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if a Thai girl who isn't a bar girl accepts money for sex....


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There's a price for everything.

If Warren Buffett or Bill Gates offered you a billion USD to perform any particular act, I doubt you'd refuse. (and you did bother to mention he offered a large sum.)

I don't think I'd rake the lady over the coals for being willing to make some extra income.

Ultimately, obviously, up to you in every respect. Back out if you feel uncomfortable.

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To the O.P.

I had to fast-forward to the end of this thread. 4 pages in and I'd only seen about half a dozen 'educated' responses!

Too many bitter, twisted, ego-driven, know-it-alls on this site I'm afraid. Hopefully, I will offer some 'good' advice.

Do not be put off by this girl. Take her out, pay for everything, have fun, treat it like a Western relationship.. but with the knowledge that these girls are a lot less well off than us. You will work out if she has a 'game plan' - as most people on this site would suggest!

OR she could simply be a shrewd young lady, wanting to date a Western man, but accepting money if it is offered. Would you have more respect for her if she told your friend to keep his money and offered to <deleted> him for free? I wouldn't. If you want a more realistic test to see if she is indeed just looking for 'customers' on the site.... set up a profile with an old fat man and ask the same question, but with an offer of 1500 baht for short time. I'm 99% certain you won't even get a reply. But why shouldn't she accept your friend's offer if she thought he looked cute, and chances are she would have f**ked him for free if it came down to it?

Everyone has their own level of 'acceptability' in Thailand, and it should NOT be the same as it would be in your own country, because you are NOT in your own country. These girls are essentially poor, but they have a very precious gift from God between their legs. Why shouldn't they explore the value of that asset, and use it to make life easier for themselves.

Some men will happily marry girls they met working in bars, some will only date girls like the one you described, and some will only be happy with girls who are lily white. It is essentially down to you and your level of acceptibility. I have toyed with the idea of all three, and have decided that the best one for me is the one in the middle smile.png

Good luck my friend. Enjoy yourself and forget what the nay-sayers tell you. Chances are they've been getting wrong for years anyway!

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What the hell are you talking about? I swear half you fuxers on these boards seem like you're drunk or senile 90% of the time.

The most convincing trolls are intelligent.
Could it be that the OP is American in which case the aforementioned degree was attained at a college (known to others as a university?)
Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Brown, Rice, UCLA, etc. are never referred to as "colleges"

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Your right a subset of them are referred to as universities. Most however are not.

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What the hell are you talking about? I swear half you fuxers on these boards seem like you're drunk or senile 90% of the time.

The most convincing trolls are intelligent.

Could it be that the OP is American in which case the aforementioned degree was attained at a college (known to others as a university?)

Could it be you're too lazy to look up the difference?


Most "colleges" are separate schools. They are not located in a university. Some colleges are part of a university and are located on the university campus. (The "campus" is the school buildings and surrounding area). A few colleges offer graduate programs in selected subjects. However, it is usually universities that offer graduate programs. So, Americans use the word" university" and not "college" when they talk about graduate study.

to most americans university and college are interchangeable when having a normal conversation.

Where i grew up we had state universities that you could get a bachelors, masters and doctorate from and we had city colleges that you could get a bachelors and a masters from. To my knowledge the city college did not have a phd program.

If i remember correctly 2 year associate degrees were available at both also.

That was a long time ago though so things may have changed.

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You are being completely ridiculous. A western girl would feel ashamed to accept cash for sex. But, she would be perfectly comfortable accepting three dinners, and one gift for sex. So, how is that any different? The Thai girl is being more honest, and displaying more integrity, is she not? She is telling you up front exactly what it is going to take. With the western girl it may be four dinners, and two gifts. It is going to depend upon her mood. Will she offer you sex if you are poor, and cannot afford the dinners? Very unlikely. So, what would you call the little exchange that is taking place? I call it pay for play. Of course, they would never admit that. But, I am calling it like I see it. There is nothing ethically or morally wrong with paying for sex. It is inherently honest. It is our religious upbringing that prevents us from seeing this.

The morality of prostitution is a bit tangential to the original post. If he wouldn’t want to date a lawyer in his home country, it’s completely legitimate for him to not date a lawyer in Thailand. If he wouldn’t want to date a prostitute in his home country, it’s completely legitimate for him to not date a prostitute in Thailand. That doesn’t change even if you think that there is being a lawyer is no worse than having any other job.

