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if a Thai girl who isn't a bar girl accepts money for sex....


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Your character is at question here. See your doctor ASAP. Do this young woman no more harm and never cross the path of decent man on your many dark and lonely days. You are very sick puppy. Insincere, insecure. see, sick puppy.

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its common knowledge that a chat girl will let a guy offer her money or she'll make an offer to upset him as away of blowing him off if she's not interested! i had my gf ask some dumb <deleted> who wanted to marry after seeing a public profile pic and probably was using a fake photo for a $17,000 US$ security deposit to show good faith cus he was bragging he was wealthy and educated in USA. He rudely responded that she was crazy! Better you come over here and sample the chat girl, then try one from a bar whorehouse and see what you like best! Internet relationships suck. Good Luck!!

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

A "chat girl?" New term to me. What is chat girl? I know bar girl, coyote girl, go go girl, massage girl, but chat girl?

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What the hell are you talking about? I swear half you fuxers on these boards seem like you're drunk or senile 90% of the time.
The most convincing trolls are intelligent.
Could it be that the OP is American in which case the aforementioned degree was attained at a college (known to others as a university?)
Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Brown, Rice, UCLA, etc. are never referred to as "colleges"

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Your right a subset of them are referred to as universities. Most however are not.

Well actually, a college is a specific collocation within a university. ie Kings College (Oxford) Trinity College (UofT)

The collocation can be along religious lines and rarely overlaps with professional collocations. So with the professions we have "schools" Law School, Business School, Med School.

He graduated from Med School near the top of his class (year) at Middlesex College at the University of Western Ontario.

US usage has blurred the lines. The, um, "Calage Degree" is a politician's mis-usage although I have often heard "calage" professors use the term. But they were usually gassing off as though their political opinions carried as much weight as their narrowly-restricted studies and pinpointedly unique efforts at academic inquiry.

Myself: I graduated from Col. Sanders Callege of Chicken Knaalege with a dergee in Life Skills and and a minor in Related Fields.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

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Have your mate pay her, then shag her. Make sure he wears a condom and make sure he gets photo proof of the exchange.

Then carry on with your courtship.

If you have a enduring relationship with this girl, sooner or later the discussion will turn to sin sot.

In the heat of the negotiations with her parents...you then pull out your trumph card.


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Have your mate pay her, then shag her. Make sure he wears a condom and make sure he gets photo proof of the exchange.

Then carry on with your courtship.

If you have a enduring relationship with this girl, sooner or later the discussion will turn to sin sot.

In the heat of the negotiations with her parents...you then pull out your trumph card.


that is almost, evil genuis

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I would dump her in a heart beat. Its that simple She does not have good character .

Accepting money for sex is prostitution according to the Websters dictionary. And that is the dictionary that is used in a court of law

This is a no brainer

no court of law uses a dictionary! whistling.gif

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its common knowledge that a chat girl will let a guy offer her money or she'll make an offer to upset him as away of blowing him off if she's not interested! i had my gf ask some dumb <deleted> who wanted to marry after seeing a public profile pic and probably was using a fake photo for a $17,000 US$ security deposit to show good faith cus he was bragging he was wealthy and educated in USA. He rudely responded that she was crazy! Better you come over here and sample the chat girl, then try one from a bar whorehouse and see what you like best! Internet relationships suck. Good Luck!!

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

A "chat girl?" New term to me. What is chat girl? I know bar girl, coyote girl, go go girl, massage girl, but chat girl?

go to a bar, any bar that sells beer and has working girls in there. observe the girls that sit out front and dont bother much with the customers inside. see what theyre doing on their phones? theyre 'chatting' with........pedro, abdul, igor, sam, steve, chad and just about every other on line. tango. farcebook and whatever crap thats out there. in fact they will rather chat to everyone else in the world than chat to the guy sat behind them with 1000bt and a hard-on in his pocket.

i had a 24 yr old spinner that still tried to type to 'chad' while i pounded her from behind...........sorry chad, i know she said you would be the first but ive loosened it up a bit for you.

