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Your weirdest first date experience?


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My first date with a thai girl went along similar lines........we met on a bus...I invited her out after chatting during the journey....she chose KFC...at a set time and date. I arrived earlier (as you do) they repeat they arrived later (as they do)....her, her mother, 2 aunties, and an obnoxious (as it turned out) 9 year boy.

Time to order......well to cut along story short..I don't think they eaten for 2 months.......we occupied two tables.....her mother, me, and the date at one...and the aunties and obnoxious at the other....obnoxious was in good spirits...crawling along under both tables at hi speed.

After the first round of the "colonels" fine fare...it was time for a top up (I was ......more pots of chicken and burgers please....topped off with icecreams all round.

I paid for all of this out of politeness (I guess - at the time being a newbie to Thailand and knowing the basics of "Thai Kulcha").......from memory around 2900b

Date and I had made small talk (in her broken english/and my broken thai) during all of this feeding frenzy whilst aunties/mother had continuously checked in on progress with my date using Thai speak from the next door table when their mouths weren't full.

Time came to vacate...date had to go home early as "obnoxious" was "tiread"...read tired.

Got an sms from date the next day telling me the aunties didn't think I fitted the bill and that was the last I have heard or seen of my first date.

at least you had your fingers in a greasy box even though it wasn't the one you had planned.

Sent from my HTC One mini using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Thinglish for an Aunt on their Mother's side is usually Sister Mother Me.

Not "my friend you" or "my wife you" ?

This is all way over my head.

I've never been able to work out who is what to whom in Thailand.

"Is that a real blood relationship, or are they just a friend from an older generation?"

Pee/Nong, Lung/Baa, etc.

in my experience they are all cousins

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Rest assured you are the oddest one I have read today too!!

How old are you for this to be your first time?

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I'm 26, been here a year. Been out with plenty of girls, none of them brought their aunt along, I definitely don't think it is normal even in Thailand. I guess the moral is don't go to starbucks for dates!

on one of my dates the person brought their friend along.

Their ended up,being 3 for breakfast.

See you never ever know....

Ps today I am part of a happy threesome. There ya go. Never ever know.....

Marcusd. Via tapatalk


can you give me some coaching?

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Many moons ago I was working out of Siberia and doing my 5 weeks off in Thailand, most of it around Sukhumvit. It was one long party, but after a while the thrill of bringing a girl back to my hotel was wearing off. Just to try something new I suggested the nights catch at Nana that we went back to her place. She agreed and off we went somewhere around Sukhumvit Soi 71, but it felt like a long way out pre-BTS.

She had a nice little room and after a good time we went to sleep. In the early morning hours it knocked at the door and her younger sister showed up. After more sleep we had lunch at the room, watch TV and saw some family pictures. They were real sisters and she was a real cutie.

Before the end of the day I also had a (paid) roll in the hay with the younger sister while the older sister was sitting next to the bed in the same room.

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Bringing friends and family members to a meal with a farang...is very common...you may not be spoken to at all by the girls family and friends...and when you pickup the massive tab...some of them may actually acknowledge your presence...this is Thailand...

I was dating a girl from Udonthani a few years ago. She drove out to a lake and 2 other vehicles arrived. About 12 of her friends joined us for dinner and drinks on a floating raft. I thought, "wow, what a cool experience!" When the check was handed to me, I asked her how much was our share - for the 2 of us. She wanted me to pay the entire thing! I believe it came to B4000. I offered to pay half. I gave her B2000 and handed it back to her. The other males kicked in the balance.

Of course, the females expect to never pay for anything in life. They have the pussy, so they make the rules, right? WRONG! This was "strike one" against her in my heart. To me, this is not a culture thing - it's a respect thing. If you ask me to buy dinner for your friends IN ADVANCE and I agree, fine. But do NOT assume or expect me to pay for anything without my consent.

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Bringing friends and family members to a meal with a farang...is very common...you may not be spoken to at all by the girls family and friends...and when you pickup the massive tab...some of them may actually acknowledge your presence...this is Thailand...