Yes, but you missed my point. He dated many, many prostitutes in the west. He just did not know it, and they would be unwilling to call themselves that. I am saying the legitimacy the west lends a woman who wants to bang for gifts, dinners, and prizes is corrupt to say the least. It is feminism that allows this to continue. Let us call a spade a spade. Let us not rush to judgment on a Thai woman who openly collects cash in exchange for sex. Is it always prostitution? Is that different than a women in Los Angeles who waits until I spend $1,000 on dinners, movies, and gifts, before getting naked with me? If so, then most of the women I have dated in the west were prostitutes.

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She may have failed according to your " friend" but the whole scenario has shown your true colours and your friends true colours.

You missed out because the real test was would she have sex with you for free. Many poor women world wide would be tempted for significant amounts of cash.

You failed the test Jack so hit the road. You are only teasing yourself.

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You are being completely ridiculous. A western girl would feel ashamed to accept cash for sex. But, she would be perfectly comfortable accepting three dinners, and one gift for sex. So, how is that any different? The Thai girl is being more honest, and displaying more integrity, is she not? She is telling you up front exactly what it is going to take. With the western girl it may be four dinners, and two gifts. It is going to depend upon her mood. Will she offer you sex if you are poor, and cannot afford the dinners? Very unlikely. So, what would you call the little exchange that is taking place? I call it pay for play. Of course, they would never admit that. But, I am calling it like I see it. There is nothing ethically or morally wrong with paying for sex. It is inherently honest. It is our religious upbringing that prevents us from seeing this.

The morality of prostitution is a bit tangential to the original post. If he wouldn’t want to date a lawyer in his home country, it’s completely legitimate for him to not date a lawyer in Thailand. If he wouldn’t want to date a prostitute in his home country, it’s completely legitimate for him to not date a prostitute in Thailand. That doesn’t change even if you think that there is being a lawyer is no worse than having any other job.

Yes, but you missed my point. He dated many, many prostitutes in the west. He just did not know it, and they would be unwilling to call themselves that. I am saying the legitimacy the west lends a woman who wants to bang for gifts, dinners, and prizes is corrupt to say the least. It is feminism that allows this to continue. Let us call a spade a spade. Let us not rush to judgment on a Thai woman who openly collects cash in exchange for sex. Is it always prostitution? Is that different than a women in Los Angeles who waits until I spend $1,000 on dinners, movies, and gifts, before getting naked with me? If so, then most of the women I have dated in the west were prostitutes.

no, those were whores,

the bottomless pit's of "give me"

prostitutes provide a service and then go home,

whores take and take and take

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Women want sex as much as men do. Put the shoe on the other foot. Suppose you were in LA with a real good looking chick. She offers you $5000.00 to have sex with her. Would you do it ?

Your answer will determine what you are for life. (NOT)

So why the double standard ? Most women have sex and the conditions they have sex under vary from woman to woman. There is a big difference between a prostitute and a whore.

You have a lot of maturing to do before entering into a permanent relationship.

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On my honeymoon I woke up in a bit of a stupor after a rather heavy night of drinking and, in a bit of a daze, handed my new wife a £10 note

I froze with horror when I suddenly realised what I had done

But not nearly as much horror as I felt when she gave me £5 change!!

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Women want sex as much as men do. Put the shoe on the other foot. Suppose you were in LA with a real good looking chick. She offers you $5000.00 to have sex with her. Would you do it ?

Your answer will determine what you are for life. (NOT)

So why the double standard ? Most women have sex and the conditions they have sex under vary from woman to woman. There is a big difference between a prostitute and a whore.

You have a lot of maturing to do before entering into a permanent relationship.

If women want sex as much as men do why are there 10,000,000 ladies to 10 men in the trade?

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Women want sex as much as men do. Put the shoe on the other foot. Suppose you were in LA with a real good looking chick. She offers you $5000.00 to have sex with her. Would you do it ?

Your answer will determine what you are for life. (NOT)

So why the double standard ? Most women have sex and the conditions they have sex under vary from woman to woman. There is a big difference between a prostitute and a whore.

You have a lot of maturing to do before entering into a permanent relationship.

If women want sex as much as men do why are there 10,000,000 ladies to 10 men in the trade?

and the 10 men are gay lol ...............

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Most Thai girls look for a supplement to their very poor incomes; not only bar girls. Welcome to Asia. You spend more on a farang lady taking her out to dinner and buying drinks than you will by giving a Thai girl 1500 - 2000 Bt. Compare your salary to yours. Yes, most like a little extra

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(the QLD cop in that episode is one of very few I've seen fly to Asia and Africa and actually arrange for the locals to sting the scammers - its good PR for the QLD cops, but at least he gets off his butt and goes after them)

Nope...he just knew he could visit Soi Cowboy in his time off.

