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EC: New election within 60 days unlikely


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;it would be impossible for the country to have a general election within the next 45-60 days, adding that it would have to thoroughly assess the situation especially during the next few months before any decisions could be made.'

So if that is the case, how about recommending an overhaul of the election system to get one of the most critical reforms out of the way. Then the Dems will not boycott it and it will have the approval of everyone concerned, especially the PDRC.

So you all had a meeting and not once was it discussed to have that reform at least and to make sure the next election was at least FREE and FAIR!!!

Or are you as an election commission, against reforming your process to make it democratic?

Let's be honest here for a moment.... The only thing preventing elections is that they are not acceptable to everyone until they are completely free and fair for everyone.... Why waste time talking about it when that time can be spent going about a reform that will make them acceptable, then an election can be held without problem.

It is as simple as that really.

Of course they are against making the elections more democratic.

The truer the election reflects the will of the people the greater the margin Thaksin will win by.

That is why the constitution has been twice altered, elections have been twice boycotted and Thaksin governments have been twice illegally overthrown.

The only thing preventing elections are the corrupt institutions (EC & CC & NACC) and a bunch of street thugs.

PTP are the only true democrats in this nation.

Do you live on the north pol ? Elections in Thailand have never been free or without intimidation but with many promises which after the election ultimately failed. As I said before, try to canvass in the north or north-east as an opposite party member and let's see how long you will live. All your rhetoric about democratic and elections are just BS." PTP are the only true democrats in the nation" ??!! are you getting paid to write this garbage. Thaksin likes to rule like his buddy Hen Sen in Cambodia and that is bottom of it.

Maybe if the opposition weren't such a pack of the Northerners would be more welcoming.

What do you think, the Democrats can sit in Bangkok and belittle and denigrate the Northerners with slurs such as "red buffalo" and "too dumb to vote" and then come election time all is forgotten and they'll be welcomed with open arms.

We reap what we sow - the hatred by the Democrats for their Northern brothers and sisters will continue to come back to haunt them every election until they reform themselves and start to treat all Thais as equals in all measures.

Edited by Torkmada
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;it would be impossible for the country to have a general election within the next 45-60 days, adding that it would have to thoroughly assess the situation especially during the next few months before any decisions could be made.'

So if that is the case, how about recommending an overhaul of the election system to get one of the most critical reforms out of the way. Then the Dems will not boycott it and it will have the approval of everyone concerned, especially the PDRC.

So you all had a meeting and not once was it discussed to have that reform at least and to make sure the next election was at least FREE and FAIR!!!

Or are you as an election commission, against reforming your process to make it democratic?

Let's be honest here for a moment.... The only thing preventing elections is that they are not acceptable to everyone until they are completely free and fair for everyone.... Why waste time talking about it when that time can be spent going about a reform that will make them acceptable, then an election can be held without problem.

It is as simple as that really.

Of course they are against making the elections more democratic.

The truer the election reflects the will of the people the greater the margin Thaksin will win by.

That is why the constitution has been twice altered, elections have been twice boycotted and Thaksin governments have been twice illegally overthrown.

The only thing preventing elections are the corrupt institutions (EC & CC & NACC) and a bunch of street thugs.

PTP are the only true democrats in this nation.

I think you'll find the EC was in charge of the election in 2011 which PTP won so they can't be that corrupt. Also in case you've forgotten from that election until November last year the government was running with the Democrats taking their place in parliament as the opposition and Yingluck not bothering to turn up much so I don't see how PTP can be the only true democrats.

The protests in November came about when the 'it's not all about Thaksin PTP' showed again that it's a lot about Thaksin and tried to push through an amnesty which upset both sides including the reds. Not the first time Thaksin has upset the reds with his constant attention with himself. Don't forget that as far as I know the Dems were in favour of an amnesty for minor reds caught up in the 2010 disturbance and Abhisit and Suthep didn't want an amnesty. The only thing stopping help for those redshirts is Thaksin's desire for an amnesty for himself. There's also the fact that the PTP has been covering for the army regarding 2010 despite promising justice. I've not heard the redshirt leaders complaining about that for some reason.

Of course you've shown your own lack of understanding of democratic process. Candidates from political parties and sometimes independents stand for election. Those that gain the most votes are elected and the party with the most members elected form the government. Thailand has party list members as well but that doesn't alter the basic principle. In 2011 PTP won a majority and formed the government and the Democrats were the opposition. All Thais were then governed by this government with input from the opposition. That's as it should be.