I was dating a girl from Udonthani a few years ago. She drove out to a lake and 2 other vehicles arrived. About 12 of her friends joined us for dinner and drinks on a floating raft. I thought, "wow, what a cool experience!" When the check was handed to me, I asked her how much was our share - for the 2 of us. She wanted me to pay the entire thing! I believe it came to B4000. I offered to pay half. I gave her B2000 and handed it back to her. The other males kicked in the balance.

Of course, the females expect to never pay for anything in life. They have the pussy, so they make the rules, right? WRONG! This was "strike one" against her in my heart. To me, this is not a culture thing - it's a respect thing. If you ask me to buy dinner for your friends IN ADVANCE and I agree, fine. But do NOT assume or expect me to pay for anything without my consent.

Respect and consideration for the feelings or opinion of a farang...are in short supply in Thai culture...

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I'm 26, been here a year. Been out with plenty of girls, none of them brought their aunt along, I definitely don't think it is normal even in Thailand.

In the OP you said it was the Mother/sister, not the Aunt.

So which one was it?

Get the story straight!

It was most likely her mother's sister. aunt.

They may not have even been related by blood -- Thais , especially Thai girls will refer to an older friend , and somebody they trust ,or will look out for them , as Pee which translates as older sister or even aunt and is a sign of respect .

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my italian mate went to meet a girl who turned up with three friends. all they wanted to do was go to a restaurant - quite an expensive one. then they expected him to pick up the tab for all of them.

as he had not invited or been told about the friends he wasn't going to pay for them but would pay for his date. she kicked off and was bad mannered so he said he wasnt paying for her either.

he had the feeling it was a 'free meal' scam she/they had pulled before.

Bringing friends and family members to a meal with a farang...is very common...you may not be spoken to at all by the girls family and friends...and when you pickup the massive tab...some of them may actually acknowledge your presence...this is Thailand...

Is that good or bad ?

Good or bad...do not apply here...It is just the way many Thais perceive farangs...farangs are meant to be exploited...no qualms about padding a dinner bill or any other purchases...the ATM machine is spitting out money...all aboard...

it all depends on the level of society you interact with. seems your experience is limited to the lower echelons

Edited by pokerkid
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My first date with a thai girl went along similar lines........we met on a bus...I invited her out after chatting during the journey....she chose KFC...<snip>

at least you had your fingers in a greasy box even though it wasn't the one you had planned.

... facepalm.gif

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it all depends on the level of society you interact with. seems your experience is limited to the lower echelons

It never occurred to me...to inquire as to what level or echelon of society they came from...the red shirt echelon...the yellow shirt echelon or the King's Court...I am quite sure it would have upset them if I had...

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it all depends on the level of society you interact with. seems your experience is limited to the lower echelons

I'm thinking everyone on TV interacts with the same level of Thai society.

Some are honest about it, some aren't.

I think most of thai visa members deal with the lower to (upper) middle class. But I guess you only deal with the former and tar everyone with the same brush.

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it all depends on the level of society you interact with. seems your experience is limited to the lower echelons

I'm thinking everyone on TV interacts with the same level of Thai society.

Some are honest about it, some aren't.

I think most of thai visa members deal with the lower to (upper) middle class. But I guess you only deal with the former and tar everyone with the same brush.

I don't interact socially with Thai people.

If you can't speak clear English, I won't speak to you socially.

With Thais I am a customer, their social status is irrelevant to any of my transactions.

Edited by BritManToo
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it all depends on the level of society you interact with. seems your experience is limited to the lower echelons

I'm thinking everyone on TV interacts with the same level of Thai society.

Some are honest about it, some aren't.

I think most of thai visa members deal with the lower to (upper) middle class. But I guess you only deal with the former and tar everyone with the same brush.

I don't interact socially with Thai people.

If you can't speak clear English, I won't speak to you socially.

With Thais I am a customer, their social status is irrelevant to any of my transactions.

you should change your username to bitterManToo

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Last night the date that didn't happen (thankfully I think). Talked very briefly to a girl on the internet. Agreed to meet for a drink at 9.30pm. Swapped numbers. Then she asked if I would marry her if we liked each other. I said lets meet and see. She also said she would pull her profile as she was now with me. Run for the hills I thought!!

