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Surapong warns government officials not to support PDRC


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Surapong's message to the government officials; vote against the government and you lose the job!

PLEASE, PLEASE can some 80% of those officials vote for whoever except the government. It would make the public service so much more efficient. Spent the ENTIRE day yesterday at the Department of Land Transport to:

- get a compulsory vehicle insurance (the voluntary insurance was done over the phone and by EMS through a private company)

- pax road taxes for 2558

- get a new "international travel permit" for cross border trips

Costs were below THB 5'000 for all which includes four coffees and an inedible lunch served on the compound of the government officials.

All walking around sooooooo important - hence vote for Yodsak's party = you'll lose the job and there is space for new staff and as it cannot get any worse we're possibly in for an improvement as far as the elected government as well as the public service is concerned ;-)

Know what you mean,quite simple really,take away all the gold braid and medal ribbons then they become nonentities just like in a developed country.Faceless wonders.

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Surapong... The legit child of gollum and ET has spoken....

Beware the threat of the Dark Lord!!

Just looking at his face, I can't take anything seriously with this guy giggle.gif

He is so ugly you have to be over 16 just to look at him.He should be issued with a public health warning.

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" Any official found to give support to the PDRC will face heaviest disciplinary penalties, Surapong warned. "

By any chance would that include an official who personally hand delivered a passport to a man convicted of corruption ?

Would it by any chance include an official who has abused his office to intimidate the protest movement and companies that supported them ?

Would it by any chance include an official who is the cousin of a man at the very centre of the country's woes, a man who has managed to direct an administration from abroad, in flagrant breach of the constitution ?

Surapong has now used Suthep's foolish words to paint all the leaders of the PDRC - none of whom have echoed Suthep's words, and in fact one - Thaworn - who has publicly distanced himself from them. Surapong has now used Suthep's foolish words to paint the whole of the PDRC, and is now using his foolish words to shut down the whole reform movement and justifiable opposition to the legally-besieged Yingluck administration. He is now threatening also any administrative official that supports or even greets protesters. Surapong has therefore become the very thing that he accuses Suthep of.

Democracy in Action

People have no rights under the rule of PTP

do what we tell you or you will face great punishment

Does thayt not sound like DICTATORSHIP

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Better support PDRC because Suthep will be PM very very soon.

Don't think so. A lot of people support his efforts to toss the tyrants but there aren't many people that would want to see him running the country. He was not exactly popular before all of this.

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"Any official found to give support to the PDRC will face heaviest disciplinary penalties, Surapong warned."

At least Ms. Yingluck always warns 'all sides' to behave fairly, to abstain from using violence, etc.

Did our caretaker Dept. PM also warn officials not to support the UDD?

Why would she do that, rubl, that would just be stupid. You see the UDD aren't the ones trying to stop the government officials from working, suthep and his PDRC goons are the ones doing that, hence the threat of disciplinary penalties. Now do you understand?

No mention of Yingluck and what she may or may not say about abstaining from using violence so I can only assume you made that up to fit some kind of agenda you have when posting - it doesn't appear to involve using your brain.

Do you ever think about what you post or is it just a knee jerk reaction to get some likes?

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Funny isn't it how at the last election Police Officers at the near to where we live Police Station were told that it was in their personal interests to vote PT or forget about any career advancement.

Funny, yes...... peculiar, even more so....... but when you remember that the chief of police and the boss of the DSI are both firmly in Khun T's back pocket it's hardly surprising.

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"Any official found to give support to the PDRC will face heaviest disciplinary penalties, Surapong warned."

At least Ms. Yingluck always warns 'all sides' to behave fairly, to abstain from using violence, etc.

Did our caretaker Dept. PM also warn officials not to support the UDD?

Why would she do that, rubl, that would just be stupid. You see the UDD aren't the ones trying to stop the government officials from working, suthep and his PDRC goons are the ones doing that, hence the threat of disciplinary penalties. Now do you understand?

No mention of Yingluck and what she may or may not say about abstaining from using violence so I can only assume you made that up to fit some kind of agenda you have when posting - it doesn't appear to involve using your brain.

Do you ever think about what you post or is it just a knee jerk reaction to get some likes?

guess who's the biggest GOON?

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How long can they hold on to power is the big question. They are now solely relying on the Police, self established CAPO and of course their lapdog the DSI.

Expect more threats from Thaksin's cousin. They are clearly getting desperate.

There is also of course the support of the electorate. We don't know how great that is of course, because the PDRC were so scared of finding out that they put the kybosh on the election.

Still, it remains the elephant in the room, a big enough elephant to make the army think twice it would seem.

I suspect that it is currently exercising the minds of the NACC and CC. Must be a tough call, risking the backlash!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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There is NO legislation in Thai law that prohibits any civil servant from supporting what they want to support.

The law would never be passed in any democracy because of its violation of basic human rights.

Surapong therefore has no right to punish anyone or threaten to and his statement today is actually totally illegal.

Whats more.... It is tantamount to a dictatorship in action.

Surapong should be hauled before the courts for this infringement of human rights. He has basically found Suthep guilty without trial and that is also an infraction upon Suthep's basic human rights.

This is nothing less than intimidation and victimization and I think Surapong has committed a huge folly here.

Absolutely, this guy is much out of his depth, I am amazed he is still in office. Every single citizen, regardless of their position of authority, has total freedom to support whichever political body it desires.