The truer the election reflects the will of the people the greater the margin Thaksin will win by.

And there's the problem. It doesn't matter how much some people want to have Thaksin as PM, he didn't stand so he didn't get any votes so he wasn't elected. You obviously feel as many do that he is really in charge and running the government and even if the PTP want him, and I'm not sure they all do, they can't have him. Those that didn't vote for PTP, or did but didn't want him in charge are had their electoral rights abused.

Edited by kimamey
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

EC should put off election until Democrats have enough supporters.

I'm afraid 6 million in bangkok and the south is still short.

At the last election, in July 2011, the Dems got 11.43 million votes. blink.png


Please could you give the source of your claim for "6 million" above ?

Last election Dems got zero votes.

So did Thaksin so they've got something in common although I'm sure someone will have pointed out that the election was annulled.

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Thailand needs some sort of amnesty bill if it is ever to find peace.

The only other alternative is for one side to completely destroy the other.

No matter who wins that war the victory would come at too great a price.

Better a few crooks get off scott free than thousands of innocents die in the streets.

Sorry but the minute that law is no longer

Then all people have died

The difference between the death toll in our opposing views is that your deaths are figurative whilst mine are literal.

If their is no compromise on amnesty, real people will really die.

Better that no-one dies, wouldn't you agree?

As I've mentioned in a previous post there has already been compromise on the amnesty from the Dems, Abhisit and Suthep. An amnesty for the reds involved in a minor way and no amnesty for Abhisit and Suthep. There's really only one person holding it up.

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;it would be impossible for the country to have a general election within the next 45-60 days, adding that it would have to thoroughly assess the situation especially during the next few months before any decisions could be made.'

So if that is the case, how about recommending an overhaul of the election system to get one of the most critical reforms out of the way. Then the Dems will not boycott it and it will have the approval of everyone concerned, especially the PDRC.

So you all had a meeting and not once was it discussed to have that reform at least and to make sure the next election was at least FREE and FAIR!!!

Or are you as an election commission, against reforming your process to make it democratic?

Let's be honest here for a moment.... The only thing preventing elections is that they are not acceptable to everyone until they are completely free and fair for everyone.... Why waste time talking about it when that time can be spent going about a reform that will make them acceptable, then an election can be held without problem.

It is as simple as that really.

Of course they are against making the elections more democratic.

The truer the election reflects the will of the people the greater the margin Thaksin will win by.

That is why the constitution has been twice altered, elections have been twice boycotted and Thaksin governments have been twice illegally overthrown.

The only thing preventing elections are the corrupt institutions (EC & CC & NACC) and a bunch of street thugs.

PTP are the only true democrats in this nation.

Of course you've shown your own lack of understanding of democratic process. Candidates from political parties and sometimes independents stand for election. Those that gain the most votes are elected and the party with the most members elected form the government. Thailand has party list members as well but that doesn't alter the basic principle. In 2011 PTP won a majority and formed the government and the Democrats were the opposition. All Thais were then governed by this government with input from the opposition. That's as it should be.

The truer the election reflects the will of the people the greater the margin Thaksin will win by.

And there's the problem. It doesn't matter how much some people want to have Thaksin as PM, he didn't stand so he didn't get any votes so he wasn't elected. You obviously feel as many do that he is really in charge and running the government and even if the PTP want him, and I'm not sure they all do, they can't have him. Those that didn't vote for PTP, or did but didn't want him in charge are had their electoral rights abused.

I suppose most of this is true, but it is also true that the name "Thaksin" featured in at least one of PT's campaign slogans. It was quite clear to all voters that if PT were elected, Mr. Thaksin would be a senior adviser to the government, albeit an unofficial one.

Edited by cocopops
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How will the EC set a new election date without a new royal decree? They talk about elections within so many days of a royal decree but there seems no way of issuing one.

They have a dissolution decree, it's still in force, they're simply ignoring it, for an illegal suspension of democracy. The more they delay and the more illegal conditions they set, the more it will end badly for them.

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;it would be impossible for the country to have a general election within the next 45-60 days, adding that it would have to thoroughly assess the situation especially during the next few months before any decisions could be made.'

So if that is the case, how about recommending an overhaul of the election system to get one of the most critical reforms out of the way. Then the Dems will not boycott it and it will have the approval of everyone concerned, especially the PDRC.