9.30 comes and goes and no call to say she had arrived. Sensibly I was in my normal pub waiting for the call and had arranged to meet her 5 minutes away. So after an hour and the end of the football match and a couple of texts I went home. Got home and realised my phone was not working right and texts were not sent. She left a message on the website an hour before we should have met asking if she could stay with me if I liked her!


Had loads of dates with chaperones, its the norm.

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first date with a girl from up country, she brought along a chaperone, no problem, kind of conservative and traditional thing to do with the ladies from up there. I might have had high hope on that first date but were quickly squashed,, the second date same thing..it was getting irritating on how do I ditch the chaperone,,,3rd date. Alone 1 hotel room, all night! couldn't walk next day....worth the wait!

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Had a date that was so-so. Nothing special. About a year later, a woman I was seeing sent me a nasty e-mail, calling me a liar, a jerk, etc. I had no idea where it was coming from. I asked and got the "you know what it is" response. Finally, she told me that she knew I was engaged to be married. I asked her where she got that idea, and she told me on my Facebook page. As there was nothing like that on my page, I asked her to give me the details. She told me to stop yanking her around, that all I had to do was look on my page. Then she mentioned that she also knew I was lying about my job and that I was really a professor at Mahidol. I finally got her to tell me the supposed Facebook page. I went there, and lo and behold, there were my photos. I really was a professor and I was engaged to the girl with whom I went out on that date a year before. Of course, my name was misspelled, and my English was pretty bad for a professor, but I was very romantic, sending sweet messages every night to my love. My fiance's friends thought I was great, and they kept congratulating her, especially when she picked out her wedding gown and other things leading to our wedding.

I went back and found her e-mail and sent her a message of congratulations, but wondering when I was going to get involved. I reported the FB page, and it was taken down immediately.

The second woman, the one who brought this all to my attention, never really did believe me that none of that was real. We went out only another two times or so, then that was over.

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first date with a girl from up country, she brought along a chaperone, no problem, kind of conservative and traditional thing to do with the ladies from up there. I might have had high hope on that first date but were quickly squashed,, the second date same thing..it was getting irritating on how do I ditch the chaperone,,,3rd date. Alone 1 hotel room, all night! couldn't walk next day....worth the wait!

shit, what did she do to ya?

Sent from my HTC One mini using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I don't interact socially with Thai people.

If you can't speak clear English, I won't speak to you socially.

With Thais I am a customer, their social status is irrelevant to any of my transactions.

you should change your username to bitterManToo

Does not wanting to associate socially with non-English speakers really indicate such a change as necessary.

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I don't interact socially with Thai people.

If you can't speak clear English, I won't speak to you socially.

With Thais I am a customer, their social status is irrelevant to any of my transactions.

you should change your username to bitterManToo

Does not wanting to associate socially with non-English speakers really indicate such a change as necessary.

it does sound a little pompus my old chap,,,,,

this is thailand what do you expect the to talk????

ive had some very very good times shagging interacting with thai people


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dotpoom, on 13 Apr 2014 - 19:15, said:
Rorri, on 13 Apr 2014 - 16:56, said:
David48, on 12 Apr 2014 - 19:58, said:David48, on 12 Apr 2014 - 19:58, said:David48, on 12 Apr 2014 - 19:58, said:
celso, on 12 Apr 2014 - 19:53, said:celso, on 12 Apr 2014 - 19:53, said:celso, on 12 Apr 2014 - 19:53, said:

I'm 26, been here a year. Been out with plenty of girls, none of them brought their aunt along, I definitely don't think it is normal even in Thailand.

In the OP you said it was the Mother/sister, not the Aunt.

So which one was it?

Get the story straight!

David, you must be a recent arrival, mother/sister ( also said as sister/mother)is the Thai way of saying sister of my mother, in other words aunty. It seems you need to get it right, before commenting on others.

