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stopped bt the police, Warning/advice


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I give up. I have nothing to prove I just tried to give a little advice.

Show me a bts station near ko lanta pizza banglampoo.

Excuse me for trying to offer a little help and insight into what happened to me. If it was 2 in the morning I would understand your deluded offensive comments as alcohol induced, but as it's 3pm then ???

I have nothing to prove, and certainly nothing to gain and no interest in responding to pathetic challenges and accusations. Over and out.

Actually I thought that what you had posted was worth it. So many people coming here have a paranoid fear for the Police of any country. Thailand and its stories make that paranoia even more ingrained it seems and it is not so unfounded. But as I said in my response... adding fuel to a possible fire is not a good idea. Just play the game, buy them a coffee after they find that you are compliant and pose no threat and your hand cannot be moved into your pocket for that extra cash. Not all Thai policemen are out for their Tea Money. Making something so small much larger (and by filming the whole thing on your iPad!) is playing the Farang card and that is never a good idea, for we are not better than anyone else.

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One some years ago me and My Thai GF came with the bus from Koh Chang after been there over Songkran. When I got off the buss with my bag over the shoulder I got called by two Police officers. They asked me if I had any drugs, weapons or other illegal things in the bag and I told then No. Nothing not even cigarettes.

When they started to go through my bag my GF told them something in Thai, and they both started to chuckle and locked amused, so I asked her what she said. She said me she told them I had a gun in my bag. And one Police says, -Yes, Gun.

Of cause I had a gun. A water pistol from playing a bit at Songkran. The police found it, played a little bit with at and laughed a bit. And then we were off to go.

I asked my GF about the incident later, and she told me it is rather common they would like to go through your stuff at public holidays and the time around that.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I give up. I have nothing to prove I just tried to give a little advice.
Show me a bts station near ko lanta pizza banglampoo.

Excuse me for trying to offer a little help and insight into what happened to me. If it was 2 in the morning I would understand your deluded offensive comments as alcohol induced, but as it's 3pm then ???

I have nothing to prove, and certainly nothing to gain and no interest in responding to pathetic challenges and accusations. Over and out.

Actually I thought that what you had posted was worth it. So many people coming here have a paranoid fear for the Police of any country. Thailand and its stories make that paranoia even more ingrained it seems and it is not so unfounded. But as I said in my response... adding fuel to a possible fire is not a good idea. Just play the game, buy them a coffee after they find that you are compliant and pose no threat and your hand cannot be moved into your pocket for that extra cash. Not all Thai policemen are out for their Tea Money. Making something so small much larger (and by filming the whole thing on your iPad!) is playing the Farang card and that is never a good idea, for we are not better than anyone else.

Yes,, there ARE many good policemen here,, I know several casually,,, THE problem, is there are MANY MORE, that will pull the, "you DON'T want to go to jail!",,, So they'll palm something.. small bag of baby powder maybe,, reach into your pocket,, and LO and BEHOLD?,, "you must be a drug dealer",,, So if this happens late at night, you're alone,, and guess what?,,, they'll want $10,000-$20,000 to let you go on your way,,, So, what would YOU do?,, Take the risk?,, say,, "not mine, take me in, I'll see you in court",, Buull$h---t!,,, you pay the $$$,,, Clear enough?

You can do a search on TV, a couple years ago,, A 20 something American kid, bought some pot from a bartender in KSR,, (VERY stupid YES!!), walked away, sat down on the curb,, within 5 mins, he was approached by 2 cops, searched,, Of COURSE they found it,, Did they arrest him?,, NO,, they took his passport, and EXTORTED him for $20,000,,, telling him to meet them someplace the next day with the $$, in exchange for his passport,,, of COURSE the pot went RIGHT back to the bartender, to start this cycle again,,, It may NOT have even been pot to start with!,,, Again,, I'm VERY leery when being searched randomly, ESP late at night, while walking alone,, IT HAPPENS! Search it.

