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if a Thai girl who isn't a bar girl accepts money for sex....


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i have got a "lady friend" picking me up from airport soon, must stress "not a bargirl" ha ha!! has got a new car - house in chiang mai - nice 2 bed condo in rama111, i worked out she earned 84,0000 baht this month.,(probably company car and company house) yeah as if, her sister also very well off, their mum thinks they have a "good job" in the city, well they do ??, send loads of dosh home to ma ma, so she aint complaining too much me thinks.

Are you saying a bar girl earned 84,000 Baht in a month? that's impossible..

LOTS of girls earn that and more!

I know a few get that much just from the guys sending from overseas, not counting the money they actually generate from those they encounter in real life.

I know one got full title to a 25M condo within the first four months of hooking a rich Swiss guy, he sends her 80K just himself, only comes over 2-3 times a year never more than a week. She goes out trolling around Nana area all the time, total stunner and great at what she does, probably pulling down at least B120K total a month.

I think she's maybe 19 now.

The saddest part is these girls don't bank it for the future, easy come easy go. . .

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why do you say impossible to earn 84,000 baht, shows you how much you know, she did not even work 30 days in March, 3,000 a day x 31, 93,000. did you read my post at all. (probably not) she is very pretty and we chat often, it is easy to work out , she spent 12 days with a yank who only shagged her once, then 5 days with another yank going to different golf courses to play golf, (she cant play to save her life) one high flyer who has a condo in Bangkok she stay with him 6 days. and the odd few days, business guys book her 3 months in advance, she has regulars, so 84,000 is quite a conservative estimate.realy, where other bar girls have no work she can choose who to go with,she not like "young men" for obviouse reasons i would think . when i met her last year ( i aint rich ok) she was going to meet a high flyer from American airlines, and go to the Marroitt for a few ,days but she rang me and asked to see me as she didnt like the guy she was with, so there ya go, good for the ego ha ha, we keep in touch i was with her christmas and again this april

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why do you say impossible to earn 84,000 baht, shows you how much you know, she did not even work 30 days in March, 3,000 a day x 31, 93,000. did you read my post at all. (probably not) she is very pretty and we chat often, it is easy to work out , she spent 12 days with a yank who only shagged her once, then 5 days with another yank going to different golf courses to play golf, (she cant play to save her life) one high flyer who has a condo in Bangkok she stay with him 6 days. and the odd few days, business guys book her 3 months in advance, she has regulars, so 84,000 is quite a conservative estimate.realy, where other bar girls have no work she can choose who to go with,she not like "young men" for obviouse reasons i would think . when i met her last year ( i aint rich ok) she was going to meet a high flyer from American airlines, and go to the Marroitt for a few ,days but she rang me and asked to see me as she didnt like the guy she was with, so there ya go, good for the ego ha ha, we keep in touch i was with her christmas and again this april

never mind I thought that came out to 25 grand... not 2,500...

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If you had not yet started a serious relationship with that Thai girl,

And she got an offer of a good sum of money for sex,

And she accepted,

She is a very normal Thai girl.

The perception of what sex is in Thailand is not the same as what we are used to.

Christian countries judge people as good or bad, based on whether they will go to hell or heaven. Creates lots of inhibitions regarding sex.

Thailand as a Buddhist country is very much different..

If you like that girl, take her before your friend does.

I would surmise it would be very difficult to find a girl with a mind set that you would be accustomed to and expect here...

A good girl here is not the same as a good girl back home

But good girl she might me. Take her.

Really? Is that why even in all other surrounding countries Thailand is infamous for it's willingness to sell it's arse? And yes, we all know about the four floors of whores and Cambodian chicken farms.

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I believe all people have A price.You should have asked him to offer A low price,not A lage one.Thailand is a lot easier to live when you have money,than when you don't.I wouldn't think to much about it.Now if you start living together and you give her whatever she wants and your friend offers her A big amount and she accepts.ThenI would start to wonder

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I think it's a matter of Patrilineal descent and inheritance of titles and land through that descent line. You can't legitimize power and status by claiming apical proximity to a divine ancestor- if the one of the girls in your lineage had sex with the janitor.