So you all had a meeting and not once was it discussed to have that reform at least and to make sure the next election was at least FREE and FAIR!!!

Or are you as an election commission, against reforming your process to make it democratic?

Let's be honest here for a moment.... The only thing preventing elections is that they are not acceptable to everyone until they are completely free and fair for everyone.... Why waste time talking about it when that time can be spent going about a reform that will make them acceptable, then an election can be held without problem.

It is as simple as that really.

Of course they are against making the elections more democratic.

The truer the election reflects the will of the people the greater the margin Thaksin will win by.

That is why the constitution has been twice altered, elections have been twice boycotted and Thaksin governments have been twice illegally overthrown.

The only thing preventing elections are the corrupt institutions (EC & CC & NACC) and a bunch of street thugs.

PTP are the only true democrats in this nation.

Of course you've shown your own lack of understanding of democratic process. Candidates from political parties and sometimes independents stand for election. Those that gain the most votes are elected and the party with the most members elected form the government. Thailand has party list members as well but that doesn't alter the basic principle. In 2011 PTP won a majority and formed the government and the Democrats were the opposition. All Thais were then governed by this government with input from the opposition. That's as it should be.

The truer the election reflects the will of the people the greater the margin Thaksin will win by.

And there's the problem. It doesn't matter how much some people want to have Thaksin as PM, he didn't stand so he didn't get any votes so he wasn't elected. You obviously feel as many do that he is really in charge and running the government and even if the PTP want him, and I'm not sure they all do, they can't have him. Those that didn't vote for PTP, or did but didn't want him in charge are had their electoral rights abused.

I suppose most of this is true, but it is also true that the name "Thaksin" featured in at least one of PT's campaign slogans. It was quite clear to all voters that if PT were elected, Mr. Thaksin would be a senior adviser to the government, albeit an unofficial one.

Thank you for at least admitting we elected PT! Sure they promoted the Shinawatra name to seats that liked Thaksin, well Duh, That's politics! I voted for *Yingluk*, and it's clear she would win again, which is why they're not permitting elections while they figure out what to do to prevent that.

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This is a situation that has never happened before. In the strictest sense, the Yingluck administration ceased on March 5, when the date to convene a parliament that satisfied quorum requirements had passed. Pheu Thai and their merry band of men ( and one woman ) are just cheerfully playing house. But nothing's getting done. Cabinet ministers scramble to get in front of the TV cameras just to prove that they are functioning cabinet ministers. Yingluck herself hasn't occupied her office since December. She and her cabinet move about the city to a variety of locations. They're like the Partridge Family. Nobody believes an election will ensue out of this. Even if Surapong manages to get everyone off the streets, that doesn't change the fact that there are key judicial verdicts that they will be constitutionally obligated to respect and adhere to.

The key question is - how will Pheu Thai react to the verdicts of the Constitutional Court and the Anti-Corruption Commission ? What if the unthinkable happened - and the rulings were not accepted by Yingluck and Pheu Thai ? What then ?

This is a situation that has never happened before. In the strictest sense,

Actually, this is very much like the situation in 2006:

Feb 24 - Thaksin dissolves parliament, calls for snap elections on April 2

March 5 - Tens of thousands attend rally by newly formed People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) to call for Thaksin's resignation for alleged abuse of power, corruption and business conflicts of interest. (Just like the PDRC now)

April 2 - Elections held

April 3 - Thaksin claims victory after snap election, which opposition parties boycotted over corruption allegations (sound familiar?)

May 8 - Constitutional Court rules April election invalid. Election results annulled

By September 19, Thaksin had not called new elections nearly seven months after dissolution and 5 & a half months after annulment of the last election, so....

September 19 - Military seizes power

source: Thailand time line 2001-2011


I don't expect the military to end the current impasse like in 2006, but the events of now are not unique.

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Thailand needs some sort of amnesty bill if it is ever to find peace.

The only other alternative is for one side to completely destroy the other.

No matter who wins that war the victory would come at too great a price.

Better a few crooks get off scott free than thousands of innocents die in the streets.

Sorry but the minute that law is no longer

Then all people have died

The difference between the death toll in our opposing views is that your deaths are figurative whilst mine are literal.

If their is no compromise on amnesty, real people will really die.

Better that no-one dies, wouldn't you agree?

