for a proper job.

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I know I won't be at all popular for saying this, but I can't help feeling incredibly sorry for this girl.

It's easy for us to say that it's crazy to do that for 30k, but we don't know the personal circumstances of the girl, what she was promised or her motivations for going along with it. But, she is now a victim and she will pay a heavy price because it's so much drugs and it's taken from another country which are both aggravating factors when she is up for sentence.

I completely and utterly disagree with you. You seem to be implying that it's possible to carry out some kind of cost benefit analysis with situations like this? blink.png You know ....to somehow calculate the " risk factor " and that is complete rubbish.

Whether it's 30,000, 300,000 or 3 million the fact is, it doesn't take much intelligence to understand if you are caught, you will go away for a very long time.

So she or anyone else who engages in these activities doesn't deserve any sympathy. If you value your life and if you value freedom this is far more valuable than any amount of money you are offered.

You have no idea what this person has been through in her life, you’re heartless. People don’t always think things through property, everyone make mistakes sometimes. Maybe your merciless cold-blooded attitude would change if someone close to you had to suffer the consequences of a major mistake.

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I know I won't be at all popular for saying this, but I can't help feeling incredibly sorry for this girl.

It's easy for us to say that it's crazy to do that for 30k, but we don't know the personal circumstances of the girl, what she was promised or her motivations for going along with it. But, she is now a victim and she will pay a heavy price because it's so much drugs and it's taken from another country which are both aggravating factors when she is up for sentence.

I completely and utterly disagree with you. You seem to be implying that it's possible to carry out some kind of cost benefit analysis with situations like this? blink.png You know ....to somehow calculate the " risk factor " and that is complete rubbish.

Whether it's 30,000, 300,000 or 3 million the fact is, it doesn't take much intelligence to understand if you are caught, you will go away for a very long time.

So she or anyone else who engages in these activities doesn't deserve any sympathy. If you value your life and if you value freedom this is far more valuable than any amount of money you are offered.

You have no idea what this person has been through in her life, you’re heartless. People don’t always think things through property, everyone make mistakes sometimes. Maybe your merciless cold-blooded attitude would change if someone close to you had to suffer the consequences of a major mistake.

Your stupid, so anyone who has a hard life is OK to do drugs or anything else to bring in big bucks ? GAWD 'ELP US............

Met a bloke like you on jury service... Complete nutter............sad.png

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I know I won't be at all popular for saying this, but I can't help feeling incredibly sorry for this girl.

It's easy for us to say that it's crazy to do that for 30k, but we don't know the personal circumstances of the girl, what she was promised or her motivations for going along with it. But, she is now a victim and she will pay a heavy price because it's so much drugs and it's taken from another country which are both aggravating factors when she is up for sentence.

I completely and utterly disagree with you. You seem to be implying that it's possible to carry out some kind of cost benefit analysis with situations like this? blink.png You know ....to somehow calculate the " risk factor " and that is complete rubbish.

Whether it's 30,000, 300,000 or 3 million the fact is, it doesn't take much intelligence to understand if you are caught, you will go away for a very long time.

So she or anyone else who engages in these activities doesn't deserve any sympathy. If you value your life and if you value freedom this is far more valuable than any amount of money you are offered.

You have no idea what this person has been through in her life, you’re heartless. People don’t always think things through property, everyone make mistakes sometimes. Maybe your merciless cold-blooded attitude would change if someone close to you had to suffer the consequences of a major mistake.

Your stupid, so anyone who has a hard life is OK to do drugs or anything else to bring in big bucks ? GAWD 'ELP US............

Met a bloke like you on jury service... Complete nutter............sad.png

I see that it’s difficult for you to comprehend there are situations in people’s lives that drive them to make the wrong decisions, that requires intellect, compassion, empathy. My God the woman’s life is ruined is there any compassion in you? You’re an opinionated slacker with a keyboard in your bedroom making judgments with that dim bulb pimple between your ears, how did you ever even learn to write? God help us all from people like YOU……

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You reckon twinkle toes. How long do you think it took to set this ladies "job" up, names, tickets, meetings etc. ????????????

Blinkered folk like you are the reason the planet is going under, do gooders, like you make me sick, making excuses for anyone that gets caught doing shit. w00t.gif ..facepalm.gif

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I'm no do gooder, but there is no disputing that the "War on Drugs" has been a failure. IMO, the Mr. Bigs that fund these drug operations are lot more culpable than the desperate mules that they convince to do the dirty work and people that take the drugs are lot more responsible for their own problems than the people that they buy them from.

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I'm no do gooder, but there is no disputing that the "War on Drugs" has been a failure. IMO, the Mr. Bigs that fund these drug operations are lot more culpable than the desperate mules that they convince to do the dirty work and people that take the drugs are lot more responsible for their own problems than the people that they buy them from.

Too right! Bring back Mr T. He knew how to conduct a war on drugs. Drove the price up, per pill, seven hundred percent.

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