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Thai Govt may not have enough budget to cover the year's first car buyer rebates


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PTP populist election promises:

Tablets for school going school children - FAIL

Rice subsidy scheme - MASSIVE FAIL for the farmers and some farmers are worse off than before

First Car Rebates - FAIL

Minumum wage of THB 300/day ???

Minimum salary for Uni students - 15k/m ??

Dear Poo dont seem to be doing to well with the election scams promises

My wife's Free Cow must be at least 9 years old by now .. Hope she's OK, we never met .. the Cow not the Wife

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The US always budgets more than it has on hand. Can't they print more money like the US does or have a country like China that will lend it to them? Is their version of democrats different than that of the US?

Economically Thailand is no- where like the US, any comparisons ends with the name Thailand , that applies to every other country as well and as for China , time will only tell.

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This must be Suthep's fault too.

50bln lost every months since the beginning of protests, so now over 250bln. Tax on it some 20%. The most hit government departments were tax and customs

See, i is Suthep's fault!

You really need to take your red tainted glasses off, it is now becoming ridiculous!

Another botched policy from this bunch of PT thieves, and you immediately find a way to put it on someone else's shoulder

Ridiculous, really!

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I predicted this months ago

a monkey could have done so. people are greedy and THaksins clowns know this. they use peoples greed and gullibility. to reap family wealth. be patient... it is alllllll crumbling. lets hope people are pissed off enough to take matters into their own hands. The King of thailand has several time given the command for all thai people to think and act for themselves. it would be a shame to not honor such a request.

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It's all bloody Suthep's fault that the world is going to find out what the recent Government has been up to. The nerve of the man, actually wanting to get rid of the corrupt, self serving dictators, it's just not cricket we tell you. How dare you do this Suthep, echo the many sympathising TVF members, it is undemocratic to stop them from raping and pillaging the country and it's people as they were democratically elected and cost them a lot of money to buy those democratic votes. Democracy will suffer, as we always fastidiously and pedantically explain to you in our own very democratic way.

We can stop this man Suthep says the red primates, we will kill and maim and blame it on him, we will spread falsities about him and we can even engineer serious charges against him, it's easy we just pay everybody to believe us and we have all those moronic farangs on their forums to spread the word amongst the international community that we have been democratically screwed . Lets face it, those losers are outcasts from their own country so they need us, we don't need them, otherwise why would they be suck holing to us. We can win because ours is bigger than Sutheps.

Who are you calling a moronic farang,I resemble that remark.


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This must be Suthep's fault too.

50bln lost every months since the beginning of protests, so now over 250bln. Tax on it some 20%. The most hit government departments were tax and customs

Corporate tax (20%) for money earned/lost in Nov/Dec last year is not due until the end of May this year, corporate tax for money earned/lost in 2014 is not due till end of May next year (2015).

In other words, the governments cash flow from corporate tax has not been affected by the protests yet.

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The US always budgets more than it has on hand. Can't they print more money like the US does or have a country like China that will lend it to them? Is their version of democrats different than that of the US?

Have you ever experienced loaning a Thai some money ?

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Incredible. Why do these funds have to be "allocated". Its not as though no one knew it wasn't coming. Why isn't this type of thing budgeted and approved?

The finance ministry has publicly admitted that they cannot produce a balance sheet for a fairly simply program such as the rice scam (it is big yes, but from an accounting point of view, not complicated). They admit they are not even able to value current stock, something any accounting student learns to do in the first semester, and something the revenue department requires most if not all private companies to do on their yearly balance sheet. (Current stock x market price = current value). So what makes you think they can make a budget? biggrin.png

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I want to know why PM Yingluck dissolved Parliament. No law or court said she had to. She never listened to Suthep before or after. Why didn't she, at least, make arrangements to continue the promised spending before she dissolved Parliament? I have a theory. Dr. Thaksin told her to. He thought that quick elections, which he was sure PTP would win, would give the government a fresh mandate to keep on hiding all the corruption under the surface. He was counting on the, off-budget, Bt. 2.2 trillion Infrastructure Improvement bill, that was written to be unaccounted for in its spending, to hide all the defects and theft in the other schemes. The Democrats caused him to fail with a boycott in 2006 and again in 2014. His self-confidence is unwarranted and is always at the root of his failures. Sad that Thai people cannot trust their government to keep its commitments. Sad that the government has conspired with Thaksin to steal all the money so there is none left for the people.