100s of years ago perhaps, but generally I don't see that as a predominant reason men today are possessive of women with an overwhelming desire and need to sexually 'own' them in western patriarchal societies based on the sexual mores of monotheism. This may be a primary clash of cultures between western monotheistic men and Buddhist women -- although Thai men may be just as possessive I suppose. A reason Filipino women are allegedly more 'loyal' and 'dedicated' to their long term mates compared to Thai women because there is a stronger Christian influence? Or so I've read here and elsewhere. There's no monotheistic based guilt in play for a Thai woman creating the cognitive dissonance in regards to sex that a Christian, Jewish or Islamic woman might more often feel in contemplating or being adulterous. I do read here from TV posters that infidelity is very common in Thailand - but then again, it's very common in any given western patriarchal culture because ultimately, no one can 'possess' or 'own' their life partner, despite religious sexual morals and that traditional sin sot...

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The saddest part is these girls don't bank it for the future, easy come easy go. . .

These days I know nothing at all about hookers and their Johns.

Back in 1999, though, I met a girl who'd worked in Sukhumwit 33 and been given a million Baht by some idiotic piece of Eurotrash. She blew it all in a year. Her husband (a Thai) pissed most of it away on Heineken.

I used to know another girl whose boyfriend (a Swede) sent her a small fortune every month and forbade her from going out. She was seriously lonely. She asked me to accompany her to the boy bars in Soi Surawong. She wanted to purchase some "company". This too was back in 1999.

She found her "company" and took him home. She was happy because the boy she'd purchased came from the same town as her in Isaan.

Madness.Complete madness.

I quit that scene back in 2000.

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Women want sex as much as men do.

total BS. men think about sex every what? i forgot and am sure google will tell u.

women are not as desperate as we are... they can enjoy sex, sure, but most will not LOWER themselves like men in order to get a "shot" ....

things i have seen sofar, oh boy....

nah, men are the real deal here: 95% = useless

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Many women are very generous in a variety of ways. Apparently you have not realized yet that women are sexually far more valuable than men. There's an evolutionary reason why women are sexually superior to men. Unlike any other species of female animals, the human female is eager, willing, and capable of engaging in sexual intercourse without being confined to a breeding cycle. Regardless of season, ovulation, relationship status, or frequency, the human female will continually advertise her immense natural capacity and ability to sexually give and receive pleasure.

No one man, regardless of size, or libido, can sincerely satiate a sexually liberated woman from within a monogamous relationship. By sexually liberated, I refer to women who are not indoctrinated, restrained, oppressed and repressed by the religious morals of a western patriarchal society - which would seem to be the case in Thailand, or any Buddhist nation without that imaginary sky Daddy about as probable as seeing or finding a pink unicorn floating in the heavens above..

If not for societal restraints of western patriarchal society inhibiting a human female's natural evolutionary and instinctual sexual design, every woman, rather than just a few, would exhaust male after male, experience orgasm after orgasm, one after another, each becoming more powerful and pleasurable with no lessening of sexual desire. At the root instinctual level and evolutionary design of every modern woman's sexuality is an overabundance of sexual charms coupled with an unlimited sexual capacity that truly leaves her as the the sexual superior of any male counterpart.

At this root level of a modern woman's astounding instinctual, evolutionary sexual abilities and capacity is an antiquated modern patriarchal society's desire to control it; to control the power it has and the human female that can wield it as the sexiest, most erotic female animal on the planet. After the Goddess days of old, the human female's incredible sexual power has been exploited and condemned, she has been beaten, hanged, tortured and burned as a demoness whore and relegated to a level of slavery and property by patriarchal societies ruled by monotheistic religions demanding a male image and role for their imaginary sky Daddy about as probable as seeing or finding a pink unicorn floating in the heavens above.

From an evolutionary perspective, the insatiable evolutionary and instinctual sexual capacity of the human female to satiate and exhaust a multitude of males one after another, or at the same time, is biologically quite adaptive because it ensures she will become pregnant. The human female is biologically no different than many other female species in that she was designed by evolution to mate with, and receive the sperm of multiple males, and often in quick succession.