Edited by tomyumchai
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OP, when I was studying at the Uni, here in Thailand(just two years ago) some of my female classmates did exactly that, they wanted to have an iphone, go to party in rca, go shopping with their friends or simply have money to go to mk every time they wanted, so what they use to do was to sell sex through camfrog, msn or skype or to get a mostly UK, German or Danish guy who come to Thailand every six month stayed with her one week and gave her 30000 baht every month, I slept with three-four chicks that use to that, and one of them even introduceme to his now husband, a poor fellow from norway, and I heard the stories that they told me, sometimes the guys where really stupid others they were just poor devil in need of lov, bu anyways man, imo, a woman that marries a guy for money/position/power, or that accept to offer companionship to a guy for one month a year in exchange for money is exactly the same as a prostitute. my recommendation, never pay to a woman, even when you have money say to her that you don't , and then you will see her true face, and if the girl do that you that kind of "job" to get an extra money you hav two options: one you just forget about her, second you just amuse yourself and enjoy of her body and time , but always fro free, that's what did and thats what I still do, and some of them have even help me with money or taken care of me when I have been sick or payed my bills when I didnt have any money. I have live in china, japan and thailand and in these three countries female prostitution( like in then cases above mentioned) is not a big issue, in fact is more or less the norm. ;)

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If you had not yet started a serious relationship with that Thai girl,

And she got an offer of a good sum of money for sex,

And she accepted,

She is a very normal Thai girl.

The perception of what sex is in Thailand is not the same as what we are used to.

Christian countries judge people as good or bad, based on whether they will go to hell or heaven. Creates lots of inhibitions regarding sex.

Thailand as a Buddhist country is very much different..

If you like that girl, take her before your friend does.

I would surmise it would be very difficult to find a girl with a mind set that you would be accustomed to and expect here...

A good girl here is not the same as a good girl back home

But good girl she might me. Take her.

To a thai girl sex for moeny equals JOBB. You want to piss a bargirl off tell her she is a HOOKER. Trust me on this one-i inadvertently did it via twitter...............lol.

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Every woman who has sex with men, has sex for money.

It is never free.

The cave girls would trade it for a chunk of meat or a fish.

In modern times....

Maybe a nice dinner and a few drinks?

Maybe a holiday together?

Some want cash.

Others charge you all the money you earn for the rest of your life!

Yes, the ones you marry are the most expensive.

Better to give a young, sweet, pretty one some cash and then move on to a new one when you are ready.

It just makes more sense doing it that way.

The standard "rationalization" or "self deluded rationalization"

Believe it or not there are actually people in this world that like each others company, enjoy, etc etc and one is not in need of money from the other.

Eg; comparable demographic

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If you had not yet started a serious relationship with that Thai girl,

And she got an offer of a good sum of money for sex,

And she accepted,

She is a very normal Thai girl.

The perception of what sex is in Thailand is not the same as what we are used to.

Christian countries judge people as good or bad, based on whether they will go to hell or heaven. Creates lots of inhibitions regarding sex.

Thailand as a Buddhist country is very much different..

If you like that girl, take her before your friend does.

I would surmise it would be very difficult to find a girl with a mind set that you would be accustomed to and expect here...

A good girl here is not the same as a good girl back home

But good girl she might me. Take her.

To a thai girl sex for moeny equals JOBB. You want to piss a bargirl off tell her she is a HOOKER. Trust me on this one-i inadvertently did it via twitter...............lol.

Lucky you told her on the internet........i saw a guy getting an ashtray smashed over his head when he insulted a bargirl once

it was a heavy ,pub sized one ,there was blood everywhere .........

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Despite all the comments that say there are plenty of women outside the 'traditional' P4P places that would

agree to money for sex, be it office ladies or students to make extra money, I would still not just approach any woman randomly,

for example outside in Silom business area during lunch hour, to propose such an exchange.