Edited by Adeeos
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This is all nice and well. The problem is that the warrant will be in Thai. The language will be Thai. How many of us can handle this?

Note the 2nd part as it pertains to the OP. Source - Siam Legal

Guidelines to be followed in searches and seizures with a warrant
  1. The search warrant must be shown to the occupant before the search is conducted;
  2. The officer must give his name and title to the occupant prior to the search;
  3. As much as possible, the search must be conducted in the presence of the owner or occupant or a competent member of his family;
  4. If no owner/occupant/family member is available to witness the search, the police must secure the presence of at least two independent and competent witnesses before the search is conducted;
  5. The items found in the search must be shown to the witnesses, who must acknowledge the items found.

Police may conduct searches and seizures without a warrant when he has reasonable grounds to believe that the suspect has in his possession:

  1. Articles that may be used to commit a crime;
  2. The fruits of a crime;
  3. Illegal items (like illegal substances).
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maybe they dont routinely plant drugs but i have heard so many stories

I hear many stories as well, and most of them are not true.

Police do not plant drugs.

Ha I know different My wife use to work for the Thai police, there are many other scams to.

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Well,, From now on, I guess my initial response to nearly ALL posts after the OP,,,will be this,,,, you simply can NOT,,, NOT log onto this site,, WITHOUT seeing this type of BS response,,,, claiming TROLL,,, chastising, berating, beating down the original poster,,,, VERY, VERY sad actually,, But Hey,,, keeps them from bailing off the balcony I guess,,,,,

"You come to bed Tilac?,,, NO darling, Not yet,, someone is wrong on the interweb,, I HAVE to respond with MY infinite knowledge/wisdom,, .02 baht"

Edited by Adeeos
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From ASK A LAWYER thread:

"You can request to search the police who will be doing the body search first and you should also ask them to show their hands that they're not hiding anything, also it is best to have a witness with you at all times, witnessing the whole process."

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I thought I had signed out, but on going to Thai visa I noticed I hadn'tt, and was happy to see more supportive comments. I only posted this to potentially be of help.My recording was not very good as I could not properly balance the ipad ( cheap case, and I was rather nervous), it shows a sweeping image of the police station, the officers and my asking if they would mind if I recorded the search, they agreed. My ipad wouldn't stand properly, I tried to balance it on a book, but if failed. They assured me the station cameras worked, and in addition used their phone to record it. Thai visa have my email address and my number (I assume), if you want it posted agree to mute my voice and I am happy to forward it for you to show it, on the condition the doubters full names are revealed. Put your money were you mouth is doubters. If you agree to my conditions I will forward it. Make it legal Thai visa and show these people for what they are.

Sorry mate, but I call &lt;deleted&gt; on this story. Video or it never happened. PM me the link, you don't have to post it publicly. I will issue a full apology IF I am wrong.

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Thanks for that wonderfully ridiculous post. I will try NOT to BE a DI**-H***,

Is that your advice .. ? Gee that's smart, thanks again.

And you would have done exactly what? Don't know about you,

but I always try to act with a bit of restraint when I deal with cops.

You know, those guys in uniform carrying guns ... in a 3rd world

country! So, pray tell ...

BTW, I think your "DI**-H*** may have been somewhat misdirected wink.png

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I give up. I have nothing to prove I just tried to give a little advice.

Show me a bts station near ko lanta pizza banglampoo.

Excuse me for trying to offer a little help and insight into what happened to me. If it was 2 in the morning I would understand your deluded offensive comments as alcohol induced, but as it's 3pm then ???

I have nothing to prove, and certainly nothing to gain and no interest in responding to pathetic challenges and accusations. Over and out.