However, the human male wants to monopolize a human female, to dominate her by controlling her natural sexuality designed by evolution so that he can be assured he is the father of the children he then provides for. This is just one of the reasons why most societies are patriarchal from men trying to dominate, possess and own women in a manner that suppresses her evolutionary, biological, anthropological, behavioral, and instinctual sexually superior design expressed in those ancient Goddess days of old prior to the sexually inferior male invention of monotheism.

Didn't bother reading it before, now that I have done, let me say:

Well done sir! Nicely written and the content apropos.

I hope you therefore agree that "the other mono" monogamy is just as outdated.

It's an uphill battle with most young non-sex-worker TG to get them to let go of their inhibitions and realize sex can be intrinsically fun, not just work/duty or a tool to get what you want.

Once they do realize that I do try to not hold them back. . .

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Chat Girl, similar to bar girl but only exchanges verbal intercourse online thru Thai Lovelinks & Friendy, Match, etc. with guys around the that many never meet in real life! Somestimes the guys wire Western Union money to them.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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Women want sex as much as men do.

total BS. men think about sex every what? i forgot and am sure google will tell u.

women are not as desperate as we are... they can enjoy sex, sure, but most will not LOWER themselves like men in order to get a "shot" ....

things i have seen sofar, oh boy....

nah, men are the real deal here: 95% = useless

Not BS.

Sure men think about it more and are a lot more stupid about what they're willing to do to get it.

Women are more inhibited by the whole madonna/whore restrictions imposed by old monotheistic thinking. But they are every bit as horny as guys, and those that are liberated these days find it very easy to get for the most part, those that do pay for it are rare and have specific reasons for doing so.

More power to 'em!

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Why is this an issue? Do you think you will find your 'other half' in Thailand? Get a grip of yourself and don't become attached to Thai girls who use foreign dating sites. Your anxiety will dissipate overnight as you realise that they are only for fun. A real relationship will almost always be found much closer to home.

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as an extra to my last post, she has even had her "bits" taken away so as to not lose a weeks work, silly rich yanks fly her to Hong Kong and Bali, she is a stunner, the funny thing is lot of these "saddos" like her as arm candy, she doen't get as much "boom boom" as an "ugly bird" she says "she is very lucky" ha ha, still ,i dont mind them subsidising me, lol !!

So you're shagging a bloke that every other bloke is shagging and you're quite proud !!!!

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Many women are very generous in a variety of ways. Apparently you have not realized yet that women are sexually far more valuable than men. There's an evolutionary reason why women are sexually superior to men. Unlike any other species of female animals, the human female is eager, willing, and capable of engaging in sexual intercourse without being confined to a breeding cycle. Regardless of season, ovulation, relationship status, or frequency, the human female will continually advertise her immense natural capacity and ability to sexually give and receive pleasure.

No one man, regardless of size, or libido, can sincerely satiate a sexually liberated woman from within a monogamous relationship. By sexually liberated, I refer to women who are not indoctrinated, restrained, oppressed and repressed by the religious morals of a western patriarchal society - which would seem to be the case in Thailand, or any Buddhist nation without that imaginary sky Daddy about as probable as seeing or finding a pink unicorn floating in the heavens above..

If not for societal restraints of western patriarchal society inhibiting a human female's natural evolutionary and instinctual sexual design, every woman, rather than just a few, would exhaust male after male, experience orgasm after orgasm, one after another, each becoming more powerful and pleasurable with no lessening of sexual desire. At the root instinctual level and evolutionary design of every modern woman's sexuality is an overabundance of sexual charms coupled with an unlimited sexual capacity that truly leaves her as the the sexual superior of any male counterpart.