People will die only if Thaksin orders it. All the strife and violence since 2006 is funded by Thaksin in the vain hope of regaining personal power in Thailand. He is solely responsible for the violent protests in Pattaya in 2009, the violent protests in Bangkok in 2010, and the continuing bombings and shootings by the UDD currently. Thailand would be a peaceful country, once again, if Thaksin were to suddenly drop dead. The UDD was created by and totally funded by Thaksin as his 'boots on the ground' intimidation force. Much of the political violence in the Deep South can be attributed to Thaksin policies in the early part of his first term. Why do you support the main cause of violence in Thailand? Why do you hate Thai people? Why do you want either Thaksin's amnesty or civil war and no third option? You are judged by the company you keep.

If their is no compromise on amnesty, real people will really die.

Better that no-one dies, wouldn't you agree?

That sounds like a Mafia type threat.

Edited by rametindallas
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How will the EC set a new election date without a new royal decree? They talk about elections within so many days of a royal decree but there seems no way of issuing one.

Dont need a new royal decree if held within legal timeframe. Previous royal decree suffice. Beyond that time frame, it's a problem.

The previous Royal Decree is no longer valid. An election was held and annullled. As for legal time frame, what the heck are you talking about?

No, the dissolution dissolves the elected house and is still in force, 236/6 of the cobstitution REQUIRES EC hold fresh elections, and their demand for a second dissolution decree is illegal. Their current refusal to hold elections is also illegal.

CC annulled the election, not the dissolution decree.

If they'd annulled the dissolution decree then PT is the government and no longer in caretaker mode.

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;it would be impossible for the country to have a general election within the next 45-60 days, adding that it would have to thoroughly assess the situation especially during the next few months before any decisions could be made.'

So if that is the case, how about recommending an overhaul of the election system to get one of the most critical reforms out of the way. Then the Dems will not boycott it and it will have the approval of everyone concerned, especially the PDRC.

So you all had a meeting and not once was it discussed to have that reform at least and to make sure the next election was at least FREE and FAIR!!!

Or are you as an election commission, against reforming your process to make it democratic?

Let's be honest here for a moment.... The only thing preventing elections is that they are not acceptable to everyone until they are completely free and fair for everyone.... Why waste time talking about it when that time can be spent going about a reform that will make them acceptable, then an election can be held without problem.

It is as simple as that really.

Of course they are against making the elections more democratic.

The truer the election reflects the will of the people the greater the margin Thaksin will win by.

That is why the constitution has been twice altered, elections have been twice boycotted and Thaksin governments have been twice illegally overthrown.

The only thing preventing elections are the corrupt institutions (EC & CC & NACC) and a bunch of street thugs.

PTP are the only true democrats in this nation.

I think you'll find the EC was in charge of the election in 2011 which PTP won so they can't be that corrupt. Also in case you've forgotten from that election until November last year the government was running with the Democrats taking their place in parliament as the opposition and Yingluck not bothering to turn up much so I don't see how PTP can be the only true democrats.

The protests in November came about when the 'it's not all about Thaksin PTP' showed again that it's a lot about Thaksin and tried to push through an amnesty which upset both sides including the reds. Not the first time Thaksin has upset the reds with his constant attention with himself. Don't forget that as far as I know the Dems were in favour of an amnesty for minor reds caught up in the 2010 disturbance and Abhisit and Suthep didn't want an amnesty. The only thing stopping help for those redshirts is Thaksin's desire for an amnesty for himself. There's also the fact that the PTP has been covering for the army regarding 2010 despite promising justice. I've not heard the redshirt leaders complaining about that for some reason.

Of course you've shown your own lack of understanding of democratic process. Candidates from political parties and sometimes independents stand for election. Those that gain the most votes are elected and the party with the most members elected form the government. Thailand has party list members as well but that doesn't alter the basic principle. In 2011 PTP won a majority and formed the government and the Democrats were the opposition. All Thais were then governed by this government with input from the opposition. That's as it should be.

The truer the election reflects the will of the people the greater the margin Thaksin will win by.

And there's the problem. It doesn't matter how much some people want to have Thaksin as PM, he didn't stand so he didn't get any votes so he wasn't elected. You obviously feel as many do that he is really in charge and running the government and even if the PTP want him, and I'm not sure they all do, they can't have him. Those that didn't vote for PTP, or did but didn't want him in charge are had their electoral rights abused.