Actually I thought that what you had posted was worth it. So many people coming here have a paranoid fear for the Police of any country. Thailand and its stories make that paranoia even more ingrained it seems and it is not so unfounded. But as I said in my response... adding fuel to a possible fire is not a good idea. Just play the game, buy them a coffee after they find that you are compliant and pose no threat and your hand cannot be moved into your pocket for that extra cash. Not all Thai policemen are out for their Tea Money. Making something so small much larger (and by filming the whole thing on your iPad!) is playing the Farang card and that is never a good idea, for we are not better than anyone else.

Yes,, there ARE many good policemen here,, I know several casually,,, THE problem, is there are MANY MORE, that will pull the, "you DON'T want to go to jail!",,, So they'll palm something.. small bag of baby powder maybe,, reach into your pocket,, and LO and BEHOLD?,, "you must be a drug dealer",,, So if this happens late at night, you're alone,, and guess what?,,, they'll want $10,000-$20,000 to let you go on your way,,, So, what would YOU do?,, Take the risk?,, say,, "not mine, take me in, I'll see you in court",, Buull$h---t!,,, you pay the $$$,,, Clear enough?

You can do a search on TV, a couple years ago,, A 20 something American kid, bought some pot from a bartender in KSR,, (VERY stupid YES!!), walked away, sat down on the curb,, within 5 mins, he was approached by 2 cops, searched,, Of COURSE they found it,, Did they arrest him?,, NO,, they took his passport, and EXTORTED him for $20,000,,, telling him to meet them someplace the next day with the $$, in exchange for his passport,,, of COURSE the pot went RIGHT back to the bartender, to start this cycle again,,, It may NOT have even been pot to start with!,,, Again,, I'm VERY leery when being searched randomly, ESP late at night, while walking alone,, IT HAPPENS! Search it.

Sure... sh*t happens. Even in the West. Yes, corruption in this country is bad. There are local Plods out there who think nothing of holding you for however long until you pay up and even afterwards when you have they might find another way of holding you for even more. These things happen. But to act as if you are being rousted and playing into their hands is part of the problem. Turn the tables on them by doing something that they are not expecting... like (given the time of day that the original OP stated) take them to breakfast. Talk nicely to them. Do not be adversarial. Carry a copy of your paper work (Visa and the like) with you (I scan mine and shrink it down to fit into an ID badge case).

Listen, I have no idea what I would really do in this type of situation as in the past 4 years I have never been stopped or questioned about a thing. But then again I like to make friends of the local Plod by buying cold water for the guys at the traffic points during the day when I know I will pass them as an example. I even remember to buy a few donuts for the guys at the highway checkpoints sometimes (hay you never know when you might need them). It is strange how 'little things from a Farang' stick in their heads. For if I was in their shoes, I would be very grateful for the thought. In short, I take the time to be friendly and in so doing get them to know me... oh... and I do smile a lot. So I guess that the rule of thumb is make friends and in so doing have those in the Force that you could use to intercede if needed.

We know the crap that can happen here. But I have been to Russia and it isn't much better there. Hell I lived in NYC for 20 years and certainly know that those officers are not always on the up and up. So welcome to real life? Just do not give them a reason to extort you. Be friendly and happy. Play to their vindictiveness and then turn it. For to them it is a game, to see what they can get away with and if you (your personality, for they can spot a 'sap' from a mile off) and your pockets are worth the effort. Playing their game only leads to the rest of us having no other choice than to pay up. But if you have to, then pay up and do not be aggressive. For we all know how that can end.

Edited by iamariva1957
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for this post - I had the same - Stop and search 100 metes from where you were searched, but I was closer to KhaoSan - Post here - This time last year there was a large increase in searches by police - They always seem to do it in places that are away from crowds.

Living here and having the same experience happen very close to OP - I know that it is a true experience

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Thanks for this post - I had the same - Stop and search 100 metes from where you were searched, but I was closer to KhaoSan - Post here - This time last year there was a large increase in searches by police - They always seem to do it in places that are away from crowds.

Living here and having the same experience happen very close to OP - I know that it is a true experience

Same happened to me.


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