At this root level of a modern woman's astounding instinctual, evolutionary sexual abilities and capacity is an antiquated modern patriarchal society's desire to control it; to control the power it has and the human female that can wield it as the sexiest, most erotic female animal on the planet. After the Goddess days of old, the human female's incredible sexual power has been exploited and condemned, she has been beaten, hanged, tortured and burned as a demoness whore and relegated to a level of slavery and property by patriarchal societies ruled by monotheistic religions demanding a male image and role for their imaginary sky Daddy about as probable as seeing or finding a pink unicorn floating in the heavens above.

From an evolutionary perspective, the insatiable evolutionary and instinctual sexual capacity of the human female to satiate and exhaust a multitude of males one after another, or at the same time, is biologically quite adaptive because it ensures she will become pregnant. The human female is biologically no different than many other female species in that she was designed by evolution to mate with, and receive the sperm of multiple males, and often in quick succession.

However, the human male wants to monopolize a human female, to dominate her by controlling her natural sexuality designed by evolution so that he can be assured he is the father of the children he then provides for. This is just one of the reasons why most societies are patriarchal from men trying to dominate, possess and own women in a manner that suppresses her evolutionary, biological, anthropological, behavioral, and instinctual sexually superior design expressed in those ancient Goddess days of old prior to the sexually inferior male invention of monotheism.

Didn't bother reading it before, now that I have done, let me say:

Well done sir! Nicely written and the content apropos.

I hope you therefore agree that "the other mono" monogamy is just as outdated.

It's an uphill battle with most young non-sex-worker TG to get them to let go of their inhibitions and realize sex can be intrinsically fun, not just work/duty or a tool to get what you want.

Once they do realize that I do try to not hold them back. . .

Thanks Wyn - but I don't understand what you refer to in 'the other mono' monogamy? You referring to the Transgendered not in the sex industry? Personally, I don't feel evolutionary instincts will allow humans, male, female, or in between, as the mammals we are, to ever be monogamous. It's against our very nature, just like most all animals.. I can understand being 'possessive' about spending quality time in the company of a significant other though, but I sure can't understand having to pay for it - as in paying for a friend, ie that GF experience. Paying for a ST sexual experience is a different thing all together in buying a one time sexual release - a paid service. I'd rather be alone than have to buy the friendship and/or companionship with/from a woman beyond the sexual, and if I end up alone, then so be it and I'll die alone, since we all ultimately do anyways.

Edited by BohemianDaddyo
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Thanks Wyn - but I don't understand what you refer to in 'the other mono' monogamy? You referring to the Transgendered not in the sex industry? Personally, I don't feel evolutionary instincts will allow humans, male, female, or in between, as the mammals we are, to ever be monogamous. It's against our very nature, just like most all animals.. I can understand being 'possessive' about spending quality time in the company of a significant other though, but I sure can't understand having to pay for it - as in paying for a friend.. I'd rather be alone than buy friendships and/or companionship with a woman, and if I end up alone, so be it and I'll die alone since we all ultimately do anyways.

The end of your screed cited "monotheism".

I see monogamy as stemming from those belief systems, and just as outdated.

And no problem if you don't want to pay for sex or companionship, that's up to you. As I'd hope you'd also grant my preference to do so - admittedly not very much, but the type I prefer doesn't have much interest in my type.

But I'm not at all possessive of them, in fact I'm sure some would prefer that I were more so, I encourage them to spread their wings and fly away as soon as they're ready to.

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oh what a silly boy SHOWBAGS all these posts and you cant tell a lady boy from a real woman you need to get out more. "BITS" as in womb OK ?? .the level of intelligence amazes me sometimes on this site

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Thanks Wyn - but I don't understand what you refer to in 'the other mono' monogamy? You referring to the Transgendered not in the sex industry? Personally, I don't feel evolutionary instincts will allow humans, male, female, or in between, as the mammals we are, to ever be monogamous. It's against our very nature, just like most all animals.. I can understand being 'possessive' about spending quality time in the company of a significant other though, but I sure can't understand having to pay for it - as in paying for a friend.. I'd rather be alone than buy friendships and/or companionship with a woman, and if I end up alone, so be it and I'll die alone since we all ultimately do anyways.

The end of your screed cited "monotheism".

I see monogamy as stemming from those belief systems, and just as outdated.