Whichever side of the political divide you favour it is, indeed, a mystery why Parliament was dissolved so hastily without tabling some quick cabinet resolutions beforehand to take care of the cash flow requirements that could have been anticipated for the caretaker government. Even without any disruptions it can take three and a half months to form a new government after dissolving Parliament which would have taken till mid-April.

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Oh dear ! their electoral basis is getting smaller by the day.First they piss off the farmers and now the first time car buyers.They do seem to be an incompetent lot.Whoever wins the next election is going to have to find an awful lot of money,better to lose maybe.

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Oh dear ! their electoral basis is getting smaller by the day.First they piss off the farmers and now the first time car buyers.They do seem to be an incompetent lot.Whoever wins the next election is going to have to find an awful lot of money,better to lose maybe.

That is the problem of winning an election after an other government has wrecked the finances. The next party is going to be held responsible for it anyway. Its the way of the world not just in Thailand. It will be the next government that needs to make some cuts to get the finances in order again.

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My wife has applied for her rebate but has been informed that she may have to wait until after the political problems and a new government is elected, then there is no guarantee.

Your wife made a gift in the interests of the national interest. National interest that is not being paid due to pick pocketing by some nifty nabbers

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Will the first car buyers be in front or behind the rice farmers

in getting their payments, If the truth ever came out about what

has been going on with this government,it would shock the nation,

but the most disturbing thing is they will most likely be reelected,

Thai politics one of the worlds great mysteries.or believe it or not.

regards Worgeordie

Unfortunately some people never learn. they think Thailand will just get more money by asking nicely. Nothing changes. NOTHING. And we think we can try to change centuries old attitudes? All you have to do is go to a tourist show SIAM NIRAMIT and see how eons ago they still borrowed and sold themselves to make others happy. NOTHING has changed... except now they are selling souls

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This is a strange report .. my understanding of the tax rebate was that the vehicle manufacturer actually paid the tax to the government and then the government after 12 months would pay it to the consumer .. you would have thought that rather than not having enough money they would actually have MORE due to interest paid on that money .... ahh well!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

This from the Board of Investment website.


The government has approved guidelines for a first-car buyer program that it hopes will contribute to the growth of the automotive industry by refunding taxes for first-time car buyers. A central fund will be established with 100 million baht from the 2012 national budget to carry out the program and another fund of 30 billion baht from the 2013 national budget for tax refunds.

Yes but this is the cop out for the government NOT TO PAY UP JUST YET

"must be at least 21 years old and hold ownership of the car for at least five years."

So in 5 years they can START to pay the money or find more excuses not to. EASY!

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It's all bloody Suthep's fault that the world is going to find out what the recent Government has been up to. The nerve of the man, actually wanting to get rid of the corrupt, self serving dictators, it's just not cricket we tell you. How dare you do this Suthep, echo the many sympathising TVF members, it is undemocratic to stop them from raping and pillaging the country and it's people as they were democratically elected and cost them a lot of money to buy those democratic votes. Democracy will suffer, as we always fastidiously and pedantically explain to you in our own very democratic way.

We can stop this man Suthep says the red primates, we will kill and maim and blame it on him, we will spread falsities about him and we can even engineer serious charges against him, it's easy we just pay everybody to believe us and we have all those moronic farangs on their forums to spread the word amongst the international community that we have been democratically screwed . Lets face it, those losers are outcasts from their own country so they need us, we don't need them, otherwise why would they be suck holing to us. We can win because ours is bigger than Sutheps.

FRYSLAN BOPPE WHERE ARE YOU??? IN DUBAI by any chance renewing your lipstick - brown I think is your colour.

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