Much of your post is pointless so I'll just make two points.

I am aware that Thaksin didn't stand as a candidate in the last election.

I use his name to simplify things when referring to his political movement which compromises many factions that have had multiple name changes, much the same as I refer to those opposed to Thaksin who also have many factions who have had many name changes as the old establishment.

Secondly, I do not lack understanding.

PTP are for elections and the Democrats are against them.


Because PTP are popular and the Democrats are not.

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Thailand needs some sort of amnesty bill if it is ever to find peace.

The only other alternative is for one side to completely destroy the other.

No matter who wins that war the victory would come at too great a price.

Better a few crooks get off scott free than thousands of innocents die in the streets.

Sorry but the minute that law is no longer

Then all people have died

The difference between the death toll in our opposing views is that your deaths are figurative whilst mine are literal.

If their is no compromise on amnesty, real people will really die.

Better that no-one dies, wouldn't you agree?

People will die only if Thaksin orders it. All the strife and violence since 2006 is funded by Thaksin in the vain hope of regaining personal power in Thailand. He is solely responsible for the violent protests in Pattaya in 2009, the violent protests in Bangkok in 2010, and the continuing bombings and shootings by the UDD currently. Thailand would be a peaceful country, once again, if Thaksin were to suddenly drop dead. The UDD was created by and totally funded by Thaksin as his 'boots on the ground' intimidation force. Much of the political violence in the Deep South can be attributed to Thaksin policies in the early part of his first term. Why do you support the main cause of violence in Thailand? Why do you hate Thai people? Why do you want either Thaksin's amnesty or civil war and no third option? You are judged by the company you keep.

If their is no compromise on amnesty, real people will really die.

Better that no-one dies, wouldn't you agree?

That sounds like a Mafia type threat.

Here you a very wrong.

If Thaksin and all his kin were to suddenly drop dead the Reds would live on and continue to win elections.

Thailand would be a peaceful country if the losers of elections would learn to respect the will of the people and accept their loss without resorting to street violence and coups.

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Here you a very wrong.

If Thaksin and all his kin were to suddenly drop dead the Reds would live on and continue to win elections.

Thailand would be a peaceful country if the losers of elections would learn to respect the will of the people and accept their loss without resorting to street violence and coups.

The losers always respected their losses, when Thaksin was reelected, when Somchai was installed, Samak and they even congratulated miss Yingluck with her landslide based on hoax election promises and zero debate,

The shit hit the fan every time when the Constitution was bend in favor of the Shinawatra family at the cost of the tax payer.

If those elected would serve the country and its people rather than their own criminal dynasties (right now the Shinawatras and their lord Thaksin), we would have a more peaceful Thailand.

I fail to understand how you cannot see this.

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Here you a very wrong.

If Thaksin and all his kin were to suddenly drop dead the Reds would live on and continue to win elections.

Thailand would be a peaceful country if the losers of elections would learn to respect the will of the people and accept their loss without resorting to street violence and coups.

The losers always respected their losses, when Thaksin was reelected, when Somchai was installed, Samak and they even congratulated miss Yingluck with her landslide based on hoax election promises and zero debate,

The shit hit the fan every time when the Constitution was bend in favor of the Shinawatra family at the cost of the tax payer.

If those elected would serve the country and its people rather than their own criminal dynasties (right now the Shinawatras and their lord Thaksin), we would have a more peaceful Thailand.

I fail to understand how you cannot see this.

Name a single occasion that a Thaksin allied government was thrown out of office by the voters of Thailand.

It has never happened.

They only ever get removed from office by the losers of elections with means other than democracy.

Despite all the current turmoil and baseless accusations against PTP, in the recent senate election Thaksin allies won 53% of the seats on offer.

The people want a PTP government - I fail to understand how you cannot see this.

I also fail to understand how you cannot see through the lies and propaganda of Suthep and see him for what he really is. Even when words from his own mouth expose his plans to seize sovereignty for himself your kind denies his evil intentions.

A peaceful Thailand is a Suthepless Thailand

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"BANGKOK, 9 April 2014 (NNT) The Election Commission (EC) says it is very unlikely that a general election will be held within 60 days, given the current political turmoil in the country"

Oh, ooh, EC, the redshirt bounty hunters will be knocking on your door soon...