And no problem if you don't want to pay for sex or companionship, that's up to you. As I'd hope you'd also grant my preference to do so - admittedly not very much, but the type I prefer doesn't have much interest in my type.

But I'm not at all possessive of them, in fact I'm sure some would prefer that I were more so, I encourage them to spread their wings and fly away as soon as they're ready to.

I surely have no problem paying for a sexual encounter - Can't you tell? I've never done it directly, despite living most all my adult life in the only state in the US where prostitution is legal.. I may buy a 'ST' experience while there in 2 days for a month as I see that as a service, but for me though, I am not interested in buying that "GF" experience. I've had enough GFs and wives to know it's something that can't be mimicked, nor can anything that intimate be mimicked, no matter how effective Thai women might be at it. I would feel I'm degrading myself having to 'buy' a longer term friend/companion. Although I may hire a pretty thai female tour guide w/a vehicle initially - have the digits of a pretty one for only about $50 for a full day..

And cheers to you for also viewing monotheism and the patriarchal societies these religions created as vastly outdated from still regarding and indoctrinating women in these societies as property, if not repressing and oppressing them sexually with silly and downright absurd religious morals. Most westerners don't seem to comprehend the oppression of women by men in a patriarchal society from being indoctrinated with silly, antiquated Christian sexual morals themselves - at least here in this patriarchal western society - and boy howdy, I'm in the thick of it here in north central conservative Christian Floriduh!

Overall though, I can clearly see the vast majority of expats here at TV are expressing a far more rational, experiential and modern view of women, love, and relationships than what most all westerners express here in Floriduh and most of the US for that matter.

Bohemian: A very creative individual with unconventional attitudes in leading an alternative lifestyle that lives and acts free of any regard for conventional rules and practices.

I can easily see that the term Bohemian easily describes/defines many, if not most western expats expressing themselves here at TV living unconventional lives compared to most westerners as perhaps today's updated bohemian [unconventional] expression of the beat generation from the late 50s and early 60s in the US that ultimately transformed into the 60s peace and love hippie movement and generation. Many of you here express an admirable attitude in it's not what you have, but what you've experienced in life that makes it worth living. Or as Jimi Hendrix advocated in his first album cover - Are You Experienced? That's a compliment fellas - and ladies..

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Funny thing is, when you pay for real-long time, in some cases as the time goes, by the pretense drops, you both do acknowledge it's pay for play, but the companionship isn't any less genuine and sometimes real love does develop. As I define it anyway, not the pheromone/hormone puppy stuff.

Doesn't take any less work and mindfulness, consideration and telepathy compared to what others call "more real" relationships. And of course you do need to keep paying - but it can be less than the telecoms bill back home so what.

But obviously that's the only way a fat old unattractive not-rich guy's going to be able to spend quality time with gorgeous young babes, so we take what we can get. . .

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You need to know something...

There is a consortium of girls that use the internet to make cash.

There are also brokers that work for girls that cannot speak english, or who just do not want to bother with finding farangs themselves. (Brokers get 20-50 thousand if you show up. It then becomes the girl's job to extract money from you to pay the broker)

These websites usually have warnings about sending money.

Do not believe the profiles they write. They are sometimes just canned profiles that look good. Probably fictional or half true.

Your college gal may be getting her hair done, as I write, in preparation for a night at work (may or may not be a bar)

You only verify these things in person, without offers of cash. If you can move into their homes and check out her claims, then you are halfway there.

This sounds like bar room tittle tattle to me. Do you actually have any evidence as to the existence of this 'consortium'?

LOL...its pretty self explanatory. I have lived 20 years straight in southeast asia. Go to any internet cafe and watch who does the typing and how many farangs one gal has on the hook. Even the Cafe Manager is inputting information in English for alot of the gals. My gal does it for nieces and friends, because they do not speak english. It is so common that you just have to be here to see it in action. If you doubt this exists...then you are hopelessly lost. It is not a Nationwide plot to assemble girls online to take money....it is more subtle. Friends and family members who refer gals who are looking for farang money/sin sot/husbands to experienced, english speaking ladies who help out for a profit.