Those of us who have been blessed with so many good things happening in our lives since coming to Thailand and as a result have so much to be grateful for should be wishing the same for the younger ones like the OP who have arrived here and may need all the support they can get. Why would one want to jump at an opportunity to put one down when they have so much to be grateful for in their own lives..

dotpoom, you seem to have a reason to comment, but did anyone say David48 is a "younger," arrival, not me, I simply made an assumption based on his reply to celso, who is the OP...OP means "Original Poster" which David48 isn't, so in David48's own words... Get the story straight.

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Thinglish for an Aunt on their Mother's side is usually Sister Mother Me.

Not "my friend you" or "my wife you" ?

This is all way over my head.

I've never been able to work out who is what to whom in Thailand.

"Is that a real blood relationship, or are they just a friend from an older generation?"

Pee/Nong, Lung/Baa, etc.

in my experience they are all cousins

"all cousins" inference refers to inbreeding as the etiology of stunted intellectual development ??

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my italian mate went to meet a girl who turned up with three friends. all they wanted to do was go to a restaurant - quite an expensive one. then they expected him to pick up the tab for all of them.

as he had not invited or been told about the friends he wasn't going to pay for them but would pay for his date. she kicked off and was bad mannered so he said he wasnt paying for her either.

he had the feeling it was a 'free meal' scam she/they had pulled before.

Bringing friends and family members to a meal with a farang...is very common...you may not be spoken to at all by the girls family and friends...and when you pickup the massive tab...some of them may actually acknowledge your presence...this is Thailand...

Is that good or bad ?

Good or bad...do not apply here...It is just the way many Thais perceive farangs...farangs are meant to be exploited...no qualms about padding a dinner bill or any other purchases...the ATM machine is spitting out money...all aboard...

Your perception is correct however it takes 2 to tango. If the farang does not learn from initial mistakes he has consciously decided to let it happen. perhaps he is lonely, older, poor self image, or simply believes the potential result is worth the expenditures. some guys simply are stuck with the mantra that the guy must always pay and pay whatever. Again also highly related to the sort of women you associate with.

Thai's cheat and scam other Thai's all the time so its not just directed at foreigners.

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Last night the date that didn't happen (thankfully I think). Talked very briefly to a girl on the internet. Agreed to meet for a drink at 9.30pm. Swapped numbers. Then she asked if I would marry her if we liked each other. I said lets meet and see. She also said she would pull her profile as she was now with me. Run for the hills I thought!!

9.30 comes and goes and no call to say she had arrived. Sensibly I was in my normal pub waiting for the call and had arranged to meet her 5 minutes away. So after an hour and the end of the football match and a couple of texts I went home. Got home and realised my phone was not working right and texts were not sent. She left a message on the website an hour before we should have met asking if she could stay with me if I liked her!


Had loads of dates with chaperones, its the norm.

Sounds like she was having housing problems/accommodation issues and in need of a free hotel/condo and perhaps an allowance to boot?

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my italian mate went to meet a girl who turned up with three friends. all they wanted to do was go to a restaurant - quite an expensive one. then they expected him to pick up the tab for all of them.

as he had not invited or been told about the friends he wasn't going to pay for them but would pay for his date. she kicked off and was bad mannered so he said he wasnt paying for her either.

he had the feeling it was a 'free meal' scam she/they had pulled before.

Free meal scam ? C'mon...

When I first met mine, we met in the restaurant of the hotel, where she worked for as an accountant.

Six of her office mates came with her to take a look at me. They sat down and ordered for a dozen.

After the meal I asked: "Who is going to pay for that all ?" It was the best joke for them ever. Big laughter.

Well, the bill wasn't much more than 700 THB. And after four years I'm still with her. Happy as can be.

I might add that it seems awfully rude and intrusively obnoxious for 6 SIX people to invite themselves so you can pay. Just IMO not acceptable in any culture. PS; i have friends that are accountants, lawyers, physicians, nurses, university deans, flight attendants, musicians and artists and never been put in such a situation.

You seem to rationalize it by saying it was only 700 baht. Does the concept of "principle" mean anything? Sadly in thailand it seems integrity takes a back seat to "what can i get for my money"

Edited by atyclb
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