"but admits that an election is the ultimate solution to the ongoing conflict,.... "

This answer comes from the very institution who are scared to death by Thaksin's goons, or in other words by a bunch of cowards, who just want the easy way out,... aka let Thaksin's vote buying and REDDEMOCRACYTYRANNY continue, business as usual.

What elections???? There were NEVER really any elections. Would you call 70-80% of vote bought Thai citizens elections??? Seriously????

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The difference between the death toll in our opposing views is that your deaths are figurative whilst mine are literal.

Sorry but the minute that law is no longer

Then all people have died

If their is no compromise on amnesty, real people will really die.

Better that no-one dies, wouldn't you agree?

People will die only if Thaksin orders it. All the strife and violence since 2006 is funded by Thaksin in the vain hope of regaining personal power in Thailand. He is solely responsible for the violent protests in Pattaya in 2009, the violent protests in Bangkok in 2010, and the continuing bombings and shootings by the UDD currently. Thailand would be a peaceful country, once again, if Thaksin were to suddenly drop dead. The UDD was created by and totally funded by Thaksin as his 'boots on the ground' intimidation force. Much of the political violence in the Deep South can be attributed to Thaksin policies in the early part of his first term. Why do you support the main cause of violence in Thailand? Why do you hate Thai people? Why do you want either Thaksin's amnesty or civil war and no third option? You are judged by the company you keep.

If their is no compromise on amnesty, real people will really die.

Better that no-one dies, wouldn't you agree?

That sounds like a Mafia type threat.

Here you a very wrong.

If Thaksin and all his kin were to suddenly drop dead the Reds would live on and continue to win elections.

Thailand would be a peaceful country if the losers of elections would learn to respect the will of the people and accept their loss without resorting to street violence and coups.

If their is no compromise on amnesty, real people will really die.

Better that no-one dies, wouldn't you agree?

You still write like a UDD thug.

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Yes, the EC sees an election further down the road. After they figure out a way to kick out the PTP, set up a rigged reform system, come up with a constitution that puts more direct appointments in place a la the current senate, and reduces the democratic nature of current government. THEN an election can be held, and amazingly the Democrat Party will win. And Bob's your uncle, easy beezy. Give it another week or two, the judicial process is in motion, chess pieces being moved. Of course, it won't be this simple, and let's see what the counter moves are, all of which points towards continuing unrest.

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"BANGKOK, 9 April 2014 (NNT) The Election Commission (EC) says it is very unlikely that a general election will be held within 60 days, given the current political turmoil in the country"

Oh, ooh, EC, the redshirt bounty hunters will be knocking on your door soon...

"but admits that an election is the ultimate solution to the ongoing conflict,.... "

This answer comes from the very institution who are scared to death by Thaksin's goons, or in other words by a bunch of cowards, who just want the easy way out,... aka let Thaksin's vote buying and REDDEMOCRACYTYRANNY continue, business as usual.

What elections???? There were NEVER really any elections. Would you call 70-80% of vote bought Thai citizens elections??? Seriously????

70-80% bought vote equates to about 12 million votes in the 2011 election.

You would think there would be mountains of evidence to challenge the election results had this actually occurred as you state.

The lack of evidence suggest that you are somewhat wrong in your assertions.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

EC should put off election until Democrats have enough supporters.

I'm afraid 6 million in bangkok and the south is still short.

At the last election, in July 2011, the Dems got 11.43 million votes. blink.png


Please could you give the source of your claim for "6 million" above ?

Last election Dems got zero votes.

True, although that election has now been annulled, hasn't it. wink.png

Meanwhile no source or defence, for chotthee's claim of the Dems only having 6 million supporters, about half the figure from the last election completed/accepted.

Bump !

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

EC should put off election until Democrats have enough supporters.

I'm afraid 6 million in bangkok and the south is still short.

At the last election, in July 2011, the Dems got 11.43 million votes. blink.png


Please could you give the source of your claim for "6 million" above ?

Last election Dems got zero votes.

True, although that election has now been annulled, hasn't it. wink.png

Meanwhile no source or defence, for chotthee's claim of the Dems only having 6 million supporters, about half the figure from the last election completed/accepted.

Bump !

The 6 million is obviously a dig at the fanciful numbers Suthep claims rallied with him through the streets of Bangkok.

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How will the EC set a new election date without a new royal decree? They talk about elections within so many days of a royal decree but there seems no way of issuing one.