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Bottom line, you cannot be sure if she is 'virtuous' or not. Now, if after sex she hints that she needs to be paid then you can be sure. Remember, of course, that sex with a woman, wife or girlfriend, costs money one way or another.

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Bottom line, you cannot be sure if she is 'virtuous' or not. Now, if after sex she hints that she needs to be paid then you can be sure. Remember, of course, that sex with a woman, wife or girlfriend, costs money one way or another.

If she doesn't ask before I forget we had sex is she still a hooker? facepalm.gif Wife number #3 used to ask me for money all the time and we never had sex. Is there a special name for that? Do hookers get money for not having sex? Maybe in another country. smile.png

Edited by thailiketoo
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On my honeymoon I woke up in a bit of a stupor after a rather heavy night of drinking and, in a bit of a daze, handed my new wife a £10 note

I froze with horror when I suddenly realised what I had done

But not nearly as much horror as I felt when she gave me £5 change!!

you were lucky ,mine never has any change............:(

but she accepts credit and debit cards ...........biggrin.png

Edited by speedtripler
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If she was willing to go with you for free why should she say no to some guy offering her money. Are you that much better looking ? She might have went with him for free also but he was playing a game and now will never know. Try offering her money and see if she takes.... Hahaha

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if she accept money for sex , then she is ...

rates are between 1500 and 3000 thb a day...

Doctors give medical opinions. Lawyers give legal opinions. Monks give religious opinions.

So what are you?

A master in spending money on Girls... ( all over the world )

I don't blame the girls for what they do, neither i will say Thailand is wrong doing...

But if you are looking for a sincere lady, then go to Thailand to find the 99% of the good lady's, there are to many good girls

and not go "On-line" where are only the few good ones...

I accept a girl asking me money, as long she's honest...

If you'll ever lived amongst the real and poor, then you'll understand their way of thinking and living.

No need for judging them based on your own personal opinion, morality, culture...

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If you had not yet started a serious relationship with that Thai girl,

And she got an offer of a good sum of money for sex,

And she accepted,

She is a very normal Thai girl.

The perception of what sex is in Thailand is not the same as what we are used to.

Christian countries judge people as good or bad, based on whether they will go to hell or heaven. Creates lots of inhibitions regarding sex.

Thailand as a Buddhist country is very much different..

If you like that girl, take her before your friend does.

I would surmise it would be very difficult to find a girl with a mind set that you would be accustomed to and expect here...

A good girl here is not the same as a good girl back home

But good girl she might me. Take her.

A Thai lady expects her boyfriend/date/husband to show how much he loves her, by giving her money.
A very good book to read about relationship with a Thai is “Thailand Fever”; see more at thailandfever.com
A quote from page 183, the chapter about Money and Support:
»For your own benefit, we challenge you to either let go of your Western ideal of separating support from true love, or abandon your relationship to avoid decades of pointless struggling.«
I.e. someone offering a “a fairly large amount” of money, may as well offer a fairly large amount of true love…
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its common knowledge that a chat girl will let a guy offer her money or she'll make an offer to upset him as away of blowing him off if she's not interested! i had my gf ask some dumb <deleted> who wanted to marry after seeing a public profile pic and probably was using a fake photo for a $17,000 US$ security deposit to show good faith cus he was bragging he was wealthy and educated in USA. He rudely responded that she was crazy! Better you come over here and sample the chat girl, then try one from a bar whorehouse and see what you like best! Internet relationships suck. Good Luck!!

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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if she accept money for sex , then she is ...

rates are between 1500 and 3000 thb a day...

Doctors give medical opinions. Lawyers give legal opinions. Monks give religious opinions.

So what are you?

A master in spending money on Girls... ( all over the world )

I don't blame the girls for what they do, neither i will say Thailand is wrong doing...

But if you are looking for a sincere lady, then go to Thailand to find the 99% of the good lady's, there are to many good girls

and not go "On-line" where are only the few good ones...

I accept a girl asking me money, as long she's honest...

If you'll ever lived amongst the real and poor, then you'll understand their way of thinking and living.

No need for judging them based on your own personal opinion, morality, culture...

You wrote, "No need for judging them based on your own personal opinion, morality, culture..."

You also wrote, "if she accept money for sex , then she is ..."


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