I am astonished you do not realize this.

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There is a big difference between a prostitute and a whore.

No difference according to the dictionary, so the difference is in your mind.. The only real difference in the terms is one is a blue collar I don't consider as offensive, and the other is a more formal term. We all whore ourselves in one way or another - some do it sexually, some don't. It doesn't matter whether you work on or with your back, your hands, your mouth, or your private parts because your labor is a commodity treated no differently then any other commodity or resource in a Capitalistic System.

As long as labor is a commodity, time is a commodity in a capitalistic system. When time is a commodity, life itself becomes a commodity. Meaning most everyone's life out there has a price unless they were a lucky lottery winner at birth born into some real wealth. The price of life varies in a capitalist system. What price would YOU SELL your life for? The highest hourly bidder in a $1 to $5 an hour monkey job in Thailand shuffling papers for some joker in a suit who doesn't know shit from Shinnola instead of at least $20 to $50 an hour exchanging sex for money in Thailand or at least $300/hour in Nevada?

Sex is work when it's exchanged for money. It's fun when it's performed for fun. Fun is better than work. Ask anybody. However earning money can be seen as having fun in and of itself if that's how you, and a working girl, [Vegas term] or loving girl, [European term] chooses to look at it. The more successful whores really enjoy their work.

Most whores are not dumb at all. That's a myth. The dumb ones get weeded out. They weren't real whores, anyhow. They were just wannabes who couldn't make the cut. What a real whore knows about life includes a whole lot of stuff most other woman don't know or just haven't realized yet.

Whoring is a job like any other, and deserves no less respect as long as its done by honest whores. It's an ancient and honorable trade when honorable whores are whoring honestly. If you don't think it's work, just give it a try. Hard work or easy, it's all done for pay. If you're doing it because you're getting paid, it's work, whatever it is. Work is work is work. Some work pays better than others, that's all.

<<<<<<<<<<<<Most whores are not dumb at all. That's a myth. The dumb ones get weeded out. They weren't real whores, anyhow. They were just wannabes who couldn't make the cut. What a real whore knows about life includes a whole lot of stuff most other woman don't know or just haven't realized yet.

I agree 100%

I want a streetwise girl asd I am from NYC, and there is no time to train them how to think, or, for them to be skilled enough to watch our backs in this strangest of strange lands, when we are ALWAYS 'the mark"

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i have got a "lady friend" picking me up from airport soon, must stress "not a bargirl" ha ha!! has got a new car - house in chiang mai - nice 2 bed condo in rama111, i worked out she earned 84,0000 baht this month.,(probably company car and company house) yeah as if, her sister also very well off, their mum thinks they have a "good job" in the city, well they do ??, send loads of dosh home to ma ma, so she aint complaining too much me thinks.

Are you saying a bar girl earned 84,000 Baht in a month? that's impossible..

i know a ladyboy wo makes more than that ,drives a red sportscar and owns her own condo

all the topp girls in poseidon or anywhere big and expensive clear a few grand per customer

and thats not even counting the money they get from overseas bank transfers lol

what world r u living in ?

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If you had not yet started a serious relationship with that Thai girl,

And she got an offer of a good sum of money for sex,

And she accepted,

She is a very normal Thai girl.

The perception of what sex is in Thailand is not the same as what we are used to.

Christian countries judge people as good or bad, based on whether they will go to hell or heaven. Creates lots of inhibitions regarding sex.

Thailand as a Buddhist country is very much different..

If you like that girl, take her before your friend does.

I would surmise it would be very difficult to find a girl with a mind set that you would be accustomed to and expect here...

A good girl here is not the same as a good girl back home

But good girl she might me. Take her.

To a thai girl sex for moeny equals JOBB. You want to piss a bargirl off tell her she is a HOOKER. Trust me on this one-i inadvertently did it via twitter...............lol.