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Despite all the comments that say there are plenty of women outside the 'traditional' P4P places that would

agree to money for sex, be it office ladies or students to make extra money, I would still not just approach any woman randomly,

for example outside in Silom business area during lunch hour, to propose such an exchange.


thats why most of them do it discreetly via dating sites and mobile phone apps

no self respecting office girl is going to be tempted in the central business district

during her working hours with an offer of " your slash for my cash" ? kinda deal ...

but if you catch her at the right time ,she might well consider it

iphone 6 is coming soon or want to get a new dress for someones wedding etc

then you never know ur luck .........as long as its done discreetly and none of her peers

find out about it

Edited by speedtripler
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Reminds me of the old story about the man who asked a high society lady if she would sleep with him if he gave her twenty thousand pounds. When she agreed he asked if she would still sleep with him if he only gave her twenty.

"What sort of woman do you think I am? she screamed.... to which the man replied, " I thought we'd already established what sort of woman you were and now we were just haggling over the price."

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Despite all the comments that say there are plenty of women outside the 'traditional' P4P places that would

agree to money for sex, be it office ladies or students to make extra money, I would still not just approach any woman randomly,

for example outside in Silom business area during lunch hour, to propose such an exchange.


thats why most of them do it discreetly via dating sites and mobile phone apps

no self respecting office girl is going to be tempted in the central business district

during her working hours with an offer of " your slash for my cash" ? kinda deal ...

but if you catch her at the right time ,she might well consider it

iphone 6 is coming soon or want to get a new dress for someones wedding etc

then you never know ur luck .........as long as its done discreetly and none of her peers

find out about it

Thats the key,

NONE of their friends will know,

they are very discreet, and keep it far from their home, and their day jobs

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Have your mate pay her, then shag her. Make sure he wears a condom and make sure he gets photo proof of the exchange.

Then carry on with your courtship.

If you have a enduring relationship with this girl, sooner or later the discussion will turn to sin sot.

In the heat of the negotiations with her parents...you then pull out your trumph card.


that is almost, evil genuis

I am often told I am evil, but seldom that I am a genius...

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Bit like the old story...

Guy says to a look looking bird... can I bonk you for $10,000 ? She thinks for about 3 seconds & replies.. why yes.

Then guy says... can I bonk you for $10 ? She immediately says, what do you think I am ?

Guy replies.... we just established what you are... Now we're just haggling the price.

Over & out.

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Have your mate pay her, then shag her. Make sure he wears a condom and make sure he gets photo proof of the exchange.

Then carry on with your courtship.

If you have a enduring relationship with this girl, sooner or later the discussion will turn to sin sot.

In the heat of the negotiations with her parents...you then pull out your trumph card.


that is almost, evil genuis

I am often told I am evil, but seldom that I am a genius...

your dasterdly plot is slightly flawed in at least a couple of ways ,

are you really going to pursue a relationship and marr with a girl who shagged your mate before you .......FOR CASH ........

even as a joke are you prepared to take it that far ?

anyway ,what power does the pic have ? if your mate drilled her before she met you that means nothing to the parents

asking price unless you were promised a thai virgin (unicorn :) ) which is unlikley ?

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You need to know something...

There is a consortium of girls that use the internet to make cash.

There are also brokers that work for girls that cannot speak english, or who just do not want to bother with finding farangs themselves. (Brokers get 20-50 thousand if you show up. It then becomes the girl's job to extract money from you to pay the broker)

These websites usually have warnings about sending money.

Do not believe the profiles they write. They are sometimes just canned profiles that look good. Probably fictional or half true.

Your college gal may be getting her hair done, as I write, in preparation for a night at work (may or may not be a bar)

You only verify these things in person, without offers of cash. If you can move into their homes and check out her claims, then you are halfway there.

This sounds like bar room tittle tattle to me. Do you actually have any evidence as to the existence of this 'consortium'?

LOL...its pretty self explanatory. I have lived 20 years straight in southeast asia. Go to any internet cafe and watch who does the typing and how many farangs one gal has on the hook. Even the Cafe Manager is inputting information in English for alot of the gals. My gal does it for nieces and friends, because they do not speak english. It is so common that you just have to be here to see it in action. If you doubt this exists...then you are hopelessly lost. It is not a Nationwide plot to assemble girls online to take money....it is more subtle. Friends and family members who refer gals who are looking for farang money/sin sot/husbands to experienced, english speaking ladies who help out for a profit.