Dont need a new royal decree if held within legal timeframe. Previous royal decree suffice. Beyond that time frame, it's a problem.

The previous Royal Decree is no longer valid. An election was held and annullled. As for legal time frame, what the heck are you talking about?

No, the dissolution dissolves the elected house and is still in force, 236/6 of the cobstitution REQUIRES EC hold fresh elections, and their demand for a second dissolution decree is illegal. Their current refusal to hold elections is also illegal.

CC annulled the election, not the dissolution decree.

If they'd annulled the dissolution decree then PT is the government and no longer in caretaker mode.

Actually, the CC annulled part of the dissolution decree pertaining to the election. (They kept the dissolution part intact.) The complaint was filed by the Ombudsman under Article 245 of the Thai constitution, which only allows the court to decide on constitutionality of a "law," not the election itself. There have been several legal controversies about the decision because 1) the court retroactively decided that the law was unconstitutional based on a subsequent event (the election), 2) The Ombudsman actually filed a complaint about the election, but the court decided on the constitutionality of the law instead (because it was the only way the court could take up the case under Article 245.) 3.) The court decision was unclear and provides little guidance on what to do next.

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;it would be impossible for the country to have a general election within the next 45-60 days, adding that it would have to thoroughly assess the situation especially during the next few months before any decisions could be made.'

So if that is the case, how about recommending an overhaul of the election system to get one of the most critical reforms out of the way. Then the Dems will not boycott it and it will have the approval of everyone concerned, especially the PDRC.

So you all had a meeting and not once was it discussed to have that reform at least and to make sure the next election was at least FREE and FAIR!!!

Or are you as an election commission, against reforming your process to make it democratic?

Let's be honest here for a moment.... The only thing preventing elections is that they are not acceptable to everyone until they are completely free and fair for everyone.... Why waste time talking about it when that time can be spent going about a reform that will make them acceptable, then an election can be held without problem.

It is as simple as that really.

Of course they are against making the elections more democratic.

The truer the election reflects the will of the people the greater the margin Thaksin will win by.

That is why the constitution has been twice altered, elections have been twice boycotted and Thaksin governments have been twice illegally overthrown.

The only thing preventing elections are the corrupt institutions (EC & CC & NACC) and a bunch of street thugs.

PTP are the only true democrats in this nation.

Of course you've shown your own lack of understanding of democratic process. Candidates from political parties and sometimes independents stand for election. Those that gain the most votes are elected and the party with the most members elected form the government. Thailand has party list members as well but that doesn't alter the basic principle. In 2011 PTP won a majority and formed the government and the Democrats were the opposition. All Thais were then governed by this government with input from the opposition. That's as it should be.

The truer the election reflects the will of the people the greater the margin Thaksin will win by.

And there's the problem. It doesn't matter how much some people want to have Thaksin as PM, he didn't stand so he didn't get any votes so he wasn't elected. You obviously feel as many do that he is really in charge and running the government and even if the PTP want him, and I'm not sure they all do, they can't have him. Those that didn't vote for PTP, or did but didn't want him in charge are had their electoral rights abused.

I suppose most of this is true, but it is also true that the name "Thaksin" featured in at least one of PT's campaign slogans. It was quite clear to all voters that if PT were elected, Mr. Thaksin would be a senior adviser to the government, albeit an unofficial one.

I believe there were complaints that Thaksin was involved in campaigning although that isn't allowed. He was campaigning before the election campaign got under way in fact the day before I think but he was clever enough not to do anything himself after that.

I suppose it comes down to when does advice become control. Other people have said, and I find this more likely, that many voters thought that he would be in charge. That can't be right as it would mean that the oversight that applies to all MPs would be bypassed. Bare in mind the fuss that was made about Abhisit not being born in Thailand and having duel citizenship which they are now trying to use to get him investigated by the international courts. If Thaksin was just going to be an adviser you have to ask why the PTP members, some of whom would be experienced and ambitious decided on a woman with no experience in politics who wouldn't be able to lead them in parliament or hold her own in debates to lead them and who happened to be Thaksin's sister.

They would have been better off choosing someone capable from the long time members, unless of course Thaksin thought they might not do as they were told which brings us back to Thaksin being in charge.

To be honest if you're looking to find who robbed the PTP voters of their elected government then he would be as responsible as anyone because he didn't want PTP to run the country. He wanted to run it using their rightful position as the elected government.