A Hooker will also be pissed off when you call her a Hooker........so I can't see your point

Hookers who are ashamed of what they do call themselves "Escorts" and claim to be highly educated amazingly smart girls dressed up in the finest clothes money can buy to try and conceal the real truth from themselves and everybody else......

but escorts do not always have sex

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i know a ladyboy wo makes more than that ,drives a red sportscar and owns her own condo

all the topp girls in poseidon or anywhere big and expensive clear a few grand per customer

and thats not even counting the money they get from overseas bank transfers lol

what world r u living in ?

He's now saying he got the exchange rate wrong 8-)

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if she accept money for sex , then she is ...

rates are between 1500 and 3000 thb a day...

Doctors give medical opinions. Lawyers give legal opinions. Monks give religious opinions.

So what are you?

A master in spending money on Girls... ( all over the world )

I don't blame the girls for what they do, neither i will say Thailand is wrong doing...

But if you are looking for a sincere lady, then go to Thailand to find the 99% of the good lady's, there are to many good girls

and not go "On-line" where are only the few good ones...

I accept a girl asking me money, as long she's honest...

If you'll ever lived amongst the real and poor, then you'll understand their way of thinking and living.

No need for judging them based on your own personal opinion, morality, culture...

There are actions in this world that transcend all cultural and geographic boundaries. Something that is, "universally stupid"- is, "universally stupid" in all domains. Making excuses for Thai people, “because they are poor” is just the kind of thinking that will make sure these people remain in a dimly lit feudal reality for the duration of thier lives. You really think- that a person that would accept money from strangers for sex would somehow acquiesce to the OP’s expectations for a mate? There are plenty of Thai people that no matter how financially challenged they are would absolutely never sell their ass for money. So spare us the excuses. Either that or go to work as a spin doctor for Yingluck.

You cannot deny, it may be the fastest way our of poverty and near starvation for many thai families and therein comes their pain.

Anyone who thinks they all enjoy it, are misguided

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but escorts do not always have sex

Same with lots of go-go girls getting barfined, some for weeks' long holidays to the beach.

Save your breath, you're talking to people who think there's something wrong with it - all aspects - anyway.

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Many women are very generous in a variety of ways. Apparently you have not realized yet that women are sexually far more valuable than men. There's an evolutionary reason why women are sexually superior to men. Unlike any other species of female animals, the human female is eager, willing, and capable of engaging in sexual intercourse without being confined to a breeding cycle. Regardless of season, ovulation, relationship status, or frequency, the human female will continually advertise her immense natural capacity and ability to sexually give and receive pleasure.

No one man, regardless of size, or libido, can sincerely satiate a sexually liberated woman from within a monogamous relationship. By sexually liberated, I refer to women who are not indoctrinated, restrained, oppressed and repressed by the religious morals of a western patriarchal society - which would seem to be the case in Thailand, or any Buddhist nation without that imaginary sky Daddy about as probable as seeing or finding a pink unicorn floating in the heavens above..

If not for societal restraints of western patriarchal society inhibiting a human female's natural evolutionary and instinctual sexual design, every woman, rather than just a few, would exhaust male after male, experience orgasm after orgasm, one after another, each becoming more powerful and pleasurable with no lessening of sexual desire. At the root instinctual level and evolutionary design of every modern woman's sexuality is an overabundance of sexual charms coupled with an unlimited sexual capacity that truly leaves her as the the sexual superior of any male counterpart.

At this root level of a modern woman's astounding instinctual, evolutionary sexual abilities and capacity is an antiquated modern patriarchal society's desire to control it; to control the power it has and the human female that can wield it as the sexiest, most erotic female animal on the planet. After the Goddess days of old, the human female's incredible sexual power has been exploited and condemned, she has been beaten, hanged, tortured and burned as a demoness whore and relegated to a level of slavery and property by patriarchal societies ruled by monotheistic religions demanding a male image and role for their imaginary sky Daddy about as probable as seeing or finding a pink unicorn floating in the heavens above.

From an evolutionary perspective, the insatiable evolutionary and instinctual sexual capacity of the human female to satiate and exhaust a multitude of males one after another, or at the same time, is biologically quite adaptive because it ensures she will become pregnant. The human female is biologically no different than many other female species in that she was designed by evolution to mate with, and receive the sperm of multiple males, and often in quick succession.