I am astonished you do not realize this.

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Above two posts are spot on, wish more would take on board the last's attitude.

Reminds me of the old story about the man who asked a high society lady if she would sleep with him if he gave her twenty thousand pounds. When she agreed he asked if she would still sleep with him if he only gave her twenty.

"What sort of woman do you think I am? she screamed.... to which the man replied, " I thought we'd already established what sort of woman you were and now we were just haggling over the price."

Bit like the old story...

Guy says to a look looking bird... can I bonk you for $10,000 ? She thinks for about 3 seconds & replies.. why yes.

Then guy says... can I bonk you for $10 ? She immediately says, what do you think I am ?

Guy replies.... we just established what you are... Now we're just haggling the price.

Over & out.

George B Shaw came up with the gist, just a bit more elegantly phrased.

Edited by wym
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Women want sex as much as men do. Put the shoe on the other foot. Suppose you were in LA with a real good looking chick. She offers you $5000.00 to have sex with her. Would you do it ?

Your answer will determine what you are for life. (NOT)

So why the double standard ? Most women have sex and the conditions they have sex under vary from woman to woman. There is a big difference between a prostitute and a whore.

You have a lot of maturing to do before entering into a permanent relationship.

If women want sex as much as men do why are there 10,000,000 ladies to 10 men in the trade?

Because women are Cheap Charlies ;)

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If you had not yet started a serious relationship with that Thai girl,

And she got an offer of a good sum of money for sex,

And she accepted,

She is a very normal Thai girl.

The perception of what sex is in Thailand is not the same as what we are used to.

Christian countries judge people as good or bad, based on whether they will go to hell or heaven. Creates lots of inhibitions regarding sex.

Thailand as a Buddhist country is very much different..

If you like that girl, take her before your friend does.

I would surmise it would be very difficult to find a girl with a mind set that you would be accustomed to and expect here...

A good girl here is not the same as a good girl back home

But good girl she might me. Take her.

To a thai girl sex for moeny equals JOBB. You want to piss a bargirl off tell her she is a HOOKER. Trust me on this one-i inadvertently did it via twitter...............lol.

A Hooker will also be pissed off when you call her a Hooker........so I can't see your point

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Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Brown, Rice, UCLA, etc. are never referred to as "colleges"

Yes they are, in the states more often than not.

Hate to tell you but you've adopted a "britishism" there

I disagree. I view it primarily as a cultural phenomenon. Among a large segment of the Thai population, concepts such as morality and ethics are either not recognized as being legitimate paradigms, or these considerations are patently ignored, with a particular demographic of Thai people deciding, if money is being made, nothing else matters. While this behavior is not restricted to Thai culture- it is often found in places where people have very limited knowledge of History/culture/Philosophy, etc., and in places where people exhibit a high level of Nationalism and feelings of cultural superiority. How many times have we seen Thai people extort their own countrymen and say, charge 3 times what something is worth? Very rarely will someone from their social group question their morality or ethics, choosing rather to believe that the seller was lucky, and that the buyer chose to buy at that price. The Thai cultural system often functions to allow it's adherents to avoid confrontation, reflexive thought, guilt, and accountability. There is a tremendous amount of latitude in Thai society because the laws are rarely enforced and Police are easily paid off. This often renders legal and ethical value systems irrelevant. When there are no repercussions for a particular action, there will be little or no fear of engaging in that action. Limited education and experience, coupled with lax enforcement of the law, exasperated by limited access to resources and the naïve nature of the Thai psyche, often result in sendind Thais into a feeding frenzy in which western ideas of morality, compassion, responsibility and the notion of fair play, have absolutely no meaning.

All that pile of excrement means is you have observed that Thais often don't conform to YOUR view of "morality".

There's nothing wrong with taking money for sex, back home OR here.

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