In the UK, we have a particularly extreme group, the BNP, who many of us dearly love to see disbanded; but they are a political party, with their own agenda, and there can never be any law in any democracy that would deny anyone's individual right to be a member of such a party (absent any proof of illegal activities).

The same applies to the "democracy" that exists in Thailand, and if Surapong were to ever try to apply "heavy disciplinary penalties" on anyone supporting the PDRC, he would once again find the constitutional court stepping in to protect the rights of individual to support whoever they want.

My guess is that Surpong will be told to "wind his neck in" but the statement would never be detracted, as that would be loss of face for him. Come to think of it though, who wouldn't want to lose that face...?!

Edited by GeorgeO
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"Any official found to give support to the PDRC will face heaviest disciplinary penalties, Surapong warned."

At least Ms. Yingluck always warns 'all sides' to behave fairly, to abstain from using violence, etc.

Did our caretaker Dept. PM also warn officials not to support the UDD?

Why would she do that, rubl, that would just be stupid. You see the UDD aren't the ones trying to stop the government officials from working, suthep and his PDRC goons are the ones doing that, hence the threat of disciplinary penalties. Now do you understand?

No mention of Yingluck and what she may or may not say about abstaining from using violence so I can only assume you made that up to fit some kind of agenda you have when posting - it doesn't appear to involve using your brain.

Do you ever think about what you post or is it just a knee jerk reaction to get some likes?

Do you ever read before the kneejerk reaction, dear fabs?

Here we talk about warning to state officials not to support or join the PDRC and me asking if the warning is also for supporting and/or joining the UDD, the organisation which is preparing for a big battle and openly discusses secession with Pheu Thai MP and ministers present.

I'm playing fair here with mentioning that Ms. Yingluck always warns 'both' sides even if only one is really involved wink.png

BTW as far as I am concerned the 'likes' button could be permanently disabled, even if 'likes' seem to annoy you rolleyes.gif

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There is NO legislation in Thai law that prohibits any civil servant from supporting what they want to support.

The law would never be passed in any democracy because of its violation of basic human rights.

Surapong therefore has no right to punish anyone or threaten to and his statement today is actually totally illegal.

Whats more.... It is tantamount to a dictatorship in action.

Surapong should be hauled before the courts for this infringement of human rights. He has basically found Suthep guilty without trial and that is also an infraction upon Suthep's basic human rights.

This is nothing less than intimidation and victimization and I think Surapong has committed a huge folly here.

You seem to forget that in western democracies it is customary for all civil servants of high ranking servicemen to pledge allegiance to the Sovereign and loyalty to the government in office. Such usually applies to all government servants, lice the Judiciary, Police, Army too.

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There is NO legislation in Thai law that prohibits any civil servant from supporting what they want to support.

The law would never be passed in any democracy because of its violation of basic human rights.

Surapong therefore has no right to punish anyone or threaten to and his statement today is actually totally illegal.

Whats more.... It is tantamount to a dictatorship in action.

Surapong should be hauled before the courts for this infringement of human rights. He has basically found Suthep guilty without trial and that is also an infraction upon Suthep's basic human rights.

This is nothing less than intimidation and victimization and I think Surapong has committed a huge folly here.

You seem to forget that in western democracies it is customary for all civil servants of high ranking servicemen to pledge allegiance to the Sovereign and loyalty to the government in office. Such usually applies to all government servants, lice the Judiciary, Police, Army too.

More likely "loyalty to the government in office.". That doesn't mean not being able or allowed to listen to others.

I.m sure Sir Humphrey would have had something 'clear' to say on this wink.png

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So how was it OK for government ministers to make calls to arms and separatism on the red shirt stage?

The worse rebellion of civil servants he is facing is in his own foreign ministry where the diplomats regard him as a total embarrassment. What is he going to do them? Some more wrongful dismissals like his cousin?

'Dogmattix excuse me but you seem to forget that in western democracies it is customary for all civil servants of high ranking servicemen to pledge allegiance to the Sovereign and loyalty to the government in office. Such usually applies to all government servants, including the Judiciary, Police, Army too.

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Up your's Surapong you sad old numpty.

Suthep warmly welcomed by Public Health officials
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Suthep Thaugsuban, secretary general of People's Democratic Reform Committee, received a warm welcome on Friday when he led protesters to rally at the Public Health Ministry.

Suthep led a motorcade of protesters from Lumpini Park to the Ministry.

Cheers greeted Suthep and protesters on their arrival, with many public health officials handing cash donations to Suthep. Several also posed for photos with Suthep, who spent more than 30 minutes talking with staff outside the building.

Stepping inside the ministry, Suthep was welcomed by Public Health Permanent Secretary Narong Sahamethapat. The two hugged each other and Narong led Suthep to meet other senior public health officials.

After a round of discussions that finished at 12.40pm, PDRC leaders gave flowers to Narong and Suthep presented a golden whistle to the permanent secretary for supporting the country's reforms.

Suthep then told a press conference that officials of the Public Health had always supported the PDRC for the reform and his visit had been a courtesy.

After the discussions, he felt confident that the public health officials shared the same stand as the PDRC on the fight for reforms.

Narong told the press conference that public health officials would like to see three reforms - health system, political system and the bureaucratic system.

After the press conference, Suthep and other PDRC leaders lunched with senior public health officials. The officials prepared chicken noodles for the PDRC leaders while the PDRC leaders gave the officials the lunch boxes prepared for the protesters.
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