However, the human male wants to monopolize a human female, to dominate her by controlling her natural sexuality designed by evolution so that he can be assured he is the father of the children he then provides for. This is just one of the reasons why most societies are patriarchal from men trying to dominate, possess and own women in a manner that suppresses her evolutionary, biological, anthropological, behavioral, and instinctual sexually superior design expressed in those ancient Goddess days of old prior to the sexually inferior male invention of monotheism.

Didn't bother reading it before, now that I have done, let me say:

Well done sir! Nicely written and the content apropos.

I hope you therefore agree that "the other mono" monogamy is just as outdated.

It's an uphill battle with most young non-sex-worker TG to get them to let go of their inhibitions and realize sex can be intrinsically fun, not just work/duty or a tool to get what you want.

Once they do realize that I do try to not hold them back. . .

for many of us, that is a huge waste of time, money and effort, and in thailand, geographically difficult as well

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Because women are Cheap Charlies wink.png

Many women are very generous in a variety of ways. Apparently you have not realized yet that women are sexually far more valuable than men. There's an evolutionary reason why women are sexually superior to men. Unlike any other species of female animals, the human female is eager, willing, and capable of engaging in sexual intercourse without being confined to a breeding cycle. Regardless of season, ovulation, relationship status, or frequency, the human female will continually advertise her immense natural capacity and ability to sexually give and receive pleasure.

No one man, regardless of size, or libido, can sincerely satiate a sexually liberated woman from within a monogamous relationship. By sexually liberated, I refer to women who are not indoctrinated, restrained, oppressed and repressed by the religious morals of a western patriarchal society - which would seem to be the case in Thailand, or any Buddhist nation without that imaginary sky Daddy about as probable as seeing or finding a pink unicorn floating in the heavens above..

If not for societal restraints of western patriarchal society inhibiting a human female's natural evolutionary and instinctual sexual design, every woman, rather than just a few, would exhaust male after male, experience orgasm after orgasm, one after another, each becoming more powerful and pleasurable with no lessening of sexual desire. At the root instinctual level and evolutionary design of every modern woman's sexuality is an overabundance of sexual charms coupled with an unlimited sexual capacity that truly leaves her as the the sexual superior of any male counterpart.

At this root level of a modern woman's astounding instinctual, evolutionary sexual abilities and capacity is an antiquated modern patriarchal society's desire to control it; to control the power it has and the human female that can wield it as the sexiest, most erotic female animal on the planet. After the Goddess days of old, the human female's incredible sexual power has been exploited and condemned, she has been beaten, hanged, tortured and burned as a demoness whore and relegated to a level of slavery and property by patriarchal societies ruled by monotheistic religions demanding a male image and role for their imaginary sky Daddy about as probable as seeing or finding a pink unicorn floating in the heavens above.

From an evolutionary perspective, the insatiable evolutionary and instinctual sexual capacity of the human female to satiate and exhaust a multitude of males one after another, or at the same time, is biologically quite adaptive because it ensures she will become pregnant. The human female is biologically no different than many other female species in that she was designed by evolution to mate with, and receive the sperm of multiple males, and often in quick succession.

However, the human male wants to monopolize a human female, to dominate her by controlling her natural sexuality designed by evolution so that he can be assured he is the father of the children he then provides for. This is just one of the reasons why most societies are patriarchal from men trying to dominate, possess and own women in a manner that suppresses her evolutionary, biological, anthropological, behavioral, and instinctual sexually superior design expressed in those ancient Goddess days of old prior to the sexually inferior male invention of monotheism.

Interesting theory, Bohemian, quite at odds with the usual evolutionary theory that the female is the driver of monogamy due to her need for a provider. You could probably seduce a feminist or two with it!

Regarding female satiation, I believe that their satisfaction is much more psychological than ours. All these guys fretting about their dicks have been chasing a red herring since they were jacking off to Heather Thomas in the Fall Guy...or is that just me?! hehe

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