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;it would be impossible for the country to have a general election within the next 45-60 days, adding that it would have to thoroughly assess the situation especially during the next few months before any decisions could be made.'

So if that is the case, how about recommending an overhaul of the election system to get one of the most critical reforms out of the way. Then the Dems will not boycott it and it will have the approval of everyone concerned, especially the PDRC.

So you all had a meeting and not once was it discussed to have that reform at least and to make sure the next election was at least FREE and FAIR!!!

Or are you as an election commission, against reforming your process to make it democratic?

Let's be honest here for a moment.... The only thing preventing elections is that they are not acceptable to everyone until they are completely free and fair for everyone.... Why waste time talking about it when that time can be spent going about a reform that will make them acceptable, then an election can be held without problem.

It is as simple as that really.

Of course they are against making the elections more democratic.

The truer the election reflects the will of the people the greater the margin Thaksin will win by.

That is why the constitution has been twice altered, elections have been twice boycotted and Thaksin governments have been twice illegally overthrown.

The only thing preventing elections are the corrupt institutions (EC & CC & NACC) and a bunch of street thugs.

PTP are the only true democrats in this nation.

I think you'll find the EC was in charge of the election in 2011 which PTP won so they can't be that corrupt. Also in case you've forgotten from that election until November last year the government was running with the Democrats taking their place in parliament as the opposition and Yingluck not bothering to turn up much so I don't see how PTP can be the only true democrats.

The protests in November came about when the 'it's not all about Thaksin PTP' showed again that it's a lot about Thaksin and tried to push through an amnesty which upset both sides including the reds. Not the first time Thaksin has upset the reds with his constant attention with himself. Don't forget that as far as I know the Dems were in favour of an amnesty for minor reds caught up in the 2010 disturbance and Abhisit and Suthep didn't want an amnesty. The only thing stopping help for those redshirts is Thaksin's desire for an amnesty for himself. There's also the fact that the PTP has been covering for the army regarding 2010 despite promising justice. I've not heard the redshirt leaders complaining about that for some reason.

Of course you've shown your own lack of understanding of democratic process. Candidates from political parties and sometimes independents stand for election. Those that gain the most votes are elected and the party with the most members elected form the government. Thailand has party list members as well but that doesn't alter the basic principle. In 2011 PTP won a majority and formed the government and the Democrats were the opposition. All Thais were then governed by this government with input from the opposition. That's as it should be.

The truer the election reflects the will of the people the greater the margin Thaksin will win by.

And there's the problem. It doesn't matter how much some people want to have Thaksin as PM, he didn't stand so he didn't get any votes so he wasn't elected. You obviously feel as many do that he is really in charge and running the government and even if the PTP want him, and I'm not sure they all do, they can't have him. Those that didn't vote for PTP, or did but didn't want him in charge are had their electoral rights abused.

Much of your post is pointless so I'll just make two points.

I am aware that Thaksin didn't stand as a candidate in the last election.

I use his name to simplify things when referring to his political movement which compromises many factions that have had multiple name changes, much the same as I refer to those opposed to Thaksin who also have many factions who have had many name changes as the old establishment.

Secondly, I do not lack understanding.

PTP are for elections and the Democrats are against them.


Because PTP are popular and the Democrats are not.

Is that 'pointless' as in 'true'?

The Democrats have never said they don't want elections just that they want reforms first. I don't know what reforms they want but it might be to stop someone gaining control without being elected and then being outside the laws of Thailand which all MPs are subject to. Don't forget that those reforms could, and in my view should deal with the perceived bias of the courts and independent bodies which would be to the advantage of the PTP.

The Democrats accepted the result of the 2011 election as I mentioned but I assume you think that's pointless.

If you want to simplify things why not refer to the PTP or Yingluck. She's the leader of the party apparently which I think most of us here on both sides understand.

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True, although that election has now been annulled, hasn't it. wink.png

Meanwhile no source or defence, for chotthee's claim of the Dems only having 6 million supporters, about half the figure from the last election completed/accepted.

Bump !

The 6 million is obviously a dig at the fanciful numbers Suthep claims rallied with him through the streets of Bangkok.

Thanks for answering on his behalf.

So would red-leaning posters like yourself agree with me that chotthee's claim of "6 million" is in fact total fiction & thus trolling ?

Since we both seem to agree that Suthep didn't have six million followers on-the-streets ?

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